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Ragnarok: Most fortifiable for small tribes


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Ragnarok has already become well known as the "cave base" map. However, not many people will base there because of the 6x damage cave multiplier . the bigger tribes will often  be relegated to mountaintops and the like, that are more spacious, more difficult to access, and make better bases for large tribes that can grind enough to build there. 

However, that leaves a very, very useful gap for 'beta' tribes and sub alphas. The caves. 

I'll talk mainly about the vikings bay cave, given I'm based there. 

But basically, you have everything built for you. You don't need to bother with the walls, floor, or ceiling. It's all part of the cave. It's just the door. And you can put that outside, neglecting the 6x damage multiplier. 

So, now you can pour all your resources for an entire base into one door. I'm talking 6 layers deep of bohemoth gates, thatch floors and ceilings with spike and vault traps respectively, turrets placed in spot that encourage said thatch to be broken, etc, etc. 

Really the only issue with basing in a cave is that it's easy for the enemy to get their raiding dinos there. 

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On 7/20/2017 at 8:44 AM, MrDynamicMan said:
On 7/20/2017 at 8:44 AM, MrDynamicMan said:

Ragnarok has already become well known as the "cave base" map. However, not many people will base there because of the 6x damage cave multiplier . the bigger tribes will often  be relegated to mountaintops and the like, that are more spacious, more difficult to access, and make better bases for large tribes that can grind enough to build there. 

However, that leaves a very, very useful gap for 'beta' tribes and sub alphas. The caves. 

I'll talk mainly about the vikings bay cave, given I'm based there. 

But basically, you have everything built for you. You don't need to bother with the walls, floor, or ceiling. It's all part of the cave. It's just the door. And you can put that outside, neglecting the 6x damage multiplier. 

So, now you can pour all your resources for an entire base into one door. I'm talking 6 layers deep of bohemoth gates, thatch floors and ceilings with spike and vault traps respectively, turrets placed in spot that encourage said thatch to be broken, etc, etc. 

Really the only issue with basing in a cave is that it's easy for the enemy to get their raiding dinos there. 




is there someplace that says you can or you can't build in a cave on PVE and make it your base if it isn't a cave with an artifact?

we started on a new server and put thatch foundations around the entrance to the waterfall cave in the highlands and started putting a smithie, forge, etc. in there and before we had leveled up enough to put a behemoth gate across the entrance, another tribe came in and started putting foundations behind us in the cave as close as they could to us and in front of the cave all around us. we can't even put down another campfire because their foundations boxed us in. 

They were even dragging my brother's body to the water at the back of the cave and killing him when he logged off. 

we finally put up a behemoth gate at the cave entrance and they submitted a ticket and said we blocked them from their base and the GM removed the gate.

So, can you not block a cave with no artifact and build a base in it?

Even if you can't, boxing someone in by placing foundations as close as possible and preventing them from building is explicitly listed as something you can't do on PVE, so why did the GM remove our gate but not also tell them they can't box us in and prevent us from building in the back of the cave or in front of the cave?

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