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Question about saddles (Armour) on Dinos


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Very big difference,

  • The amount of protection armor provides against melee damage in terms of health can be expressed by the equation:
  health lost = damage / ((armor / 100) + 1)
  • The amount of protection armor provides against explosive damage in terms of health can be expressed by the equation:
  health lost = damage / ((armor / 100) + 1)
  • For example, a player with 150 armor will lose 20 health when hit by a melee weapon that does 50 damage.
  health lost = 50 / ((150 / 100) + 1)
  health lost = 20
  • With 0 armor and being hit by a grenade that does 375 damage.[1]
  health lost = 375 / ((0 / 100) + 1)
  health lost = 375
  • With 551.5 armor and being hit by a grenade that does 375 damage.
  health lost = 375 / ((551.5 / 100) + 1)
  health lost = 57.6

(taken from http://ark.gamepedia.com/Armor )

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