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So what did you do in ARK today?


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today i tried solo tek cave gamma for the first time, and the first part i very frustrating,

i went in with 9 rex (70k hp, 3k melee, 80-90 saddle) right from the beginning i almost lost one rex before even entering the door,

 that idiot jump in the lava before the entrance , i had set them up to follow me in 2 lines of 4 rexes side by side, but as soon as i passed the gate one jump backward and stay in the lava, by the time i got it out it only had 5k hp left out of 70k, nice start, not even one dino killed and 1 rex is almost down

then i move down the narrow path riding the leading rex the first rex on my right ,and first rex on my left on neutral, the rest on passive so they don't jump in front of me while fighting dinos, but still it was a pain, they would get stuck on rocks or whatever, had to move back several time, frustration to the max, 

and of course at one point 4 rexes ended up in the lava... good bye

kept going down with the 5 rexes left then when i almost reach the freezing zone i check behind , and noticed 1 rex was missing, i said raptor it, i keep going down now.

so i finally reach the tp and transfer to the overseer with 4 rexes left (one of the rexes was the one with 5k hp left)

and i have to say that part fighting the overseer is much more fun than what i experience earlier i was riding the almost dead rex and the 3 others were fighting the overseer/bosses 

i then lost the rex i was riding, but overseer was almost dead too, sograb an other rex and shot gunned the overseer to finish it off


morale of the story i won't go back there with that many rexes, way too much frustration and it's overkill  for gamma.

next time i try alpha but this time i glide all the way down then do the last fight with tek chest piece hovering  and shot gunning everything

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PVE Rag official

Didn't have much time before work today so I stayed close to home.  

Did a couple runs for metal, stone, wood, and thatch.

Used the anky to gather narco berries too.

Tossed a bunch of metal and wood in the forge and let it cook.

Made a bunch of cement past, narcotics, and gun powder.

Tamed a vulture (90).  Tamed a second vulture (140) then got jumped by a thyla on the beach and lost the 140.

Went to work.

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(SP The Island)

Haven't played for awhile cause other games but I have been planning what I am gonna do. My plan is to go find a 110 Theri I had found when earlier and another high level to breed. Knowing my attention span I am gonna find a cool coloured lystro and tame it. I also need to go drop hunting because I have NO good blueprints. I the only not primitive items I have are my armour (Raptorclause ascendant) My hatchet (Mastercraft) and my pick (Journyman). No saddles either. I also need to build a breeding area, thats gonna be hard cause I play on ps4 and its already laggy enough. I want to go to Aberration but last time I transferred my character was deleted.

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Well, with the last few days of the season in Aberration I decided to go hunt the other surface zones for alpha reapers. Long story short, getallstate might say there are 4 alphas up on my map, but I can't find any of them. So frustrating. And then it turned back to day season which is useless for my purposes. I might need to do a dino wipe but I don't really like doing that if it's not absolutely necessary. On the other hand, I am so ready to be off this map and this is getting tiresome.

On the bright side I did snag some drops while I was there and my main rock drake now has a 240 armor saddle and I moved the previous one to my backup/mate boosting drake hanging out in the "kill box" with my megalos and spinos. I have loot quality up on my settings, for the record. Because it takes forever for rng as it is, I want to at least get good gear if I'm going to farm for literally weeks on end to get good stuff.

But now I have a few more game days to kill before I can go hunting again. I was poking around and found a 150 spino near my base with 30 points in oxygen. Decided why not and lured it into my taming pen, which is actually built into the front gate of my base. It's specifically for spinos. Anyway, got her tamed up easily and she stood up with 41 oxygen, nice.

I bred my megalos and popped 2 more eggs just for something to pass the time. I still don't have good saddles for them but it doesn't really matter, they just need to be crowd control/cannon fodder for the one battle.

I also started breeding my new spino into my established line. The new base level (clean, unmutated) will top out at 261 now according to my math. Not too shabby. I still cannot for the life of me find one with good enough melee, it's the lowest stat in this line right now and its driving me crazy since aberrant spinos have the slight boost to melee that they really do need. I mean, not that it really matters now but it's something to do and I'll eventually be coming back to collect up my special tames and breeding lines to move to my hub base on Crystal Isles. Eventually. Said base does not exist yet and won't for a long time.

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(Official, Valguero) Fed herbivores. Decided to get a megatherium (preferably a pair), so made kibble (used up all my extra large eggs), took tranq darts, rifle (freshly repaired), narcotics (2 stacks), and two cryopods. With all that I took Phobos and went to the redwoods. After some time I found a 135 female. Tranqing her wasn't easy (I was doing trapless tame), but in the end she fell. I left her to starve and went looking for a 100+ male, but found none. Found a 145 direbear, though, and since I was bored and still had plenty kibble, darts, narcotics, and time until the mega is hungry enough, I decided to tame that. Tranqing him was really, really hard, because, again, trapless tame. And when he was almost down, he got attacked by a purlovia. Thankfully, later it got distracted by a parasaur, so it stopped killing my bear.

In the end I did tranq the bear, but he only had 77 HP left, so I was extra-paranoid about keeping anything and everything away form him.

But nothing happened, he and the megatherium tamed up just fine. I named megatherium Death Of Bugs and the bear Ulfric.

Podded them, brought them home, made and colored saddles. Took Ulfric for a test run first, since i had a mega before, but never a bear. His health could use some levels, sure (okay, A LOT of levels. Dude had only 2000 pre-tame!), but other than that he's awesome: fast, strong, decent weight.

Then Death Of Bugs. As expected, awesome. Got plenty of chitin. I think she'll now be my swamp mount instead of the theri - about as good at getting mushrooms and flowers AND can harvest tons of chitin.

Fed gachas, got several stacks of obsidian form them.

Fed carnivores.

Also, in the swamp found a beelzebufo with great "natural" colors - only level 45, plus I didn't have taming supplies on me, so I killed it and took its dermis.

(Official, Extinction) Fed dinos.

(Official, Crystal Isles) Refreshed base.

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Still working on Glacius in the ADK. Now that my new version is fully released, I started to work on some new & cool stuff. On top of my list is to create a first new unique creature along with a new structure tier, as per popular demand.

They'll be made of pykrete, which is basically an ice allow made of, you guessed it, ice with sawdust/woodchips. The real thing essentially has concrete-like mechanical properties, but I won't spoil everything yet with my own version as they'll offer something different to shake up the PvP meta.

Oh, here's a promo image of my new update.



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Nothing doing for me. Still in the day season which means still stuck with progression.

Raised 2 more megalos to pass the time. Also successfully worked my new stats into the spino line, now topping out at a clean 262. Admittedly that is padded quite a bit by the speed stat but these are still some very respectable spinos. 40 HP, 41 stamina, 41 oxygen, 30 food, 48 weight and 37 melee. Ideally I would get 40+ in melee and dump the speed stat down to 0 to get the ideal "value" of the line. Depending on how successful my next alpha hunt is I might go for some more spinos, we'll see.

In case you can't tell I love spinos and one of the reasons I love Aberration as much as I do is because this is the spino map, since it's the only one where other apex predators can't dominate it. That said I am tired of being here and I am so ready to move on to Extinction. I am still thinking about doing a dino wipe just to refresh spawns but not quite yet. I had to do that when I was farming giga hearts on The Island and I really didn't like doing that, so I'd just really prefer not to. But I'd really like to finish this off this weekend and move on.

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I had tested out a Island servers to find one stable enough to base on, then run some boss fights. The first I tested seemed to have a decent community, however it is plagued with server side lag. I decided to try another and did in fact find one that is(after a week of testing) quite good in gameplay (but weaker in community). 


So, I returned to the older less-stable one, demoed the tree platform and transmitter, and am moving the keeper materials back to my main base. I will then head back to the new island server, and move the temp base to a more useful spot to build up.

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PVE official Rag / Island

I finally made the decision to move off the island.  Having used my secondary survivor to check out Rag and falling in love with the map... I decided to take my main survivor over too.  But I went to a different server.  After a couple tries I found one that seems to perform pretty well, although some people in chat say event time can be really nasty with all the outsiders swooping in to poke around in the wyvern scar.  (Made a mental note to stay out of caves and scar during events --- probably good advice on any server)

When jumping to Rag the first time I just took myself, some basic tools, and an Argent.  If I saw significant lag right away I would leave.  I think it was my third attempt that I found one agreeable.  I flew around for a couple hours testing.  Then built a raft when my confidence felt good and started gathering supplies.  After six or seven hours without any major lag or crashes I accepted that this would be home.  Chat box was mostly quiet, but the couple of conversations that came through were people helping other people, and they didn't try to bully me away.  Good enough for me, lol.

Even though the server seems to be dominated by 10-12 players with multiple HUGE bases and a gazillion pillars around the map I still found a few nice areas to build.  I settled again in the SW islands (like my secondary survivor... but on a different island).  Then I began to grind away for all the stuff needed to create a footprint.

After awhile I jumped back to the island and gathered a few things and a few tames to help me build. I even made a bunch of greenhouse glass to take back with me since crystal is so hard to find in the SW.  I am happy with progress so far, but still have a long ways to go.

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Another evening of reaper hunting without success. This is really wearing on me. This is probably my 3rd or 4th "season" of hunting and coming up empty. Not like the reapers aren't around, I'm killing them in droves that would make Ripley proud. I still have a couple more in game days in this cycle but it's getting late, I'm tired and have a busy weekend ahead of me.

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PVE Ragnarok official

Grind and Build. Repeat.  That was my weekend.

Things got easier once I brought over the deodic and anky from the Island house.  And as of last night I had a medium sized two-story round house and workshop.  I am very happy with the end result.  It has three spokes that stem off the main house.  One goes to the greenhouse, one leads to the forges, and the third will most likely lead to the incubation house.  And has a balanced use of wood, stone, and glass materials.

I never build with a set floorplan and everything I do is unique and different from any other house I do.  I create as I go. I do take inspiration from others that like to build, and I watch videos to learn advanced techniques.  But even though it takes longer to put the puzzle together it is worth it to me.  I don't like the big Walmart looking boxes.  

Anyway,  I had several people do slow circles on their gigas on wyverns.  Some said hello, some didn't.  But I like to think it is a compliment when they take time to look at what you are building.  

Awhile ago I was also given a set of baby basils that I never fully raised.  Island server issues delayed their development.  So... a water pen off the front beach is in the planning stages too.  I never had a water pen before and I am soooooo excited to get one started.  Water dino breeding is one of those things I haven't done yet.

At one point this weekend I flew over to the desert to gather chitin.  Found a journeyman giga saddle in one of the red loot crates.  That was pretty cool, but I don't have a giga.  lol.  I guess I will need to tame one soon.

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PVE Ragnarok official

Took an oil pump that I found in a loot drop and placed it on a vein at the far end of my island.  It is the only one in my area and I think myself lucky that it was available.

Built a greenhouse.  It is pretty basic because my crystal supplies are not plentiful to make glass.  So I built in a spot where I can expand later as my needs grow.  But at least I can get the essential crops growing for kibble.

Made a metal run.  

Went back to oil vein and collected oil.  I was surprised to find it mostly full of oil after just a few hours.  Made gasoline.  I don't think I can use the oil as fast as it is producing it, so I will unlock it next time I am over there so my SW Island neighbors can have access too.

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(SP, The Island) It's been a whole lot of the same thing over and over lately. I've been running caves trying to get better gear with very little luck. I did manage to get an ascendant Rex saddle blueprint and an apprentice compound bow blueprint from the swamp cave, though. I tested out shoving all of my points into crafting skill and managed to get a 174 armor Rex saddle from it, which I thought was pretty good luck (the base armor is 126). It's too bad I really wasn't planning on using rexes for the bosses... might have to change up my strategy.

There was a 145 theri wandering around my base, so I tamed it up and it ended up with a slightly higher base health than my breeding line has with one mutation on health... so I guess I am scrapping my breeding project for the moment. It's a good thing I was only 4 mutations deep. Now I'm on the lookout for more high level theri's and rexes. I think I was just a little too impatient to start breeding and ended up wasting my time. I did fly around looking for some and managed to get a 135 Rex but the stats didn't look good. Stopped at the cave on Carno Island and ended up losing my best Argy because I didn't think to pod it before I went in. I emerged just in time to see it crumple from the relentless attacks of a wild Argy. Did I mention I was smart enough to leave it on passive too? Ugh.

I got my baby basilo with a health mutation and a beautiful red color on the back all imprinted up. I named her Strawberry and took her out to the ocean to start leveling her up in preparation for the easy water cave. We went all the way around the map in search of a high level mosa or tuso but no such luck. We killed plenty of alpha megalodons and one alpha tuso, plus anything else that came our way. I tamed up an eel along the way, which was surprisingly easy - one more thing toward that achievement. Now if only I could figure out how to tame a manta... and get a Plesi to hold still long enough for me to tame it. Those are my two current frustrations in the water taming world.

No time to do the water cave today, plus I broke all of my scuba tanks on the trip. Flew back home and repaired my gear, then put everything away. Signed out.

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(SP the island)

Went out looking for theris and megatherium to tame. Found an OK theri but dropped him and lost him. I dropped him cause I was used to playing Minecraft so I pressed triangle to enter my inventory instead of circle. Tamed a female bronto to start a exceptional kibble farm. I tried making focal chilli but it made brown dye for some reason. Found a male sheep to pair with my female and bred them. I got twins but forgot about them and they starved. Bred another and got one. finally made a cryofridge to free up some space in the base and reduce lag. I will soon tame the 150 rex I found but I need a flaw proof plan. 

Logged off

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10 hours ago, XGiga said:

 I will soon tame the 150 rex I found but I need a flaw proof plan. 


If it helps, two taming methods I like use for rexes are:

1) Use a thylacoleo.  If you have one that has good health (maybe 25k+), the thyla can tank a rex while you shoot from the saddle.  First remember to clear the area so you don't have other critters to deal with.  Then start shooting from a distance.  Run around for a bit if you wish to delay the tanking part, but eventually just face the beast and keep shooting.  If the thyla gets bloody you can always run away and climb a cliff.  Once the rex goes down, I like to build a small perimeter of spiked walls.  Set out torches if you are scared of the dark or to stay warm in cold climate zones.  Babysit.

2) Use an argentavis.  First build a stone taming pen (3 walls high).  Then use the argent to swoop low to get the rex to aggro on you.  Fly slow, let him nip the bird once in awhile to keep his attention.  Lead him up the ramp and he will fall into the trap as you fly casually over the top.  Land in safe spot, shoot tranqs, feed kibble, done!

Good luck.

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PVE Rag / Island official

Logged in and decided to transfer back to the island for more dinos and supplies since there is still so much to be moved.  Got to the Island server house and almost had a heart attack.  All the perimeter walls and half the house was gone.  I stood in the middle of my workshop and stared at the open sky.  The only section remaining, luckily, was the area that housed my most valuable equipment like vaults with saddles, blueprints, weapons, and cryo fridges.  My first reaction was rage, thinking my part-time tribe-mate had started demolishing the buildings.  Then I checked the tribe log and there was no mention of him doing that, so I quietly forgave him in my mind.  

I was just there 3 days ago so I know my decay timer was still good.  The only other thing I could think of was "Ark being Ark".  So, I spent some time going through the possessions and picked out my top items to take back to Rag since I didn't know what would happen between now and the time I got back or if anything would be there.  With my best pairs of dinos and rarest blueprints in my pocket I headed for the obelisk.  But before I got out of visual range of the house I turned to look back... and the house finally finished loading.  All the perimeter gates and walls started to pop into place as well.  Wow, 45 minutes to load up the house.  Dang! I hate that server and can't wait to put it behind me.

The good news is that it was a glitch and my stuff is still safe.  Eh, more or less.  However, I now feel haste is necessary and will return to the island tonight for more stuff.  My focus on Rag is now... storage.  

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9 hours ago, Penguin73 said:

1) Use a thylacoleo.  If you have one that has good health (maybe 25k+), the thyla can tank a rex while you shoot from the saddle.  First remember to clear the area so you don't have other critters to deal with.  Then start shooting from a distance.  Run around for a bit if you wish to delay the tanking part, but eventually just face the beast and keep shooting.  If the thyla gets bloody you can always run away and climb a cliff.  Once the rex goes down, I like to build a small perimeter of spiked walls.  Set out torches if you are scared of the dark or to stay warm in cold climate zones.  Babysit.

2) Use an argentavis.  First build a stone taming pen (3 walls high).  Then use the argent to swoop low to get the rex to aggro on you.  Fly slow, let him nip the bird once in awhile to keep his attention.  Lead him up the ramp and he will fall into the trap as you fly casually over the top.  Land in safe spot, shoot tranqs, feed kibble, done!


Yah. I don't have extraordinary kibble yet, and the Rex is NOT in a good area. Its on the redwoods mountain. I will try to scout out an area for a trap spot but it will be hard. Thanks anyway!

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Almost 8 days we are defending ice cave, i m tired like dilo. Yesterday we pushed atackers back and destroyed their fob, today 3 fobs are already up, all from different tribes.  Only on Val situation is ok, no one grief us for almost a week. Tonight I need to take day off, probably will go on legacy to  refresh base, feed dinos.

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PVE Ragnarok official

Made a small 1x1 stone hut near the green obelisk on Ragnarok.  Now I can quick travel and help make the moving process a little easier on myself.  Then made two trips back to the Island for stuff.

Cooked up a bunch of metal, made CP and Poly.  Added a few vaults, fridges, and a cryo-fridge for extra storage.

Flew to the desert a couple times to check red loot crates.  Found a MC Yuty saddle, and later found a Journeyman Yuty saddle BP.  Also  found a BP for Journeyman night-vision goggles.  Never had those before and might have to try them out soon.

Made a footprint for a couple new buildings.  Added industrial cooker and grill to the patio area between house and greenhouse.

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