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Looking for a player dedicated pvp server on the center map

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I run a 24/7 Boosted Center server. 3x xp, harvest.  15 tame. High boosts to breeding, except,imprinting which cannot be done on console at present. Offline Raid Protection recently deactivated to allow Alliances and use of community island facilities. 

Griefing of new players is not tolerated. The bunch of people who currently play are a good set, had no issues up to now. Just need to expand it a bit more. Previously established players will not raid new people just because they can. 

Hoping to start setting up events for the company, unity to participate in and also on a monthly basis,switch the server to SEPTEMBER to allow people an opportunity to bring dinos, items and resources not available on the centre back across via Obelisks.

Add Cmdr_Zavala or message ICTLEGION for invitation.

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