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fanfiction ARK: Immortals


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Hello everyone!

  I feel like an absolute nerd doing this, but I can't help it. I love creating and reading, which leads to writing. ?

 It is not so much as I create the story. It is more like the story just unfolds in my mind and I want to write it down and share it with everyone here. Please let me know if you enjoy it as I don't want to waste anybody's time with trashy writing. 


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She slowly fought the darkness reaching out for the light she saw. As she reached out she noticed her hand and a diamond of light shining on it. She forced her eyes to focus on that light as if it were hope itself. Everything was blurry but at last she pulled herself to her feet and blinked in the harsh sun.

The air was hot and dry almost suffocating, and the sun felt like fire on her bare skin. No matter how much she blinked her blurred vision wouldn't go away. She realized what she was seeing was the shimmer of heat waves rising through the ground, lifting the vultures high over her head. Those same vultures were watching her she realized. They were waiting patiently.

Looking around she decided that if she was going to deny the birds their intended meal she had best find shade and water fast. Climbing a rock, ignoring the Burns it gave her hands and feet she tried to spy some water or trees, anything that would give even a little relief from the oppressive heat. She was starting to feel dizzy and little Sparks were going off in her vision. Spying a small Grove of palm trees she headed in that direction. They did not seem to provide any shade, but the green gave her hopes of water.

The distance was far greater then she had first thought. And now there was a rocky canyon between her and the direction of the palms. At least she thought so. She could no longer see very far because the light was so bright and her vision was as wavy as the heat rising from the ground.

She heard a growl come from her left. Looking she saw a wolf bigger then she thought was possible. As soon as it spotted her the wolf threw back it's head and gave a short howl. Two other wolves appeared behind it, and once they all saw her they gave a snarl and ran at her.

She turned and ran towards the canyon. The wolves were closing in on her, she could hear them panting, growling in anticipation of Thier easy meal. In front of her was the canyon, she was almost to the edge. But if she stopped they would rip her apart instantly she knew.

Suddenly she was angry. What did she have to lose? If she jumped it would be a quicker less painful death, and perhaps the wolves would follow her over the cliff providing her with some instant vengeance.

Suddenly the edge of the cliff was right in front of her feet. She found a second wind and ran just a bit faster then leaped off the edge trying to get as far out in the air as possible. 

Her stomach Rose up into her chest and she gave one last shout of defiance and grimm satisfaction as she glanced back and saw the first wolf leap off the cliff right behind her it's snarl turning into a Yelp. 

Time seemed to pause as she hung in the air. Everything had such clarity, she noticed her Platinum hair lifting in the wind of her fall. Her bare tanned skin covered in dust and some blood. The wolfs almost comical expression as it started to plunge to the ground. It's eyes shone with fear. 

As she sucked in one last breath the world rushed back to normal speed and her eyes watered as she plummeted towards the ground. A shadow passed over her head and suddenly she felt her body jerk in the opposite direction. Her mind couldn't grasp why she was suddenly falling up. Huge talons dug into her shoulders as the great bird that had caught her gained altitude. And there was someone riding it!

They wore googles and a silk scarf so she couldn't see their face, but it was a person!

The person called down to her in a voice that was rich and female. " You are one lucky lady! I thought you were a mirage!". The bird Rider said. " Just hold on Mirage, we have a bit of a ride before it is safe to land!"

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She couldn't remember anything about her identity, not even a name. Apparently that was normal for the survivors here on scorched Earth. They all had the same story as her. They just woke up in the desert somewhere, and most did not live long enough to need a name. 
  She stared at herself in the mirror that was in the tent provided her for the night. Her body was tall, graceful and athletic. Her skin was tanned almost the same color as the desert sands. Her hair was Platinum, the same shimmering silver white as the heat waves that Rose into The sky during The heat storms. Her eyes were the same color as her hair. Since she could not remember her name, or even if she had one, everyone had been referring to her as Mirage. Some how it had just stuck, and now she supposed that was her name.
   The bird Rider who had saved her life was a woman with Raven black hair, Olive skin, a charming half smile, cunning green eyes, an exotic accent, and the name of Amelia. She had taken the name Amelia because she liked it, the rider had told her. The other survivors in the little desert Oasis camp called her Amelia Blackheart. They said it with respect, adoration, and perhaps a little fear. Amelia welcomed the addition to her name and made it her title of leadership.
   She led the camp of survivors, and hundreds more spread through the desserts far and wide. She called her tribe the Blackheart Bandit's. Mirage had discovered in the past few days that this land was filled with survivors and creatures that spanned the ages and in some cases legends.
   There were many tribes, and the Dynamics were complicated. She had learned fast that most of the people she met were less then friendly. In fact they were down right dangerous. Danger was everywhere on scorched Earth and the law of the land was ruthless predation versus cooperation of people and creatures alike. 
   Amelia herself was quite dangerous and ruthless. Within moments of landing her bird, Wich Mirage learned was called an Argentavis, she gave her an ultimatum.
   Either join the Blackheart Bandit's, or be their slave. Mirage's thoughts drifted back to the  conversation.  
 "Jumping off that cliff today showed me a bit about your character Mirage" Amelia said, after dismounting her Bird and lifting her googles.
" That is why I had Sandstorm here grab you" she said as she brushed her hand through the birds feathers. " But I don't give anything for free. You owe me a debt now. Either join the Blackheart Bandit's under my command, or you will pay off your debt to me as a slave. Your choice." Amelia said casually.
  Mirage blinked at her. So much had happened so fast. Her mind was reeling trying to take it all in.
" What happens if I chose to pay it as a slave?" Mirage asked more as a way to stall for time to think then as an option she was considering.
" Who knows. I might put you to work in the mines, or perhaps my fields. With your fighting spirit you may win me battles in the colluseum as my gladiator. But I think those paths would be a waste, With your exotic beauty. Most likely I would sell you at the slave markets for a high price. You might even enjoy that life, as you would likely become the pampered concubine of some tribes chief."
Mirage shuddered at the thought.
" And what if I join you?" She asked
" Well I will not promise that those same options would not happen, especially if you prove useless or better valued as a slave. But I would give you a fighting chance to serve well, and you would have the same rights and privileges as the rest of my men. We will just have to see where your true value lies…." Amelia answered, her piercing green eyes pinning Mirage. 
" Well I would be dead if it were not for you, so it is only fair to repay my debt. I am truly grateful and wish to serve under your command untill my debt or death. Whichever comes first." Mirage said with sincerity and conviction. 
  " Wonderful!" Amelia said slapping her on the back "First you can get washed up, Fed, and rested for a few days. Then I have the perfect task for you. Mirage you seem to have a certain fearlessness regarding hights and leaping from them."
" What task would require that?" Mirage asked truly intrigued. Amelia met her gaze, a green fire lit her eyes as she thought of the coming adventure.
  "Mirage, my new friend,……. have you ever seen a wyvern?"

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Great, Scorched Earth. Lots of possibilities you can go with that one, especially when you get wyverns involved.

Chapter 6. Scorched Earth.

As they wake up naked on the hot desert shale of a dry wash, Michael screams out a warning, “Raptor, run for that rock outcropping.”

The raptor comes racing after us closing the gap as Michael shouts, “Run between those camel like things.” The raptor runs into one of the creatures which then attacks it. It's mate joins in the fight as they pin it against a boulder and kill it.

“This can't be the Ark as I know it,” says Professor Narcy.

“It isn't, but it has to be an Ark.” answers Michael as he gathers material for a pick. “There are the three floating Obelisks in the distance. Everyone, craft up some weapons. Show our newcomers what to do. Then we can figure out where we are and how we are going to survive in this hostile world.”



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Looking forward to see what you can come up with.

Here is nother snippet from Ark, The Adventure Continues. This one involves the wild wyverns. Electra is a lightning wyvern. Red Alpha, an Alpha that absolutely hated humans for reasons that will soon be obvious.

Caroline and Pauline go to work cleaning up the infection in the wound. Michael surprisingly is by the unconscious Red Alpha's stroking her on the forehead. “Do you think Michael is suffering a flashback?” Caroline ask me.

“I don't know,” I answer. “I was doing the same thing to Electra when she needed our help.”

“We have a problem,” announces Michael. “Like the poison wyvern we knocked out the other day, I can't force feed her anything. She is literally starving to death. Careful everyone. She's starting to come to.”

Red Alpha starts to slowly regain conscious. “It hurts,” she says while crying. She sees the unlocked shackle and chain lying on the ground, then looks over at her leg to see Caroline and Pauline cleaning up the wound. She then looks at Electra. Then, she looks at Michael and I.

“I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I never knew.” she says in a weak tired voice.

“Let it all out Pretty Girl,” Michael responds “Let your emotional state start healing along with your leg.”

I hands her the Super Test Meat. “Eat this,” I tells her. “This will take away the pain.”

“Halsey,” answers Red Alpha in tears. “I don't want to become a tame.”

“It's all right,” answers Electra. “Super Test Meat won't tame you. It didn't tame me. It will make you feel a lot better.”

She is very reluctant to eat, but with our encouragement, starts to nibble on the Super Test Meat, then eats it. With a sigh of relief, she gets a drink from the bucket of water, takes some of Mary's medical brew, eats several pieces of raw meat, then ask Michael to keep stroking her forehead.

“How are you feeling?” Michael ask her.

“So much better,” she answers in a weak and tired voice.”I'm so relieved that awful thing is off my leg. I so regret that I didn't listen to Electra suggesting that I should have asked you humans for help, that you are not as evil as I believed.”

“Electra, I'm so sorry that I hurt you. I never knew.”

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