Penguin73 Posted November 25, 2020 Share Posted November 25, 2020 Woke up this morning (in game) to the sounds of wings flapping nearby. A quick investigation revealed a female ptera (lvl 25) wedged between the house wall and an outdoor pillar. It was not stuck, just unable to continue in the direction it wanted. I ran into the house, grabbed a bola, meat, and some tranq arrows and put it down with one shot. 15 minutes later I parked my new female ptera next to the one male I already had. Perfect start to the day! (and I was still in my underwear). I put a small check mark next to my list creatures that produce small eggs. I got dressed and took the argy down to the beach. Found some dodos... two males and one female. Fired a tranq arrow at the closest male. 1-shot kill. oops! ... so I changed tactics and made a sling shot. knocked the other two out and they were tame within minutes. Flew back to base with my pair of dodos... one in talons of argy and one in my hands. I have to say that does look funny. I placed a small check mark next to things that make extra small eggs. I already have some large eggs from my argies, and I have some extra large eggs from the rexes. I will need to work on medium eggs when I get home tonight from work. I know it does not rank as farm status yet, but I feel good knowing it is started finally. Added a few tiles to the ceiling in the expansion project. Collected some eggs. Yippee. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
2OLEgend Posted November 25, 2020 Share Posted November 25, 2020 On 11/24/2020 at 7:51 AM, 2OLEgend said: Xbox island official pve Weekend server was full of beach Bob's begging due to free weekend. But raised therizinosaurus to 45%, started to raise basilosaurus and beelzebufo. More importantly hopefully having an opportunity to get alpha dragon. An allied server friend said that the deinonychus was the best tactic to take on my nemesis and was willing to help using their tames. Today may be the day, death or glory awaits. 😉 16 hours ago, d1nk said: In Valhalla, Oden waits The saga continues 😉, Alpha dragon 4th attempt, the main difference between this tilt at the dragon was I was not using my theris (my second army still only 50% matured). Deinonychus are the dinosaurs of choice with a magmasaur tanking. But way more than that I'm no longer in charge lol. Seven survivors 19 deinonychus and one magmasaur enter the area, the dragon was shreaded in less than 5 minutes, but ark isn't finished there. In its death throws the dragon falls of the cliff we succeeded in getting the kill but no element reward was given. But finally after weeks of preparing I eventually win the day, not by my own hand but as a relative passenger. But due to being on a PvE server, which is the only one I have ever been on, I have gained help on every step of my journey. Being a solo survivor these alliances have allowed me to progress in the game at a reasonable pace. Although nowhere near record breaking but I feel that I wouldn't be any way near my level without the help of countless other people. Yeah sometimes its lagging due to the large number of people connected, but this is a shared experience. Without any hierarchy structure the server has a ethos that everyone helps those whom need help, but there is no truck with the numerous beach Bob's whose mantra of ;- I'm new help Can I have a flyer Can I haz free stuff Whose tribe can I join??? But help will come to those survivors who do try to help themselves. I still count myself as new, I still need help although I'm getting to a point where I can help others. Tl;dr Dragon shreaded, now where is that Tek cave. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AllOfTheAllos Posted November 25, 2020 Share Posted November 25, 2020 (Official, Valguero) Killed some superturkeys (tried giga (best result), wyvern (verrry slow) and velona (acceptable, but not fast). Made some rare chibies, one was chibi-Broodmother! Saw a level 60 tek quetz, but as I was getting the darts, kibble and narcotics, and constructing a trap on Skylord's back, the quetz flew away and I was unable to find it. Will keep Skylord unpodded and with trap still on his back, just in case. While trying to find the quetz, saw two alpha carnos. Flying back to the base the normal way would take too long, so I dismounted and glided to my base with Skylord on follow (and he kept up with me just fine!), then took Deimos, equipped my current chibi (bloodstalker one) and killed the carnos. Chibi still not level 3, but at least a bit closer to that now. Fed the dinos and logged off for now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
d1nk Posted November 25, 2020 Share Posted November 25, 2020 17 hours ago, AirplaneSlider said: I went out to get the beta and alpha tribute stuff for monkey boss (Island). Got enough meg teeth, spino sails, and theri claws. Now i just need the megalania toxin and thyla claws. Thyla claws aren't too bad to get. I plan on grabbing my rex and wandering in the redwoods until I find some or get thyl'ad off my rex. Anyone know any better strategies? Finally, need some megalania toxin. I know there are megalania in caves, but are there any other areas not in caves where I can find them? I really don't want to deal with more arthros, bats, and spiders. Island,no. Tame two low lvl mega, breed and kill the babies for toxin :)! I believe one spawns in every babies inventory unless they fixed it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
d1nk Posted November 25, 2020 Share Posted November 25, 2020 Crystal Isles Xbox server Long day yesterday. Got lots of play time in without much to show for it. Wanted to go get some higher level wyvern eggs. Took out on my wyvern to my desert turrets. Spent 4 hours flying around, killing spawns, grabbing eggs etc and only found 3 eggs. Flew around to every nest spot (used a gps) many many times. Took to Google and found out their respawn is terrible. Only made it out with a few level 60 eggs. Was fed up and wanted a fire wyvern. Flew to the volcano area to search for one. 3 hours later (ill spare the details) and an accidental prime crystal drop (auto flinch shot a wyvern near, was a low level had a good long neck.. instant knock out) also dispatched with a 180 alpha wyvern. Hours later searching stumbled upon a max level (300) fire wyvern and tamed it with prime ceystals it was late, went home logged off Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AirplaneSlider Posted November 25, 2020 Share Posted November 25, 2020 Went out hunting for thylas to get thyla hook claws. Only found three and those three were on the ground. The one time I want to get thyla'd off my mount no thylas come at me lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted November 25, 2020 Share Posted November 25, 2020 Worked late last night as I often do early in the week. Got home and started the update. Woke up this morning and finished the update. Didn't have much time before heading off to work again but I logged in and built a feeding trough to keep the team happy. I let the two young thyla out of their pods for a bit. Added more ceiling tiles to the base. Picked up a couple eggs. Put thyla pair back in pods, now at 40 percent. Went to work. ...Looking forward to the next three days off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Squirtlesquad8 Posted November 25, 2020 Share Posted November 25, 2020 Accidentally let my rex starve to death Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AllOfTheAllos Posted November 26, 2020 Share Posted November 26, 2020 (Official, Valguero) Since the wild megalodons no longer have "bleed", repaired my SCUBA tanks, took Toriel and went into the Abyss. The loot wasn't great, but hey! At least I can once again come there and get any loot at all, that's something. The pack bonus doesn't help megalodons much, Toriel eats them like candy. Got disconnected while fighting an alpha megalodon, but, surprisingly enough, survived and managed to remount Toriel (SCUBA tank got broken, though, but I had 5 more untouched ones, and one with just a bit durability left), and killed the alpha just fine. Gathered some pearls. After returning to the base, filled the berry troughs (only fed the carnivores last time), and logged off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AllOfTheAllos Posted November 26, 2020 Share Posted November 26, 2020 (Official, Valguero) Abyss again. Not many enemies this time, two alpha sharks, though. Toriel got two new levels. Great loot, plenty of it, too. Even two SCUBA tanks, 1 BP one item. Got disconnected when leaving, though. Died. Probably mantas, tank had plenty of durability. Trying to reconnect to retrieve my stuff right now (should have put it all in Toriel's inventory!) ... Yep, mantas. Stuff retrieved succesfully, by the way. So much of it, that even though I returned home on Frostbite, Lampeater (my to-and-from-Abyss flying mount) still was of use - I put some stuff in her because all of it was too heavy for Frostbite to jump with! ... And now that I'm back to the base, and stuff I got from the Abyss is sorted (good BPs to the box, bad thrown out, items, with the exception for the SCUBA tank, ground up, tank repaired, old primitive ones also ground up, and new, mastercraft ones are made), I decided to do some breeding. Nothing much, just tek rexes, gigas, plus an old nearly hatched giga egg I had in the refrigerator. Speaking of breeding, one of the BPs I got from the Abyss today was that of a 230% damage pump-action shotgun, which, thanks to my 600% crafting skill, turned into a 261.8 damage, 882 durability monster. Pretty sure that with it killing bad babies, even giga ones, will become easier than ever! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
d1nk Posted November 26, 2020 Share Posted November 26, 2020 Xbox CI server Short one today. Between the update, my poopty connection and house work only got a small bit on. Naturally went to look for new event dinos. Took a fly around my base area and right away spotted an event 280 snow owl. I had a trap already set up nearby for argy so kited it in, knocked it out. Easy peasy. As I went to grab narcs and stuff a carno made it near the pen and hit it a few times. Only made out with like 40% efficiency, but it tamed almost instant which was weird.. mustve starved some how because even on our boosted rates still takes a good 30 mins to tame on mutton. Oh well been wanting a snow owl anyways. Took flight again, just wanted to tame something fun and spotted a trap by another person with a 270 carno near, kited it to trap and I found out that carnos can walk through double doorframes.. had some fun pot shooting the carno before I flew away again back to base to log. I'm really looking forward to trying to flesh out my carno line with some of the new colours Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AirplaneSlider Posted November 27, 2020 Share Posted November 27, 2020 I did the beta monkey fight. Didn't heal my rexes fully cause I Thought it'll be ok.. Only healed up to 15k and my rexes ended at around 5k. I better heal the whole army fully before the alpha fight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
2OLEgend Posted November 27, 2020 Share Posted November 27, 2020 Xbox official island PvE Due to event disconnects problems, sticking mainly around my west coast base. Built tek cloner and tek teleporter, the spoils of the failed alpha dragon fights really helped (I died and didn't connect but my allies won, posted on here previously). Mainly stuck to general maintenance tasks, filling troughs and cryopoded most of the tames that only really being kept out for boss fight rex, deinonychus and theri army. Therizinosaurus may never reach full maturity as I was lucky enough to do alpha dragon with another allies using their tames (also previously posted on here). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kronos24 Posted November 27, 2020 Share Posted November 27, 2020 Literally nothing, trying to farm some wood for turning it into coal, but i cant even fill 3 indu forge without being disconnected twice in the process... Yup Xbox life is currently amazing... How ironic this is when it all happening due the thanksgiving event... Thank you i guess WildCard? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cordiste Posted November 27, 2020 Share Posted November 27, 2020 SP, The island This last bit made Ark feel really grindy. I’ve been avoiding and putting off any type of real breeding but I’m at the point where it’s a must, or else I can’t progress. So, past 2 logins I’ve build a kibble farm outbuilding to keep those eggs separate from my boss eggs, made an ungodly amount of gunpowder, sparkpowder, narcotics and some various types of kibble. Basically, keeping myself busy with the suggestions you guys mentioned before while breeding basilos for a caving whale. I didn’t want to go crazy, but I went 2 generations past the parents just to get a few points into melee and health. Called him Basil (very original, I know). I also set up my 2 high-level boss theri tames in a corner so I’m ready to start breeding my boss fighters. I’m not using S+ but on my next play through I’m not gonna do any breeding without a hatchery and nanny. I’m just not a fan of waiting around for multiple types of timers to count down. Thinking about cranking my rates some more so it goes quicker. I’m on Basil at the moment, my first time truly riding on a whale other than just moving them around for breeding. It feels clunky and awkward to steer around, but I’m sure I’ll get used to it. I DID recently come from riding a bary, after all, which is super nimble in comparison. Basil and I are off with some supplies, gonna go hunt down deep sea loot crates for the first time and get some levels on this new caver! Haven’t been this excited to play in a few weeks! 😁 Hopefully I can find some good loot, I play on reduced difficulty so crates and drops aren’t usually that good, although it’s my understanding that the deep sea loot crates generally have higher-tier items. I could fill a vault with all the water jar, metal dino gate and Gali saddle blueprints I get on the surface. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted November 27, 2020 Share Posted November 27, 2020 Yesterday I found a low level anky with fun event colors (orange, red, yellow) just up the hill from my base on the volcano. I tamed it up and parked it near my other anky. Only got one egg yesterday, but it is a medium egg and I didn't have any of those so I am a happy camper. I built an incubation room while I was waiting for the two thyla to finish maturing. Which they finally did. I will breed them today if I can ever get logged in. (I keep getting the unable to connect... session timed out message.... so I am typing this while I wait. lol) As others have stated above... disconnection issues are preventing me from starting any wild adventures... so I stay pretty close to home. I started timing my disconnections and found they happen every 45 minutes for me. I even set my phone clock timer for 42 minutes so I would have a 3 minute warning to get back to base and shut doors before I crash. It has saved my bacon several times now as it is so easy to loose track of time in this game. I have crashed many times lately while riding a flyer only to log back in and find myself dead either from the fall or from whatever was waiting to eat me on the ground. So, yeah, the phone helps me stay on track. I also took the rexes out of the pods (3F and 1M) and bred them. I took the 3 eggs to the incubation room and it worked great. I have it set up with 6 AC units under the floor. Only once did it get too cold to where they started taking some damage, so I will probably add another AC unit or two in the near future. Anyway, the eggs are back in the fridge sitting with about an hour left before hatching. I noticed last night just before logging off that the rexes are ready to mate again so I might do another set of eggs today. I don't think I am going to hatch them yet, but I can at least have the eggs ready to go. Today is more about trying to raise a baby thyla that I can imprint. I want to get into those caves... probably as soon as this silly event is finished. Caving is just a bad idea right now I think. Later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
d1nk Posted November 27, 2020 Share Posted November 27, 2020 Xbox CI - Server Started off the night with a quick metal / stone / wood run while semi afk helping the wife put up Christmas decorations T_T .. when I got back to base kept semi AFK building more of my wall pieces. Thank raptor Jesus for large walls.. Took flight to plan out my base expansion (snow owl night vision is great for stuff like this) and saw in the distance a event coloured Diplo, my wife was watching and said "Get that one!!" Well..... I spyglass it a 300 female, okay why not? Long process of luring it way over to my base, easy knockout (though taxing, over 60 darts from a 450% longneck) Let it do the long tame while placing fence foundations. Built my new expansion, 60 large walls, 2 behe gates later have a functioning large base now. Even worked in a crystal node + some trees and rocks into the base design for easy afk gathering (park anky or doed on crystal constantly mines every time it spawns) Between building and adjusting this was most of my night. Just before bed I spotted a 280 diplo, I have that 300 already so figured why not? Diplo breeding project for fun. Kite it to my pen and didn't check gender, now I've got two high level females and no male. Oh well! A project in the works. Didn't even have time to wait for it, it was about 50% tamed, its safe in my taming pen within my walls so set my war Mammoth as sentry and logged off. Tonight is finally the weekend so ill get some good time in tonight. Plan to flesh out some of my breeding projects (diplo, carno and get more wyverns for the boss soon) already got most of the tributes and artifacts by chance Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted November 27, 2020 Share Posted November 27, 2020 Logged in this morning and set the two thyla to "mate." Male is level 300 with all the best stats. Female is 288 with pretty good stats just a couple notches less than male. Either way I will end up with a good cave mount for the island. Gestation is just over 2 hours, so I wait. Used this time to finish ceiling and can now claim the base is complete. (for now, lol) However, I will probably add some lighting though to highlight the tall roman pillars, for effect. Should look great at night. logged off for a moment to reset my "disconnect timer." With a fresh 45 minute clock I hopped on the wyvern and chased some loot drops. Found a couple useful things but nothing worth bragging about. Went home and checked on thyla. 45 minutes to go. Reset clock. Spotted a level 45 F yuty near a neighbors' taming pen. I don't want it for fighting, just for the extraordinary egg potential. So I kited her and her carno minions into the pen. Killed the carnos and knocked out the yuty. Cleared the area of any immediate threats. Flew back to base and logged off again to reset clock. She needs to starve a little first anyway. Got back into game and waited 5 minutes for baby thyla. Amazing! Got all dads stats in key categories... Male level 296. 10,640 health, 2,200 stam, 688 weight, 491 melee. Maybe not world record... but I am smiling. Look out stupid bats... I am coming for you! lol. Gave it a quick bite to eat then put it in pod, remembering I had a yuty knocked out. Quickly gathered narcs and cooked prime. Made a couple kills along the way for fresh prime. Torpor was halfway down. Food was down enough. Fed prime and it was tame in about 30 seconds. (more smiles) Flew back to base with yuty in pod. put stuff away and logged off happy. Like d1nk, I have to do xmas decorating too. Good day so far! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted November 28, 2020 Share Posted November 28, 2020 Last night I found a 140 male yuty. Although it was late and my eyes were half closed, I couldn't resist. Tamed it up. Health is good, but Melee is bad. O'well. I guess I will just have to find a high melee female and let them work their magic. I incubated the first three rex eggs down to the 10 min mark. Then bred the rexes again for a second set of eggs. Then incubated those eggs down to about 60 minutes remaining. After eight hours the baby thyla was ready for its' first imprint. Just wanted a blue berry. Easy peasy. Filled the trough with meat and berries and went to bed. Woke up this morning and gave baby thyla second imprint. (short walk) Now 66 percent complete. Should be all done this afternoon. It's colors are a mix of dark and light purple with a white belly. Reminded me of the song purple haze.... so I named him Hendrix. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted November 28, 2020 Share Posted November 28, 2020 On 11/27/2020 at 8:18 AM, Cordiste said: SP, The island I’m on Basil at the moment, my first time truly riding on a whale other than just moving them around for breeding. It feels clunky and awkward to steer around, but I’m sure I’ll get used to it. I DID recently come from riding a bary, after all, which is super nimble in comparison. Basil and I are off with some supplies, gonna go hunt down deep sea loot crates for the first time and get some levels on this new caver! Haven’t been this excited to play in a few weeks! 😁 Hopefully I can find some good loot, I play on reduced difficulty so crates and drops aren’t usually that good, although it’s my understanding that the deep sea loot crates generally have higher-tier items. I could fill a vault with all the water jar, metal dino gate and Gali saddle blueprints I get on the surface. I don't have a bassilo yet on this play through but I loved them in my last game. Had two, Nemo and Moby. lol. I miss them. Anyway, level the normal stuff (health, stamina, melee) and they will tank anything that comes your way. Good times await you my friend. Enjoy and good luck with the loot. There is some good stuff in those caves. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
d1nk Posted November 28, 2020 Share Posted November 28, 2020 Xbox CI - Server Logged in to my new diplo tamed, put it in cryo then onto the new task: Industrial Cooker. Went and did an inventory on what I need, more CP and Poly and running low on metal. Quick metal run, hit a few dams on the way back and just polymer short. Been planning on going to the honey cave for a bunch of poly so ill just do that instead. I finally have the time for my second big progression - a Quetz! My last two attempts went bad, both landed in the water so this time I'm going to be extra careful. Also going to settle for a lower one just to tame with. Craft a few hundred tranq darts (to be safe) and went out on my griff. I told myself I'd attempt the first one I see, first one shortly into the desert was a 190 quetz. Perfect. Start into it, I was being very careful this time: always shooting it so I was between it and water, worked well. Was able to kite and drop it into a friend's base and it was an easy tame ! Back to base with a new quetz, made a saddle right away and didn't waste any time. Went out and grabbed the first high level one i saw and got it in my new taming pen. While it was taming I spotted a 290 male Diplo nearby. Score. Get it into my other taming pen. Both are long tames so I took off to find other tames. Flying my griffin with the quetz in cryo went searching most of the land for a high level carno. Spent a long time searching without much fruition. Decided I'd head home and gear up for the honey cave. While almost back at base, saw a 290 dire bear and couldn't resist, knocked it into my pen. ARK lines up sometimes. Got it taming while my host popped on by for visit. Bred my new diplo, popped a Mammoth baby and gave an egg to my buddy then went to the honey cave. Was expecting more threat, honestly. Went in riding my dire bear with my sloth following me. Brought a chainsaw for insane amounts of poly and honey. Now this helps three fold, can now make veggie cakes, can make a bunch of Lazarus chowder for extraordinary kibble and now can make my indy cooker Did just that. Spent my last hour making all that, gathering wyvern eggs for kibble and popped some diplo eggs. Got a 454 female so now my line is already looking good. 450+ hatch. Also nailed my Mammoth line a bit, 415 birth. Ark life is looking good. Now I've got kibble to tame anything I need and the means to make loads more. D1nk out ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AllOfTheAllos Posted November 29, 2020 Share Posted November 29, 2020 (Singleplayer, Extinction) Finished the first base, added a second extension to the house (has full walls and a roof. It's a kitchen). Started making parts for the final, bigger base and already found the place for it (still in the forest, but closet to the exit, and higher up). Altered the Shiny! Dinos settings, just a bit, so that I'll get 1 tekgram per enraged dino killed (no tekgrams for regular shinies, that'd be too much), and so that X variant and Aberrant variant swaps would happen a bit more often. Tried to do an easy drop. It died on second wave. Might try again once I get some velonas (I do already have two, but can't get them to the base just yet) and maybe a new dimorpho swarm (old one died to a corrupted stego somehow). Speaking of tekgrams: since altering the settings, I defeated a shiny enraged gacha (replicator unlocked) and a shiny enraged X-Trike (don't remember what's unlocked, if anything at all). Won't make it until I build the final base, though - all materials go towards that currently (plus it wouldn't fit). Tamed (Immersive Taming allows to tame them directly) one of the wild magmasaurs I spawned in the Wasteland before actually starting to play. He's strong, but for now will be just resource harvester/extra forge, since I can't upgrade his saddle yet because like I said, all resources go towards building the final base right now. (Official, Extinction) Fed the dinos. (Official, Valguero) Fed the dinos A LOT, because I was so busy with my singleplayer save that I kinda forgot about them, so gachas, gigas and owls were really hungry, with gachas having less than half food left. Also, took down the old tek rex breeding stand because they always end up getting knocked off of it, and getting them back on was difficult, but extending it to make things easier was impossible. Now it's much simpler, just two rows of foundations with ceilings on one side, where rexes stand, and ramps on the other. Each rex female has 2x2 ceilings space of her own, separated from others by metal railings. They'll probably still get knocked off of it a lot, since it's close to the base's fence and diplos happen (but I don't want to put it closer to the middle because Ilike to have a lot of space. Also it'll block my rocks, logs and some of the bushes, and I like having rocks, logs and bushes right in my base), but it'll be much easier to walk rexes back onto the stand now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
d1nk Posted November 29, 2020 Share Posted November 29, 2020 Crystal Isles Xbox - Server It felt like a long night last night but now, looking back it doesn't seem like I got much done really. Spent most of the night taming / looking for tames / killing areas to force tames to spawn. Started off popping my diplo eggs, got all my desired stats and colours into a matching pair, now 456 hatch. Made some eggs and threw them in the fridge then cryod them. I'm pretty close to a Mammoth spawn so I spent a long time back and forth taming mammoths for my line. Mustve tamed 4 270+ mammoths just for stats. With having kibble now everything goes faster. Made some veggie cakes, more laz chowder for kibble and more kibble. Was mainly looking for a carno mate or megatherium for my current tames but never found a single carno and only male megas. Tamed a 300 male, came out mediocre. Ive been having really bad luck with flying mounts, two snow owls and an argy were killed during taming despite being fully trapped encased in stone. I'm just going to build a flier trap beside my base and lure them all the way back next time. Screw it. Decided I wanted to get set up on Extinction (our clustered server atm) so I set about building stuff for that. Made a few saddles from some blueprints I had aswell. During my travels I found a few alphas, got a nice tool bp from a raptor and some nice drop loot. My blueprint bookshelves are starting to fill up! I love the accumulation and progression of this stuff. Ive been trying real hard not to ask anyone to use their awesome blueprints, yet. Might need to for a giga saddle though, once I get over to extinction. Loaded up my wyvern with taming supplies and went out for a fly. I like to do this often, just load up with all possible (pre-made trap, tons of tranqs, mutton, honey, cakes, berries poop etc) and ill just fly around and let the ark gods decide what I tame. Made my way to the desert and nabbed a dung beetle finally. Otherwise ive been poop collecting more than I'd like to say for my compost bins lol. Checked my desert outpost on the way back and spotted a 290 male carno. I had my quetz in cryo so grabbed it and flew back (deep desert past wyvern -> haly solid 15 mins) and knocked it out in my pen. Still need a female but nice to collect stats. Heading to a drop i finally find a female megatherium. Hours combing for one, was a 260 and got it back. As soon as it tamed popped a baby and along with a Mammoth for ext, imprinted up a baby. Only did a metal run, stone, wood etc then went to bed. I'm pretty set now, just need to keep taming bloodlines, I purposely haven't spent much focus on any bossing tames yet, I'm more interested in some pet bloodlines first for fun. My mammoth line is progressing nicely. I think I'll focus on some fliers next time, would be nice to have a few imprinted argies and snow owls. I'm quite enjoying the higher levels, too. Adds a nice bit of challenge and mixes it up for someone like myself who has been playing this game nearing 6 years. The crazy stat distribution is what lures me. Hoping to get one of those gems where most stats go to melee or hp for absurd levels. Got me some Christmas tree stuff to do. D1nk out Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted November 29, 2020 Share Posted November 29, 2020 Yesterday, while waiting for baby thyla (Hendrix) to finish maturing, I got a message that my taming raft had been destroyed (decomposed). So I flew down to the beach and found it sitting right where I left it and doing fine. Weird. While on the beach I saw a pair of low level stegos. I lured them into the raft 1 at a time and tamed them up. Used pods to get them back to base. That gives me more medium eggs, which is good because the ankys don't exactly toss them out very quickly. Incubated rex eggs. Set 1 has less than 10 minutes left, and set 2 has about an hour. I am at work today and tomorrow but took Tuesday off, so I will probably hatch them on Tuesday.... still not going to risk doing caves while event is running. Hendrix matured and is 100% imprinted. He finished with 12768 health, 2200 stamina, 555 melee and 143% speed. I am no pro at breeding and cannot take any credit for the long line of ancestors that it took to get to this point. But whoever put in the time to get those stats. Thank you. You put a BIG smile on my face today. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sjskdjkfa Posted November 29, 2020 Share Posted November 29, 2020 On 11/25/2020 at 9:53 AM, d1nk said: Hours later searching stumbled upon a max level (300) fire wyvern and tamed it with prime ceystals it was late, went home logged off is this max lvl because unofficial? or because crystal wyvs have diff? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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