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ARK at E3: Release Date, Pre-Order, Ragnarok, Griffin, & Xbox One X!


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My prediction on server wipe/not wipe.

Game release will be a different game, different servers and such.  The "preview" will be playable for some time after and may be used to help test new dinos prior to official release on official game.  So when we go to games/apps on xbox we can chose to open Ark Preview or Ark.  Nothing will be transferable between the two.


Anyone else have thoughts and predictions?

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Dudes, really... I can't explain how happy I am! Happy for the work you're doing, happy for Ragnarok (The dmodders deserve that!) but what really hit me is the Griffith! I expected the Phoenix that I saw in the Dev kit but you surprised me again xD Well, now I can say to be a Grey Warden [Dragon Age Origins], at Least on Ark :°D

Now we only wait for good optimizations, it has to be said: the game needs it to be playable and less laggy


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22 minutes ago, Squid86 said:

If I have bought the steam version of the game will I get the win 10 version for free? Just like if I have bought the Xbox version I'll get the win 10 version as well. 


The Windows 10/Xbox version is not the same game as the one you bought via Steam.  If you want the cross play version you'll need to buy that version from Microsoft directly, if you're not interested in that then the Steam version will continue to play as it does now and you don't need to buy another version.  I know it's confusing as folks are likely playing it on Windows 10 already but the steam version.

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2 minutes ago, Ulta said:

In addition to the question of PC owners who bought ARK on Steam...I own ARK on Steam right now. I guess there's a difference between it and a Win10 version? Would the crossbuy also be in effect for that then? (if you own it on Steam, you own it on Win10 and maybe even Xbox, etc.?). Would love for a dev to clear up just what crosses with what with the Crossbuy thing.

Also the fact the dossier's are gonna be an actual book, while cool, makes me fearful. Some dinos' currently don't even fit their dossier's at the moment. Does this mean all dino's are pretty much solidified and no tweaks will be done to them? Or did some dossier's get revamped and this book will have those edits instead?

I've been hoping that some old classic dino's like Rex and Trike and them will get some extra love thrown their way since they are not nearly as neat as the newer dino's that have special abilities.


Players of Win10/XboxOne will not be able to play with steam users.

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5 minutes ago, Ulta said:

In addition to the question of PC owners who bought ARK on Steam...I own ARK on Steam right now. I guess there's a difference between it and a Win10 version? Would the crossbuy also be in effect for that then? (if you own it on Steam, you own it on Win10 and maybe even Xbox, etc.?). Would love for a dev to clear up just what crosses with what with the Crossbuy thing.

The Steam version is not the same version as the Xbox/Windows 10 version.  If you buy Steam you don't get the Windows 10/Xbox version and visa versa, buying the Steam version doesn't get you the Xbox/Windows 10 version.  It's confusing I know since folks can play Ark on Windows 10 already, but that's the Steam version of the game.  So yes, there is a difference, though it appears that perhaps graphically it will improve likely it won't have all the awesome mods you get in the Steam version.  Unless the can pull off something similar (though still not as good) as was done with Fallout 4 and Skyrim on consoles.

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Basically, I have been enjoying this game in SP on PC for almost 2 years now, and I am not done with it and I would like to continue my game after the release. 

Will the PC version on Steam survive Aug 8?  Will the PC version on Steam get the new contents, dinos  DLC access than the PC win 10 released on Aug. 8?


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  • Administrator

The link is fixed now guys, you can pre order the game at playark.com :) 

2 minutes ago, vapeur156 said:

Will the PC version on Steam survive Aug 8?  Will the PC version on Steam get the new contents, dinos  DLC access than the PC win 10 released on Aug. 8?



Yes, the Steam version will continue to receive updates, just like the other platforms going forward.

7 minutes ago, skywindcro said:

Is there gonna be Ragnarok for primitives @Jat?


We launched two Primitive+ servers I believe.


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Right okay, crossbuy was answered. Now about those dossiers...

As I asked before, do you @Jat plan to do anymore tweaking to dino's new and old? Will tweaks be made to either the dino's or the dossiers so that the book doesn't have outdated information? I know some old ones liek Rex and Stego's and Trikes (and a few more) are boring compared to newer dinos. Do you have any plans to give them some love before release?


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