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So what did you do in ARK today?


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(Official, Valguero) Bred tek rexes. Went to the redwoods to throw cluster grenades at Broodmother. Game froze. Damn.


Back on, I'm alive, Phobos too, turns out there's still two broodmothers, still mate-boosted, AND there's an alpha carno in there, so alpha-boosted too. Grenades didn't wound them even in a slightly visible way. Should have brought regular ones - cheaper, could have made TONS. Ran out of grenades, not gonna go down there and bite the spiders myself, so just gonna hunt stuff and then head back home.


Phobos got a new level, I killed 4 alpha carnos (and regretted not taking my chibi with me. oh, well). Back to the base, troughs refilled (including the water pen one), made a lot of grenades so next time I decide to throw explosives at the Broodmother I'll have plenty. Logged off.

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Xbox Island official PvE 

I know this topic is 'what you did in ark today ' but here is my highlights of the past few days.

Got back into running caves mainly to get explorer notes. Just gradually building my confidence up, as previously ran swamp cave and took quite a battering. So I have done lots of research on the web, bred or traded the appropriate tames for most caves (the major plus point of PvE server).

This isn't an exhaust list by any means, as over the the last few months I have done bits and pieces lost to the mists of time. 

Swamp cave second run, ran with two other survivors. They were focused on the artifact and drops mainly, so ran through with high level Thylo's, me bringing up the rear on my Megatherium mopping up the swarms of insects. I was coming  to the end of my play time, never the less I managed to grab two artifacts (otter shoulder pet). But the Terror bird dossier eluded me.

Next day i, possibly emboldened by the help yesterday, I ran the same cave solo. I took the precaution of leaving everything that I valued back at base. This run i took my best Megatherium, a frog cryopodded, some brews and a shotgun. The armour used which I forgot to mention earlier was scuba goggles, tank and the rest ghillie.

I slowly walked through the whole cave methodically killing everything thing in sight, only hairy moments coming when dismounting to cryo pod mega through narrow tunnels. The shotgun became essential. I gathered the final note and left the cave. 

I am lucky enough to have a tek skiff (the whole story of that I have posted previously in this thread). I was lucky enough to be involved in a alpha monkey boss fight. This by virtue of having some tribute items that the other survivors required and thus gaining an invitation. Ther reason i mention this is, one of the other survivors involved also had a skiff. Where as mine had a bunk bed and a few seats, theirs was a mini base. After the boss fight I asked for a tour, they had a metal structure with a cryo fridge,  generator, bed and storage boxes.

So the next day by this time, I proceeded to start my skiff base build.

Skiff base build 1.0

I started with a metal structure 1 wall high with a facsimile of the other survivors set up. It looked awful, it reassembled a skiff that had meshed into a metal box lol.

Skiff base build 2.0

I added a normal refrigerator for kibble, brews and food. Used a few greenhouse panels instead of the majority metal. I hated the look, now it looked like a half finished greenhouse.

Skiff base build 3.0

My base is fully metal with tek doors, I have seen fully tek bases but have been wary of the cost of turning even a part of my base tek. But the skiff is basically 4x3 single wall high box. So tek is the direction I eventually took. Fully tek with two tek double doors at the back near the steering column. Few storage boxes, cryo, normal refrigerator and bunk bed. The front looked very boxy (as it was just a box lol) I fitted a triangle prow to it enclosed with tek railings and behind it I place a tek door frame. I intend to use as a taming area. On the roof I was able to place a few seats. It may look like a 1980's Volvo estate (Station wagon) flying backwards but I'm quite proud of it.


Did some cave stuff, built skiff base which took three days 😊



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I have been trying to tame a Tapejara, but every time I try, I find something else I want to tame, last time I found a 145 Equus. Now my superior kibbles probably going to spoil...

I also knocked a Paracer with my new horse, and built a pretty cool base on its back. 

Third time trying to tame a Tapejara... Found a 135 Carno... So I have a Carno now...

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On 3/22/2017 at 10:29 PM, Zagan said:

failed to solo tame a tapejara that kept trolling me and a dimorphodon broke some windows. I'm still hating that tapejara.

I know how you feel... The first Tapejara I found was a lvl 50, I did not care for the level because I was going to use it to help build my redwoods base. Then I landed my argent to close to it, and it was never seen again...

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(Official, Extinction) Fed dinos. Finally filled in the holes in the house because while that time when I logged on to find myself on the porch can be blamed on a minor rollback or something, today's me logging on to find myself on the roof definitely was someone coming in through the holes and putting me there.

Gonna feed dinos on (Official, Valguero) and check on the wyverns on (Official, Crystal Isles), and then the rest of my ARK day will be building a base in singleplayer, because I feel like I have a good idea for it for once (good idea that ISN'T a castle. Castles are cool, but I always end up with them, so it's kinda old at this point).


(Singleplayer, Crystal Isles) The house is built, just gotta add more furniture, lights, and set all pillars to be the same (I'm using CKF, and the whole thing is built of villager tier pieces, except for the top, which is stained glass from Eco's Garden Decor)). The house is tiered, because I was aiming for a vaguely-Asian look for it. Doesn't exactly look the part, but still pretty cool.

I consider that's enough for today (especially since I have another game I gotta log into today - have a goal in it, and it's not gonna reach itself!). Tomorrow will do the furniture, pillars and all, and start on the rest of the base, it's not gonna be much, but at the very least I gotta build a stable and a few pens.

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Completed the beta Valguero boss fight with my son and friend. It was their first time and they needed the tek engrams for Transmitter. Used 12 Boss rexes, 1 Yuti and 3 Deonys(lvl 200ish). Shotgun and sniper to piss off the Manticore when it is flying. Meds, food, and water.

Dragon was shredded in about 30 seconds.

Ape killed the Deonys, but I expected that. Rexes ate the Ape.

Then the wait for the Manticore to land so the Rexes could whittle him down. That took the longest. Still cleared it in 10 minutes, total.


After than, I set up a forward base on Genesis for us to explore that map.

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Xbox Island official PvE 

Still chipping away at the caves on the island. Whittling at the final few explorer notes. Reached the 90% mark. 

A long time player on the server took me through the hard water cave but one note still eludes me. Also I did the strong artifact cave, I know there is no notes but i wasn't going to miss the opportunity to run a cave with someone who has done it many times. Even with their support I managed to get ganked by purlovias at the very first drop. Quite embarrassing, not for the first time in ark.

The most embarrassing moment came about a fortnight ago when about 6 or 7 survivors were running the tek cave. We were lining our rexes up at the console in the volcano and I somehow meshed through the door before it was opened. Instantly killed and losing all my gear. Luckily they waited until I crafted all my stuff again. 

But I digress, I completed the cave, the only casualty other than my pride was my otter. Lily P Otter was an almost constant companion until her life was snuffed out, by a level 260 Yeti. Her fate was already sealed, the day she was tamed by an absolute great cotton headed ninny muggins.

The rest of my time was spent raising replacement otters and building a cloner in my water pen.


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Island PVE official

The boring stuff from the past couple days...

Added about 20 hours of maturation to the young rexes, thyla, therizinos, and anky.  Imprinted when needed. And Ran around to gather berries, meat, wood, and hyde many times.

Expanded the greenhouse and added another four crop plots. 

The better stuff from the last couple days...

After 10 days of not hearing from my server friend about her giving me a baby basilo... I decided to go find one.  My only tame capable of handling water is a baryonyx named Van Halen.  We spent about 7-8 hours in the water altogether.  Travelling back to base when dark or to repair scuba.  The highest level I saw was a 80. Most were in the 5-25 range.  None-of-which would get me through the deep sea caves.  Frustrated, and almost ready to head home, I decided to check the north sea again.  We came upon an alpha megalodon (like many others that day) and we fought it without issue.... until the stupid jellyfish snuck up behind me.  As you might expect, I could not break out of the shock effect and I died.

I respawned and fought server lag as I flew back to my green beacon reaching toward the sky.  I hovered above the water on my emergency argy (ZZ Top) and struggled as I watched Van Halen succumb to the cloud of jellyfish surrounding him just below the surface.  I whistled to him but he could not respond.  My bag of supplies, including my podded argy (Journey) and 3 scuba tanks, drifted a short distance below the jellyfish. Van Halen's bag with his Journeyman saddle remained unseen amongst the throng of jellies.  Probably irretrievable.

 I hovered for a few minutes, hoping the jellies would move along.  They did not.  With 5 minutes remaining on my bag timer I hopped off the argy hoping, at a minimum, to reach the bag and collect the items in order to reset the timer and buy me more time.  However, somewhere between the leap and the splash the server crashed.  About 5 minutes later I was able to log in and found myself in the water and, somehow, still alive.  I dashed for the bag but could not acquire it.  The jelly defense was too good.  I perished again. 

By the time I got up there the third time,  my original bag and its' contents was long gone.  The only thing remaining was ZZ top, mindlessly flapping just above the water.  I whistled for him to follow, and we went home.

[ Insert trip to Scorched Earth here ]

The next day, my server mate and I tamed up 3 more baryonyx.  He found a level 90.  then I tamed a 60 and a 125 which I named Van Halen.  


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lucky day 1 : was on my mana in the drake trench at some point my shinehorn send a high level dino alert, i check the eggs around and indeed find a 190 egg (pve official)

lucky day 2: next day i hatch the 190 egg and get twins 1 male 1 female (make the damn thing breedable please)

check the stats .. not so lucky this time 28hp 32st 34melee very average

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Two days ago, PVE Scorched Earth official

After my debacle with the jellyfish and losing one of my favorite tames, I decided to finally try SE.  I have seen many videos and I even loaded into it a few months ago just to walk around for a few minutes because I wanted to see it.  I already know that I will play SE once done with the island so I figured I should maybe get a good start.  So I started.  And I died... a bunch. But I new that would happen.  I even had fun doing it.  Heck, at one point I had died so many times in the same area that it looked like a Vegas light show with all the green beams shooting into the sky.  It was awesome.  Very hard.  But awesome.

A server friend from the island told me not too long ago that I could join his tribe on SE once I start playing on it.  But I kinda want to go through the early game struggles first.  I wouldn't respect myself as a player if I somehow bypassed the trials and tribulations that make ark what it is... a survival game. 

So, I am now level 22.  I have a not-so-spacious 1x1 grass hut near a water vein on the side of a mountain.  I have started making adobe foundations but have yet to put anything down.   I will keep everything simple for now and just make a small 2x3 adobe house with a fence of some kind.  I have not tamed anything yet because I might only play once a week (or less just to keep thing from decaying) on SE, and I am not ready to commit the time to logging in every day to feed the family.  Especially when gathering meat is still an issue.  So, I will just build a small house to get my feet on the ground first.  Eventually, I will tame something and start moving further into the unknown. But for now, I am content with gaining levels and living the simple life.


Back on PVE Island

Finally heard from my friend that wants to give me a basilo.  She said she still wants me to have one but she wants to wait until the valentine event, hoping for increased rates, and we can raise the babies together in her water pen.  Apparently basilos take a significant amount of time and she is hoping we can take shift turns during the maturation process to reduce the strain.  Seems rational I guess.  And as much as I want to have it now... It is a free (cave-worthy) basilo.  Beggars can't be choosers, right?  

That's all for now. 🤪


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(Singleplayer, Crystal Isles) Finished the base (except forgot to add more furniture to the second floor, so that'll have to be fixed while actually playing). The base now consists of the house, stable (6 stalls, each is meant for one horse, but technically could hold two, as it's 2x2), pen for probably bos (from Animals of Atlas mod), dodo coop, hatchery (thermal torches. I don't quite like them, I prefer hay bedding from CKF Legacy version when it comes to primitive AC options, but it takes a ton of time to load as is, so adding another big mod just for one item is not something I'm willing to do), and a workshop (currently it just has two tables with a mortar&pestle and a food bait station, and a refining forge (CKF one).

After I was done building, I turned Exp gain on (0.3), and started to actually play. So far so good, didn't cheat. The only downside is that I picked a floating island that's too safe. When it comes to hide, my only option are the otters (well, there's also a trike and a pachycephalosaurus, but they're both Shiny, if I attacks them, it'll end quickly and with a respawn screen). And I already ran out of otters. And two of them (out of four) I didn't even get to harvest because they shot right into the sky.

Tamed a ptera, low-level, pink. Hope by the time I get a high enough level for the saddle I'll manage to get enough hide.

Didn't do anything on servers because spent all day in singleplayer. Feeding dinos there and whatever will have until tomorrow.

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Continued my rex mutations..... and accidently killed my best rexes. 

You guys know how the lightning wyvern can electrocute your tamed creatures. Well I forgot about that. A bunch of rexes had hatched below my awesome breeders and while killing the babies the breeders died too (They were low on health already from being raised super fast with insanely boosted rates). Luckily I had a couple more eggs from them. I hatched them and I reclaimed my best ones! 

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(Official, Valguero) Fed dinos (used Midnight instead of Phobos or Deimos for gathering meat today, because what's the point of having a cool black allo if I never use her), saw and killed a real nice wild deinon, checked nearby nests - no eggs from it. Bred tek rexes (that's 15 eggs in the fridge. 1 more breeding and I'll hatch it all), put rare flowers into my beehives.

Extinction and Crystal Isles side-bases can wait until tomorrow, I don't feel like visiting them now.


(Singleplayer, Crystal Isles) "Takes forever to load, so won't add a new mod just for one item" said I yesterday. "Wow, those dilos are amazing I need them in my game NOW!" said I today and added a new mod (Dino Hoarder's TLC). Since the whole "no adding new mods" thing didn't work, next time might as well add CKF Legacy too, sure, even longer loads, but at least CKF's stable bedding instead or those stupid torches.


Since I exited to add CKF Legacy anyway, while I'm at it halved fishing and crate loot quality and lowered the effects of crafting skill. Not to vanilla settings, but just for it to be less overpowered. And added Upgrade Station mod, because I remembered that I have some creature and item mods active, so gotta have a way to get the modded stuff at qualities above primitive. I think those are the final changes to my current singleplayer settings, everything seems nice enough, and I can play like that with no problem (in about 20 minutes, because it really takes a long time to load).


Taming the pachycephalosaurus. And THEN I'll kill it. Exp from taming+Exp from killing+hide!


Tamed, killed. Not a lot of hide, but at least some. Found a Shiny ovis (level 350, which is the max I set for Shinies), killed it, got tons of hide, tons of pelt (which I threw out because too heavy, and I'm unlikely to ever need it anyway), mutton, too (threw out most of it). Used the few bits of mutton I kept to make some baits, and tamed a level 130 meganeura (one of the reasons Better Dinos mod is awesome: meganeuras are tameable and useful instead of forever wild and only good for chitin). Achieved level 12. Built an upgrade station with all the addons and a saddle emporium workbench. And that's all for today.

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PVE Scorched Earth official

Logged in to reset decay timer.  It has only been 3 days but I could not remember how long a grass hut has before it goes bye bye.  Everything was okay.  All my possessions were still in the 1x1 mansion. LOL


PVE Island official

Went for a short swim on my new baryonyx, Van Halen.  I went prepared in case I saw a basilo... but didn't see anything over level 10.  

Made a run for oil, metal, crystal.  Made some CP and Poly.  Then made an industrial grinder.  Pulled all the stuff still in cabinets I labeled FREE STUFF and tossed into the grinder.  Got back about 500 ingots and about 10 stacks each of fiber, wood, and thatch.  I have a ton of guns, bows, and armors of different levels in still in cabinets that I will never use so I will probably toss those in tomorrow after I sort through them.  It will be awhile before it pays for itself but I think it will be worth it in the long run.

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Xbox Island official PvE 

Blitzed though caves. Iast night I hit a wall of losses.  All my barys gone. Lava cave be came a tough one. No one wants to do. But because I needed explorer notes it became an obsession. I watched endless YouTube clips of the people who exist on YouTube doing YouTube stuff. But I realised they are living in a world sanitised free from lag when a jump is a jump. I needed to feel annoyed. Needed the clarity of the injustice of being arked; to realise something.  YouTubers can play as intended, can edit the truth. 

I have absolute god like Thylos, I rarely use, because I have other dinos  to do stuff. I have found that forget nuance just hit the lemon with a sledhamer is the answer. I took my Thylo's into the lava, they destroyed everything walked on lava. I achieved my goal. 

But feel more than a little disappointed that there's probably only three or four dinos that are important to achieve everything in the game.

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A lot of stuff has happened. After about a week of asking, I found someone to sell me a weight argy. This should make gathering so much easier. After adding stats it has 10k weight. I am so happy. Finally I can get ahead. I splurged and installed an industrial cooker because I wanted to start making kibble. Apparently I've been doing it wrong with raw meat and berries.

I don't live close to water so I installed 4 water reservoirs on my roof and ran pipe down to the cooker. I accidently broke a portion of my wall while setting down pipe and when I put the last flex piece in, it did a little bend and actually went through the gap. This prevented me from putting the wall piece back in. So I had to remove it. You know, removing pipe is a pain in the rear because you just can't click it. I kept targeting the wall behind it. Now, this is in the nursery room with a behemoth door so the room is rather tall. I used an argy to fly up to the top to set up the pipe. But removing it while on an argy is a completely different story. Since argy's bounce up and down, whenever I hit E on the pipe, I would leap off the argy and go crashing to the ground every time. The fall didn't kill me, but it did do about 100 points of damage each fall. 

The whole argy thing wasn't working out, so I had to bring out the big guns. The giga. I walked him into the room. Dismounted and walked to the tip of his head.. finally! I can reach. I'm aiming for the pipe.. and .. aaaaaaaaaah I'm falling! The giga decided it was time to eat and bent down which sent me crashing to the ground. After about 4 crashes, I was able to time his eating to remove most of the bad pipe. I did have to destroy some of the wall though because I kept targeting the wall each time in stead of the pipe. 

The whole process of installing the reservoirs, pipes, and cooker probably took me about 2 hours including watching a short youtube video on the process. Finally, something good is happening. I look up kibble, and make 50 batches. So now to test it out. I grab the 50 kibble and 3 stacks of narc and my trusty Thylo and I'm off to the swamp. I see a rex, great! Grab out my mastercraft rifle and just bought and start firing. After about 30 ish shots, the rex literally runs off full speed and I lose it. I have no clue where the monstrosity went. It just disappeared.

So there is a Therizinosaur just standing there looking at me.. You know. I am not going home empty handed so I raise my rifle and fire. He chases me back to the trap and falld in. YES! I make sure to change the thylos settings to only attack conscious dinos. Theri's use alot of narc so I toss in 2 stacks and the kibble. I am in a swamp so there are gators, kapros, frogs, etc. near by. I jump on the Thylo and eliminate them all. That's all I need is something to hit this and ruin my tame. It is a 115 with +57 on 100%. It takes a while and I keep feeding it narcs. I ride the thylo in the vicinity looking for anything that could potentially be aggressive and pre-emptively kill it. 

So far, so good. This day may actually be the day that starts off good and ends good. Oh don't worry though. This is ARK, and we don't have happy endings here. At about 80%, I see the message. 435 argy killed by 90 raptor. I suddently go all irate. What in the world! My argy was locked in my house, safe. I just bought it for a lot of ingots. A LOT. I finish taming the theri and head back home. The tame was successful at 99.99% and the resulting level was 178. I get back to my house to inspect. A raptor had gotten inside through a small opening during the remodel. 

He killed my prized argy. The baby rexes and velonasaur in the nursery were safe. It appears my other raptors killed it while it was in my house. It did destroy a storage box, but the box had just been emptied before my trip. I let out a sigh. To behonest, I would rather it had killed every other dino in my house, but it killed the one I really, really, really needed. Back to hoofing it for ingots I guess. Such a major setback.

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On 8/20/2020 at 6:37 PM, Cordiste said:

That is not a dino would’ve thought I would get as a suggestion. Interesting. Aren’t they a pain to tame? I remember getting my first one and being like... never again. 


hope you enjoyed your hiking ?

With a taming pen, these are as easy as can be. Just lure them in and tranq them.


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Well well,

since the cluster I'm playing on is mostly modded I never got around to playing anything beyond valguero for a long time and suffered from players talking about the "nanny" and other mods doing stuff for them. Last year there was a sale on Steam for Ark that I took, but always had trouble to fit a double installation of Ark on my old computer (Epic and Steam). Always wanted to wait until I got a new one, but everybody I talked to recommended to wait. I guess Corona spoiled hardware prices around the world. So I eventually sat down and tried to make the Steam-install fit on my gaming partition. It was a bit of work and it got a little ugly, but finally it fits. So I started a new character :)
Got up to Lvl 69 on the second day. Had to pause a few days, since real life got really demanding. Lost a lot of stuff trying to change maps for the first time. There are a lot of mistakes to be made there. Eventually got to Ragnarok and found a tribe-mate of mine (well, rather she found me). So I already got a new home over there with all the fancy stuff I have been dreaming of. There's so much eye-candy with the mods, too. Sweet. We did a small tour over the desert, looking for drops and having fun. Also did the ice-queen with Thylas. It was probably the easiest fight I've been in with the queen not being able to hit small dinos. The way there was much more challenging than the boss itself.

Anyway... gotta grind a few levels.
Hear ya!


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New day, new adventure. Yesterday ended in a disaster so today I really was looking forward to something positive happening. A friend and I jumped over to Genesis to tame a Ferox. We gather up all of our supplies. My friend wanted to test some taming method using a Equus. He never rode an Equus so he wanted to ride it to the cave. About 1/2 to the cave he realized how fragile the Equus was on this harsh map and swapped mounts with me. So I rode the Equus from the halfway point.

At some point in the journey a raptor knocked me off the equus and I was quickly devoured by 3 direwolfs or was it bears? Either way, I was dead. My precious Equus was quickly devoured next. My friend was on the giga moving so fast that he got ahead of me and was unable to find my body. Which of course held all of our food, water, grapples, etc.. So I ressurect back at the base and grab a rex and head back to the cave. 

My friend found out that by standing on the giga he was out of range of the Ferox and didn't need any grapples. We get the first Ferox to 75% and then it just turns around, swims to the bottom of a lake and drowns. For absolutely no reason at all. We are dumbfounded. What just happened. So.. round 2. A 145 Ferox approaches, and it is successfully tamed. What a magnificent day! Then.. BAM!!! A direwolf walks through the cave wall into the cave and eats the Ferox. Then kills my friend. I quickly dispatch the wolf and shake my head. This is just crazy. We have just enough elementium for 1 more attempt. 

Another 145 appears. This must be our lucky day! It is quickly tamed and we exit the cave before some random bad luck happens. We get to the transmitter to go back to the Island. We successfully make it back to the island. I can't believe it. A good day, finally!

Then................ as my friend mounted on the Ferox, it fell through the map and died. I think it's time to take a nap before I throw my monitor across the room.

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(Official, Extinction) Logged on to find myself on the roof again, which means it's not someone messing with me (because I patched up the holes, so nobody can walk in anymore) but some sort of a glitch instead. Fed the dinos.

Now gonna log onto (Official, Crystal Isles) to refresh the base, and after that it's (Singleplayer, Crystal Isles) until I feel like that's enough ARK for today.


(Singleplayer, Crystal Isles) Got some metal from small rocks. Made it into ingots. Put all my equipment into the wardrobe and jumped off the roof, to respawn on White Shoals, because I'm not getting any closer to ptera saddle engram by sitting on my extremely safe floating island with nothing to kill. Got two levels, died a bunch of times, tamed a level 5 tropical wyvern, spent some time flying around, then lost the wyvern to a level 15 rex, respawned back on my base, and decided that it's enough ARK for today.

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On single player I lost my character during a transfer. I had to use the cheat "forcejointribe" to get my stuff back. I was a new survivor so I was level one, so I collected a bunch of explorer notes. I also went drop hunting for a better longneck. I then started making preparations to tame a shark and a yuty, making traps and tranqs. I went to the volcano after to restock on crystal and then I logged of at a relatively safe spot.

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On aberration (official pve), I needed some red gems. Since me & my buddy's level 180 rock drakes recently matured, I figured I'd use mine to get to the red zone. And since we want more rock drakes for other maps, I figured I could just pay a quick visit to the drake nests while down there. (I have never been there alone, just with my buddy, and we both rode strong spinos) However, I had the good sense to take along two cryoed spinos to fight off the onslaught of rock drakes, because I'm really unexperienced with my drakes fighting abilities.

Once I reached the radiated zone, I was extremely tempted to just jump into the abyss with my drake. But, since the only part of the zone I know is the spino-friendly route to the grave of the lost, I decided to just follow this path - whilst skipping almost all fights along the way thanks to the drake's cinvisibility, and taking the occasional shortcut. Compared to the time it took to get to rock drake land with the spinos, this trip was a breeze.

Once I reached the three nests, I saw that I had brought the wrong spinos. It was a mate boosted pair, but they had poopty saddles. This was the day where I learned just how much of a difference the saddle really makes 😮. On our previous two visits, the spinos would take almost no damage from the drakes - this time, once I cleared the area around the nests, the spino I rode had already lost 1/3 of its total health.

Anyway,  the area was clear, so I used the drake to grab an egg, then quickly mounted a spino. This was when things went south. Because after defeating the first wave of attacking rock drakes, the one spino that was unridden decided to jump down into the trench below the nests. And then, a second later, the drake also jumped into the trench. I quickly whistled the drake to follow me, but it did not manage to climb back out on its own. And then, suddenly, it ran towards the right and disappeared completely, despite being on follow.

I started cursing myself for coming to this place alone - if my buddy had been with me, none of this would have happened. Then, I decided I had to jump down myself & look for my 2 missing dinos. At least I still had one spino with me, even if it's health was low.

I found the other spino quickly, it was fighting against 4 drakes and was also quite damaged. As I ran towards it, more and more drakes appeared from above. We managed to kill them all, but there still was no sight of my own drake. And without the drake, I had no idea how to get out of the trench. Plus, I noticed that my hazmat suit was going to expire soon.

I decided to move my spinos back to the location where they had initially fallen down, then die with dignity & return on my buddy's rock drake and pick them up. I Just hoped I'd be able to do it without losing the second drake as well. When I reached the location, all of a sudden my missing drake appeared behind me! Idk where it had been, but it's health was also rather low.

I wasted no more time, cryoed the spinos and got the hell out of there, again skipping all fights with invisbility. I made it back to the blue biome just before my hazmat suit broke. Then, I looked at the stolen drake egg that caused all this trouble. It was level 20. I then proceeded to eat the egg.

I never got the red gems I was initially looking for.


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Got on Ark, had a base at the hidden lake, had an argy ptera and a stego for wood gathering. Alpha raptor spawned in, I decided to kill it while it decided to start eating a beaver corpse. Got extremely lucky and found an ascendant metal hatchet in its body. harvested the prime meat and hit the beach with my pteranodon to find some carnivores. Unluckily they found me first. Alpha raptor and carnotaur teamed up and killed my and my ptera. Was sad, but understood this is how ark works, got back to base and regained my stuff by using my argy. later my argy was killed because I forgot it was on follow and it flew into some spiked walls. then suddenly ALPHA CARNO spawns in hidden lake much to my dismay. I keep on dodging it as I'm afraid to die and have my loot pinned under its mouth for like 30 min. I lure it to one of the crevasse passages and build two barriers of spiked walls to keep it out, thought that should the trick. 5 minutes later, after some generic harvesting of resources I spot the alpha carno roaming the lake again. checked on my 14 spiked walls, all but one was destroyed. One of my tribe mates was there at the time so we teamed up and shot down the alpha with 150+ arrows while it tried to eat a corpse. he got a journeyman bloody crossbow and I got some boots, I didn't argue with him since I had the ascendant metal hatchet, but I mean come on as soon as he saw it he just dibs'ed it like we weren't a communist tribe. You think that's all unlucky ay? well guess again, because I tamed a carno at that time and was harvesting the alpha carno when my tribe mate said he found another, much higher level carno on the beach. I decided to use my carno to transport me there. I put it on passive as I dismounted and fired some bolts into the carno, but it wouldn't go down. my tribe mate from before tried to help me but got killed by some sneaky evil raptors, and I was slain. Then I rushed from the nearest bed to try and collect my stuff, and the notice saying my carno died from a level 20 raptor popped up, realising now the consequences of putting tames on passive. AND I WAS LITERALLY LIKE 5 METERS AWAY WHEN IT DIED. And then it was another 20 minutes of trying to get my stuff. nope. raptors were too bloody common to let me do that. Oh and there was an alpha rex on that beach too, so that makes it equally as fun. Despite all that I'm still continuing, I know what ark can be like, my tame kill count is much too high for me to expect anything else. I still have decent stuff, and my stego is surprisingly alive, so I think I'll be taming an iguanodon to take a trip to the mountains with my mates. I'm sure there will be more ups and downs, and erratically but slowly, I am making progress.


Thanks for reading


Be strong survivors, you can do this

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