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Survivor Background/Build Series


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Hey there guys so from playing other Role playing games I usually like to create a back story to my characters and this is reflective of my love for RPGs in general like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, etc.  So for this I got the idea from such as FudgeMuppet on youtube to create a selection of Survivors that have in depth backstories and highlighting their stats boths strengths and weaknesses.  These characters I am creating are just my own recommendations for these types of builds and you can choose to follow them or pick you own stats as this is just my own dealings.  Ok let's get started, I will start off with one woman Survivor and one male Survivor to get started....

The Marine Explorer... (recommended for Single Player, and PvE)

The Marine Explorer was born in the 1960s to a middle class family in Miami, FL.  Her parents convenience store owners, who worked constantly to keep their business afloat and food on the tables.  Because of this the Marine Explorer didn't get as much social interaction and instead relied on herself at an early age to become as self-sufficient as possible.  She would regularly be on her own at home and she would make the most of it by making her own food and cleaning up the house.  While at elementary school she went to the school library to do her home work assignment, there she found her first picture book on marine animals, and she was instantly drawn to the pages in the book.  Around the same time her parents gave birth to another girl, however being that the Marine Explorer had become very good at managing herself on her own, her parents seemed to be giving her little sister more attention and even taking off work to be at her side.  This caused much resentment between the two sisters growing up.  The Marine Explorer was determined to out shine her younger sister.  She enrolled in swimming classes and became very well versed in marine biology.  At the age of 18 she had become a star swimmer at her high school and was granted a full scholarship to a college up north.  Being at college the Marine Explorer finally felt free from having to out due her younger sister and loved her studies and swimming for the college.  She studied Marine Biology and was even able to go out in the field and observed dolphins, sea turtles, and sharks.  She became a natural scuba diver and loved every minute of her life, however a year before she was set to graduate she got a phone call that would change her life.  Police had called her and informed her that her parents had been killed in a store robbery.  Although she didn't get along with her parents she was still heartbroken and left college immediately to make funeral and other arrangements.  However it became apparent to her that her younger sister still in middle school was left alone.  The Marine Explorer had to make a choice officially become the guardian of her sister, or her sister would immediately become a ward of the state.  She ended up filling the papers for guardianship of her sister, even though she truly didn't want to.  At first life was bitter for her; her younger sister was rebelling every chance she got, her college had called her back and informed her that if she did not return for the next school semester her scholarship would be void, and to make matters worse, her parents owed lots of money to the loans they took out to keep the store open.  Knowing that her dreams of becoming a marine biologist were at an end, the Marine Explorer choose to stay and rebuild the store and help her sister.  Through the years her relationship with her sister grew and she finally found out what it felt like to have a family that her parents did not give her.  Once her sister was ready for college the Marine Explorer was ready to go back to school and finish what she started.  After seeing her younger sister go off to college, the Marine Explorer begin filling out her own applications to enroll at college.  Luckily a college in San Diego was willing to except her and transfer her already completed credits.  She packed up and headed west for San Diego, stopping at a small hotel to rest.  However, she would wake up to the sun in her eyes and the sound of the ocean near by, groggy the Marine Explorer noticed some sort of metal implanted into her wrist and then the next she knew, a large lumbering four legged creature stomped by her.  A creature long since dead on Earth....The Marine Explorer was in The ARK!

The Marine Explorer character stats will mostly focus on speed, oxygen, and stamina rather than health, melee, and resistance.  The Marine Explorer will put equal points into speed, oxygen, and stamina.  She will have an above average crafting speed, and be decent in food and fortitude.  Water won't be too much of an issue as the Marine Explorer will stay close to the shore.  Engram paths should focus on heavy armor, ranged weapons, and of course scuba gear.  Your tames should be focused on the water, however recommended land tames should be Baryonyx, Spinos, Sarcos, and Kapros because of their semi aquatic nature, and Raptors, Iguanadons, and Equus because of their speed rather than their attack power.  Being a good fast diver, this character will work great on her own, and also work great in a tribe filling the role of gathering oil, and silica pearls for the rest of the tribe. 

I hope you like this first background/build character, more to come soon feel free to comment, make suggestions, and add your own characters.

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