AllOfTheAllos Posted January 9, 2021 Share Posted January 9, 2021 Did nothing on servers today. But on (unmodded save for Immersive taming, vanilla settings, no SP setting, singleplayer, Valguero) tested the possibility of doing Valg's Broodmother with two fully imprinted, mate-boosted gigas. Results: possible. Recommendations: saddle above engram quality, possibly a daeo or a third giga. ... (Official, Extinction) Fed dinos, made a new spyglass, replaced the pipes that were destroyed (odd, only notification about one in the log, a lot more was actually broken). (Official, Crystal Isles) Refreshed the base. (Official, Valguero) Fed the dinos, bred tek rexes (eggs went into the refrigerator). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
2OLEgend Posted January 10, 2021 Share Posted January 10, 2021 Xbox Island official PvE I started the weekend and for the first time in ages I had no idea what to do next. I did the tek cave last week, was planning on moving to SE to continue with the 'story'. But I started to look for excuses not to leave the island. I found one; i still haven't collected all the explorer notes, probably got all the easier ones, but underwater and cave ones have yet to be done. I have some top water tames, which I have accumulated with trading and swapping. I have a metal ocean pen full of Basilo, x Basilo, a Mosa and a pair of Tusos. But I have rarely entered the ocean only done easy water cave twice. I have avoided the depths to such an extent I had never been in a resource cave until now. I took my skiff, I have traversed the island picking up the notes I have been missing. Just before I was wrapping up for the night I decided to do one more. Strangely it was very close to my base. I guess over confidence got the best of me, because I didn't leave the other tames in the skiff. I travelled to the coords and suddenly I was ganked by several megs and a tuso. I was fighting for a few seconds then I realised no-one was dying or responding. I wish I was joking, a cold dread came over me, I have been here before. I was greeted with the main menu. Yet again it wasn't gameplay that got me, it was game design. I honestly hoped my dinos would protect me. But due to game design, my basilo set to neutral killed the wild tuso but just sat there while jellyfish killed my unresponsive survivor. Luckily there was no indication where I was killed on the death screen, due to the disconnection. I found my corpse but searching tamed menu, I quickly found my body but was dispatched yet again by the same jellyfish. This time my Tuso and Basilo sat watching the carnage. I steadily prepared to try again, armed with my remaining Tuso and successful dispatched the level 40 jellyfish, yeah level 40, my dinosaurs sat and watching. I eventually recovered all my stuff and got back home. I have rarely had a more stressful time in gaming, where I could have lost so many things. But this time I wasn't bested by a foe, rather than by the classic arkism Host timeout. But it revealed something greater, I am only constricted by the fear of losing everything I have built. For example transferring servers as there is a real chance of losing everything I have. Remember this is only a game, I only play for recreation. Sometimes it is more trouble than it is worth. Stay safe survivors. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Helpmepls Posted January 10, 2021 Share Posted January 10, 2021 Getting depressed trying to figure out the controls to swim on a bloodstalker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khruk Posted January 10, 2021 Share Posted January 10, 2021 Yesterday I spent several hours exploring the island. Also caught a bronto and an ank. I came home to my base to find pillars all over the place. I am now unable to extend my base nor put the fence down I was supposed to build today to hold the dinos. My dinos are now literally standing in someone else's front yard. *edit* I met the guy today and he was kind enough to remove a couple pillars so I can start my fence. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted January 10, 2021 Share Posted January 10, 2021 The last few days have been pretty good. Much of my time has been dedicated to raising up the 4 therizinos I will use for breeding (2 M and 2 F). I have been pushing pretty hard and have had them out for about 10-15 hours per day for the last 3 days. I know many of you probably leave your babies out while you sleep and can shorten the overall process that way; however, I have always had bad luck with something dying when I do that... so I only pull them out while playing. Anyway, The 2 Females have always been a little ahead of the males and They finally finished last night. Woohoo! The males are about 90% complete and now in the home stretch. I didn't use a stop watch but under standard rates I think it took about 100 hours or so to mature. I wish I could charge for babysitting. lol My work week just started again so these final hours for the males will be slower, but I should be able to put on the Barry White album in a few days and let the breeding begin. 😍 I think I will pod all the babies until I have around 20, then just raise them all at once. Seems like a more efficient use of my time. During the last three days I also ran through the swamp / gas cave a few times. Best item found was an ascendant argentavis BP. Turned most of the chitin I got from the cave into CP and I still have enough chitin to fill up 3 cabinets left over. lol I made a few trips up the mountain for metal / obsidian and made some poly to have on hand for later. I also decided to finally advance my personal gear. I had been wearing chitin as my daily outfit, changed to MC set of flak. Painted it blue. I put away the cross bow and grabbed one of the many shiny new shotguns and longneck riffles I have in the cabinet after the winter event. Made a bunch of ammo. It had been awhile since I last used my raft. So I flew across the island to check on it and couldn't find it. Checked the tribe log and confirmed my fear. It was destroyed two days prior from inactivity. My fault. Eh, o'well. I just tell myself a terrible storm rolled along the southern ocean and my raft was battered onto a reef. It is easier to accept that way. I can rebuild when the time is right. Later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
olT3lo Posted January 11, 2021 Share Posted January 11, 2021 Continued looking for a fix for the no rain visuals on The Island. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AllOfTheAllos Posted January 12, 2021 Share Posted January 12, 2021 (Official, Valguero) Fed the dinos. Bred tek rexes. Tomorrow will breed tek rexes again and hatch all the eggs, as well as check on wyverns on (Official, Crystal Isles) and feed dinos on (Official, Extinction). I've been a bit lazy lately - tomorrow will be the time to start doing things again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
d1nk Posted January 12, 2021 Share Posted January 12, 2021 58 minutes ago, AllOfTheAllos said: (Official, Valguero) Fed the dinos. Bred tek rexes. Tomorrow will breed tek rexes again and hatch all the eggs, as well as check on wyverns on (Official, Crystal Isles) and feed dinos on (Official, Extinction). I've been a bit lazy lately - tomorrow will be the time to start doing things again. I like the new Avatar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted January 12, 2021 Share Posted January 12, 2021 I got up early and matured the boy therizinos up to 95%. Small problem. I am about 90 minutes away from next imprint but there won't be enough time to get the final imprint after that since imprints are 8 hours apart. It will be fully mature in about 5 hours or so. Not the worst thing to happen but it is annoying since I have been on top of things and have never delayed any imprint/care. Almost no time wasted in the process but...... Oh well, there are bigger things to complain about. Did another metal run. Made more ammo. Made tranq darts. The morning was rather humbug until I contacted one of the server veterans' (the one that I bought the girl therizinos from), and let her know I will be breeding soon. Previously, I offered her one of the future babies with good stats... and I was just letting her know she might have one by the weekend. She seemed excited and said she had a surprise for me... so she brought over one of her own Theri studs to breed with the girls... and left me the eggs saying I won't be disappointed. 🙃 Not sure what I did to deserve this but I won't argue. I didn't have time today to hatch the eggs before work but that is definitely something to look forward to tomorrow. We then chatted for awhile about other tames and she is getting ready to breed basilos...offering me one of the babies to boot....but she had a bunch of work to do and meat to gather first. Her tribemates are gone right now, so with me feeling chivalrous and more that slightly indebted, I quickly offered to help with her grunt work of gathering meat in the time I had left before work. I left her with 180 stacks of meat before I departed. A good morning. The stars aligned for a few ark moments today. I'm not sure I have the words to express my joy at all this. lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AllOfTheAllos Posted January 12, 2021 Share Posted January 12, 2021 3 hours ago, d1nk said: I like the new Avatar Thanks! I decided that since I have long since lost the allo on my previous one, it would be better to make an avatar with an allo I actually have (the new one is Midnight - even blacker than the first, wild-tame full black I had that was wearing this name, thanks to having Actual Black as the spine color instead of regular black, and a lot more powerful too, as she's fully imprinted and with better stats to begin with). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AllOfTheAllos Posted January 12, 2021 Share Posted January 12, 2021 (Official, Valguero) Didn't breed rexes because they aren't ready yet. Put the eggs into the hatchery. Repaired three best SCUBA tanks. Put on mask and flippers, and went into the Abyss. By the way - water pen is a really convenient thing to have! Now I can take an argent to get to the starting point of my underwater adventures, since I don't need to pod the flyer and carry it with me, but instead just leave it safely near the water pen. No tusos today, and only one plesio. First thing I encountered (right at the entrance!) was an alpha megalodon, but that's not a problem at all for Killer Sausage - he's pretty strong. Loot was unusually good: three tuso saddles for me to grind for resources, 2 electric prods (also ground them up), riot chest and helmet BP(over 400 armor both), plus as usual, a very high armor megaloceros saddle BP. And a 85 armor giga saddle BP - that's even better than the one I used before! Now that I returned to my base, I'm going to just wait for the tek rex eggs to hatch. ... 15 eggs, no mutations. Unpleasant result, but an expected one. ... (Official, Extinction) Fed the dinos. (Official, Crystal Isles) Refreshed the base. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dinobros2000 Posted January 12, 2021 Share Posted January 12, 2021 Haven’t posted on here awhile so I’ve got a rather large one... Ive started on a new mod map called Glacius... It’s not filled with new content or anything, but, it is super difficult to survive. You spawn in a region called fall hills, it’s basicly a bunch of orange red green brown trees. First 10 minuets was me respawning and trying to build campfires and torches enough to keep me warm. Then I started to lay out the basics, a Para, stone tools, a foundation, mortar and pestle, a Jerboa(there are weather events) and hide clothing, by now, I was watching a Allo pack slowly inch closer, wandering over from the ice area. They soon found my small little camp, and decided it was yummy, I escaped, but soon perished to the “Freezing” debuff. I soon came back as the allos wandered away, and rebuilt what I had before, and started making some spike walls towards the snow biome. I realized what pets I had weren’t very effective against anything but harvesting nodes, so I grabbed a bow, 50 tanq arrows, 10 bolas and lots of meat. My first two prey were a lone dire wolf(level 85) and a saber(15) I promptly rode them back. Then I finally built up to a smithy, and had everything I needed for fur armor except.... pelt. Soon it was to the frezing arctic again to bola kill some wolves, which I some how did with a pack.. and then another till I had enough. I made fur armor, and when combined with a torch, I could have no cold debuff at night as long as there were no weather events active. I soon tamed 3 more wolves. Lvls 10 and two more around 85. I went out to get a few dinos(turtles, trikes and such) to guard the base, when I came back, I saw a pack of allos ambushing my little base. I ran in, and defeated the pack, with the loss of the saber and almost the level 10. Soon I built more spike walls and dino gates, and set my paras on detect. Then I tamed a few peligornus as I was approaching saddle level. (No Ptdons on the map and no argys in the area according to dev) on another pelt run to repair my armor, the level ten wolf died in the hunt. I soon decided it might be a good idea to breed them. My female and male were the highest levels after all. I missed the imprint by 1 secound, so it was just another wolf, but it was still strong, and me not settings my settings right, have to wait like 10 hours for it to reset. (This is SP) now armered with metal tools, 2 crossbows,, full fur armor, and like 1999 tranq arrows and some sleeping bags, I head out for A lake far away. On the way I hope to tame a mix of Doeds, beavers, otters, and carnos. I’m also taking my wolves and not the flyer cus it’s low stam. I soon find a pretty colored raptor(named toffee cuz that’s what it looks like) , two carnos, and a beaver. Which I tame. I also find like 4 doeds, and an otter, the doed at some point curled up, and the otter seamed to disappear soon as I had a fish, and I had to give up after the cold water was killing me. Then I made it back home. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dinobros2000 Posted January 12, 2021 Share Posted January 12, 2021 Note: this cuts out a few times of repeated death, and body revival and such, mostly in the snow biome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wormyy Posted January 12, 2021 Share Posted January 12, 2021 finished building our second base on a different island. lots of chopping wood and collecting fiber. when i log back in later, i'm going to scope out the area, i think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geckoman1234 Posted January 12, 2021 Share Posted January 12, 2021 I tamed two female sarcos, a lvl 65, and a lvl 160. Got two raptors, mating them now. Got a basilo and a level 201 ichthyosaurus. Also got a lvl 5 manta. I am getting ready to get a spino. And I also killed a leeds with my Ichthy. It didn't even attack or try to get away. I live on the southern coast island and I play on mobile. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted January 13, 2021 Share Posted January 13, 2021 First, I went on a meat run to replenish the refrigerators. Then, I hatched two therizino eggs today from the surprise guest stud that was brought over yesterday from a friend. Got one M and one F. Colors were mixed and the babies got the lower stats of the mother in health and melee. I was a little bummed but that is okay. They will still have a place in the army. Right now I'm not too picky about having the PERFECT stats on every tame. I put them in pods and will raise them with the other soldiers later. The two males that are maturing were at 99% when I had to leave for work. I am always nervous about leaving babies out when I log off so I played it somewhat safe and podded one. The M stats are identical anyway and since I only need 1 for breeding, it's okay to just roll the dice with the other. Anyway, I should be able to start breeding very soon and I am really excited. I spent a little time looking for a good otter and a second baryonyx today. No luck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AllOfTheAllos Posted January 13, 2021 Share Posted January 13, 2021 (Official, Valguero) Did a big metal run, took Phobos to Redwoods for some hunting (2 alpha carnos), tried chomping the broodmother, but there were two, mate boosted, so had to retreat (Phobos wasn't hurt much, but he was hurt visibly, and that's never a good sign). Returned home, fed the dinos, logged off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted January 13, 2021 Share Posted January 13, 2021 Woke up today to a wind storm and flickering power at the house. Didn't want to take any risks. Logged in, fed dinos, set the therizinos to mate and collected a pair of eggs. Put eggs in fridge then I DC'ed when the power flickered again. That was my exciting day. lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Austria Posted January 14, 2021 Share Posted January 14, 2021 On 1/9/2021 at 1:42 AM, HenryManson said: invented the Tek Tent Hi, work this also on xbox official or is this a Mod? Thx Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
d1nk Posted January 14, 2021 Share Posted January 14, 2021 On 1/12/2021 at 9:17 AM, Dinobros2000 said: Haven’t posted on here awhile so I’ve got a rather large one... Ive started on a new mod map called Glacius... It’s not filled with new content or anything, but, it is super difficult to survive. You spawn in a region called fall hills, it’s basicly a bunch of orange red green brown trees. First 10 minuets was me respawning and trying to build campfires and torches enough to keep me warm. Then I started to lay out the basics, a Para, stone tools, a foundation, mortar and pestle, a Jerboa(there are weather events) and hide clothing, by now, I was watching a Allo pack slowly inch closer, wandering over from the ice area. They soon found my small little camp, and decided it was yummy, I escaped, but soon perished to the “Freezing” debuff. I soon came back as the allos wandered away, and rebuilt what I had before, and started making some spike walls towards the snow biome. I realized what pets I had weren’t very effective against anything but harvesting nodes, so I grabbed a bow, 50 tanq arrows, 10 bolas and lots of meat. My first two prey were a lone dire wolf(level 85) and a saber(15) I promptly rode them back. Then I finally built up to a smithy, and had everything I needed for fur armor except.... pelt. Soon it was to the frezing arctic again to bola kill some wolves, which I some how did with a pack.. and then another till I had enough. I made fur armor, and when combined with a torch, I could have no cold debuff at night as long as there were no weather events active. I soon tamed 3 more wolves. Lvls 10 and two more around 85. I went out to get a few dinos(turtles, trikes and such) to guard the base, when I came back, I saw a pack of allos ambushing my little base. I ran in, and defeated the pack, with the loss of the saber and almost the level 10. Soon I built more spike walls and dino gates, and set my paras on detect. Then I tamed a few peligornus as I was approaching saddle level. (No Ptdons on the map and no argys in the area according to dev) on another pelt run to repair my armor, the level ten wolf died in the hunt. I soon decided it might be a good idea to breed them. My female and male were the highest levels after all. I missed the imprint by 1 secound, so it was just another wolf, but it was still strong, and me not settings my settings right, have to wait like 10 hours for it to reset. (This is SP) now armered with metal tools, 2 crossbows,, full fur armor, and like 1999 tranq arrows and some sleeping bags, I head out for A lake far away. On the way I hope to tame a mix of Doeds, beavers, otters, and carnos. I’m also taking my wolves and not the flyer cus it’s low stam. I soon find a pretty colored raptor(named toffee cuz that’s what it looks like) , two carnos, and a beaver. Which I tame. I also find like 4 doeds, and an otter, the doed at some point curled up, and the otter seamed to disappear soon as I had a fish, and I had to give up after the cold water was killing me. Then I made it back home. Is this Darkholis' map? I tried to tag him forever wasn't working .. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dinobros2000 Posted January 14, 2021 Share Posted January 14, 2021 25 minutes ago, d1nk said: Is this Darkholis' map? I tried to tag him forever wasn't working .. Yes it is. Why you wanna contact him? Also @Darkholis D1nk wants you.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkholis Posted January 14, 2021 Share Posted January 14, 2021 Im here, what's up? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
d1nk Posted January 14, 2021 Share Posted January 14, 2021 2 hours ago, Dinobros2000 said: Yes it is. Why you wanna contact him? Also @Darkholis D1nk wants you.. 49 minutes ago, Darkholis said: Im here, what's up? I dont - I was just asking if he was playing your map is all. I remembered your talkings of it over the time you've been developing it, seemed familiar. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dinobros2000 Posted January 14, 2021 Share Posted January 14, 2021 Hu.. ok. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkholis Posted January 14, 2021 Share Posted January 14, 2021 Still working on it, I'm just very focused and don't play the game much these days. Here's a few shots of the first cave (not 100% finished) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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