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So what did you do in ARK today?


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(Official, Crystal Isles) Refreshed base.

(Official, Valguero) Same as the last few days: unpodded things. Meatrun. Milk run. Imprinting. All biters juvi or above now. Frozen Soul fully imprinted. Giga eggs hatching soon. Bred rexes, but got distracted and missed eggs.


Topaz Thorn fully imprinted. Gigas hatched, nothing good. Bred two oldest Biters to my breeder male to get 2 more biters. hatched eggs, podded babies. Did another milk run, fed wyverns (yes, i do them too often. But those are my first non-crystal wyverns!). Podded everything except for oldest two biters, yuty, argent and gacha (3% until adult. Plenty of food in the trough. She'll be fine). Logged off.


(Singleplayer, Valguero) Removed all mods. Reset settings. Spawned 7 rexes with stats close to what my future army on (Official, Valguero) has, leveled them closely to what my rexes on official will have. Spawned a yuty and a daeo, also close as possible to what i have on official. Saddles for them all, again, just like what I have on off.

And did a test run. it went fine, but I forgot to disable creative mode, so I don't know how good I'm at keeping the yuty out of trouble, as it was invulnerable, so now I'll do a second run, now with creative mode off.

Second test run 1: not all rexes got into the circle. Daeo stayed out too. Died to a dimorpho. Things that DID get in there with me disappeared.

Second test run, proper one: spawned in some rexes, same level as others, so they'd be about right (but the number was still below 18), and a yuty, again, about same as what I have. Leveled yuty, but not the rexes. Went in. Lost some rexes to the dragon, but rest survived. Yuty fell asleep, but monkey was dead by then and manticore hovered, so I just mounted a rex (note to self: take some stimulant into the actual battle!!!). Aside form that - went fine.

And since it went fine like that, I think that what I'll have on official will be good enough to survive, maybe even with no deaths.


(Official, Valguero) Again. Unpodded. Meatrun. Imprints. Milk run. Gacha grew up, I even already got some crystals from her. 20 Birds In A Trenchcoat is nearly adult now, placed saddle in her inventory. 2 more Biters adult, bred them. At the moment I have 15 rexes, just need three more. Added them all to a group to make sure there's absolutely no problem with control during the battle. Argent adult, he'll be the breeder now, Liam leveled, saddled up and uploaded, I'll be using him on (Official, Extinction) - with 3000 weight he'll be a much better bird for dust runs - doed that I sent there earlier gets a lot of it and other resources, and while I know that after the event it'll be much less, still more weight will improve things greatly.

Once all eggs currently in the hatchery hatch, I'll pod whatever's good from them and everything that won't survive the night on its own, log onto (Official, Extinction) real quick to feed dinos and retrieve argent, and then that'll be all for today.

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(Official, Valguero) Unpodded rexes and wyverns. Since 20 Birds is adult now, saddled her and went for some leveling: she now has 10000 health and a bit over 2000 stamina. Fed the black pearl gacha. Spent some time collecting crystals. Imprinted rexes. Bred gachas. Went for milk... And lost Lettuce to a pair of ice wyverns. The 185 male of the pair was smart, caught me from the side, and then they took turns freezing Lettuce, preventing our escape.

Sad, but I still needed milk (and my deathbag), so I unpodded Bat: the fully imprinted blood wyvern with 7000 health. I put points into her stats until 10000 health and around 1000 stam, and went back to the trench. Got my things, got my milk, and returned to the base. Bat will be my new milk-runner.

(Official, Extinction) Fed dinos, did a dust run and uploaded the dust.

(Official, Valguero) Retrieved dust. Did another milk run. Stole and ate (intentionally) a level 20 ice egg. Oldest biters nearly adult, put saddles into their inventories. Once they're grown, I'll saddle them up, pod them, refill troughs, and that'd be all for today.

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(Official, Valguero) Frozen Soul is adult now. Leveled her a bit. Unpodded Topaz Thorn and Pale Shadow. Saddled up and podded 2 adult Biters, put saddles into the inventories of nearly adult ones, did a meatrun, and unpodded the adult Biters from the previous batches to level their health and heal them up. Once they're full, I'll pod them back up so that they can get more Exp for the melee.

So that's: 10 adult rexes (2 in the fridge, gaining Exp), 3 nearly grown, and 5 juvies.


Adult rexes: all healed and repodded. Wyverns: 20 hours worth of food, but only about 8 until adulthood. Juvi rexes: imprinted. Troughs: refilled.

Ammo for the shotgun: made, 200. Stimulants: ready. Food: made, in the fridge.

So, once the remaining rexes are grown, saddled, leveled, and healed to the max, I'll be ready to die to the bosses (or kill the bosses. It's like 50/50).

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(Official, Valguero) Topaz Thorn is adult now. And beautiful. And strong, too!

Uploaded some kibble, narcotic and tranq darts.

(Official, Extinction) Retrieved narcotic, kibble, and tranq darts and went to tame a good gasbags, because seriously, my low-levels are cool, but 100+ would be MUCH cooler. Found a 140 male! Brown, but that doesn't matter.

So I shot him. And I killed corrupted dinos around him. And chased him. And shot him again. And killed corrupted dinos again. Finally, he dropped. A corrupted stego attacked, ruining effectiveness and leaving him with less than 200 health. So I stayed by him, protecting him from danger, waiting for him to get hungry enough. A corrupted ptera knocked him below 100.

But finally he was hungry enough, and I gave him kibble, and it turned out I was one piece short. Had to give him mejo to finish the tame.

I named him Muffin. His highest stat is, unfortunately, melee. He has 4500 weight. I podded him and uploaded him.

(Official, Valguero) Retrieved Muffin. Did a meatrun, put most of it into the rex troughs, and a bit into Pale Shadow's inventory, so that once he's adult he'll have something to eat - I realized  I don't like seeing a freshly grown up wyvern being hungry. Put a medium taxidermy base on the roof, and on it placed the drmis of the jerboa I wanted to tame but accidentally killed - it's cyan with blue belly.

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(Official, Valguero) Leveled and healed the last batch of rexes, grabbed all the stuff needed, and did the gamma boss fight. Went grrreat! Manticore got clever, though: only did short landings after it realized how strong Biters are.

And wiki says I'm supposed to get 90 element and a head of each boss, but I got 50, and, for some reason, 2 manticore heads, no heads of either Megapithecus or Dragon. Managed to find a moment to get dragon's dermis, though. All rexes alive, yuty and pig too.

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I grinded out for a grinder. Took me awhile to figure out how I would fit all the resources in the fabricator until I found out organic polymer(what I was using) was in smaller stacks than regular polymer. I went to the mountain FARTHEST from me for crystal for some reason. Finally found out how electricity works to power my chem bench. Also found out when you put organic polymer in a preserving bin it doesn't change the timer. Tamed a daeodon and a BEAUTIFUL tek parasaur.

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(Official, Valguero) Altered the workshop so that I can have a tek replicator in there (well, on there. I made a place for it on the roof). Made some cryopods (10 too many),  uploaded the excess as well as some greenhouse ceilings and owl pellets. Bred gasbags (baby good enough, kept) and gachas (no dust. Killed).

(Official, Extinction) Retrieved pods, ceilings and pellets. Put 9 pods into the community fridge, and went with the last one, pellets and ceilings to Sunken Forest - to see if maybe I'll find a dust gacha in the wild.

A disconnect happened as I was above the forest. I survived, though.

Tried to build ladder tall enough that I'd be able to call my wyvern. Realized it won't work. Decided to make a box, put my things in, and jump off the ladder to respawn back home, but thanks to the lags I jumped off the ladder while I was climbing down to put my things in the box.

Took argent, went back for my things and my wyvern. Retrieved all. Took down the ladder. Found a gacha, started feeding it rocks and hide to see what it can make, and then server crashed. Not exactly what I would call "a great day".


The server got back. And had a rollback, so when I logged back on I was on a gate at the edge of Sunken Forest. And I missed some time, so my body decayed. Got my wyvern, destroyed the foundation with ladder again, led the argent home, made new armor, spyglass, water jar, and two metal hatchets, had to take one of the 9 pods I left in public fridge because I'm NOT going through the whole "Log off Ext, on to Valg, upload pod, log off Valg, on to Ext, download pod" again.

Went to Sunken forest. Tamed a gacha. No dust. killed. Tamed a gacha. No dust. Killed. Tamed, checked, killed. Like, 12 times at least. Got tired, so when the last one tamed, a 150 female, turned out to be a black pearl one, I sighed, podded her, and went to upload. Yeah, no dust. But at least also a rare resource, and with better base crafting skill than the one I have on Valg.

After that killed a 145 enforcer for its BP, did a dust run, uploaded dust and the enforcer, and logged off. just have to get all that stuff back on Valg, and that'll be all for today.


(Official, Valguero) As I was flying to green ob to retrieve all the uploaded stuff, I saw an abandoned base crumbling into nothing. After quickly checking that there's nobody around (because if there was someone, I'd let them have the loot instead), I went looking through bags. Found there several stacks of element and a mining drill. Took that. Then continued my way to the obelisk, downloaded the enforcer BP, podded gacha, and dust, and went home. There I did what any unreasonable player would: immediately crafted a mek.

I named it Slayer, painted it cyan and black, and took it for a bit of hunting.

I didn't give it a lot of element, though - just 10 pieces, and I didn't even spend all of it. Only, like, 4. It turned out to be good at harvesting meat. Pretty good at getting element dust out of tek dinos, too. And the ability to "fly" if fun. But all in all it's inferior to my gigas when it comes to damage and toughness, and doesn't quite have the mobility of managarmrs or wyverns. Plus it's expensive to keep. So, I podded it. I'll bring it out occasionally when I'm in the mood to ride a cool big battle robot, but that's all.

Mining drill, on the other hand, turned out to be quite a great thing. It really does get plenty of resources, especially crystal. I'll be using that.

Fed dinos, logged off.

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(Official, Crystal Isles) Wanted to just refresh the base, but then went for an artifact run as well. Uploaded the artifacts. Headed home but saw a tropical wyvern. Only level 50, but very light in color (NearWhite with Glacial scales, DragonGreen3 fins and Dino Light Green highlights, as I learned after taming him and exporting his data to check with Smart Breeding). So I tamed him, despite having entirely too many crystal wyverns as it it, named him Silver, and uploaded him.

(Official, Valguero) Retrieved the artifacts and Silver. Hunted some brontos and the only pack of allos I found to start accuulating the tributes again. Filled troughs. Unpodded Hamish, fed him to full, repodded him. Unpodded 20 Birds In A Trenchcoat and all the Biters so that they'll regain their health and (in the case of 20 Birds) shed their torpor during the night. Placed them near troughs, of course - I want them full and happy when it's time to repod them.

And that's all for today.

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(Official, Valguero) Went to the swamp to get skins and venom. Took longer than I wanted, because I intended to get at least 15 each, so I won't need more runs in the nearest future, and boas were mostly venomless.

Fed dinos (only carnivores for now). Put all my cementing paste and obsidian into the fabricator and started crafting polymer - I want tek behemoth gate for my base, maybe some time later for my water pen, too, and I'm all out of polymer.

Logged off for now.


Built and installed behemoth tek gate. Spent some time flying in and out of it (it's not my first time walking through a tek gate, but it feels different when the gate belongs to me). Gathered rest of the tributes. Did a bossfight. Had to only use 17 rexes because some piece of raptor dung left their jerboa at the obelisk.

Fight went fine, but loot was even worse than the first time: not only did I only get manticore's trophy again, but also only manticore's element. I mean, I still get something, 25 element is not bad! Just not nearly what I was supposed to get.

Fed herbivores. Took mek for a bit of hunting, to take out my anger at greedy bosses by killing tek dinos which can always be trusted to give the proper amount of dust.

Returned to the base, logged off.

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Went on vacation for almost a week.  Got home last night and signed in to refresh base on PVE Island Official.  Found all the lights out and knew the generator ran out of gas.  I actually paused and debated if I should just let everything turn to dust.  Then I pulled my wyvern out of storage and flew up north to harvest oil. I then  read the community chat for a bit while I cooked up some gas and found people are still complaining about lag and DC on that server.   I sadly put the wyvern back in storage knowing my patience is all but used up and I will never play that server again.  I only log in to refresh the decay timer and make gas.  Two months have now passed without meaningful progress on this server.

Switched over to Single Player mode on Scorched Earth.  I didn't have much time so I fed dinos and then flew around and collected a few OSD and two red desert crates.  Found a nice ascendant BPs for ghillie and flak chest pieces.  

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Xbox SP, The Island


Its been many moons since my last post. I have a seasonal job in real life so once the season starts, I usually play sporadically whenever I can. Despite this, I finally have some news to report. 

My last post was about my struggle to find otters. I had no choice, after 6 logins worth of trying I couldn’t find ANY, so I dino wiped. I managed to find some low levels after that. I got a pair this time so I never EVER have to fish for otters again. Cool colours, too! Otters are like cannon fodder when I play so I plan to breed up a bunch of spares. 

After all the otter drama, it was time to finally attempt the snow cave. In typical me fashion, I was totally overprepared. I got Achilles, my imprinted and levelled Yuty and made two trips, one to clear out the first section of the cave where you can put a mini base and a second trip to bring more crap and actually run the rest of the cave. The house I made in that base is big and cozy enough to live in permanently 🤣 Oh well, I’ll be comfy when I go back to fish some of the huge salmon. 

I was massively surprised by how easy it was to run the cave on a yuty. I even brought some of those valentines day chocolates that fully heal your creature, but never had to use one. Very effective creature, I’m super happy I chose that mount. I did lose my otter, though. I didn’t know that if my character was in knee-deep water that the otter would take cold damage as well. Didn’t take long for it to die. 

Next up is boss army breeding and then actual boss fights! Wish me luck!


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(Official, Extinction) Fed dinos. Did a dust run. Uploaded dust.

(Official, Valguero) Unpodded all the gachas I'm not using at the moment and bred them all (as well as the currently active one) to my only male gacha. Maybe with 4 gachas I would get a dust baby. Retrieved all the dust. Used 12 stacks to make a new, better enforcer, converted rest into element. Since replicator was on anyway, used it to make the shards I had into another piece of element.

Took chibi to go on an alpha hunt, but found no alphas and the server turned out to be very disconnect-y today, so I brought the chibi back home and decided to hunt tek dinos nearby instead, but another disconnect happened, and turned out to be a server crash instead. So now I'll just have to wait and hope that it's not 14 hours like that one time.


Server was only down for a short time, thankfully. After it came back up, did my tek dino hunt after all, made all the dust into shards, returned home, fed everything, unpodded Biters to get them all healed up (though I won't do a boss run too soon - no artifacts for now, and I'll need to make more basic kibble for Hamish for him to eat during the fight), waited for gacha babies, checked them and killed them because no dust again.

And that's all for today.

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SP Scorched Earth

Worked on levelling rex army for a bit before work.  I hope to tackle the manticore at some point this weekend... but still looking for a yuty saddle.  Rexes all have MC saddles.  I don't plan to fight much with yuty, just directing traffic, so I might just roll with a primitive saddle and see what happens.

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I've been trying (very unsuccessfully) to breed my vultures. I just let my game run half the time while I do other chores, and I swear I've gone through upwards of a hundred eggs yet not a single chick has inherited both its parents best stats. I'm being super anal about it mostly because I've regretted not being anal enough about stats in this game in the past, but good lord this is ridiculous. You'd think with the 70% chance for the higher stat I'd see more max level babies than min level babies, but no. I've seen two min level babies already but not hide nor hair (feather?) of a max level.

Meanwhile I started building my new base. I decided to try something a little different and build off a cliff this time. Every time I build on the ground I start running out of space or having to destroy the landscape, so making a clifftop house seems like the best option. So far it's much more spacious than anything else I've ever built, and ideally this time around I won't have the issue of struggling to find space for the large crafting machines. I built a nice balcony running along the edge that has enough room to land a flying mount with space to walk around. So far I only have one level to my house but I plan on adding a second when I revamp the place with CKFR materials. I used plain vanilla wood this time around because I didn't want to go on a lengthy gathering excursion while my vultures are breeding but the low ceilings and awkward tiling is getting to me.
Speaking of gathering, I did make some short trips out to grab some bunny dodos. I didn't want to miss out on the spoils of the spring event because I was spending all my time near my base, so I brought the dodos is to me. I managed to collect ten bunny dodos and put them on my balcony to pop out eggs for me to collect. I got enough to make several copies of each of the different skins, plus a bunch to crack open.
I got super lucky since I was looking for a chibi that I found aesthetically pleasing while also complementing my survivor, and after about two hundred eggs I scored a chibi managarmr with dark grey fur and pink scales. It decidedly exceeds my expectations. I was holding out for something like a wyvern, but the nice colors and visual effects on the mana are going to make it a very hard candidate to beat. I have no idea what to name it though, and since I'm really bad at naming things I think I'll leave it unnamed unless I think of something really nice.
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(Official, Valguero) Repodded rexes. Bred gachas. Did a bit of an obsidian run, made some polymer. Took narcotics, darts, gun, cryopod, kibble - went to look for a female spino. Found no spinos, but would be a shame to return home with nothing except what I took with me in the beginning, so went to the trench and stole a 185 ice wyvern egg.

Returned home, put the egg in the hatchery, spotted a 135 very colorful male ankylo just outside the gate, lured it inside, tamed, bred to my female one. Also bred wyverns (Pale Shadow to Frozen Soul) - put ankylo and fresh wyvern eggs into the hatchery.


Gachas no dust again. Killed them, picked up eggs, logged off. That's all for today.

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(Official, Crystal Isles) Got atrifacts. Uploaded artifacts. Also, tamed a wyvern, event colors, but I don't like them so I'm not sure WHY I tamed it. Sent it to Valg anyway.

(Official, Valguero) Fed dinos. Bred gachas. Finished hatching eggs (185 ice hatched into a light green male with light pink back, so I guess I'll keep it, but only until I get an opportunity to get rid of it in a profitable way). Retrieved artifacts and the wyvern. Fed daeodon. Fought bosses (best run so far! Except for me getting stuck on dragon's corpse again. But the manticore! It got pinned under rexes! It wasn't able to fly AT ALL, so the fight was over faster than ever!) Got all 90 element this time, and dragon's trophy too. But still no megapithecus trophy because apparently the monke gives manticore trophy for some reason. So, that's a dragon's head, and 2 manticore ones. Got megapithecus' dermis, though.

Now waiting for the gachas, and once I claim, check and likely kill their babies, that'll be all for today.


Gachas no dust again. Killed.

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Success! Over a couple of in-game days I managed to hatch vultures with all their parents' best stats. Actually, in addition to getting my main second generation breeding pair, I hatched a melee mutation and a weight mutation, also with their parents' best stats. I decided to keep the mutations so I can breed them in later.

Now that I've got my main G2 vultures, I used the leftover eggs from G1 to make an SS hatchery so I can go off to do other things while my birds are breeding without worrying about eggs popping open left and right. Hopefully I can keep up a steady supply of re-fertilizer to keep it active.

I found a couple of bunny Oviraptors running around my base so I decided to kidnap them and put them on the balcony with the dodos. I'm kind of worried about them despawning since the last spring event I participated in I tried to pen one in and it despawned, but so far they're still there, and since the dodos haven't been vanishing, I'm holding out hope.

I've been collecting a ton of bunny eggs from my dodo farm. I completely filled up my cooking pot with 2400 eggs, and cracked literally hundreds open for chibis. I actually managed to snag a crystal wyvern chibi, but pretty much as I expected it's not as good as the managarmr. The problem I noticed with chibis is that most of the colors you get are...just not that good. Most of the time the colors aren't especially harmonious, and sometimes they're straight up garish and weird looking. The managarmr I got seems to be uncommonly appealing.

Unfortunately the game cheated me out of a level 120 Dilophosaurus I found on the river bank near my base. It was trying to pick a fight with my Pteranodon, so I carried it back and put it on the green obelisk pedestal thinking it should have a hard time escaping, but when I came back to it with bolas and tranq arrows, it was gone, seemingly been replaced with two Parasaurolophus. I looked in the moat, I looked along the walkways, and there was no evidence of the dilo ever having been there, not even a predator lurking around that might have taken it out. I honestly don't understand why the game despawns animals when it does, but this is not the first time I came back to tame a desireable creature only to see that it had disappeared.

In other news, I found an interesting mod called Cosplay Evolved. I really like it personally. It seems to be primarily targeted at furries (no shade, I like a good portion of the furry community) but there's some great features beyond animal-themed body parts. It gives you the ability to edit your character's features after character creation, so you can change your proportions, skin color, eye color and hair color without having to make an entirely new character. The color sliders in particular are more precise than what you get in the character creation screen, so you can seemingly give yourself pink hair or something. You can even select the length of your hair and keep it from growing further. Only thing it doesn't seem to have is the ability to rename your character, but that's a minor issue. I wish I had this mod when I was playing my previous character and she looked good in the character creation screen, but the lighting in game made her look completely different. The main selling point for me now is that I can semi-permanently attach the vampire eyes to my character instead of using them to skin a hat. I've wanted to be able to wear the vampire eyes along with other types of headgear for a while now, and this mod lets me do it. I'd say it's a keeper.



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