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So what did you do in ARK today?


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Today I tried to enter the game, and it crashed. Tried, crashed. Tried, crashed. Now I'm waiting for it to uninstall to then reinstall because maybe then it'll work properly again.

Before that happened the plans were to build some more my base on SE, raise Deimos and Sapphire some more and maybe go for some Abyss wandering on Valguero, and maybe load that CI singleplayer save again, except remove all the dinos and tame new ones.

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Hey guys,

as for character level progression, this game is very nice to the players - i.e. your level progression is really easy. It's the only thing easy, though (as far as I'm concerned).

While soloing the Ark is certainly fun, I've recently been invited to join a cluster of freaks (just like me). For Epic-Players like myself they only have Valguero map, but that's fine. A nice shift from the island ;)
So I played my first evening on Valguero this time and let my own server sit in the corner for a while. A bit weird, after achieving a couple of long-time-goals recently starting from scratch. But hey...  now I'm on a populated server, too. At least I hope so... Haven't seen anyone, yet.

I hope I'll manage to advance both servers. Chat you up soon,


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On 9/12/2020 at 7:36 PM, AllOfTheAllos said:


Did another run through the Abyss, used all five tanks this time. Brought back couple stacks of silica pearls, a bit of black pearls (found the clams! No need to rely on trilobites and stuff now), a 200-something crossbow BP (great!)


Oh well... I got my 200+ crossbow from a lowly alpha-raptor. Easy kill, nice pickings. :)

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(Official ORP PVP) Today, I got tired of just constantly breeding/feeding babies and grinding bullets and decided to tackle a few caves to blow some steam and have some fun.

Life's Labyrinth, did the right path, everything was fine until the boss room... couldn't get the bosses to spawn and the barrier was still up nonetheless. Tried to just walk through it, because usually when that happens, you can just phase through the barrier, but that didn't work either. Oh well, I only needed the Artifact of the Clever anyway, but still would have been nice to grab those last two artifacts as well. I do love the atmosphere of this cave, though! Also, the thyla is a lifesaver in here. Bring a cryo'd one in and you're set. It can walk through a pretty significant part of the right path.

Jungle Dungeon, pretty much just spammed grappling hooks, arthros did break a lot of my armor though so by the end i was running around naked. That was definitely panic and adrenaline-inducing, lol, but I made it out of there with the Artifact of the Hunter!

Frozen Dungeon, again, took a thyla and made it through pretty easily. I had my brother join me on this one for the Iceworm Queen because I wasn't sure if my thyla could handle it alone. His thyla wasn't imprinted so I stuck an ascendant saddle on it. We both survived with hardly a scratch! Artifact of the Pack - acquired.

Artifact of the Devourer was also acquired today. I took a sarco and just swam out there to it. I waited until the tusos were far enough away from it that I could skirt in and snatch it and then leave without having to deal with any of them. I don't have anything really in the way of water tames aside from a single sarco and baryonyx - I had no interest in tangoing with a tuso lol.

So now, the goal shifts to raising the baby bossers and gathering the rest of the trophy items. I am concerned about the tuso tentacle requirement for the alpha Rag boss though... 25. I still don't really know how I even intend to fight 1 tuso, much less enough for 25 tentacles. Oof. I'll need to do research on that, big time.

But the goal is within the next 2 weeks to take on the Ragnarok Arena (Alpha) with a team of therizinos, daeodons, and a yuty.

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Since reinstalling fixed the crashes, I managed to actually play. Built some more of the elevator case thing on Valguero (figured out how to illuminate it, too!), fed the dinos. Built a bit more the base on Scorched Earth and finally returned the cryopod to my main character on Valguero. Relocated some stuff from drops there too, to break it down for resoures, since I'm not planning to get a grinder on my SE base (or on any non-main base I have or ever will have. The "1 main character with a proper big base that has everything + some side characters with small bases that have some things" way of existing on different maps suits me just fine.

Started a new singleplayer save, Crystal Isles, with the Steampunk mod this time. Didn't do much there, but at least more or less decided what the base will look like: a castle, as always, but 6 cornered this time, and with a tower on each corner. For now only the foundations and a bit of walls are placed, but it's a start.

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Well... just a quickie, since it's getting late and I need to catch some sleep.

Visited Valguero today (the "chaos-server", named such by it's creators) and grinded stuff. Need to advance in levels to get access to several engrams. Bola'd a 95-Ptera and managed to tame it. went straight to level 140. Wow. On my own server I started so much slower and always had so much trouble picking up flyers (for the first I don't know how many sessions). Kept grinding. Couldn't ride the Ptera (too low level for the saddle), but had it gain a few levels.
On the way back to base, we found a stuck phiomia. Since they give decent loot (hide and meat are rare items early game) I decided we attack. I wanted to save the Bola, since it was stuck anyways. It broke loose and took off and my Ptera with it. It eventually came back around, but was chased by a horde of Trikes. I assume like 5 of them? No idea what had happened in between. I tried to whistle it to Passive/Flee, but it was too late. The joy of having a halfway decent Ptera as my first tame wasn't a long one.
I gathered all the material for my first taming pen. I'll hopefully set that up next session. Trikes, I'm coming for you! Beware! (Got to have some revenge ;))

Also on this server I have access to a preparatory tool (description says it is used to skin an animal). Using this is definitely slower than PickAxe or normal Axe. It yields a special skin with the name of the dinosaur, that can later be used to create a statue. Other than that I'm wondering about the effectiveness of this thing. Anyone have some numbers?


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(Official, Crystal Isles) Decided to do something about the base, as it was unfinished since forever. Did something about the base. Now it's unfinished, but slightly altered and with a stair to the second level so I won't have to exit the house, mount a wyvern, dismount it and jump off its back onto the base's second level anymore. Said level is going to become a wyvern cage, by the way, so I'll no longer have to risk them flying off to somewhere just because the day is nice, their wings are restless, and I'm not looking, or whatever their reasoning for it was. Also, tamed an iguanodon. Female, wild level 135 (or was it 145? I don't remember), named her Berryhorse because, well, that's her role. Gathering berries and carrying me around like a horse. Sounds like a berryhorse to me!

(Official, Valguero) Did another Abyss run and it was pretty great! Got a 80.5 giga saddle BP, which means that the previous better saddle will go to Elisabeth, her current saddle I'll grind up for resources, and for Deimos once he's grown, I'll make one from the BP, gonna be awesome.

Also, found a thing that makes so little sense to keep and especially to use, that I'll keep it just for laughs: 89.2 pachy saddle BP. Pachy. Not pachyrhino. The tiny-useless-barely-anyone-ever-tames-them pachy.

Plus found some great BPs to keep to maybe trade them at some point, and some saddles to grind up for resources.


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SP, Island

So I took DodoRaptor’s advice and went to herb island to look for basilos. I happen to have an outpost there already which made things more comfortable.I’ve seen tons of the whales, but all very low levels. I keep clearing the spawns but still only low levels replace them. Oh well! I’m confident I’ll find a good one soon. The process is also good for levelling my bary, which will be a caving tame once it’s bit stronger. 

At night I’ve just been upgrading the outpost and putting all the day’s loot into my argent along with any broken scuba tanks. 

the search continues!

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(Official, Valguero) Did a big meatrun, unpodded Deimos, Sapphire and the nameless male baby tek rex that has my current best health and melee (9900.1 health, 372.8 melee, to be exact), raised them a bit, then re-podded Sapphire and tek rex leaving only Deimos as he can survive without supervision AND had 6 whole hours to next imprint, logged out and logged on with my side character on-

-(Official, Crystal Isles) Got some fungal wood, then went to the Eldritch Isle, gathered some gems, tamed a wild level 100 female featherlight, uploaded gems, wood and bird, tamed a wild level 20 male one, uploaded him too, returned to the base, took Berryhorse and uploaded her as well - I can tame a parasaur for berries, and Berryhorse is too high level for my side character to have anyway since all the good stuff belongs on the main base, not anywhere else!

And back on (Official, Valguero), I retrieved all the stuff, birds and the iguanodon too, gonna breed the featherlights once the female is ready for that, not much though - they're all glowy and detailed, if I keep too many things are bound to get laggy and I don't want that. So just gonna try for pretty mutations and kill off anything else. Did another meatrun just to keep things safe, unpodded Sapphire and tek rex, grabbed my best pick and went to get some crystals. Got three stacks, because unfortunately the very best place to get them in all the White Cliffs was already picked clean so I had no choice but to gt them from the smaller ones.


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(Official, Valguero) Did another crystal run, big one this time. Did a meatrun, unpodded Deimos and Sapphire, took materials and went to the green obelisk to make more cryopods, after returning with the pods and a bit of materials left from that, took some of my podded dinos (two lower level deinons and two theries) and moved them to the deathbox (which is just a wooden box where I put pods whose contents I want to kill), since I don't feel like unpodding them and wasting the durability of my weapons on actively killing them, but I also have no need for them.

Went on another wander through the Abyss, got a great yuty saddle BP, maybe I'll tame a yuty for it at some point.

Made and colored the saddle that Deimos will wear once he's adult, only got 4.1 crafting bonus on it, but not gonna retry - the mats took up all the space in my smithy, all of it! And I'm out of hide now. Not really a problem, a few days and I'll be practically swimming in it again, but I don't feel like gathering it all now just to try and make a better saddle. 82.8 is pretty good anyways.

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YES! I have finally done it! The gamma broodmother lays defeated. It took weeks of grinding, but I have succeeded! Over the last week, I finnished leveling, tamed a new argent (really pretty white one, thinking of making it primarily for carrying weight), got a bunch of metal, and tried to find a yuty (couldn't find a good one, settled on a 108 I already have tamed). I brought the artifacts to the obelisk and put them in, very nervous. 

I shouldn't have been. We absolutely SHREDDED that spider. Most only lost 1k or 2k health, the only one I saw that lost more was an unlucky one who lost around 4k. Now I have ten beautiful element, the tek replicator unlocked, and a flag and trophy. I am certain we can do beta (possibly with a loss or two) and still scared to do alpha.

I don't know what's next, but the overseer fight feels way closer now.

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Island pve official xbox

Tried all day to find a Procoptodon (kangaroo) to tame literally 8 hrs real life. In between times helping a server friend finish his water pen. On flying home to pack up and log off I spot the lesser spotted Procoptodon in the snowy area near the volcano. 

I eventually tranquilized my quarry, fighting off dire wolves and argues all the way, I started to tame then realising after checking internet that my rare flowers were supposed to be rare mushrooms lol. I was able to fly back to my base collected the mushrooms. 

The tame bar got to be 66%, then my overconfidence got the better of me I was firing game chats to my friends,  then  a trio of allos were upon me.

Luckily I had a giga cryopoded on my person, which when released took no time  devour 2 of the interlopers. Only when the dust had settled my horror the last allo was finishing the aforementioned kangaroo.

My heart was broken I retreated to my base. Thus ending the day.

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(Official, Valguero) Sapphire is fully grown and fully imprinted. Saddled her up and went for a bit leveling/meatrun. She's pretty good at killing stuff (no wonder - even pre-imprint her melee was above 300%!), Stamina is good as is, maybe 1-2 points will be put into it. All points gained from hunt went into weight, which got her to a bit over 1500 - worse than Snowy at the moment, but Snowy is an old argent who had many level-ups, so Sapphire will be better than her soon. Much better - if Smart Breeding to be believed, fully leveled in weight she'll have 4284, which is awesome, and even if I do put one or two points into stam instead, the overall result would still be incredible, making her my best weight dino of all.

(Official, Scorched Earth) Logged on, found that Topaz flew out o the base and was sitting nearby, returned her to the base, killed some raptors to feed her, gathered some berries for Stonebreaker, logged off.

(Official, Valguero again) Moved now-adult tek rex (named Bitey) to his place near the female rexes. Bred the rexes and placed eggs in the hatchery. Bred featherlights and put their egg there too. Took Sapphire on a meatrun to get her some more levels (about 2000 weight now), unpodded Deimos. The featherlight egg hathed, punched the hatchling to death because it inherited wrong colors, wrong light range, and got no mutations. Currently waiting for the tek rex eggs to hatch, unlikely that I'll get another melee mutation, but maybe a health one...

Rexes hatched. 1 mutation, on female, blue lights, neither health nor melee. Rest unremarkable. Killed all.

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5 hours ago, AllOfTheAllos said:

(Official, Valguero) Sapphire is fully grown and fully imprinted. Saddled her up and went for a bit leveling/meatrun. She's pretty good at killing stuff (no wonder - even pre-imprint her melee was above 300%!), Stamina is good as is, maybe 1-2 points will be put into it. All points gained from hunt went into weight, which got her to a bit over 1500 - worse than Snowy at the moment, but Snowy is an old argent who had many level-ups, so Sapphire will be better than her soon. Much better - if Smart Breeding to be believed, fully leveled in weight she'll have 4284, which is awesome, and even if I do put one or two points into stam instead, the overall result would still be incredible, making her my best weight dino of all.

I have a 4.4k weight argy. You will never be able to farm with anything else ever again 😂

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In the middle of feeding babies for boss battles when server has crashed and been refreshing to log in desperately to get in and save them. That will be one day of full egg hatching, meat runs and raising rexs that will stuff me up for a week.


not to mention all my snow owl babies.

btw this is an official server!

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After killing my first boss, I'd already accepted that anything else would be an anticlimax. I did do a lot of work on the base, including adding three trophy wall mounts and fixing some of my badly aligned things. I have the broodmother trophy in the left wall mount (though I'm sure I'll replace it with beta and someday alpha), the right is for the megapithicus when I kill that, and the center is for the dragon, again when I eventually kill it. 

Having a good weight megatheirium (one of the boss crew actually, even when not levled at all it's really good) made the process fairly easy. I also tried to tame a megalainia (I need to fight the broodmother at least twice more, and the Lava Cave is terrifying to do by normal means), but I couldn't find any.

My daeodon handled well in the nearby easy cave while we searched for megalainia (he's done it before and has been leveled up a lot), and he has a sixty-something armor saddle.

I'm wondering, with his saddle, good food stat, and good health, could he be the extra something I need to do the boss on alpha? If I loaded him with meat and basic kibble, the healing might be enough to keep my army alive. But for that I'd also want a yuty, and I can only ride one, so the other would have to be ignoring group whistles and tanking occasional hits. I haven't thought out the plan to much though, and a better saddle blueprint for the megatheirium would still probably be needed.

When I didn't find megalainia, I attempted to do the Lava Cave with my dire wolf. I chickened out after not long, I also couldn't remember which way to go. So then it was just more construction work. I really like the direction my base is going, and I have a plan for a huge extended area. The best way to describe it would be a balcony, but it's not really that either. Whatever it is, I think I'll put the tek replicator there when I make it. 

I'm also adding separate rooms, rather than just one big enclosed area. While I don't use mods (I want to share the pain of console players/official players), at times like this, I wish I did. Not just because S+ is great in general, but because inner and outer walls match in S+. Without it, my inner walls that are also outer ones don't match the other inner ones. Did that make any sense? 😅

Anyway, I'll mark this off as a good, productive day. 

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2 hours ago, DodoRaptor said:

After killing my first boss, I'd already accepted that anything else would be an anticlimax. I did do a lot of work on the base, including adding three trophy wall mounts and fixing some of my badly aligned things. I have the broodmother trophy in the left wall mount (though I'm sure I'll replace it with beta and someday alpha), the right is for the megapithicus when I kill that, and the center is for the dragon, again when I eventually kill it. 

Having a good weight megatheirium (one of the boss crew actually, even when not levled at all it's really good) made the process fairly easy. I also tried to tame a megalainia (I need to fight the broodmother at least twice more, and the Lava Cave is terrifying to do by normal means), but I couldn't find any.

My daeodon handled well in the nearby easy cave while we searched for megalainia (he's done it before and has been leveled up a lot), and he has a sixty-something armor saddle.

I'm wondering, with his saddle, good food stat, and good health, could he be the extra something I need to do the boss on alpha? If I loaded him with meat and basic kibble, the healing might be enough to keep my army alive. But for that I'd also want a yuty, and I can only ride one, so the other would have to be ignoring group whistles and tanking occasional hits. I haven't thought out the plan to much though, and a better saddle blueprint for the megatheirium would still probably be needed.

When I didn't find megalainia, I attempted to do the Lava Cave with my dire wolf. I chickened out after not long, I also couldn't remember which way to go. So then it was just more construction work. I really like the direction my base is going, and I have a plan for a huge extended area. The best way to describe it would be a balcony, but it's not really that either. Whatever it is, I think I'll put the tek replicator there when I make it. 

I'm also adding separate rooms, rather than just one big enclosed area. While I don't use mods (I want to share the pain of console players/official players), at times like this, I wish I did. Not just because S+ is great in general, but because inner and outer walls match in S+. Without it, my inner walls that are also outer ones don't match the other inner ones. Did that make any sense? 😅

Anyway, I'll mark this off as a good, productive day. 

Megalania spawn in the cave on carno island, there's always at least one in there.  Take a good terror bird as your mount, and a LOT of narcotics, they lose torpor like gigas.  Extraordinary kibble.


The lava cave is cake if you bring in some stone foundations and ceilings to bridge the lava and standing torches to make the way.

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I started a new server on rag with a buddy.  We played a bunch on official valg yesterday and it was generally awful (I'm spoiled by boosted rates) so I ponied up the 14 bucks.

We got some horses, and bred some horses, and now have a ton of horses.

I'm pretty sure there's something to the unicorn passive ability, got twins the first time we tried with the unicorn next to the breeders, and then got two mutations in the first three tries after that.

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Crystal Isles, private server, four of us

We now have enough imprinted Crystal Wyverns to do the Wyvern Queen boss.  We raised several of each type (Tropical, Ember, and Blood) just to make sure that all of the bases are covered.  We are aiming for 20K health and 400 melee for each, but we will probably settle for less on some of them if we get too impatient.

I spent yesterday tracking down the rest of the artifacts required for the Gamma Queen.  I got all of them except for one that seems to be in the Wyvern Trench.  There were four Wyvern Hiers flying above the area when I looked, so I will probably wait until a time when I can get some backup from the rest of the gang.

Hopefully, we will be able to coordinate all four of us either this weekend or next to do the Gamma Queen and then we will decide if we want to stay and do the Beta Queen or move on to a new world.

Since our two newest members have only been on Crystal Isles, we might go to The Island next so that they can get lots of achievements and explorer notes.  In addition, Flont and I moved from The Island (actually restarting from scratch) without successfully beating the Gamma Overseer.  We must go back and redeem our past failure.

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Wrong number
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(Official, Valguero) Leveled Sapphire more, raised Deimos more and imprinted him again, he's over 50% grown at this point. Didn't do much else. Oh, and got a mastercraft tropeo BP from a red drop. Not exactly useful, since I'm not planning on ever getting a tropeo, but I'll keep it anyway.

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