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Everything You Want To Know About v258/v755/v508!


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Nice to see the game near its final release, but definitely a shame because the game has been destroyed for me, by the complete devaluation of the content due to the blatant open support for "spawn codes".  Being so open about providing ways for players to bypass progression really has turned this into a bad experience over the years of its development.  Good luck on your final release and hemorrhaging your playerbase.

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1 minute ago, HALOxZealot said:

Nice to see the game near its final release but definitely a shame because the game has been destroyed for me, by the complete devaluation of the content b the blatant open support for "spawn codes".  Being so open about providing ways for players to bypass progression really has turned this into a bad experience over the years of its evelopment.  Good luck on your final release and hemorrhaging your playerbase.

You are more than welcome to your opinion, but I do have to wonder how what someone does in their own game affects your enjoyment. The codes and other admin tools let people play how they want to play on their own private servers.

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3 minutes ago, HALOxZealot said:

Nice to see the game near its final release, but definitely a shame because the game has been destroyed for me, by the complete devaluation of the content due to the blatant open support for "spawn codes".  Being so open about providing ways for players to bypass progression really has turned this into a bad experience over the years of its development.  Good luck on your final release and hemorrhaging your playerbase.

Those spawn codes will do naught for anyone on an official server, nor to anyone on an unofficial one that has no admin access. Those are purely there for single player users who wish to check things out, as well as server administrators that might use them for giveaways or other such events.

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21 minutes ago, HALOxZealot said:

Nice to see the game near its final release, but definitely a shame because the game has been destroyed for me, by the complete devaluation of the content due to the blatant open support for "spawn codes".  Being so open about providing ways for players to bypass progression really has turned this into a bad experience over the years of its development.  Good luck on your final release and hemorrhaging your playerbase.

I provide the spawn codes mostly for content creators such as people who like to make YouTube videos. It makes it easier for them to showcase content. Admin spawn codes only work in single player or by admin anyways.

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1 hour ago, Piepnie said:

We'll have some grinding to do if we ever want to make kibble for the new creatures. Ammonite bile, golden eggs, mutton, honey,...

The golden eggs look like they will be the hardest thing to get ahold of,  in my head I have already designed a big enough pen to allow wild fish to respawn but keep out the bad guys. so all the tamed  bird can swim around and lay eggs

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2 hours ago, Jen said:


  • Prefers Kentro kibble (Ammonite bile, Golden Egg, Mejoberries, Fiber) or Meat to tame.
  • The Yuty has two roars: a Courage and Fear roar.
  • Bound to right click, the Fear roar instils fear into it's enemies and builds up with each consecutive roar. Fear reduces the enemies damage output. When a creature experiences a maximum level of fear, it will run from the battle.
  • Bound to the C key, the Courage roar instils confidence into it's allies. Max courage increases damage output and resistance by 25%.
  • Yuty has a turret mode where when enabled, it will roar and scare off anything that passes by.

Are they going to give Carnos some kind of pack buff?

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