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So what did you do in ARK today?


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I finally broke down and got the Genesis season pass.   Gen 2 is gorgeous.   I build up a 2 x 2 shack with the basics,  then transfered back to my main base to craft all the new toys I unlocked.   Made up a tek bow,  tek canteen and some nets for my harpoon gun.   Back to Gen 2.  I then snagged the first decent level r-thyla I could find and started exploring.  The tek bow is amazing.    Searching for the perfect  spot to set up the main base for the map.   So many options.

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Today I mainly continued to work on our building we are going to use for crafting (replicator/smithy/fabricator/chemistry bench etc.) and storage. We recently had enough element to build enough dedicated storages which we are going to place in that room. We really need to finish it because our vaults are bulking out, but due to the double taming/breeding of the past few days, we focused on other things and didn't get to it. It's on top of the water, so the pillars need to go down quitte far.

But, finally the floor is finished and part of the walls are standing. Tomorrow we hopefully have time to finish it, including the interior. :)

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Official PVE Ragnarok

Mind wiped yesterday and spent the day making stuff.  Demolished my whole supply of materials in the process.

Took rexes and therizinos out of pods and added all the passive levels they have been getting recently.  Gave them all MC saddles, and deemed them ready for bosses. I just need to get two more artifacts from the laberynth and we will be on our way.

Took ice wyvern out of pod and let it mature with 2x rates for awhile and it is now 90%.

Once I mind-wiped back to normal I spent today collecting materials and re-stocking the shelves.

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Been awhile since I last played. Was actively playing some other games and also haven't had the energy to fire up ark. This is a compilation of small sessions here and there.

Continued breeding Megatheriums on Fjordur. Still no success. The game just doesn't want me to have a baby with all the stats. Planned on expanding to a area below, but the terrain is very uneven and placing a behemoth gate just looks weird 😅. Need to plan some more and work out how to exactly encorporate the lower area. Decorated my base a bit, but didn't do anything else of note.

On Ragnarok I just messed around. Flying about, murdering low level creatures. Hoping something useful would pop up. No luck again. Seems Ark hasn't been on my side me the times I played. Hopefully I will find some more energy to just play for a bit on a more regular basis. Although I just got a new job, so that probably won't happen...

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I'm back! I haven't done anything today yet (just returned home), but once the game is done updating, I'll first visit (Official, Valguero) to see how things are there (if things are still there - first time leaving for so long, remember?), and if everything's in order, I'll unpod some dinos, feed them, and take podded sidebase dinos into my inventory to send them to their proper places tomorrow.


(Official, Valguero) just as I said, I unpodded some of the dinos. No rexes - I haven't been breeding them in forever, so instead two slots of the breeding stand are now occupied by yuty females, and the rest are empty.

A pleasant surprise: my golem, flags, wooden structures and electronics survived. So did most of the taxidermy bases.

I fed the dinos, installed and fed new beehives, gave Eggvelyne back her allo brain (she must always have it - that's what makes her different from any other dodo, after all - others didn't fight an allo and land the killing blow on it!), and put the baby pods and boss army ones back into the hatchery's fridge, where they belong.

The pods containing sidebase dinos are currently in my inventory.

(Official, Extinction) The ptera is alive! And I fed her. That's all.

Nothing was done on (Official, Crystal Isles) because there's nothing there right now besides the base itself, and that'll wait until tomorrow.

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(Official, Valguero) Saw an alpha rex, grabbed the chibi, took Phobos, and killed it. Not a whole lot of EXP, but at least something.

Uploaded the sidebase dinos.

(Official, Crystal Isles) Went to grab my wyverns form the nearest drop. Almost got killed by some compies, then got my wyverns and immediately unpodded one to kill the compies with.

(Official, Extinction) Got my dinos. Took Biter and went to check the wasteland for any low-danger drops/veins I could do. There weren't any, the only vein I found was a higher difficulty one, and someone already was there with a pack of gigas. I watched for a bit, then, as I was riding away, a wave (carnos and paracers with a few raptors) spawned in my way. Killed them.

Returned home, just in time - a meteorite shower started!

Built new pipes, this time only the intake and the part within the base are ground-level, the rest is raised, hopefully high enough that no defense unit will break it ever again.

Fed dinos.

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I was able to find a low level tek stryder with the saddlebags and excavation rig.  What an amazing tame.   I have been making ark daily trips to the space biome and cranking out all the resources.  I also tentatively poked my head into the Rockwell area on gen 2.   Scary place but not overly so.  Had a noggin take over my thyla.   His bites hurt!  I rocketed up to the sky and waited till the noggin fell off.   Not sure if I want to try and tame one as I'm only singleplayer pve,  but there is the achievement....

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Having a great time on Extinction!

I play with my best friend on a private server and since autumn 2020, we've been making our way through the story maps. Before that, we dabbled a bit on Ragnarok, Center and Crystal Isles and then decided to start the Island over and ascend each of the DLC maps.

About a month ago, after ascending from Aberration, we started on Extinction. I know I'm late to the party, but this is a really fun map! It's so good to have constant daylight in the city/wasteland areas after the oppressive atmosphere of Aberration. (Aberration has been one of my favourite maps out of all the ones I've visited so far. It is so well designed, the progression is so well thought out and the atmosphere is unique but it IS the Broken Ark and getting out of it feels rewarding: you get to see the sun again!).

We started in the sunken forest with nothing but our ascended characters, spent a week there building a small starter base and taming a pack of carnos and raptors. And gachas! We tamed a male and 3 females, high levels and I've been breeding them every chance I got and now have about 15 element gachas and several covering the other resources. Haven't set up a proper farm yet because we haven't settled down.

After sunken forest, we moved to Sanctuary and explored it. It's such an interesting design! We commented on how well it captured that post apocalyptic feel, and it is so different from the other maps. Exploring a ruined city, imagining what kind of districts the various regions must have contained in its heydey. The people who lived and worked in this bustling metropolis, with that great twisted shard sticking out from the earth spelling out its eventual destruction.

We tamed a gasbags in the wasteland and hopped over to the desert. What silly fun! Love it. Got ourselves a romantic little adobe house and tamed some high level velonosaurs. Finally saw a return of the day/night cycle and it was such a welcome throwback to the normalcy of the Island/Scorched Earth maps.

We have now made our way to Snow Dome and tamed Snow Owls and finally a pair of managarmr. I really love the crazy new creatures in Extinction, their uniqueness and the fun factor of using them. Now I can finally see what the fuss about Managarmrs has been about and it is so much fun to zip around on. And of course, the boosts and dashes are essential when you've managed to get caught in a meteor storm out in the wastelands!

Yesterday, we attempted our first OSD defence - a  blue drop with 3 carnos and 5 raptors and we managed to defend it with about 500 hp left. Learnt some lessons, but our final goal on the map now is an element vein defence.

Once we've achieved that, we'll return to our main base on the Island, fetch our best gear, 99 melee gigas and smash the titans! Then onto the next.



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(Official, Extinction) Fed dinos. Wandered around looking for drops/veins, found nothing. Took down the rest of the old pipes.

(Official, Valguero) Saw a new structure near my base - three metal gates in a triangle shape. NOT built by the player who had once claimed the land I was claiming when I went away for a minute to grab more pillars. Indeed, THAT player's pillars were gone.

While it could mean that the new player "bought" the land with some in-game goods, this particular chunk of land was

1. RIGHT NEAR MY BASE. I mean, it was literally the place to which I would have extended my fence long ago if I wasn't rudely prevented from doing so.

and 2. Partially pillared by me since forever, so what could they even fit in there, a 2x2 hut? Seriously, the land was mostly mine anyway, the only reason I haven't expanded before was because other's pillars prevented me from making a large even continuation of the existing fence, and expanding a bit (like, 4 foundations) wasn't an option because a drop lands where the fence would go in that case. And making a weird uneven shape that's only about 1 giga wide for about half of its length is just no.

And anyway, while I don't pay much attention to the pillars unless they inconvenience me (Official PVE... You pretty much end up pillar-blind except when building, after a little while) judging by a building of yet another player, there's more land for them to use. Land, building on which won't land (heh) them wall-to-wall (well, as much as that's possible) to me.

After I finished the new fence and took down the wall between the old and the new parts, I destroyed my old unicorn stable.

I still want all my unicorns on display, obviously, it's just that now I can afford a proper, nice stable instead of single-row six-box one I had before, as in the bigger base it will no longer look awkward. I already built the floor, and (partially) the walls, as well as built a new trough, filled it, and moved all my herbivores to it.

After that I fed the rest of the dinos. For today that's all.

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(Official, Valguero) Finished the unicorn stable. Put unicorns into it.

Returned basilos to the water pen and filled their trough.

Spent some time thinking about what I could build now that I have so much space, but so far got no cool ideas other than maybe picking a tree and building a wood/greenhouse structure around in to preserve it forever (as well as ensure blocking spawns, because I'm pretty sure those wild jerboas spawned, rather than already were there when I was building the fence).

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Logged into into an Ragnarok Official server I've played at over a year ago. We are trying to tame a Mantis, so we were  hunting Deathworms for their horns. Useful to have an old survivor there with 64-ish levels to have some base stats.

Over the course of the day we gathered 9 Deathworm horns, so with double taming that should be able to allow us to tame two lv 150 Mantises (Manti?).

Further more did some usual stuff on Crystal Isles. Empty the Achatina's, imprint the Giga (96% now). Also prepared some stuff so we can build a small base on Genesis 2.

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Went to my Gen2 character (I just don’t trust character transfer to risk my main) to get a high level male and female R-velos. Got the lady just fine, minus almost dying from rock gollum I didn’t notice throwing a boulder at my face. Rude. Dude was a bit more difficult, found one but as I was dodging his hail of ouchies while trying to lure him into the trap, I instead accidentally lured him off a cliff into a river with a ton of spinos. Got distracted by light pets while looking for another one so didn’t get one but did come back with a featherlight, 3 shinehorns, a bulbdog, and a glowtail. Oops lol

That was also my first time venturing out of Eden on Gen2. Came across a pod of space dolphins while crossing. Now I needs them. 

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(Official, Crystal Isles) Refreshed base.

(Official, Extinction) Looked for drops (nope), then for element gachas (went through six or seven, none had dust. Killed all after checking production, of course). Fed dinos.

(Official, Valguero) Grabbed turtles, basilo, SCUBAs and pearls and went for a tuso.

And found a tuso! Level 50, but still.

And tamed it! Well, her. She's a female.

Then I tried looking for a higher level tuso, with mine podded and turtle on follow because I didn't take a spare pod with me.

Didn't find it, unless we count an alpha (which I killed. It was very annoying to do - the thing was fast and inked near-constantly).

Then I looked for crates (no decent BPs. Found a tuso saddle, though, so I was able to ride my squid a bit without having to go home and make a saddle first).

Turtle got lost somewhere on the way. Don't really care, it was just an unnamed wild-tame whose sole purpose was to distract the squid. It distracted the squid. Its job is done.

And then I went home, named the squid (She's Lilith now. Because one phrase said by Lilith from Secret World Legends fits tusos pretty well: "I'm going to hug the boiling viscera out of you!"), made a better saddle, went to the lake to test the mighty cephalopod's abilities for real... And nearly lost her to some sharks. Apparently, tusos have great range and are unstoppable... Unless the enemy gets close, at which point if you can't swim away, you're basically dead. Also, the whole "turn around to attack" thing is pretty awkward.

So, yeah. Lilith is going to live in a cryopod and never come out of it.

Another cool but entirely useless tame.

Made a structure to occupy some (not much! Big buildings would look out of place at my base) space and block some spawns within the base. At first I wanted to build around some tree, preserving it, but one tree I deemed appropriate for that was on uneven ground, and the other, for some reason, had a bit on unbuildable ground near it (not in the direction of the drop's place, so no idea what's that about). So I built a featherlight coop instead. It's made of triangle wood foundations, walls and ceiling are greenhouse. the roof is made of triangle greenhouse pieces, but there's also a circle of greenhouse double doorframes in the middle, supporting the ceilings (also greenhouse, also triangle), with a hole in the middle, because there's a dino leash inside.

Currently it contains two featherlights.

Also, filled Thea the maewing with meat and unpodded a baby featherlight I had since forever. I don't know if it'll survive the night even with that, but I don't particularly care - if it dies, hatching a new egg won't take long.

After all that - fed dinos, logged off. And that's all for today.

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(Official, Valguero) Checked on the baby featherlight. Alive, not out of food. Did a meatrun, put more meat into Thea and into the trough.

Fed some stimberries to my phiomia and filled up the dung beetles.

The combination of an extra structure and the golem put nearby on turret mode seems to be doing pretty well fr the in-base spawns problem - only saw one jerboa.

That's all for today.


Decided to give the squid another try because got some useful tips about them on reddit. Took Lilith to the Abyss, killed things, everything went fine, got her to 10000 health, even killed a level 20 alpha megalodon.

And found my turtle! Alive, and not hurt much, and with a flare gun firework skin in its inventory. Brought it home. It'll get a nice life by the trough, maybe even a name. The other four will still be baits if I ever decide to get a second tuso, though, unlike that one, they didn't earn a good life by surviving the Abyss.

The only downside is that turtles tend to become all blurry after getting podded underwater, so it looks like crap now and likely will look like that always, with its textures only properly loading very rarely and for a short time.

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Yesterday I figured I’d try to get an R seed. Didn’t take any tames and only brought the bare necessities (food, water) because I figured there was a good chance something was going to eat me. I was fine until I got to the tunnel with all the tentacles then I was grounded and nomed. Went back a bit later after watching a video that showed some spawn spots before the tunnel. No luck, saw the respawn timer was 8hrs, and grudgingly left. Come on, I just want a meat tentacle lol

Maybe later on today after I’m done raising babies with my main. 

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Yesterday evening we made some preparations to build a small base on Genesis 2 (main base on Crystal Isles). Today we started by making it with some basic utilities (beds, (cryo/)fridge, fabricator, vaults, etc.) Then we went off looking for a Mantis with some decent damage stat. (Useful to do so on Genesis because you can see the wild stats before you choose to tame them.) That was  a bit of a struggle because one of the two we captured didn't want to eat the second Deathworm horn, but in the end we ended up with some nice results (both a male and a female).

Later we went off farming some Element shards on Crystal Isles in the Eldritch Isle since we were running low, and the 3x harvesting makes it a lot easier.

Later we went back to Genesis 2 to find a higher damage Anky than the one we have right now. We found a nice one that was the opposite gender as the one we have, which is nice because now we can mate them for the good stats + imprinting.

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Ragnarok PVE

Finally finished raising my megatheriums and ice wyvern.  I celebrated by running the ice cave again and defeating the Ice Queen.  On the way home I flew over the murder snow and say a low level ice wyvern attacking some mammoths.  Only took a few minutes to find the nest and a beautiful 170 ice egg.  Boo Yah!

Shortly after, my partner logged on and we tried the Labyrinth.  Um, that didn't go so well.  Died twice.  But we had fun.

We turned our attention to the ocean and went after the Artifact of the Devourer.  Killed lots of squids and collected more black pearls than we could carry.  Both of us left the deep blue with the artifact.  Everything was good until I dismounted my favorite basilo back at the beach.  When I hopped off it bolted back into the water.  I have spent about 3 hours looking for it but no luck yet.  With 90k health it will last awhile and put up a good fight.  Nonetheless, I am worried I will lose it forever.  Keep fighting, UB 40.  And I will find you buddy. 


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No breeding evo this weekend but x3taming and harvest. So we Start new on Beginnerserver Xbox 934 :-).

Build a Base at red ob and taming every Level one Dino what we found and transfer them to normal pve server. Now i have a Level one Parasaur Noob alert at my Base on Ragna and some Rex level one for breeding.

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Well, I searched for Deinonychus Nests on Valguero looking for High Level Eggs with one of my characters, Put them into the Green Obelisk, Retrieved them with my main Character on Gen 2, hatched and imprinted them... Then I Started Breeding them, I now have a literal Army of 12 babies that I'm in the process of imprinting for... you guess it more breeding... that and I'm using this batch for working on Mutations 

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(Official, Extinction) Logged on to find my trough destroyed, and one window and two walls damaged. Curiously enough, the porch (directly behind the now-gone trough) was perfectly intact.

Replaced the trough.

Finally uploaded the few stacks of dust I had laying around since forever.

Went to check the wasteland for easy drops and/or veins. Found none, not easy, not any.

But at least I got to see how corrupted dinos spawn for the first time! The whole "appearing in purple flakes" thing is pretty cool.

Fed dinos.

(Official, Valguero) The featherlight is all grown. Named her Glowstick, moved her to the coop.

Named the turtle Loyal. Yeah, not original, but the damn thing literally waited for me in the Abyss, not dying or anything, after I abandoned it there.

Retrieved the dust.

Fed dinos. That's all for today.

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(Official, Valguero) Uploaded a crossbow BP (one of my worse ones, but still a bit above 200%), a pick BP (153%, literally the only pick BP I own, but I barely use picks anyway), and a spare sword.

(Official, Extinction) Got all the uploaded items, crafted the pick, realized my craft skill is unaltered, so gathered ingredients and made a mindwipe tonic, now I have a bit less health and weight, but considerably more points in melee and crafting skill.

Went to look for easy drops and found a blue! And started defending! but had to abandon it on wave 2, because a meteorite shower started, and I don't want the risk of losing my rex to some flaming rock. So, no loot today.

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PVE Official Rag,

Put out a few groups of dinos again for eggs today, but got nothing from it.  I don't know if anyone else if having trouble getting eggs lately but I sure am.

Spent a little time looking for lost basilo again.  No luck,  but no death message either so I am still holding onto hope. I will likely breed another basilo this weekend and start raising it if we have improved rates.  

Fast travelled to an outpost base to refresh it.

Did a quick metal run

That was it today.

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