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How do I transfer my Character?!?!


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Hi first of all I have looked at loads of videos on YouTube so I know what I am looking for (I think). I have moved my character to SE and am standing on the Red Obilisk. I open it and click transmit ark data to which it opens 3 options (Upload creature date, download creature date and update tribute date). There is also a greyed out option of "Take from Ark". 

As you can see the problem is, there is no option for me to download my character data. I am on an official server PvP. Can anyone help me?


I want to move my character from one SERVER to another, not map.

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Downloading the character can usually be done from the respawn screen. It's pretty irrelevant though, since it's a much more roundabout way than simply using the travel button in the upper righthand corner and transfering directly with your character and items on it, with nothing but the single loading screen.

(Also, a different map would be a different server by default.)

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