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How do you raise wyvern with a full time job?


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My partner and I have just raised our first wyvern it's been a nightmare to be honest and not something I really want to do again if I can't find a better way! How do those of you in a small tribe who work full time actually manage it? We only hatched eggs over 150 so made it as easy as possible for ourselves but the with milk lasting such a short time we were constantly having to get up in the night to refresh it (we raised on the island and had salts in the preserving bin) 

Have we missed some important thing that those of you who raise wyvern regularly care to share? Or is it just a case of 4 days with pretty much no decent sleep and feeling like a zombie at work?

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Over the past year the game has become harder to solo or play as a small tribe. 

My tribe is made up of 5 players who were all solo so we made a super tribe. 

I raise rexs by the 20, done 13 gigas at a time, without the water trick, 18 wyverns at most. 

It's all about time management, when I'm raising 20 boss rexs I only imprint every 4 hours when I'm not working, I'll still end up with 80% imprinted. 

Raise wyverns on a none se server like the island, wyvern milk will last longer enough through the workday. 


The key to raising period is just smart time management, you control your time not your Dino. 

Married, no kids, 40 hour work week

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I'd recommend splitting raises into poopfts.


as much as I hate to say it, ark is not a solo game and requires huge time dedication, and the only way to counter that is numbers. I'd highly recommend stockpiling eggs and waiting till an evaluation event then the whole tribe raises. time is key When I raise with my tribe we take it in shifts and if you coordinate with your can calculate spoil time on food and figure out when and who needs to come on and feed the baby's.


Also if you are going for imprints leave your pc/console on on the menu and set an alarm each time you imprint that way you can wake up when the time is right and get easy imprints.


if raising is to hard I would also highly recommend just buying dinos. People are lazy so grind, and look around you will surely find someone who will trade wyverns and such.



good luck ;)



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I honestly raised 30 wyverns in a tribe of 6 we had 2 European guys took the night shift 2 housewives day shift and everyone else filled in the gaps. Its not easy to raise them. I honestly will never raise one again id rather trade for it... Without a solid tribe it can be a pain.. But we generally would start on weekend where everyone had off and was prepared to work as a team. It is a endgame animal so its not easy to do. in my opinion.

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1 hour ago, OGCookies said:

Assuming you have weekends off work start friday night/ saturday morning by the time monday comes you should be able to feed it sunday night then wakeup like 30 mins early for work and feed it in the AM thats how i do it anyways i work 60+ hours a week and im solo

Just to clarify when you say feed it ij the morning i assume you are doing a milk run first or do you still have milk in your preserving bins at this point?

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Breeding can be challenging for small tribes (husband and wife kind of tribes), just don't give up its worth it :-) I done pretty much every dinos. Spoil timer for milk on island is higher so, i could log if needed with teamviewer doing that but i know that for some people its impossible, so you might want to start it on an EVO event maybe.  And if you're lucky enough to have a friend on another time zone that would be super for you i think :-)

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You either dedicate a weekend to it, or you don't. It's quite difficult to plan it if not on a weekend.

Best would be if both of you take a day off. For example you the friday, your partner the monday, to have 4 full days.

You could wait for a 2x event, but you simply cannot squeeze work and sleep into a full imprint raise without it being painful. You could easily do it without imprints, but that's a waste of time if you're in need of a good Wyvern.

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I love Ark but I don't think it's a game made for people with a life. I play it when I can but there's never enough time for anything other than building and claiming other people's tames when their timers run out. And sometimes I rent a private server and give myself everything so I can run or fly around on it. Or trade for it. Not exactly helpful advice I guess but there ya go. I recommend putting your life first.

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If you are going to raise 1 might as well do 4-5. My brother and I raised 9 between us on a x2 breeding event on a 3 day weekend. If it wasn't for the breeding event we couldn't have done it. We both have 9-5's and I have a 9 year old who occupies my time, brother is a patent inspector/ attorney who works late.  He got 100% imprint, mine were 80 something (valued sleep more) :P .

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Honestly folks, give unofficial servers a whirl if the time involved for raising/breeding is a bit much for your schedule. I can tell you from experience as someone who went full no-life on official, that the transition to unofficial was very refreshing after I had a life again. 

I'm not against the rates being increased on official servers, but I also understand that there are multitudes of reasons for devs to keep official rates the way they are. Ultimately, the rates on official are going to remain fairly consistent. I'm sure the devs may at some point adjust things, but for those who consider such rates unacceptable the devs also included the possibility to tune/balance the game to fit those who don't have as much free time, but still want to experience all aspects of the game. 

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I do it solo and still go to work, usually i start saturday morning, because Im off from work in weekends and thats 2 days in advance, then they have enough food for the last 2 days, so i do milk runs only when i come from work or if you are lucky, when its an event in weekend. Good luck and plan your days off from work.

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1 minute ago, bigfishrob said:

LOL what is quite funny is "soloplayer" i assume you mean singleplayer mode in which things go into a true stasis much easier

no i play on offical servers :) i just know the game and know breeding. the first day is the only one important, after that: feed it before work, feed it after work, case closed.

if you start on a friday the wyverns are mondays allready at a point you only have to feed them once a day at all (without imprints), so yea, if one cant handle a wyvernbreed i dont want to imagine how they handle a rexbreed then.


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