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So what did you do in ARK today?


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Last few days really but I've been getting back into ARK and finding inpsiration in the new Crystal Isles map so been doing some builds.

I did a tree house, an ocean platform fish pond fort and just completed my house in the cold zone to keep us warm and provide some comfort when doing gem/black pearl runs.




Couple views from the edge of the ledge looking onto the house.


Ground floor view with under stair storage.


Under stair storage


View out to the world


Upper deck - cooking and bedrooms.


4 bedrooms - 2 each side in the wood towers.


My bedroom - others similar but different furnishing layout.

Edited by MirageUK
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Went on a big ichthyornis hunt with Wildfire (at least 10 thiefbirds burned!), led Draco (the tek rex from the post before the last one) to the females and already got the first batch of eggs (3 with no new mutations, 1 unknown because I got disconnected before it hatched and then decided that since my internet connection is too crappy to play right now, I might as well turn the computer off and do something about the fan, which was noisy ever since I accidentally kicked the table, making it hard to concentrate on playing).

Got a new dodo. Wasn't planning - I have enough, but it was female, conveniently knocked out by a wild scorpion which then got distracted by a carbonemys, so I just couldn't leave it there.

Also, yesterday made my best longneck so far (204%, made from a 193-something BP).

Edited by AllOfTheAllos
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Last few days have just been locating and taming more yutyrannus as well as working on getting another lightning wyvern. Unfortunately, Remus can be counted as a casualty, and not through any fault of our own. I had forgotten I had broken some rocks within my base's perimeter and I parked him on top of where they would respawn after coming back from yuty taming. When I logged in the next day...


Plenty of rocks, but no Remus. This is a bug that has been going on for a while that I had sadly forgotten about. Rest in peace, Remus, you will be missed.

However, perhaps Remus dying and forcing me to look for a new lightning wyvern wasn't such a bad thing....


Meet Queen Sinclair! I absolutely ADORE her. Not only is she a far better level than Remus (level 155 compared to level 100) but she has these glorious event colors. A fully event colored decent leveled wyvern!! I am honestly strongly considering against even using her as a main wyvern and going to find yet another lightning with my griffin to use as my main source of travel/egg stealing. I could probably get away with stealing eggs with her for a while, but between lag and the fact some asshat has build turrets next to the scar on Ragnarok, I'm not sure if I want to... I honestly just want to cryo her and save her for cloning. Regardless, I'm very happy with her and very much look forward to her all grown up!

Other than that, I have tamed two other junk female yutys for egg-laying purposes, named Dragonair and Death Valley. Dragonair had cool greens and blues as far as event colors go, though, so I'm pretty stoked to have discovered her. I actually noticed her on accident while scurrying back home with Queen Sinclair's egg.

Outside of that, I have just been doing a lot of resource grinding, working on bettering the crafting areas and such. Nothing much to report there.

Today, we welcome Queen Sinclair (Lightning Wyvern), Dragonair (Yutyrannus), and Death Valley (Yutyrannus) to the fold! Sadly, we had to say goodbye to Remus (Lightning Wyvern) yesterday... Better times ahead. 

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Today I tamed a male Blood Crystal wyvern (pre-tame level 85) with good colors (dark gray scales, red fins, gray crystals, red belly, and wings in that slightly orangeish red that's not the brightest but definitely not that "light red" that's actually just pink), named him Bloodwind, leveled him up a bit by killing three alpha raptors, then transferred him to Valguero. And then I killed old Bloodwind, because that was the whole point - sure, he was my first wyvern, but since his role is "flying far, looking cool, killing stuff" and he was only good for the second part...

Then I decided to fly around on new Bloodwind, saw a level 20 rock elemental and decided to attack it, since I can always get away if it proves to be too dangerous.

And then I spent a long while sitting on a rock, attacking the elemental, only rarely getting hit with boulders.

And then I got some oil, obsidian, metal and crystal. With more effort than a normal resource run would bring me, and in much smaller amounts. Because I only had a stone pick on me.

Next time I'm bringing a metal one. And maybe an argy, because my wyverns suck at hauling weights, and I'm not spending more than one-two points to fix that.

Next time happened right away. New victim was a level 50 elem, the instrument used for harvest - ascendant hatchet, about 180%. Much better results, Bloodwind was only barely able to fly with the mats I got (over a hundred crystal, 40 obsidian, an okay amount of metal, I don't really remember, but his weight is a bit over 300 and he was almost full after I put everything I harvested in him)

Also, Wildfire's crystals and fins returned to their normal color. Great! He looks good again, and I no longer need to doubt my memory in which I definitely tamed an orange-dark brown-orange wyvern and not a yellow-dark brown-orange one.

Edited by AllOfTheAllos
Turns out I mistook Bloodwind's weight for Wildfire's. Fixed now.
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Today I decided that I maybe want to have an elemental again (except a good level now, so that I can actually use it) and started preparations: altered the greenhouse to fit 9 plots total (3 citronal, 3 savoroot, 3 longrass), and went to tame a bee.

I broke about 6 hives, three of them consisting of 5-7 stacked hives themselves, and only found one bee. Which got itself killed before I had the chance to feed it. That's about two hours wasted completely.

Also, one of my dung beetles escaped the pen, but apparently its daring escape plan amounted to "exit the pen and walk in circles under quetzals and wyverns, probably hoping for some poop".


Continued search for bees led to me finding a full hive... On top of an empty hive, on top of an empty hive, on top of a full hive, on top of yet another likely empty hive. So upon destruction of the first hive I was left with a bee stuck in a hive, inaccessible and endlessly spawning drones. With a few flaps of Wildfire's wings I managed to dislodge it, but while fending off the drones I disturbed the hive under the hive and was attacked by more drones. Almost died, and the first bee died too because it got in the way. And the second bee was stuck, spawning drones, NOT dislodgeable by aggressively flapping at it, plus I was nearly dead, so I left it bee*.

Also, tamed a phiomia. Named him God of Crops. He's gray, was a bit over level 90 in the wild, tamed perfectly with kibble. Not that it matters, since his only purpose is to provide my two dung beetles with material for fertilizer, because I decided that it's a bit too annoying to run back and forth between the greenhouse and the rexes to get all the poop needed.

*NOT a typo.

Edited by AllOfTheAllos
More things happened.
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Today I searched for bees again. Found none. I guess I'll have to just gather honey from empty hives to make kibble. Slow, but less disappointing. Already did that a bit - got two piees of extra kibble now. And accidentally made one of augmented extra, but it's said in the official wiki that that's not supposed to be craftable anymore, so I threw it out just in case.


Found a full beehive! It had TWO queens! Tamed both. Gonna install one hive and keep the other in case I get distracted and miss the auto-decay again.

Edited by AllOfTheAllos
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Well, it's hard to sum up several days worth of play at once, but here goes:


Mostly base building, it's coming along. The problem with doing large, intricate builds is that you can farm and build for literally days at a time without adding to your functional infrastructure.

That said, I've made some notable additions. I also love this base location more and more each time I discover something new. The sharp eye will observe a wind turbine to the right. It turns out just a few steps away from my base is the start of a dune area, which happens to have 100% wind all the time. I admit I was excited to put it up just because I've always loved the aesthetic, but since they're useless on any other map I've never had one before. So that's all set up and wired and I have my backup generator hidden within the perimeter of the base.

If I was RPing I would play this as kind of stumbling across a ruined temple/palace and rebuilding it, so that's the vibe I'm going for in the build. Maybe I'll do an imgur gallery when I'm done, I can't really showcase too much of the interior like this.

Also notable, in the back left corner is an industrial forge. I actually lost my original argent to a rock elemental while farming the metal for that. I am really starting to hate those things, they always seem to pop up exactly where they're the most unwanted. My anky luckily survived. Kind of goes back to what I was saying about loving my base location, metal isn't very far away. We were able to run back with a minimum of difficulty. I bred a new argent from the birds I tamed last weekend too, wouldn't want to risk losing one of them after all. Doesn't have a name yet but he's quite the working bird.

Also build a chem bench to make it way easier to make clay. I guess that's my other major issue with a large build, usually by the time I've managed to make the higher tier crafting stations I'm done most of what I was going to use them for in the first place...not that I'm going to stop needing clay for a long, long time. A whole week of farming and building got me a completed exterior wall and my second floor built and not much else.

I've also been taking time to run the wyvern trench regularly. Mostly kibble quality eggs but...but...I got a 190 lightning wyvern egg. Not going to hatch it until I've set up a good wyvern trap by the trench for milk. I could be lazy and use a cryopod to reset the imprint if it needs milk but I don't want to take all the challenge out of the map. I honestly feel like I got my fire wyvern too early because of how much it trivialized everything. Ah well, I've still been having a lot of fun here. And I think this is the cleanest build I've ever done. I guess you could say it's my take on a box base. :P 

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Today: put the points on my fem quetz into stam (few, it was pretty good to begin with), health (most, I need her to be able to handle some rocks being hurled at her), and weight.

Put a platform saddle on her.

Made a cannon and installed it on the saddle. Cannonballs, too. Enough to knock out even a max level, plus some more in case I miss a few times.

Gathered a lot of deinon eggs (unpopular nests are the worst! The eggs stay there for so long, that they insta-spoil when picked up), but lost almost all because I forgot that I had a deinon egg recipe in my cooker for some reason. Threw the recipe out, got more eggs, made some kibble. Should be enough, but I'll still wait for my bee to make, like, 10 more honey and make more kibble. Having too much is better than too little, after all!


Made more kibble. Took kibble. Loaded Thunderstorm with cannonballs. Found a 140 elemental. Turned out, the cliff I chose to fire from was a crappy one, only got the angle right once (and yes, it's the cliff that was the problem. I have already tamed an elem once with no problem, also from a dino (paracer) standing on a cliff.). Two shots missed, three hit the body. Also, forgot about the protection, so the cannon was destroyed. Which caused me to fall off the quetz and die. Luckily, my ember wyvern Wildfire is fast as hell (like all crystal wyverns) and got plenty of stam, so I got back there in time to call Thunderstorm AND retrieve my deathbag which contained a good crossbow, really good chitin armor, two cannonballs and 31 piece of Extra kibble - all very important things (why was I wearing nice armor and weapon to a likely suicidal mission? The answer is simple: I don't own any worse and was too eager for a hunt to waste time on making some). Had to kill 3 allos for it (easy) and lure away the elem (hard. The damn thing insisted on returning to my deathbag and only then calming down).

Preparations for the next attempt: a metal foundation with two ceilings are installed on Thunderstorm's back with some walls attached, hopefully that'll protect the cannon and maybe even Thunder herself to some extent when I try to tame an elem again. Serious metal run will be required to build a new cannon and enough cannonballs. I will also scout the territory on a wyvern first to search for any good-level elems under or close to suitable (low enough, non-climbable, with some rock formations nearby to prevent the elem from going too close) cliffs. Should an elemental be close but not quite enough to such a cliff, I'll lure it there first and then come with Thunderstorm to tame it.


Made a new cannon. Made more cannonballs. Found an elemental in an okay area. Tried to tame. The "defenses" made it hard to aim. Realized I'm too low on cannonballs, plus the cannon still got damaged and wouldn't have lasted another hit. Went for a level 25 instead. Shot, shot, shot, certainly hit once on the head, then a diplo came and started trying to befriend me. Can't waste ammo on it, can't kill with quetz. Tried to shoot the elem again. Ran out of cannonballs. Quetz below 50% health. Gave up. Returned to the base. Demolished the cannon. Kibble will go into taming something easier. I'm done with elementals.

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All right, I haven't really been active here, but:

Today on Rag I tamed a griffin. Not super special, just an 85 wild griffin, that tamed up to over 120. Weight good, health good, melee good. Stamina getting better as I level it. Went to the trench by the Highlands and stole a level 45 poison egg. There were only two wyverns, the poison and a fire. Pretty reckless, but I escaped and survived. Egg really should just be kibble, but it's my first one, so I'll hatch it once I get a milk trap made. I've hit a dead end on the island, I've got mutton, I've got kibble, I've got tranq darts, I've got tranq arrows, I've got plenty of fiber, hide, and metal for saddles, and I'm ready to kill those bosses. Only roadblock is that I can't find any high-level dinos. I'll take megatheirium, rexes, allos, ANYTHING! This is SP, so I can't trade to get some. Easy to find on Ragnarok, but I want to keep my story map experiences seperate from the former mods. I'm really losing hope. Every level thirty dino feels like a punch in the gut. Losing hope...

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Today's lesson that I was taught was to not get too complacent.

In general, it's good to be able to keep calm under pressure, that way mistakes are lessened in the heat of the moment. However, blithe complacency can be deadly. I learned this the hard way today. I spent a lot of today in and out of the wyvern cove, diving for eggs, intending to hatch high levels and save low levels for kibble to begin taming therizinosaurs. I was doing this with my newly hatched, base 155 lightning wyvern from the last post named Queen Sinclair.

This was going quite well. I had newly acquired a snow owl and every time I'd fall below a certain threshold of health, I'd circle the cavern to lose some wyverns on my tail and then swoop out of the cave. However, on my last run, I got hung on the corner and had quite the few wyverns behind me. In my panic, realizing I was going to die if I didn't do something, I dove down. I dove too far down and hit water. Queen Sinclair flew off back into the cave while I was swimming for my life. I whistled for her to follow, and jumped back on her... just in time for her to die to a poison wyvern. I was able to come back and retrieve my cryo'd snow owl and the rest of my belongings on Nightfall the griffin, but it was bittersweet at best.

I was waiting on my other lightning I recently hatched, Tulip Rose, to finish raising and then I was going to retire Queen Sinclair to cryo until I could clone her, and then I'd just use the clones and/or other lightnings for general use. Sadly, that will not be the case.

My new plan for egg diving is to get a lightning wyvern leveled in sheer health, some stam, and melee, preferably more health, to just tank and destroy all the wyverns in the cove and then swoop back in and gather the eggs left behind--and one that isn't event colors. Tulip Rose isn't event colored and is higher level than Queen Sinclair was, so I'm going to try to do more egg diving with her in the future, and be much more careful and mindful of my surroundings. I should not have tried to exit the cove with that many wyverns on my tail - I should have turned and lost some before attempting my exit. I had the stamina.

I am very sad to say we have had to say goodbye to Queen Sinclair today (Lightning Wyvern), but we did welcome quite a few new faces: Linkin Park (Poison Wyvern), Symbiote (Poison Wyvern), Tulip Rose (Lightning Wyvern), Calico (Therizinosaur), and Heartbreaker (Yutyrannus). The goal is now to get Tulip Rose grown and continue diving for eggs, continue making extraordinary kibble using low level wyvern eggs and yuty eggs, and tame more high level therizinos (Calico didn't have any spectacular stats after taming). 

Learn from my mistakes guys, don't get complacent, pay attention, and quite frankly, just don't use anything you aren't ready to lose. ?‍♂️

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On 5/10/2017 at 6:45 PM, RazerX said:

I have to laugh at myself.  I've been playing about three weeks now and just started venturing out from the South Islands, and  haven't gotten too far yet.  I'm living in a wood shack and trying to learn how to kill the raptors before they kill me! 

Use bola and bow or spear works for me all the time. If you are just starting don’t use tames on them it’s sometimes a waste 

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On 6/21/2020 at 8:43 AM, Dinobros2000 said:

Day 10: scouted out an area that looked promising for some new resources, no luck. Then just built a small taming pen, and started working on a watchtower, it’s coming along well! Also tamed a doed finally! He has a saddle too! Rode some argys around for EX and ker/cit too. Good day but not much too talk about only to see! Can anyone tell me where the crystals and obi are? In the picture below I marked a red circle where the wiki says that has crystal and obi, the black circle is my home, so where are the crystals, I looked for like 20 minuets.(souther inlets on the island)

The cave. Someone probably already replied 

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Today: didn't feel like playing, so decided to just feed the dinos and log off. Went for a meatrun on Wildfire. Spotted a level 56 alpha rex. Attacked. Was fine, until due to a tiny lag spike Wildfire got stuck in the damn beast. Took some seconds to break free, plus at least two more to get enough stamina to fly away. Wildfire was reduced to less than two thousand health out of his normal nearly 8000. Hunted some lystros, paras and jerboas, force-fed him meat until he had a bit over 4000, then continued to burn the rex, now in a different manner: hovering above it for short periods, rather than swooping low and burning while passing above it. Both safety and accuracy increased significantly. Killed the rex without receiving any more damage. No cool loot, but at least I now have a new skull and a pair of fangs in my collection.

The rest was uneventful: an actual short meatrun, an in-base berry run, placed all food into appropriate troughs, took oil out of Khepri and Kabuto's inventories and gave them some fresh poop.

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Got the griffin even more levels, level 136 with good stamina. Tamed a basi, level 55 but with over 11k health. Leveling melee. Don't have SCUBA on Ragnarok yet, that will be great to unlock. I really have lost all faith in The Island. It still haunts me. I thought I would slay the overseer, wander the dunes of Scorched Earth, glide through the depths of Aberration, march boldy across the Wastelands of Extinction, ride an Astrocetus across the lunar landscape of Genesis, and someday claim the ultimate prize: a Terran Ascension Implant. There comes a time in every noobs life where (s)he must move to endgame, I thought I was that noob. I guess I was wrong. Oh, and to rub salt into the wound, my "brother" (if I can even call him that) tamed a 120 megatheirium. And found a 130 yutyrannus. All I need is luck! Which seems to be in short supply...

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Today I decided to tame a pair of high-level theries for breeding.

The first female I found (135) I had to kill, because my rex got stuck on her in a position that made it impossible to shoot her with any level of accuracy.

The second one (140) ate up all of my tranq darts like they were candy, got more health off Nightshade than any alpha rex ever managed (granted, I never fought one higher than level 50 on him, and that one kept running away, but still, pretty impressive), I had to make some tranq arrows instead. Finally, she fell.

I'm taming her - too much effort went into knocking her out to just kill her off, but her stats... Here they are on dododex. Behold, a theri that sucks: here it is


So. The theri is tamed (some time ago, but I didn't feel like writing right away). Her stats have improved somewhat, at least the melee is over 200 now instead of pathetic 160. I got stuck on my way back to the base because of some players whose idea of a base is "find a road framed by some cliffs and close it off from both ends", so I had to put the pods, kibble and everything else into Nightshade's inventory, suicide by punching a rhino who also fell there, and then grab a wyvern to retrieve Nightshade and all the things. I think I'm done playing for today, so making more darts and getting a male high-lvl theri will have to wait for tomorrow... Or for whenever else I feel like doing that.

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Suffered. Not gonna sugarcoat it. Wanted to play CI and died I believe ten or more times (maybe twelve?) trying to reach the green obelisk, before dino wiping to get rid of some annoying raptors. Finally got my griffin from Rag (used my Rag character too) and went exploring for about thirty minutes. In that time I was attacked by a blood crystal wyvern, for seemingly no reason. Not near the hive, so it couldn't have been heir, right? Managed to get it to eat some parasaurs instead. Tamed a tropical too. Tomorrow I want a shack put up, so I'll have a base, even if it's not permanent.

Also, if I make a new "tribe" (even though I'm alone) will it mess with dino ownership for when I go back to Ragnarok? Just want to be able to select "tribe owned" to get rid of that annoying "owned by" thing over dino heads, I always think they're following. I really want to play a bit more on The Island at some point, but for now, Crystal Isles is pretty fun. I'll try to find some aberrant or Aberration native dinos. Of course, when I beat the stupid island (and scorched), the real Aberration will be fun. The underground forest on Valguero does have more of an Aberration "feel." Poor Valguero. They lost drakes, reapers, and griffins, and then had a bunch of what they did get stolen by Crystal Isles (I need to stop saying "Aberration," but those creatures are the main thing it lost.) which also has its precious griffins.

Edit: Checked the wiki and found the rouge blood was an alpha. Explains the weird particle effect. I wonder if a blood, ember, or tropical is best to eventually take it down. Blood would be immune to its breath...

Edited by DodoRaptor
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Had a much better day today. Got a shack up, and put down a storage box and a mortar and pestle. My crystal wyvern is my new "main mount" since it's much faster and might be able to escape the alpha with the hydrated buff, should we find it again. Tamed a parasaur for security and a morellotops for berries. My crystal wyvern is level seventy-something with much better damage than the griffin. Even though I transferred a bunch of stuff yesterday, today I lived off the land, no transfers. Also spent two whole minutes finding the perfect spot for a refining forge. I still don't think it's perfect but I'll leave it be for now. The shack is just temporary.

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Today: hatched two moschops eggs, one inherited higher melee, but no mutation. Since I'm breeding for color, I killed it. Other inherited lower melee, but got a mutation on it, accompanied by a rather pleasant shade of yellow on body. I named her Lemondrop and froze for later.

Killed a level 55 alpha rex, did it with Wildfire. Since I already knew the good and safe way of doing so, he only got hurt once, when the rex managed to bite him on the tail. It still took a lot of time, though, because alpha rexes seem to have some sorta "instinct" to run toward the laggiest base around once the opponent proves to be a strong and persistent one, so both getting Wildfire into position to attack AND landing him in a safe area for rest took unreasonably long and often required multiple attempts.

Unfroze Empress to use her in breeding again, sure, she's leveled and her initial stats are long since forgotten, but that doesn't matter anyway, since it's only the male's stats that are important.

Found a 53 armor rex saddle in a loot crate. Some time ago I also found a 70-something one. Would have preferred a BP, but that's cool too.

Raised the quetzals to 44%, filled the trough almos completely with cooked meat, gave them both a stack of basic kibble each, won't have to bother about anything until evening (longer than that, but better remember it as "until evening" so that I don't put it off for so long that the food actually runs out).


Gave quetzals some more food, and went to tame a pelagornis (fishing, plus I have an awesome pela saddle BP). Took quite a few attempts and at least 60 rare flowers, but I managed to lure a level 145 to the shore, and the rest was easy. The stats were... Well, sorta okay. Though the most wild points went into health. He tamed quickly, I used kibble so the effectiveness was very high. I named him Raf. On the way back to the base I killed some fish with him, and then parked him in one of the empty stalls in my equus stable.

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Went exploring and got lots of resources. Found some gas veins, and red gem nodes, and gollected a few congealed gas balls, and gems on the way back. Made it to Erdrich Isle and got red, blue, and green gems first, wasn't very deadly.

When I was exploring I found two interesting things: first of all, the floating islands have a weird cave system. It's around where the wiki says glowtails and megalainia are found. Saw neither, but based on the terrain features, I'm assuming that's where drakes were in the mod. Secondly, the griffin trench nests have Aberration gems, but as far as I can tell, you can't actually pick them up. Bug or intended?

Also got some fungal wood and rare mushrooms, I want lots of mushrooms to make two mindwipes (I have allow unlimited respecs on) so I can get a bunch of crafting skill for a good custom consumable, since with base crafting skill there's no way to get a good one. Then I plan to wipe back to normal. Made a smithy so now I can repair and craft metal tools.

Also tamed a bad level fifteen blood wyvern, it's good to have a backup, even if you'll hopefully never need to use it. Crystal wyvern's stamina is better than my griffins. Transferred a thorny dragon, jerboa, and doedicurus from Ragnarok, made a ton of cryopods, cryoed everyone, except my shoulder pet and wyvern and logged off. Tomorrow, I'm going to the floaters, and building a big base.

Edited by DodoRaptor
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Something has apparently changed with work internet so i have been unable to access my server. Instead I started fresh single player on Val for a few days until I go home. Worked my way up to taming my first Ptera. Lvl 50, not bad. As im waiting for it to tame, a 145 lands near by. Tranqued it before shutting down for the night.

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