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So what did you do in ARK today?


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18 minutes ago, Stjin333 said:

The food is not going down only water and dont have nobody to help me, i thought there was maybe a way to respawn in the map that you lose your stuff but don't need to die for respawning

I one time got stuck like this except in a quetz platform base. I was doing the "floating icon" and we can't even eat organic polymer to kill ourselves. You could try punching those rocks beside you until you die of losing health (Punching stuff makes you lose health).

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18 minutes ago, Stjin333 said:

The food is not going down only water and dont have nobody to help me, i thought there was maybe a way to respawn in the map that you lose your stuff but don't need to die for respawning

If on SP you could also just do the cheat hurtme 1000 and it will just kill you instantly.

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Xbox Island official PvE 

Gacha element dust farm finally finished, 8 owls and 2 pairs of mate boosted element dust gachas. Two ramps 4 wide and 4 walls high leading to centralised collection area. I use a woolly rhino (Woolly Bully) to collection berries for my iguanadon (Mary Berry) to convert into seeds. I also used dedicated storage x8 to store the seeds. The amount of loot gained is welcome also, most just fills the grinder and the riot gear is stored in a vault and only grinded when polymer is required for crafting.

Raising owls, megalosaurus, rhino, megatherium and mantis at the same time. So most of my time was spent around the doors, but boredom soon kicked in with comic effect. 

I thought about making a raft trap as I live near the west coast mosh pit. You know the inlet near the snow. So I built a raft 3 x 3 stone foundations with a hatch frame so I could pilot the raft (cos I'm not sttuuuupid). 4 x dinosaur Gates added so I set sail the short distance to the area. But yet again real life kicks back in. I quickly move the raft out to sea just enough to be clear off the Rex on the beach and answer the delivery man at the front door. Two minutes later and I am welcomed to the death screen. I'm lucky enough to get my argy and stuff back. But apparently Alpha Leedsichthys find rafts very quickly and sttuuuupid survivors even quicker. 



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Hey all,

it's been a while since I've posted to this thread. I'm playing on the chaos-Server almost exclusively. Some nice people donated a breeding-pair of Thylas to me and I've quite the population running. Taking them out is fun. They're no match for the wyvern trench, but that's to be expected. Mostly, because they take to swimming in Lava for some KI-specific reasons. Also because they're having a hard time to actually hit the wyverns. but other than that, they're doing great. And taking them to the wyvern trench was really only a desperate attempt at getting some gear back I had lost in a failed attempt to raid some eggs. Except for wyverns, going out in a pack of 4 or 5 Thylas is a lot of fun.

I've been out hunting Raptor Claus' presents for a while, but I've to say it's really really tedious. On average I get 2-3 presents in one night. I'm out in an owl, though, which probably is way way too slow. I'm lacking a better mount right now, since I haven't had any time critical challenges, yet. Best mount, I guess, would be a managarmr. I've seen some out and about, but for all I know they're not the easiest tames. Gotta check if I can get any. Maybe I can get some help eventually. The server is not very populated, but there're some nice people on it (if they're active). Most people play other maps as well and Valle is the only map for "us" Epic players.

Anyways... if I don't get back here in time, merry christmas everyone. Have fun!


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(Official, Valguero) Made a saddle for Killer Sausage. 69.8 armor. Coloring it in an acceptable way took a few tries, never used pink dye before so didn't realize it would clash with his "light red" pink. Ended up dying it black, slate and silver, with pink only for the metal parts.

Took him to the corridor to the Abyss for a bit of leveling. Raised health until 35000, a bit of stam (yes, basilos restore it quickly. But still, he needed a few levels in it), rest into melee. His speed made getting him into the pen tricky. Well, not getting him in there - just stopping him before he hits the shore. Will have to change the pen a bit, so that it would be safer in that regard.

Got Phobos another imprint, he's at 50% imprint already, and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get him full imprint.

Grabbed a present. It had 2 lamb chops, 2 rare flowers, 5 rare mushrooms and 58 stones in it. What kinda Christmas gift is that? Did raptor Claus just dig around in his lair to get something to put in the box after running out of everything actually good before making enough presents for the night? Seriously.

Bred rexes and hatched eggs (no mutations). Bred gachas, but realized I'm getting tired, and interrupted gestation.

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Just got disconnected from game... again. So I thought I would check in here for a few minutes.  Despite the recent lag and trouble staying connected I had a pretty good morning.  My old mate from another server that gave me his dinos last week kept a secondary character on my server and joined my tribe.  There are still many things he has not accomplished on the island and I told him he could join me for some of the exciting stuff.  Anyway, today we tackled the swamp cave.  It was my first time on this server and his first time ever.  We took the megatheriums.  They have been gaining levels passively and both had around 11.5 k health and 450 melee.  And they tore through that cave like a hot knife through butter.  The only difficulty was the narrow passages.  They are a little big for a couple spots and we had to pod and un-pod to get them through.

My otter died the other day in a freak disconnect while flying over the redwoods.  We both died.  Anyway, my buddy and I walked out with one artifact each.  I also picked up a couple red drops while in there and got a Journeyman Thyla saddle BP, and a MC Megatherium saddle BP (81.9 armor).  A nice find, I think.

After getting home and unpacking, Santa appeared.  I hopped on the wyvern and expected to see others flying around like normal.  Nope. Nobody.  I picked up all six packages.  LoL.  Some of the better items included Ascendant ghillie gauntlets, Ascendant pike, a MC ghillie mask BP, and chibis for rex, baryonyx, glowtail, megalodon, megalania, and shinehorn.  Although, I have no freeking idea what a glowtail or shinehorn are... will have to look them up.

Lag started to happen so I stayed close to home.  Pull out the 6 new rex eggs and started incubating.  Made some kibble.  That is where I really started experiencing bad lag and got booted.  So here I am.  Well, I better get back in and check on the eggs.  Later.

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Eggs hatched 4 F and 2 M.  Males keep getting mom's low melee so I had to toss them again.  The 4 females (3 of them were level 404 and one was 402), however, did get dads good health/melee combo. IDK why I am having trouble getting a male with the right stats from their father.  O'well.  All females have 37,180 health and 1108 melee this time.  I believe that will put health a little over 40k after imprint and I am happy with that.  These are my new base stats and any males that come along will have them too after this, so all is good.  The four girls are maturing as we speak, two hours down and six more to go until first imprint. lol

I also heard from a friend on the server that the F therizino I am buying from him is almost done maturing.  It has taken a little longer than anticipated but hopefully he can finish tonight.  I am excited to get the therizino line going.  He gave me a ball park figure for stats at the beginning, but I will share numbers after I get her.


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Today, I finished raising our last round of Therizos we've been breeding to do our bosses.  Playing on smalltribes with one other person, this has been quite a challenge but we are finally almost there.  

It all started when I randomly decided to take a freshly tamed blood wyvern and parasaur flying around on a random Ragnarok.  The parausaur detected an enemy, but I thought nothing of it.  Most of the time an enemy is detected it's just a false positive I figured, but i stopped to look anyway.  I was at the peak of a mountain, near the volcano, on a little flat part of the mountain.  There was the red circle, glowing bright and showing me the enemy hidden beneath.  I prepared to do all my usual tests, wyvern wings, flamethrower, anything I could do to dig up what was in there.  But there was no need, the wyvern immediately unearthed a beautiful reaper clone, full to the brim with loot.  We found everything, from max armor blueprints to every tame you could imagine.  Hundreds of gigas with attack percentages in the thousands.

We knew we had struck gold.  Now we protect this loot with our life and are trying to utilize to the best of our ability before it all gets inevitably taken lol.

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Oh well, I didn't know I'd come back here so soon, but I've had a little adventure and I'm in the mood to spread the news. As pretty much always I've been playing Valguero on the chaos-server. Besides having a line of Thylas going, I also have a smaller line of Sarcos and a lease of a Basilo and a Baryonyx from a friendly player. So I decided I need some black pearls. Hadn't seen any. White pearls I can farm in masses pretty much everywhere, but black pearls... none. So I looked up a youtube video and got a location. I sorted through my possessions and picked a couple of useful things. Then I mounted the Basilo, took two Sarcos along and of course the Baryonyx (those two are a dream-team, honestly) and set out to the designated coordinates. It didn't take long until the megalodons started tampering us, but at first they were little trouble. One, two or three I could take out easily. Then a school of about 6 megalodons hit with an alpha in it. Now that was a different story. The fight lasted for a while and the two Sarcos eventually died. Not much of a bother, though, since I have more coming. However I noticed that when leaving my base I had forgotten to "activate" them, so they were still on passive. Well... lesson learned. The dream-team took care of those nasty school of megalodons and for the first time I noticed their health-pool to get a notable dent. That was serious stuff. Well, serious it was, but I managed... or less me than my dream-team. I have to add that I find maneouvering under water a bit tough. The Basilo, when riding it, tends to go head into the mud and I always feel like I have to look up from his ass rather than straight to keep him going. Well... handling aside, I kept swimming along looking for the designated spot. Went a bit here and a bit there, but I couldn't get to the spot designated in the GPS. A while later I was attacked by two Alpha-Megalos, but without more sharks in the trail. The fight went better than the first one, although it lasted pretty long. After that I decided to go home to repair my scuba-gear and have the dream-team heal up as well as get some new sarcos (and activate them). Also I decided to take some more advice in finding the right place and took to another video. Just on the side, I had to unpack several hundreds of Biotoxin when coming home along with a bunch of side-loot from the fights. The Biotoxin, however, will be a gift for my favourite player, since I can't construct shocking darts due to level restriction just yet. Not too long, though.

From the next video I learned that I had to go to the underground ocean and round about where the entrance is. The dream-team was healed up (at least mostly), I took 3 sarcos along, had repaired the scuba gear and took off again. There were some skirmishes (I guess there always are when you are swimming), but not as serious as the first time. Btw - I've got to check my chibi on progress at the next opportunity :)
I found the entrance to the underground ocean and went down. At first it was a very very irritating place. I had little orientation and there was much fighting to be done. Killed several electrophorus, two plesios and a couple of sharks, to name the most notable ones. Again they were handled nicely and this time the sarcos did a good job, too. Actually I was glad to have them around for a little distraction from the dream-team. Then the server-restart-message hit me. Oh my... 5 minutes to find safety in the abyss. How should I do that. I suppose there's no safety to be had anywhere down there, so I started searching for the exit. It was actually quite tough, since I hadn't gained much orientation during the little time I had spent down there. Also there were still some attacks coming in. Those electrophorus come in larger numbers in the abyss I say. At last I found the entrance (or exit) and retreated into the chasm leading back to the surface-lake. I didn't reach the surface, but the chasm was way better than the underground sea. I felt confident that my team would handle the threats coming upon us down there.
Then the restart hit and I logged off. Got back as soon as I could and found everything in good condition, the team ready and eager for more exploration in the chasm between surface-lake and underground sea, just as I had left them. Good luck so far! I set out to search for the black pearls. At first I didn't find them, but looking closely and more thoroughly they were actually almost abundant down there. I started gathering and was soon surprised that those pearls are heavy as hell. I soon had to redistribute loads from the Basilo to the sarcos to accomodate all the loot. Well, all the important loot that is. Then, while gathering black pearls we were all of a sudden attacked by a tusoteuthis. I hadn't seen it coming. It was just suddenly there and I have no idea where it came from. Luckily I wasn't hit first. It would have been an awkward end to my expedition, since I wasn't mounted at the time (gathering pearls). I didn't know if it was serious - I just knew I hadn't fought this creature before and that at least the higher level ones can be quite serious if not unbeatable in a one-on-one. But having a team of capable fighters with me, the scene soon turned in my favour and the Tuso spit ink. Not much longer and I got the message that it was defeated, despite me not being able to see. Well, that was better than expected. Probably it wasn't such a high-level one. But it was another warning that this place was not to be messed with. I took a quick look around but decided that I've had enough excitement for the day and took my loot home. I got almost two full stacks of black pearls (whoa... nice catch for the first trip down there) and everybody got home safe and sound (except for the two sarcos lost on the first attempt). Put everything away, cleaned up and called it a day (oh... well, rather a night). It had been several hours and several means rather many in this context.

Anyways - I hope you enjoyed the story. Again, merry christmas and hope to read you again, soon.


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(Official, Valguero) Rebuilt the water pen entirely. Bigger! Better! Square-er!

Finally got real good loot from a present: a nice, 200-something (not the kind of something that can be found in normal drops, but 30 or 40, I don't remember, but somewhere around those numbers) crossbow BP and a 101 gasbags saddle, which I immediately put on Balloon - he's my favorite gasbags and deserves it.

Decided to go to The Abyss. First a disconnect happened when I was near a pack of sharks. They broke one of my SCUBA tanks (and I only took two this time, so, big loss). Then I reconnected (somehow alive), remounted, proceeded to the actual Abyss (dc happened in the corridor) and saw a tuso. It didn't suddenly appear, and it wasn't near a wall, so I found it suspicious. And I was right to be suspicious because it was a level 55 alpha tuso. The first one I ever saw! Naturally, I turned around and sprinted to the exit, but tuso reached me and I got stuck on the tentacles. Had to fight. Killer Sausage got beat up pretty bad. Finally I got unstuck and continued running away. Freedom was so close, when I got really-really stuck. So I had to fight more. And I fought and fought and noticed the squid getting pretty bloody. Bloodier than Sausage, and he was nearing half health, which meant the tuso was... Well, I started fighting even harder and after a bit the squid inked and tried to get away. I didn't let it. I chased it. I cornered it. And I killed it.  Killer Sausage got 10 whole levels out of it, and I now have a nice Asc fishing rod and some black pearls (plus a ton of keratin). But, obviously, that despite being an epic adventure, was not an encouraging start so I decided that's enough Abyss for today. I returned Killer Sausage to the pen, put pearls and keratin into appropriate vaults, and logged off Valguero.

(Official, Extinction) Fed the dinos.

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XB CI Server

Logged in to a pretty populated server. My server friend was on and he popped by to give me a mating trio of his snow owls! Great set. He also came by to hang out, I gave him some of my velos and we messed around on my tek jump pad. We decided, hop to ext and farm some drops. He heads back to base, I prepare and start the transfer process.... Transfer survivor. Transfer survivor...transfed survivor !!! Nothing. Game crashes. The eff.? Log back in, hes saying the same thing- I try again, same. Every time we try to transfer it freezes our game o.o I got lucky and just logged in went about my business..  he posts in discord that his character transferred and he lost everything he had on him including chibi and podded dinos. Sad days.

I puttered around base, did a few metal runs, bred some dinos and imprinted a final mantis, bred more manti (?) And got a melee mutation, saved that for later. Took my new mateboosted raised mantis over to eldrich to finally start farming some serious shards. Went well, very impressed with the new mantis. Only made it out with 4000 shards but hey, 40 element can't complain. Did I mention i hate flying to / from eldrich? Yeah, I do. On the way there almost got snabbed by floating bubbles and the way back too. They spawn so suddenly on Xbox due to our render view so I was veeeeery cautious on the way back. Those bubbles are the stuff of nightmares to me.


Got back, took a break for dinner and to watch some TV then bed hopped back to eldrich to do more farming. This time farmed near my base there and took to the skies to find more shards. Ended up with over 9000 after a loong trip. Well worth it. Went back to base then grabbed my wyvern to fly back to eldrich for hopefully, the final time. Got everything back to base, did another shard run first and now I'm sitting at just over enough element to make two teleporters. Raptor eldrich, ill tele from now on! 


Had to log out before making them, something exciting to start tonight off with ! 

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Played just a little before work today.  Since I have over 400 coal and 200 mistletoe from chasing santa this past week, I figured I better start feeding the gachas.  The first time I fed a gacha a few days ago I put about 10 coal into the inventory at once but only got 2 crystal back.  This time I gave 1 at a time, and got back a crystal each time... a better return for my investment, I believe.  At first they were regular crystals, then after awhile, I started seeing other types labeled primitive or apprentice, etc.  (probably old hat for many of you but this is my first Xmas event and never fed gachas before, so new to me).  Gifts got a little better too with the better crystals.  I received things like Journeyman Flak and Journeyman Riot chest pieces and a mammoth chibi.  I even got a Journeyman Sniper rifle.

I experimented with feeding gachas of different levels to see if you get better stuff with higher level gachas.  Well, if you do then I could not tell... seems like the same quality stuff either way.  Anyway, I went through about 30 pieces of coal and mistletoe.  I am probably done chasing santa now if I can relax near my base and just feed the gachas for good loot.  I will let others fight for the gifts.

I took many of the Xmas decorations I received from the crystals (trees, lights, gifts, etc) and decorated the house.  Looks nice. lol

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XB CI Server

A very successful night! One of those sessions you look back on and say "Yeah! I made some progress tonight!" Started off building my two tek teleports. Immediately I started planning a spot for it (they're just so damn big) and figured i needed to move my tek gen. Made a pillar box in the middle of my yard and threw a gen in there, highest setting. This covers my whole base and I was able to go 100% wireless now! Placed my tek tele inside my base then set everything up to head to Eldrich to place the second one. Had a bunch of excess paste so I made a whack of metal premades for the new pad. Took flight.


Got to eldrich and started planning where to put the teleport. My current base design wouldn't allow for it, literally sat there brainstorming for like an hour. Eureka! I'll have to move my base a tad, set a different angle and I can fit it (without sending the teleportee's down off the cliff) start placing new foundations .....lagg.. fell off the cliff. Lucky I had my wing suit, didn't die. No worries! I try to get my wyvern to follow me (it's way up on the cliff) no dice. Oh well, ill kill myself and fly down....crap! Forgot I picked up my bed to move it... REALLY don't want to fly back so I started jumping up walls, trying to find a glitchy way back up.. managed to use ladders, foundations and essentially built a 50 high ladder (in three stages) up to the cliff side. Lmao.

Set my new base up, placed teleporter, went to get my tek gen to power it......Eff. Left it at base. Back home, fly back, place gen. Do a quick shard run then teleport back to base. Woohoo! Works like a charm! 

Spent the next few hours redesigning my base. With my wireless energy and abundant (enough) element I was able to make a few goodies, largen my base and make a neat little tek dedicated storage bit in the back. Went for a last minute fly before bed and spotted a beautiful event female rex, only level 40 but I have yet to find a good male so ill breed him with my awesome 300 tame for colours.


Popped a few eggs, put them in the fridge then logged off. Besides listed events I also got a few raises in, combined my new tamed doed stats and combined all my mantis stats including a melee and hp mut! 

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Today did not go as planned.  I logged in and un-podded the 4 baby rexes.  I waited a few minutes and gave them their first imprint.  Noticed I was low on meat so I did a meat run to fill the fridge and to keep the trough going for awhile.  Tried to contact server buddy that was raising therizinos to see if my Female was finished.  No answer.  Bummed because this is really what I wanted to do today... start my Theri line.  

Ran around for a bit re-organizing shelves, made a vault for saddles because the two cabinet system I had was running low on space. 

Then decided to do the lava cave when nothing else was coming to mind.  Contacted my part-time tribe mate and he hopped on to join me.  We packed the essentials and headed out.  Both of us were disconnected before we got there.  A bad sign perhaps.  Anyway we eventually made it and started the cave.  We both got rabies and both died.  For some reason my count-down timer reset 3 times.  I can withstand twice, but not 3.  We fought our way back down the cave and found our gear.  Then just before we got to the artifact, my mate tells me he has to stop for awhile.  (He is British and it was Tea Time, and he does not budge on tea time) lol.  Well, I did what any good friend would do... I left him.  LMAO. Not really. I just pushed ahead and grabbed the artifact and went back to him.  I waited for a bit then he died (from thirst I think) while sitting on one of my thylas.  I picked up all his loot and podded the thyla and went up.  Unfortunately, the time I spent waiting for him was enough to generate re-spawns so I had to fight my way out.  I also fought lag and glitches the whole time I was in the cave and it was anything but smooth.  I disconnected again just as I was exiting the cave.  He finally logged back in and I gave him his stuff back after I re-connected 5 minutes later.  

Finally made it home and put the new artifact on its' pedestal.  That gives me six.  Of course I will need to do them all again I am sure.  And I still have the two cold (ice caves) and the two deep sea caves to do yet.  

Thinking about the sea caves reminded me that I need to get a water mount.  When the therizino breeder still did not answer, I started prepping to head for the coast to look for a basilo.  However, some idiot on the server decided it was time for duping.  Everything stopped...frozen for 30 seconds... then would go for a few seconds... then stop again.  This repeated again and again for like an hour.  I quit the game for awhile.

Logged back in and fed some gachas.  Nothing good. Mostly decorations, flare guns, and candies that turn your dinos different colors.

Made some runs over to metal mountain for obsidian.  Made a ton of CP and poly.

Checked on rexes.  They were about 25 minutes from their next imprint, but I podded them up and went for a walk.  When the game is glitchy, disasters are waiting to happen.  Maybe tomorrow will be better.  If I don't make it back here tomorrow, have a merry Christmas.



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(Official, Valguero) Added a second, inner wall layer to the water pen, for a neater look.

Did a meatrun and unpodded Phobos.

Bred tek rexes and argents (argent: female, right colors, no new mutations, stats had no choice but to be right because parents are identical, rexes: as always, only good to shoot and harvest).

Since there's not a lot of people currently on, managed to grab five presents (2 in the first night, 3 in the second).

Demolished the vault of a long-gone tribe nearby. It's been ready for demolishing for a while now, and nobody took it, so I decided might as well grab it. Got some nice skins out of it, and some pearls and other stuff. Not bad!


Found an event colored diplo that actually looks nice (white spikes, back and belly, blue body). Lured him into my base, taming now. My event diplo collection is growing!


Imprinted Phobos.

Made a ton of gunpowder.

Went to the swamp to get some leech blood, spent a while remembering where I put that fishing rod that I got from alpha tuso, and then fished. Mostly got manta, megaloceros, and carno saddle BPs from it. Some mosa ones, too. 2 argy, one better than the one I had. 3 diplo, two barely better than engram quality, one sorta okay (above 30). Not bad, and I still have plenty of durability left on that rod to use it some time later.

Podded Phobos, logged off.


Oh, and also, that diplo is tamed now, and his name is Spearmint.

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Spent some time feeding gachas today.  Mostly junk and things I already have but I also got 3 pieces of journeyman riot gear,  a few pieces of flak of varying levles, a MC longneck rifle, another journeyman sniper rifle, a journeyman assault rifle... and some chibis. I got both a rex chibi and a party rex chibi.  I have no idea what the difference is.  I also got a chibi for a tuso and a reaper, which sounds pretty cool but...

I need to tell you all something... I have no freek'n idea what a chibi is 🤔.  I had to look it up and here is what google says is the meaning of Chibis... "is a Japanese slang word describing something short (a thing, an animal or a person).  It is derived from the verb chibiru, which means 'to wear out and become shorter'. "

Yep... still don't know.  

Anyway, I have been under the impression this whole time that a chibis is something (like a skin) you might put on a specific animal.  So here I was last night, finally thinking that it would all make sense if I just try to use one.  So I pulled out my baryonyx.  Thinking, ok, let's just try it on something middle-of-the-road.  A dodo seemed too weak and I didn't want to waste a rex chibi until I know what I am doing.  It says you have to attack alphas to advance and there is no way I am going to attack alphas with a dodo, but a baryonyx... maybe.  So I open the bary inventory and try to put it on, like a skin.  Nope. didn't work.  I was so confused.  Why would I have a baryonyx chibi and not be able to put it on my baryonyx.  This is dumb.

Then later I found that the chibi goes on me.  ok. Whatever.  So I leave it there and forget about it.  A few minutes later I was walking through the grass and kept noticing this little thing following me.  Scared the crap out of me the first time I saw it.  I tried to defend myself, LMAO.  Then I realized what it was.  Oh, goodness.  

One thing puzzling me is besides the potential to level up to 105.  Is there a benefit to using a rex over a dodo?  Is there an advantage or value for higher tier dino chibis? Or is it just a shadow that follows you? There is still so much to learn about this little thing but for now all I know is it is friendly. lol.  

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47 minutes ago, Penguin73 said:

I have no idea what the difference is.

Party hat. That's it. Party rex is just a normal rex in a party hat.


Also, no, rarer chibies offer no advantage. They just prove you're lucky enough to get a rare one, and sometimes look cooler. They level up the same, and offer no bonuses other than "extra player levels" one, which is the same for all chibies.

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44 minutes ago, AllOfTheAllos said:

Party hat. That's it. Party rex is just a normal rex in a party hat.


Also, no, rarer chibies offer no advantage. They just prove you're lucky enough to get a rare one, and sometimes look cooler. They level up the same, and offer no bonuses other than "extra player levels" one, which is the same for all chibies.

Ah yes! thank you.  Since my last post I also decided I could not take the ignorance any longer and turned to YouTube.  I watched a pair of videos that pretty much explained the whole thing.  Wow, I think I made that much harder than it really is.  Anyway, let's move on shall we. 🙃

In other news, I made contact with the person raising me a therizino.  He said he was all done and I could come get my egg... Wait, what?  Egg?  I told him I wanted a female and he gives me an egg.  Normally not an issue but now there is risk to my purchase.  Maybe I get what I want, maybe I don't.  Risky, but I roll the dice and buy two.  I am new to the whole bartering game and somehow I feel like I was taken advantage of a bit.  2000 poly per egg.  Good deal? bad deal? IDK really.  So, we make the exchange.  I race home and start cooking the eggs.  I could see from the egg info that they had the same mom but different dads.  The first one pops and it is a level 355 male.  Health is 19,140 and melee is 855.  Not a female, but I still smile a bit because it is much better than the wild 130 male I tamed up to a 194 last week.  Then the second one pops and it is again a 355 male.  All stats are identical to the first one.  I didn't smile this time.  Breeding therizinos this week will have to wait a little longer.  The Ark gods are having their fun again.

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(Official, Extinction) Wanted to just feed the dinos and send the dino leash BP I have to Valguero, but checked the taming HUD, and Diablo still hasn't starved, so I decided to try and get him back after all. For that I'll take one of my female tek rex breeders from Valguero, level her up, make a saddle for her, and send her there. Won't be quite as strong as if I sent the male (because mutations), but male's still not disposable because I haven't managed to hatch a replacement so far, so a female will have to do. Just gotta pick one that inherited Jotunn's stats, and not Empress'.

(Official, Valguero) Took two empty pods. Made a saddle. And also 200-something armor flak pants. And grabbed an old riot helmet (I realized the whole thing wouldn't have happened if I remembered to put on some armor - then I would have survived while Diablo ate the enemies). 

Picked a rex (it was Lana), put a saddle on her, put all her levels until she had 20000 health and 551% melee, healed her, podded her, sent her, empty pod, helmet and pants to Ext.

(Official, Extinction) Retrieved everything and went to rescue Diablo. And did it! As well as grabbed the Artifact. I'll find where to put it. Now I'm going to send Lana back to Valguero, and chomp some lampposts with Diablo to get dust, which I'll also send to Valguero.


Apparently, gigas can't eat lampposts. Well, chomp some enforcers and defense units instead, then.


Uploaded the podded rex, the artifact, as well as some chitin, to later retrieve it all back on Valguero. Went to gather dust. Got almost a whole stack, but then, in an unexpected turn of events, the server crashed (it's unexpected because normally it's the Valguero one doing that. Not sure if I've ever seen the Ext one being down). Well, even if it stays down for so long that I won't be able to stay awake to log bak on right when it's back, I won't lose much: just armor (I can get more), spyglass, 2 water jars, the aforementioned almost a stack of dust (not important. I can get more,m plus I only gather dust because I like having it, not because I need it), and a cryopod. Diablo is unlikely to be lost because he's a giga and he's not in a cave anymore, so I can just fly to him if I have to.


Server is back, I was alive (and near the base. Apparently there was a couple minute rollback), I got an entire stack of dust (as in, in addition to the almost entire I already had). Found a really cool argent, but it was level 10, I had no plans to tame anything, and also I accidentally ate it when killing an enforcer nearby. Uploaded the first stack of dust, the second almost-stack is not ready for uploading yet. Once it is, I'll upload it, then retrieve everything back on (Official, Valguero), then feed the dinos there, and that'll be all for today.

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Last night I decided to leave my 4 new rexes out to further the maturation process while I log off for Christmas dinner.  I put food in the trough before I left and checked the timer... they still had over six hours until the next imprint.  Should have been safe right?... nope.  When I logged in about 3 hours later I walked out of the house to check on them.  3 were already gone and I watched the last one die as I was quickly trying to pull the pod out of my inventory.  I was already feeling kinda low because of the whole double-male therizino thing.  This didn't help.

I decided to shift gears and headed for the southern coast with baryonyx and scuba.  I wanted to find a basilo.  I remember from my solo (SP) days that the area around herb island was pretty good for basilo so I headed there.  I swam around and fought sharks and eels for awhile, exhausted first scuba tank.  Put on second tank and went out a little farther and deeper.  Saw a male 55.  Kept swimming.  Got swarmed by a bunch of sharks and eels at once.  I never saw them coming from below.  Luckily none were alphas, and although we survived, the bary was on its' last breath.  We headed back towards the island, but before I left the deep water I saw a basilo shadow in the distance.  I used a spyglass and it was a 145 Male.  Bingo.  But I was in no condition to tame now.  Baryonyx was bleeding and I only had half a tank of oxygen.  So we went back to raft parked on the beech.  It was getting dark anyway.  I podded the baryonyx and flew back to base.  While the baryonyx was healing, I repaired gear, and cooked up a few more kibble.  Flew back down to the raft at first light and spent about and hour looking for the basilo.  Never found him... Defeated again.

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