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Officialserver 57 isn't showing up since this morning.


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Hey there, so I came online today and when I started ARK I got messaged by like 3 friends saying that the server we are playing on, which is Officialserver 57, is not online. I noticed yesterday that a save occured because there was a message with the 2 dots but there wasn't any restart for the next 5-6 hours, I'm not sure if something has happened afterwards because I had to go offline at that time. I had this happen to me that many of the servers are showing up for me, not the one I was playing on tho, this once happened with NA-TheCenter569 aswell and it took 5h+ to come online and that was when the 2 day rollback happened recently. Right now when I have ARK+Scorched Earth and PvP activated in the topright corner it shows up to 612 servers; http://prntscr.com/f2ijax So I speculate that there is going to be a rollback up to the point where it saved but I really do not hope that a rollback will occur since we have done our first bossfight yesterday, so that would be a shame. That was pretty much everything I had to say, I really hope that one of the staffmembers is going to reply on this and clear out the situation.

Take care^^

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search for it via the serverlist on web browser and connect via that.




 Could not fetch the player list for this server

This server could not be reached. When it can be reached, this will automatically refresh.
The server may be offline, being updated/restarted, it may be lagging, or possibly something else.
Some servers might be too far from our server tracker to query (we give 15 seconds before timeout)

This box will update automatically once contact is made with the server again - no need to refresh.

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