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So what did you do in ARK today?


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XB CI Server

Got on for a little bit in the early afternoon to help that new guy out. Gave him a few reject breeders, a megatherium, carno and an anky. Let him hatch some ptera eggs and one of my older blood wyvern eggs at my base. Gave him some extra beacon loot in my vaults and some basic helpers like canteen, GPS and journeyman crossbow plus some random gear. Also gave him like 6 crypods for his tames and a few extra. 

Usually I dont like to give someone so much to start off but he used to play the cluster and doesn't have any interest in the early game progression like I do. To each their own! I was going to kill the stuff I gave him anyways. Gave him some extra taming supplies and he imprinted a few times on his tames before I had to go and he took off gleefully. That should get him going well.


After a short break got on to cryo my grown dinos quickly and on a quick meat run saw a 270 female megatherium and decided to knock it out. Got slightly higher melee than my line so an improvement a bit.



Edit: Ayyy 300 pages :) This thread is awesome.

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(Official, Valguero) Today I decided to hatch some eggs. I put in the hatchery all the eggs I had in the refrigerator, plus bred tek rexes for five more fresh eggs.

The bad news is that so far 6 eggs hatched (5 rex, 1 giga) and there's no mutations and the giga had wrong melee and gender.

But the good news! Good news is that I finally tried that pump-action shotgun I crafted from the BP I found in the Abyss and it's AMAZING! The ultimate baby unmaker! Obliterates a baby giga in just two shots, and a baby rex in a single one! Best. Gun. Ever!


Rest of the eggs (except giga one, that still has over 20 hours on it. I'll check on it later if I don't forget) hatched. 1 pair of mutated twins (new color - some sort of wyvern or dragon orange), 1 single mutated (same color). Twins had new color on sides, single - on back, but neither were mutated on health or melee, so I killed them just like the rest of today's hatchlings. New gun still amazing. Love it. All the previous ones took a minimum of two shots to kill a baby rex, which is just waste of ammo, but this one is great. And such durability!


Logged on to pick giga egg up for the night. Got distracted putting some dinos in their proper places because everything that was near gachas suddenly decided to move to one corner. Including the owls. While I was doing that, server crashed so, dinos not placed back, egg not put in the fridge, I'm logged off in the open part of the base instead of safely in the house. Delightful.


It's back! And it rolled back just enough for me to be still in the house and for the dinos to be where they initially were, so I don't have to rearrange them! Awesome!

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I discovered that on Non Dedicated (The Island) that there's a way to pull fliers into the boss arenas without commands or mods. if the host is teleported to a Boss Arena the tether pulls the non host players and whatever mount they happen to be on into the arena. Also discovered that high level Lightning Wyverns absolutely wreck the bosses in short order.

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Xbox Crystal Isles Server

Started off my night with a little breeding. Hatched some of my diplo eggs since I haven't imprinted a pair yet, got a male & female first go. Set aside to imprint. Further combined my carno stats. Finally got all my good stats and my new weight into two dinos, got a few of my colours into the same stats, too. Just need to finalize my last few colour combos and they're done (until I get new stats) 

Nabbed a 270 event mammoth, an Ovis and a 260 megatherium one after another to tame. Megatherium had a slight boost to melee and the Mammoth a slight boost to my weight for my line - set that to breed with my other mammoths. Did more base chores, meat runs, more stone and wood then made a bunch more pre-made stuff for Ext / extra stuffs. Got all my Mammoth stats combined off the first birth which was nice.

Found a 290 dire wolf, decided to tame a few just for fun. Only found females but got some good stats and colours, 290, 270 and a 280. Random ARK stuff, you just go with the flow. Coordinated with a server mate to arrange for some more giga eggs so I can get a mating pair going for OSD and such, hes just knocking out the titans currently and plans to do king titan soon - I need to get some breeding lines up.


Set my gigas aside and a Mammoth he wanted but then again.. ARKd myself after watching a video and decided "hey! I wanna get some black pearls / tek stuff!" Watched a video and set off to Eldrich isle again. Foind a good spot for element shards and set a small outpost there. Quick easy element shards. Took awhile to get my base set up but did a nice run after netting 2k shards and finally some red/blue/green gems! Popped by a supposed empty bubble on the way back and it was correct! No nasties in it. These bubbles terrify me.

The wyvern i imprinted was done when I got back to base. Set my materials into storage, made a few extra glider suits, now I can make some cliff platforms (been wanting these awhile) and also am very close to a tek replicator! Got the pearls, poly will be easy and just need to farm more metal next time I'm on, transfer it all to Extinction and farm a bunch of light posts!


Happy with my progress today. 

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Went looking for a good female yuty.  Found nothing over level 50.  Killed them and hoped for better respawns.

Went looking for Megatheriums. Same story.

Went looking for Therizinos.  Found a few in the 80-95 range, but not good enough.  I feel like I have really nice rexes but I would rather have a good line of Therizinos as they will do more for me during island-end-game.  

Went home and bred rexes.  Added eggs to fridge. I Now have nine eggs and I might be able to trade them for something.  

Checked snow area just north of me for yuty and megatherium again.  Nothing.  But I did see a solo female wolf 135 walking next to the taming pen I built the other day.  Very easy kite / knock-out / tame.  Melee was the only good stat on her, but I didn't have a wolf so I kept her.  She tamed up to a 202 and will do for now.  Lots of wolves just north of me so I don't think it will take too long to find a good male.  Honestly, I wouldn't mind having an imprinted wolf pup to raise as a back-up for caving.  I like using wolves in the SE (lava) cave.

Threw all the chitin I got from caving yesterday into the chem station and made about 2700 cementing paste.  It could have been more if the first cave was not so empty.  But that is a petty complaint.

Spent some time re-organizing the dinos in the house.  I have been disappointed with the egg productions from certain pairs and I am trying to experiment with different placements.  

Nothing too exciting today.

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(Official, Extinction) Fed the dinos. Fought some corrupted ones that were a bit too close to my base for my comfort (nothing serious - 2 stegos, some pteras). Didn't do anything else.

Nothing was done on (Official, Valguero) and (Official, Crystal Isles), since dinos on Valg were fed only yesterday, and I checked on CI base recently enough. It can all wait until tomorrow.

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Xbox Crystal Isles Server


Didn't do too much last night. Got on for a few hours but was busy cooking and cleaning irl as well so didn't do much except breeding. My new mammoth tame added to my line, combined those and got a baby imprinted for a server mate. Also got my carno colours sorted to new high level partners, also accidently imprinted 3 while moving them (didnt notice follow imprint) so I started on my carno crew (dubbed Stomp Gang) - got 6 imprinted high level carnos.

Did a few metal runs and a butt load of stone. Found a few mega...giant turtles and got a bunch of their shell fragments, grinds up to thousands of chitin. Blowing through CP making cliff platforms so its welcomed. Got all the materials I need for my replicator now, just need go make it over to extinction to craft it.

Stopped by a servers mates base while I was out and about, his extra blueprint vault outside his walls was stacked! Got a few nice blueprints I needed including carno, bear and argy saddle bps. Made a few for my stomp gang and let imprints / raises go while I AFK

Didn't do much else, sorted my base and logged


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Started out the day similar to to all the rest lately.  Fed dinos then flew around looking for specific tames on my "immediate want" list... Yuty, Megatherium, Therizino, Wolf, Baryonix.  Found a 140 male wolf and spent some time kiting it toward the pen.  I was able to get it into the taming pen, however, there was a pack of Hyenas next to it when I got there and they followed the wolf in and had it for lunch.  Grrrrr!

Expanded my typical flight pattern but found nothing else worth my time today.  Few home.

I made a run for metal and obsidian.  Then gathered a doedi load of stone.  Made more cementing paste and reached level 88.  Woohoo.  I grabbed a few things and flew up to the blue ob and made a cryo fridge.

Went home and stressed for 15 minutes on where to put the dang thing. LMAO.  Funny how I can charge a rex without blinking but sweat over the furniture.  Anyway... 

Shifting gears... I packed up the argy and flew to carno island.  I pulled the thyla out of the pod and went caving again.  The only hiccup was a dc at the top of the cave just as you come out of the water.  Luckily I cleared the first set of bats before the game kicked me and was very lucky it happened there (on the wide spot) and not further down the path where it narrows.  I was able to log back in 5 minutes later and was still alive.  Only saw one loot drop (red) and I received an apprentice Allosaurus saddle.  I remembered the otter and walked out with two artifacts.

Wish I had more time because as I was leaving carno island on the argy I saw the coolest looking  female rex.  It had a completely dark black on black body with a slight hint of reddish/pink on the underbelly.... soooo cool.  It was only a 110 so stats were not gonna be great, but a line of rexes looking totally bad a## would have been special.

But, I digress.  I went home and proudly displayed my new trophy. I put stuff away and logged off.  Had to go to my other job.

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Xbox island official pve 

After just filling troughs for four days due to shift work, cannot wait to get back into ark on my days off. 

Seriously rinsed myself on one of my rare opportunities in game. I was able to clone a magmasaur from a xbox/ server friends stable. High melee stats and borrowed their ascendant saddle bp. Magmasaur wasn't a high priority of mine but realized the opportunity was to good to pass up. I now have 3 magmasaurs each with an ascendant saddle, but storage boxes without ings and element for the first time in weeks.

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XB CI Server

Today I finally found out where that guy who was giving me the giga eggs to get a male was. I got on planning to run over there. First I cryod all my raises from the last few days (minus my carno reject pile) and sorted them out a bit in the fridges, made a few more carno saddles and got them all gaining exp in cryo.

Was gearing up to head out and noticed I was a tad low on poly and out of honey (my fridge for all my indy cooker stuff somehow lost power and died ?) Fixed that then went to the honey cave with my new dire bear saddle. Simple, kill a  butt load of bees then keep harvesting my honey. Somehow I stepped too close or aggrod a bear, no worries.. mine was a 280t after all with a decent saddle. Mid kill 7 more bears came around the corner and I kited them all to a spot I could kill them, then more came! I lost confidence real quick with the level 200-300 bears smacking me down. Managed to get a few stuck behind a hive and killed the rest. 4 left, they got to me and were smacking 250+ a hit. My bear that had 10k hp was down to 2k. Killed two then the last two my bear died. Killed one on its death hit then I jumped off, used my glider suit to get behind the bear, ate a custom food i made then pummeled the bear with my sword. He was a tough bugger and i survived with 20hp. Grabbed the loot from my bears corpse and got out of there.

Got to buddies base on the other side of the map, grabbed my eggs and flew home. As I roll up I notice a real nice Yuty, event red body, black stripe and orange crest. Level 300! Max level. Spent the next 1.5h trying to coax it to my taming pen not even 2 renders away, used 100 rare flowers even. Thing had major ADD. Got it knocked out and tamed, great melee and decent other stats.

Afterwards the guy i helped the other day, who lives near the tropical wyverns, i told if he tames a nice male high level he can breed it with my female..well it only took a day and he's over wanting to breed. Turns out he caught a few including a nice mating pair. I got a couple eggs off him.and he gave me a tamed male. He didn't realize I guess but the male has 1690 stam! Highest on our server by far. Closest high wyvern stam is 1500 range. I mated the male with my female and after popping eggs I found out my female has 511 base melee! Another server high (my bloods have 1450 stam 450 melee for reference and they're on par with server standards)

Popped a bunch of eggs trying to get mates to combine all the melee stam and hp. My giga eggs popped, forgot about them honestly. I figured I'd get the same gigas everyone uses but it turns out buddy gave me a few lower ones (no problem I can mate em) BUT they're full on blue which is kinda cool.


Let the giga get out of baby phase, made sure troughs were all topped off and extra just incase and logged for the night. Got lots of wyvern and giga breeding to do next time 

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(Official, Valguero) Fed the dinos. Took down old stable, built a new, more compact one (single row, 6 boxes). Killed my equus, leaving only a purple-legged melee-mutated female and the unicorn. Froze Spike (stego), Mint (carbo), Berryhorse (iguanodon), Gwen and Coals (allosaurs), and Luna and Snowstorm (managarmrs) in order to declutter the base a bit. Saw that a base nearby decayed, so placed a few pillars on the part of the now-free land closest to my base. By "a few" I mean five, just by my base. Just to make sure that when someone builds there they won't be uncomfortably close. Did a little crystal run (mantis+quetz) and finished the greenhouse's roof.

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Flew around for a bit this morning looking for tames.  Again... nothing (shook fist toward sky, lips pursed, eyes squinted, held back some 4-letter words). The past 3 days have been a big disappointment in the taming arena.  It would sure be nice to find a few more friends before we lose the 2x taming.  [ thanks for rubbing your 300 yuty in my face, @d1nk ]  LOL

I found some eggs around the house today.  Not sure if moving around the dino pairs on Sunday did the trick or if podding the rexes yesterday was the cause... but egg production was better today for sure.  I will make some kibble tomorrow.

Made more cabinets and lined them up on the patio.  I have six cabinets full of hide and one full of pelt without even making it a conscious effort.  I know the hide will get used once I start making saddles so I am just adding storage as needed right now.  Not sure what to do with all the pelt yet.

Made a run up the volcano for metal and obsidian.  Made a vault and placed it just inside the door that leads out to my industrial forge.  Cooked metal. Made more CP and Poly.  Put all that into vault.

During this time I was also cooking rex eggs.  Group A is ready to pop.  Group B has 60 minutes to go and Group C has 90 minutes left.  3 in each group.  Breeding has never been my strong point.  I am trying to learn and doing them in 3's seems manageable for now.  ((so if any of you catch me doing something wrong, please let me know))  I have the next three days off and want to hatch them and utilize what is left of increased rates.  Maybe that would be the better use of my time rather than spending all day looking for tames. IDK.  I will see what Ark wants to give me in the morning.  

The rexes should all have around 44k health when they pop and won't need much work, if any, after imprinting and sitting in pods (gaining XP) until I need them.  They should all be monkey ready fairly quickly.  But... I need to do more caves first.  And... find saddles...  And before I do the other caves... I need (want) a couple other specialty tames first.  So much to do yet.  I have not even set foot in the water yet.  LMAO.

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Started to hunt for X-Variant dinos on Genesis. I didn't know they can have 15 more levels than other dinos. Only found that out this week. So now I want to get a bunch of them to transfer to my other maps so I can utilize those extra 15 levels. Especially on the fighters like Argies , Rexes and Yuti's. It went ok for the first night. Got 150 male and female Argies and a 150 Yuti as well.

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(Official, Valguero) Put some arrows into a gacha, bred gigas and rexes, put eggs in the hatchery, took a mana to check beaver dams real quick, but saw an alpha rex. Back to base, chibi on me, me on giga, went to kill the rex. Wanted it to be an epic fight, but rex insisted on getting stuck in Deimos' backside, so it was extremely un-epic. Good thing giga's "bite zone" is so big, that being away from the jaws didn't protect it at all! And the chibi is level 3 now. Player level 107, here I come!

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27 minutes ago, DarkEliteH2 said:

Got stuck. In my own bear trap . With no one around to help me 😂

Way back on official days my tribe mates and I got carried away throwing bear traps on each other. You would be mid tame, running to get some kibble quick and ..SNAP.. bear trap. %#&@. Or just hatching an egg? Bear trap under the fridge you went to get berries / meat from. Haha

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XB CI Server

Mostly did breeding yesterday. My male giga was grown when I logged in, along with my wyverns so I went to work breeding. Gathered 8 giga eggs and let them sit while I did stuff for a few hours. Hatched a bunch of tropical eggs, got all my stats into matching m/f and imprinted another. Did a bunch of base stuff then my giga eggs hatched. Got the mating pair I was desiring and also got a decent one for imprinting. Put an imprint on it then went about transferring stuff to Extinction.


Logged in extinction, put all my metal, poly etc into storage that I brought over to make my replicator. Added a crafting area built around the city terminal equipped with a bed for easy server hop crafting. Ill place my rep beside the bed when its done. Took my Extinction wyvern and a doed went to smack light posts for dust. Holy. Crap. Extinction is SO LAGGY. Many times I entered 'zones' that I'd have solid 10 second freezes at, multiple times. I can see why noone else built in the city. Might need to rethink this.


Was smacking lamppost way up high, hit a huge lagg spike then came to... on the ground. Eff. My wyvern was at the highest platforms of the city, along with my base and all I have is my doed on me. I searched for about 45 mins for a way up and gave up, threw all my stuff into my doed then suicided to respawn in my base. My wyvern wasn't far so ran over there and just as I arrived... giant lagg spike. Came to 5hp almost dead (from 500 hp total....) from some spiders, barely survived, got my doed back and loaded everything back to my base. I'm going to need a bunch of gigas for some element veins, only got like 6 element from lamps.


Cryod everything then went to bed back on Crystal isles

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Xbox island official pve 

What a day, finally a full day in the ark and it felt good. 

Mosasaur finally matured,  basilosaurus x4 matured (although I must have missed one, 86% imprint is ok tho) and after a few mountain trips a reasonable amount on ing in storage.

Metal run itself was quite eventful. Cryopoded gasbag and magmasaur and fly to volcano on my wyvern. First few trips averaging 9-10k metal plus few hundreds of crystal and obsidian were uneventful. But this being Ark, I disconnected on my way back fully loaded, because I'm an idiot who doesn't plan ahead I was full decked out with tek armour, I feared the worst.  But as luck would have it I reconnected still alive but stuck on the steepest side of the volcano. My wyvern was also landed but higher up, when I tried to walk towards it I slipped heart stopping down. Owing to the genius level subconscious I own, I was equipped with all the tools needed to recover this situation, tek armour. I jet packed to my wyvern, soon I was back in control and now to find my gasbag. Gasbag was not too far away and was soon picked up. Phew.

I decided to give metal runs a miss for a short while lol. Given the fact I can safely harvest about 3-4k metal from the river right in front of my base. I live on the west coast near the snowy area next to the two waterfalls. 

I concentrate on iguanodoning™️ berries to feed seeds to my two element gachas. I unwisely leveled the first one when I got is so sometimes I get some grinder fodder. I eventually get to about 30k ele dust and start converting to element. I need about 12 element per day as I operate 3 separate buildings on my base with tek power. My main base which I house most of my gachas socially distanced of course lol. I leave these out in mated pairs with an owl companion for each, ensuring I have a ready supply of pallets. Second building houses my farming dinosaurs snails, turtles, argyies etc. My third is an ocean pen with tusoteuthis, basilosaurus, etc with my bronto egg farm.

Trading capped off a day in a great way sold gigas, wyvern,mammoths, anteater and doedi. Brought in 60k element and 26k ing. Not a bad day all in all. Ark god has smiled on me by providing me a 140 level otter right before I was going to log off, made so much easier as the salmon began to aggro and attack me lol.

Ark winning day.


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(Official, Valguero) Forgot about the giga egg. Missed the giga egg. Oops! Fed dinos, placed tek rex eggs and another giga egg I had in the fridge into the hatchery, bred tek rexes for another batch of eggs, bred velonas, unpodded Liam (my current argent breeder, wild-tame, good melee, decent weight, crap colors) and bred him to Sapphire (my weight hauler argent, bred, stats same as Liam's, much better colors). Hope something decent will hatch. Made some shotgun ammo.

Once velonas are hatched, I'll log onto (Official, Extinction) to feed dinos there, then Ci to check on the wyverns and refresh base, then back to Valguero to watch eggs until only giga eggs are left, and then maybe a treasure hunt in The Abyss.

(Official, Extinction) Dinos: fed. Wyvern: will have to be replaced, because  iaccidentally made her bite a megatherium while harvesting a corpse, and then the game froze, so I no longer have a wyvern on Ext (probably will send one of the two blood wyverns I tamed for breeding during Extra Life - they serve no purpose currently, and I remember one of them having colors that can't be really called great).


Wyvern: replaced.

(Official, Valguero) Trip to the Abyss didn't bring much loot. But I tamed a low-level male basilo! I built a small breeding pen for him and Toriel, and already made them mate. Hope baby will get Tori's stats. And colors, because the I like her colors better.


(Still Official, Valguero) Giga egg hatched. Female, wrong body color, mutated (stat: don't know, but NOT MELEE, color: blue on belly), killed her. Toriel gave birth, twins, mutated, her melee and weight, but father's health. Killed both, but exported one to maybe later check in Smart Breeder what's the mutated color, because it's kinda hard to see underwater.

Picked up the other giga egg, logged off.


Checked the exported basilo's color. It's black on the belly.

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XB CI Server

Bred, bred, bread? 


Just bred all my time on today. Decided to slowly work on my boss squad since I need element soon. Raised and imprinted 3 tropical wyverns and 2 blood wyvern. Hatched more giga eggs, got a super blue mutation to go over my current blue mutations (melee too) and finished imprinting the giga from the other day. Now ive got 6 boss wyverns, 3 imprinted gigas (plus 3 trash ones ill use as fodder for OSD) and im slowly getting my squads together for Gamma wyvern and some OSDs / veins for extinction.

Oh, also tamed a 270 event orange daedon, figured before the event ends i should get some new colours. It used up all my kibble so took a bunch of excess wyvern eggs and made more extraordinary kibble aswell.


Other than that it was just waiting around for imprints. This weekend I'll probably try my first OSD in a while.

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4 hours ago, AllOfTheAllos said:

Once velonas are hatched, I'll log onto (Official, Extinction) to feed dinos there, then Ci to check on the wyverns and refresh base, then back to Valguero to watch eggs until only giga eggs are left, and then maybe a treasure hunt in The Abyss.

I am just a one-world player atm. If I ever get to that point, I think I will need a special day planner to keep track of it all. LOL. 

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1 hour ago, d1nk said:

XB CI Server

Bred, bred, bread? 


Just bred all my time on today. Decided to slowly work on my boss squad since I need element soon. Raised and imprinted 3 tropical wyverns and 2 blood wyvern. Hatched more giga eggs, got a super blue mutation to go over my current blue mutations (melee too) and finished imprinting the giga from the other day. Now ive got 6 boss wyverns, 3 imprinted gigas (plus 3 trash ones ill use as fodder for OSD) and im slowly getting my squads together for Gamma wyvern and some OSDs / veins for extinction.

Oh, also tamed a 270 event orange daedon, figured before the event ends i should get some new colours. It used up all my kibble so took a bunch of excess wyvern eggs and made more extraordinary kibble aswell.


Other than that it was just waiting around for imprints. This weekend I'll probably try my first OSD in a while.

Sorry for my newness, OSD? That's not like LSD is it?  Oh man... this would be a scary game on that stuff.  Just say no, kids!

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7 minutes ago, Penguin73 said:

I am just a one-world player atm. If I ever get to that point, I think I will need a special day planner to keep track of it all. LOL. 

Best way to do it. When I played official I had phone timers, so many timers. Ones for raises, imprints, base timers, decay timers etc

1 minute ago, Penguin73 said:

Sorry for my newness, OSD? That's not like LSD is it?  Oh man... this would be a scary game on that stuff.  Just say no, kids!

Orbital Supply Drop. Something in Extinction, they drop, you activate then fight waves of baddies for loot at rhe end. Really fun

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