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pvp Troll server wipe 288 necessary wipe


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Just got hit by them they ddos with 9 people and raid only 2 of my members could be they ddos most. Not only do they troll but they Ddos too. They lie to their teeth about there actions and they need to be stopped. 

Trolling alpha on server 288 they are weak hit my small base lol. But they terrorisze and troll people constantly for years now a favor needs to be then they need tO be gone payment of 400 black pearls for the job done. Tribe name Long D!ck pirates or X1 pirates l. Gt x1 shell . Neon all day.. Atticus state.. shooteastwood.. relic.. TheAmericanS069.. 

They trolled and trolled everyone to the top they need to be wiped there server is 288 on the island they have a base up north and down south. Payment of 400 black pearls for whoever willing to wipe them



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