Darkholis Posted January 14, 2021 Share Posted January 14, 2021 Still working on it, I'm just very focused and don't play the game much these days. Here's a few shots of the first cave (not 100% finished) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dinobros2000 Posted January 14, 2021 Share Posted January 14, 2021 Me debating wether to say wow cool, at the risk of sounding stupid cuz I’ve seen the pic before. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HenryManson Posted January 15, 2021 Share Posted January 15, 2021 @Austria im pretty sure it works on console! all i do can be done on official without mods!, otherwise whats the point, really Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noa Posted January 15, 2021 Share Posted January 15, 2021 So what i did today? I discovered that with latest patch for PC PC Patch Notes: Client v321.1 - Server: v321.1 disabled dino tracking for currently not in taming process tames. With that we lost best function in game ever in my opinion. I posted it in general section as Did ve lost best function in game with last patch? And got message that my thread was moved. After search i got that my post is now in Workshop section moved by Joebl0w13 . So today i was probably Workshopping. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AllOfTheAllos Posted January 15, 2021 Share Posted January 15, 2021 (Official, Valguero) Went to the mountains near Beaver Lake to take a look at carno's new textures because I don't own any carnos but still curious, saw a wild 55 giga (way closer to the lake than they ever normally go), noped the hell outta there as fast as Phobos' legs (and his normal for a giga stamina, which is crappy) could carry me. Did find a carno to look at, though - they're a lot nicer now! Might even tame one some day. Fed the dinos, bred rexes, put eggs in the fridge. (Official, Extinction) Fed the dinos. (Official, Crystal Isles) Refreshed base. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted January 16, 2021 Share Posted January 16, 2021 Yesterday, Island PVE official. Hatched 4 more therizino eggs. One was twins and I had 2 from before so that gives me 7 babies altogether. I let them all out of their pods for a few minutes, fed them berries and mulled over their stats. And frankly, I am a little disappointed. Only 2 out of the 7 got the better health, and only 1 got the better melee. I know I said before that I was not going to be picky... But... I changed my mind. I want the best stats. I know, I know! That is crazy, right. I'm sure I'm the only one on ark wanting the best stats for their boss fighters. LOL. And, with that said... I have set aside the rest of them to be sacrificed to the volcano in the near future. I need to wait a little more than a day now before mating them again. So I will wait. Rome was not built in a day, right? My army won't be either, apparently. Filled in the rest of the day with normal stuff like gathering metal, obsidian, and meat. Pull the junior rexes out for a couple hours and hunted down some alphas on my thyla. They are so much fun. Then ARK announced its update. Logged off and updated. When I logged back in last night it was pretty late and I wasn't planning on doing much. However, there were only two people on the server and as best I could tell, the server was running without lag. It was wonderful, like stepping out of the cold dark and into the warm light and basking in the glow. How could I pass that up? So I grabbed my scuba and megatherium and flew to the swamp / gas cave. For some reason I had this feeling that something good was going to happen. So I fought my way into the cave. Normally I go right at the first water to grab the blue drop in the back room (usually blue for me anyway), but instead I turned left this time. I soon came to a yellow loot drop. It had an apprentice fur chest piece BP. Very cool. It is much better than the primitive fur I have been wearing, and I will need good fur for the two ice caves. I will likely need better than apprentice though. Further into the cave I came upon a red drop down in the water behind the cob webs. It had a mastercraft crossbow bp. eh, not bad, but I have better. So I continued on to grab the artifact and come back to the second red drop (same room as first red drop but up on the back pathway. Like so many other loot drops, I don't like to spend too much time off my mount so I do it very quickly... open loot drop, grab all, spin and climb back on my mount before anything eats me. Often I don't even know what I grab until later. However, this time I opened the drop and I think time froze a little. I couldn't believe my eyes. And staring back at me was a beautiful Mastercraft Therizino BP. When I played on single player I think it took me more than 50 trips into the swamp cave to find such a thing. This was only my 6th trip. Wow. A bit of luck on my side I think. So, I hustled out of the cave. The only thing on my mind was to get back to base before something stupid and horrifying happens (and we all know it can). But, luck was still on my side. I made it home without incident and put it in the vault. Logged off and went to bed happy. ...... Today I knew what I was going to do.... make saddles. I logged in this morning, made a mind wipe tonic and prepared the workshop by cleaning out the workbench and re-organizing the vaults and cabinets nearby so I have all my materials close. After taking the tonic I boosted my crafting skill up to 800% and the put the rest into weight so I could still carry a stack of metal (although barely, and only if I strip down to my underwear lol). The saddle BP only gives an armor value of 85.1. It is enough to give you a fighting chance in a boss arena, but I wanted more for the peace of mind aspect. Fortunately, this saddle is not too expensive. When all the ingredients are laid out it takes up only about 48 item slots in the bench. As many of you know, some saddles pose serious issues by needing more space for materials than what is available. This was not the case. So far I have made 17 therizino saddles today. The first ten were easy because I already had all the ingredients on site. Then I ran out of fiber and metal and wood. Each saddle now requires a special trip for something. But all is good. The improved crafting skill has been working nicely. A few saddles still have armor values in the mid 80s, but most are between 95-100 and I have made a few that are over 105. It takes 24 hours before I can mindwipe again (I think) so I will probably make about 25 saddles altogether before returning my stats back to normal. LOL, I broke my leg hopping down from a rex earlier, and I forgot what it is like to have health back down to 100 again. I Have to remember to be careful. Oh, crap! Sorry. This went a little long. Cya later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yeellis Posted January 16, 2021 Share Posted January 16, 2021 Yours sounded very nice for one I did, Tamed a few kaprosuchus' than tamed two tek raptors that have the same colors. Than one of my raptors died because i was being stupid and walked into a bunch of kaprosuchus But i then tamed an Argentavis and finished building a huge 3 story adobe house. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cordiste Posted January 16, 2021 Share Posted January 16, 2021 SP Xbox, The Island Havent posted in a while, let alone play. I haven’t had a lot of time lately and I like to focus when I’m playing, so I’ve just put it off entirely until I can commit myself fully to it. Maybe tonight I’ll get a few hours in. Too many times in the past I wanted to play a quick hour or half hour before work, just to end up making a stupid mistake because I was rushed. I’m sure many of you have experienced this as well But anyway, I wanted to mention this before I forget on my next post. It’s nothing exciting, but I started building a yuty trap on the coast between the two snow mountains. I noticed most high levels spawn in that valley, so I can kite them towards the water then into my trap. I built it next to a large ice feature, a pillar of sorts from which to shoot down from. I hope to tame my boss mount this way. My first yuty was a lvl 1 female just for eggs. I can finally make exceptional kibble! im not sure why, but hunting yutys really makes me nervous. My heart rate is always high when I’m doing this and I need to take breaks to relax. Anyone else experience this? Maybe it’s cause of their fear roar and other bad things always spawn nearby... sorry for the less interesting post, but it’s nice for me to be back! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted January 17, 2021 Share Posted January 17, 2021 9 hours ago, Cordiste said: SP Xbox, The Island im not sure why, but hunting yutys really makes me nervous. My heart rate is always high when I’m doing this and I need to take breaks to relax. Anyone else experience this? Maybe it’s cause of their fear roar and other bad things always spawn nearby... I love taming yutys. And when possible I prefer to use a trap too. I understand the nerves, but that will go away after you tame a few of them. The key (like many animals in ark) is in the preparation. 1) Have a plan. And it sounds like you do. The trap is set up in a good location and I am guessing you have already picked out the best available path for kiting it there. 2) Use a good strong mount that can take some abuse. I prefer using argy. 3) Clear the area of hostile creatures. That area up north near your trap is crawling with wolves and carnos. Take them out first before trying to kite. Kill the carnos with the yuty as well if you can. But, if that is hard then just let them get trapped with the yuty in your pen and then shoot them like fish in a barrel. 4) Respect the roar, but don't fear it. When I am ready to kite, I first rest the argy. Then I take the argy in low to get the yuty's attention. If the yuty roars and scares the argy... no big deal. It will fly out of control for a moment but that is about all. If your argy was rested and you were not in sprint mode (and you shouldn't be for this), then the argy should have plenty of stamina to stay in flight and out of harms way. If needed, rest the argy, then try again. Easy peasy. Good luck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted January 17, 2021 Share Posted January 17, 2021 Gathered metal, hide, fiber, and wood. Made more Therizino saddles this morning. Now have 22 total. 16 of them have an armor rating of 95 or better. I was called into work today (which is where I am at now) so I didn't quite make all 25 like I wanted. But I havn't mindwiped yet either so I can always make more when I get home. I also mated my Thylas and have a very nice baby female with all of the males good stats. That will be my new breeding pair when she grows up. Thylas probably don't have the same market value as other things like theris or rexes, but maybe I can sell a few to replenish all the empty cabinets I have now. lol. I will have to test the waters at some point. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AllOfTheAllos Posted January 17, 2021 Share Posted January 17, 2021 (Official, Valguero) Bred tek rexes, got distracted, missed the eggs. Oops. Mindwiped, because I learned the flamethrower fuel engram, but the flamethrower turned out to be pretty meh. Chainsaws are better. Raised baby ptera some. Marblehoof, too. Base nearby decayed, so got myself some stuff from there (lots of dead cryopods! Some nice saddles, too). Podded the ptera and Marblehoof. Fed basilos. Now just gonna quickly check on (Official Crystal isles) base and feed the dinos on (Official, Extinction) one, and that's enough ARK for today. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted January 17, 2021 Share Posted January 17, 2021 Flew to metal mountain with my two best weighted argies. Filled them up with metal and a little obsidian. Flew home and tossed metal in Ind. Forge. Took giga out to collect hide. Took beaver out to collect wood. Made one more Theri saddle, but the crafting gods were out to lunch and it was only a little above the BP mark of 85.1. I will make more later today after work. ---- Another survivor on my server said last week that she would be breeding her basilos and would give me one. I have been waiting for her to contact me but... nothing yet. I have let her know a few times that I am ready whenever she is, but I don't want to be that annoying person that just waits around for free stuff. So, I might need to go in a different direction soon. I really want to get into those underwater caves. ---- I have been thinking more and more about Scorched Earth after the Island. I am not sure if I want to start a new character now and maybe get a base going or if I should wait and ascend with my main character. I don't know how that works exactly... I know you can't have 2 survivors from the same account on the same Ark at the same time, so if I start a base with a new character on SE then move that survivor somewhere else, then if I move my main survivor to SE, will my main be recognized as me? Would I be able to open doors and ride dinos that my secondary survivor built or tamed? How do the rest of you do it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted January 19, 2021 Share Posted January 19, 2021 I watched some videos last night and I think I was able to answer my own question above (in previous post). I don't think I will transfer my Island survivor. Instead, I think I will just start a new survivor on SE and level it up. That way if anything happens to my island survivor I will have a good backup. Took out the baby thyla and rexes today for more maturing. While they were doing their thing I tamed a couple queen bees and now have two hives at the base. Bees are always a headache for me, and today was no exception. It never goes as easy as I want... but I will keep it short today and just say I was successful in the end. Anyway, I am excited that I will have a little easier time making veggie cakes when needed. Another ✅ on my list of things to do. Made extraordinary kibble with the honey I had collected during the bee hunt. Honey doesn't last long so I wanted to use it while I had it. Ha, that that always bothered me... real honey can last on a shelf almost forever while ARK honey spoils very fast. Why is that? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khruk Posted January 19, 2021 Share Posted January 19, 2021 Got a giga today. My Wyvern seems to have taken it under his wing. Hope he doesn't try to teach him to fly... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Volunteer Moderator Joebl0w13 Posted January 19, 2021 Volunteer Moderator Share Posted January 19, 2021 14 minutes ago, Khruk said: Got a giga today. My Wyvern seems to have taken it under his wing. Hope he doesn't try to teach him to fly... Or walk away randomly after you dismount it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted January 19, 2021 Share Posted January 19, 2021 18 minutes ago, Khruk said: Got a giga today. My Wyvern seems to have taken it under his wing. Hope he doesn't try to teach him to fly... Khruk, I love the wyvern color. Looks awesome. 👍 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khruk Posted January 19, 2021 Share Posted January 19, 2021 4 hours ago, Penguin73 said: Khruk, I love the wyvern color. Looks awesome. 👍 It was a gift from a friend. 4 hours ago, Joebl0w13 said: Or walk away randomly after you dismount it. I got tired of my argy doing that.. I built him a landing pad with 4 walls. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khruk Posted January 19, 2021 Share Posted January 19, 2021 Just as quick as something good happens the bad comes in 3. Lost a 221 Doedicurus, 342 Rex, and 319 Rex to starvation. In a house with 5 troughs. People tell me I'm overkill with their usage. Need some type of alert system when a dino is getting low on food. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
2OLEgend Posted January 19, 2021 Share Posted January 19, 2021 On 1/17/2021 at 10:38 PM, Penguin73 said: I have been thinking more and more about Scorched Earth after the Island. I am not sure if I want to start a new character now and maybe get a base going or if I should wait and ascend with my main character. I don't know how that works exactly... I know you can't have 2 survivors from the same account on the same Ark at the same time, so if I start a base with a new character on SE then move that survivor somewhere else, then if I move my main survivor to SE, will my main be recognized as me? Would I be able to open doors and ride dinos that my secondary survivor built or tamed? How do the rest of you do it? This method would require the SE survivor inviting the island survivor into the tribe on SE. Obviously with both characters being from the same account one would over write the other when on e the same server. You would need a third party or an alternative account to act as a buffer, to invite both characters to the same tribe. I suppose you could use pin codes but that would be an absolute nightmare imo. 10 hours ago, Penguin73 said: I watched some videos last night and I think I was able to answer my own question above (in previous post). I don't think I will transfer my Island survivor. Instead, I think I will just start a new survivor on SE and level it up. That way if anything happens to my island survivor I will have a good backup. If this was the case the island survivor would be locked out of the SE tribe and vise versa. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AllOfTheAllos Posted January 19, 2021 Share Posted January 19, 2021 (Official, Valguero) Fed the carnivores, bred tek rexes (DIDN'T forget to pick the eggs up this time), put the eggs in the fridge. Don't want to actually play today, so that's all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted January 20, 2021 Share Posted January 20, 2021 Pulled thyla and rexes out of pods to mature. Bred, incubated, and hatched another small group of therizino eggs. Struck out again. Still waiting on female to emerge with the best stats. I thought the higher stat was supposed to be slightly more favorable in the dice roll for determining the outcome. It is incredible how many eggs hatch with the less desirable stats. Hmmm, I guess the only thing to do is keep trying and eventually it will work. Right? Made runs for wood, stone, fiber, and metal to start replenishing the shelves left bare from making saddles. Checked on new hives and they are working like a charm... filling up with honey. Started thinking of plans to expand the green house a little. I wouldn't mind having an extra bush or two of carrot, corn, and potato. That way I can make veggie cakes quicker and in larger quantities when I need them. With that in mind I flew over and added a couple more sap taps on the redwood tree platform. I might as well start stockpiling sap now. That was about it today. Nothing to exciting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khruk Posted January 20, 2021 Share Posted January 20, 2021 I've been literally running 20 forges, so I decided to splurge and craft an industrial forge. Gathered up the mats, crafted, and went to place it.. and it didn't fit. You know, that picture is very misleading. It is much larger than you would anticipate. I also crafted about 20 cryopods and put any dinos that did not have a utility use in them for now. Less food for me to gather in the long run and they still get xp in the cryofridge. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cordiste Posted January 20, 2021 Share Posted January 20, 2021 SP Xbox, The Island On 1/16/2021 at 8:16 PM, Penguin73 said: I love taming yutys. And when possible I prefer to use a trap too. I understand the nerves, but that will go away after you tame a few of them. The key (like many animals in ark) is in the preparation. 1) Have a plan. And it sounds like you do. The trap is set up in a good location and I am guessing you have already picked out the best available path for kiting it there. 2) Use a good strong mount that can take some abuse. I prefer using argy. 3) Clear the area of hostile creatures. That area up north near your trap is crawling with wolves and carnos. Take them out first before trying to kite. Kill the carnos with the yuty as well if you can. But, if that is hard then just let them get trapped with the yuty in your pen and then shoot them like fish in a barrel. 4) Respect the roar, but don't fear it. When I am ready to kite, I first rest the argy. Then I take the argy in low to get the yuty's attention. If the yuty roars and scares the argy... no big deal. It will fly out of control for a moment but that is about all. If your argy was rested and you were not in sprint mode (and you shouldn't be for this), then the argy should have plenty of stamina to stay in flight and out of harms way. If needed, rest the argy, then try again. Easy peasy. Good luck. Exactly what you said would happen, happened. I’ve now got 1 male and 5 females (all lowest or low level) from my original tamed pair. I figured if I want to look for a potential a boss mount, I need to tame its parents with kibble. Extraordinary kibble is surprisingly easy to make, and I’m pretty well set up to make tons of it now. How exciting getting to a new level of kibble 🤟 So after hunting the low levels I definitely got used to it, I’m using my strongest imprinted argy and the valley I’m in has a lot of snipers nests where I can dismount and get a few long range shots in with a good rifle. I’ve been following @Penguin73’s advice and watching yuty taming video on the iPad as I hunt around. Let me tell you how I got my original 2 egg layers 😂😂 Its hilarious because I spend an ungodly amount on hours preparing, making a mobile quetz taming platform and various huts and traps. First Yuty was on terrain too steep to build on so I just tranq’d it while dismounted from the argy then surrounded it with spiked walls. It was a hell of a fight and I almost lost it, but I managed to keep the nasties as bay by shooting and argy-ing (lol). Cryopoded and stored at volcano forge. The second one makes me laugh the most... I was trying to kite it down the river to my trap when it got stuck underneath the ice. I was so heartbroken because it had been quite a struggle to get to that point. I thought maybe tranqing it and letting it wake up might dislodge it (when it stood up maybe? Who knows, worth a shot, it s a low level so it’s cheap on tranqs and food). It goes down, it’s completely submerged and I think it’s gonna drown. Cautiously, I approach and swim over to find that it’s not losing health or oxygen! Interesting... pop a few pieces of meat in, it tames up, I cryo and store it at home at hidden lake. UN-real, this game. I spent hours and hours over several weeks preparing and I tamed the keystone to my kibble tier project underneath the ice. Also, first time trying a screenshot. Let me know if it works 😉 Kinda makes me feel like I should start colouring my stuff! (P.s, for those looking, that’s not the rifle I used to tranq it, I like to store it as soon as it’s not needed). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khruk Posted January 20, 2021 Share Posted January 20, 2021 Got up this morning and the giga juvenile starved to death. I had filled his inventory and the trough. The other 3 babies still had stacks and stacks of meat and the food in the trough was spoiled. I was only away from the game for about 8 real hours. I kid you not, any other day since I've played the trough has not had much spoiled food, but today, there were multiple, multiple stacks of spoiled food. Like 6-8 stacks. So the giga died and all the food spoiled. I would really like 1 good day that doesn't start or end with a disaster. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AllOfTheAllos Posted January 20, 2021 Share Posted January 20, 2021 Only fed dinos on (Official, Extinction) and checked on the base and the wyverns on (Official, Crystal Isles) today. Tomorrow will try to actually play on (Official, Valguero), at least do a metal run, or maybe hatch a ptera egg, or something. And refill the herbivore/mixed troughs, that will be done even if I don't really play. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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