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Quetz spawns and spino spawns


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There's something a bit strange with the spino spawns that's for sure, if I run destroywilddinos on our Ragnarok server and fly around I usually find 5 or 6 Spinos, mostly really low level, kill off all the low levels, maybe tame the odd higher level one and they never seem to respawn, run another destroywilddinos and they all spawn back in again until killed/tamed, rinse and repeat, very strange. I've left it for days at a time, checking regularly between destroywilddino commands.

Don't have the same problem with Quetz's there aren't huge numbers on the map but they are about, just spread out over a wide area so harder to come across.

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Spinos share spawns with other shallow water creatures, namely fish.  Each fish spawn has a small chance to spawn a spino instead.  So, when you reset the server you will end up with a few spinos.  However, once they die the chances are that they will respawn as fish instead.  And since people rarely go kill all the fish in a river/lake you dont get new spinos.  If you go murder all the fish in an area and then come back there is a good chance you will get a spino.

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On 02/08/2017 at 4:34 PM, nothanz said:

Spinos share spawns with other shallow water creatures, namely fish.  Each fish spawn has a small chance to spawn a spino instead.  So, when you reset the server you will end up with a few spinos.  However, once they die the chances are that they will respawn as fish instead.  And since people rarely go kill all the fish in a river/lake you dont get new spinos.  If you go murder all the fish in an area and then come back there is a good chance you will get a spino.

Ah would the same apply to Jerboa? We can't seem to have those two on our server. Going to kill some fish in spawn areas to see if it works.

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