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So what did you do in ARK today?


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11 minutes ago, FraggleRock said:

#1 Why does farming Carno island get you the ASC longneck rifle? The cave? Im new to caves and such because usually play on official....

#2 Rex might have despawned, 20 minutes doesn't seem long enough to kill a lvl 150. I saw a 140 running around for about a week on my unofficial, before I saw him no more.....which is cool cause he was average stats - my server has spyglass+? Allows me to see stats before I knock it out. 

Hey! I got it from the loot drops in there. It could net you good gear since it constantly drops purple-red loot drops in there. Cave drop also has a chance for you to net a good loot from that as well. I got purples only though on my cave, really unlucky. All my good ones came from the abundant loot drops coming from the sky in carno island. Also if there's no drops coming down on the island itself for a while, pay attention to the other spots across you. Yellows and reds constantly spawn as well on the snow biome near there and the forest area just south of carno. I only play single player so I haven't had anyone take the loot.

As for the Rex, it might've. I looked around the whole carno island but couldnt find him anymore :(

EDIT: I use vanilla btw so i dont really have mods on my playthrough. Spyglass+ seems fun tho.

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On 6/9/2020 at 11:01 AM, HoganRyan01 said:

Set up a singleplayer how you like it then go for an "Ultimate ARK" type play-through. I started a playthrough before Syntac even started that series but I've been having a blast. You play through the maps without transferring between them until you finish the bosses of that map and move on. The Island -> Scorched Earth -> Aberration -> Extinction -> Gen1 -> Gen2 -> The Center/Ragnarok/Valguero/Crystal Isles + Transfers open up between all maps.

Done it all before. Even did a no flyer play through. 

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On Valguero: tamed a doed (50 pre-tame, tamed perfectly with kibble), made some cementing paste and polymer, grabbed from a beacon the few stacks of sulfur that I transferred from SE. 

On Teonus (in singleplayer): finally somewhat figured out what I maybe possibly want my house to look like. It's a big step, because I'm really bad at figuring that out. Like, cool enclosures for various dinos? Easy! A garden? Simple! A house that looks like something a person could actually live in, and that DOESN'T look like a boring square box? Ehhh...

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On 6/9/2020 at 4:04 PM, Dinobros2000 said:

 >Gen2>Center>Rag>Val>CI>Other mods

Personally I just started playing, but I really started a year ago and don’t have much time to play, and I switched to PC recently, so I just started a Island, and I’ve wanted to play through like that since I learned there was story! Also I find many mods to be fun if your PC, like if you play with Upgrade Station+Creative Mode=99999 dmg assault riffle, then just go out and mow down critters.

Not a fan of upgrade station it makes finding better saddles and such way too easy

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Sadly can't claim to have played ark today.. I did play another Dino game jp.. but I kept wanting to use ark controls and it got on my nerves. 

Tomorrow is planned.. I'm revisiting all maps and doing a boss run on each boss on the maps wondering how long it will take me. 

At some point I have to log into a game I hate to spend time with my niece doing some virtual babysitting whilst breaking a few blocks. Quarantine certainly changes things. ?

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Tamed a pair of Yutyrannuses today, one got 340% melee, and the other poop stats lol. Preparing that Extraordinary kibbles so i could easily tame more dinos. While looking for Yutyrannus along the way, I got an amazing Ascendant Allo saddle. I also found another hated creature, freakin Purlovia. While i was running around with my Thyla in that snow biome, I died twice because i got clipped by them while being chased by wolf packs. Good thing my thyla's strong enough to take care of them while I went my way back. That Yuty adventure was stressful, but FUN!



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Today: big metal run, small metal run, small obsidian run, couple circles over the base with doed, big keratine/beaver dam run with Nightshade. All to gather the materials for the elevator.

The lotta melting and polymer making, and finally the elevator is DONE! And it's awesome! Fast! Shiny!

At the moment it's useless, though because I haven't yet connected the small platform made of stone ceilings to which the elevator arrives with the cliff platform where the workshop is, but that's not hard - just a few more ceilings, stairs and pillars, MUCH easier than building the elevator was.

Oh, also, while I still don't know where Dark Hopper was, at least now I know that he WAS - as in, he starved today, it appeared in the log.

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Was planning on taming a 150 bear which I spotted on Ragnarok red woods by the red obelisk. Prepared a bunch of tranq darts, and gathered lots of honey. 

I flew over to the bear and landed. Then BAM an Ichthyornis swoops down and steals the stack of darts. Im about the switch bullets on my rifle to shoot down the thieving gull and BAM, a pegomastix snatches my rifle.

I chase down the pego and BAM I get stunned by a microraptor. BAM the ichty returns and steals my honey. By the time I manage to kill the micro, all the stolen stuff are gone.

I return to base empty-handed and pissed. Then I log off.

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22 minutes ago, JJacky said:

Was planning on taming a 150 bear which I spotted on Ragnarok red woods by the red obelisk. Prepared a bunch of tranq darts, and gathered lots of honey. 

I flew over to the bear and landed. Then BAM an Ichthyornis swoops down and steals the stack of darts. Im about the switch bullets on my rifle to shoot down the thieving gull and BAM, a pegomastix snatches my rifle.

I chase down the pego and BAM I get stunned by a microraptor. BAM the ichty returns and steals my honey. By the time I manage to kill the micro, all the stolen stuff are gone.

I return to base empty-handed and pissed. Then I log off.

LOL if this actually happened, you might be the unluckiest survivor out there in the wilds ?

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Still grinding out rexes, sigh. It's just so incredibly dull and I am so ready to move on from this map. It's hard to find motivation to play when it's 90% idle time. It's still faster than actually taking each rex out to stomp around and level up, though.

Naturally the new map got my attention, especially the new wyverns. So I went on another field trip, kinda. I didn't transfer my character this time, I just started fresh to explore the map, check things out. I'm a terrible noob though lol. In 2 days I got to level 66, have a base with a proper perimeter even, a set of utility tames...and a pair of tropical crystal wyverns. Not high levels mind, but beautiful. I love this map and the wyverns and tbh I'm seriously considering making it my "home" map after I finish this interminably long story run. It may be the OG map but I'm ready to not see The Island again for a long, long while after this.

I even bred the wyverns with the idea of transferring the eggs over like I did with the deinonychus pack from Valguero. When that didn't work I actually hatched an egg and tried to cryo the baby to transfer. Then I Googled and found out crystal wyverns are bugged and not transferable. Sigh. I just wanted to bring it over to have something new to play with, a little treat to myself. I'm not worried about it dying, my mature rates are high enough that it should grow up before it starves, and I have 2 pigs anyway.

So now I'm back on The Island proper, sadly with no baby wyvern to faun over. Once they fix transfer I'll either move the baby or transfer another egg. I got lucky too, it got all my high stats. Not that any of them are very high lol. I just wanted a couple to breed and mess around with. I won't do a proper setup until much, much later.

Current plan is once I finish Extinction I'll treat Genesis/the DLC maps more like sidequests. I know I can't do Genesis solo and by that point the DLCs won't really have much to offer outside of defeating the bosses for the sake of it. I will definitely be deviating from Syntac's rulset here though; basically once I tamed a wild dino I'll allow myself to transfer their tamed/bred counterparts in from The Island. I am not rebreeding my rex army when I've spent literally a year working on this line. And no item transfer allowed except for blueprints, I didn't spend a month straight farming that stupid saddle BP to throw it away after.

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With great joy, I present to you what I did TODAY. Yes, I beat Ugly Head SOLO on Official Difficulty. 
Rockwell became Rock-unwell after I crashed his tentacular party. Here is the video ...

Official Difficulty . SOLO GAMMA Rockwell .  With ONLY 1 Rock Drake + Shotgun


  • DMG 273% Shotgun, 100% Assault Rifle;  
  • ARMOR: 200-350 Flak Armor (4 sets color coded);  
  • 58 Armor Journeyman Rock Drake Saddle; 
  • Featherlight for max charge range with Ascendant Helmet 

Time taken: 22 mins approx

This is kind of a tutorial video for Gamma & a training for Beta(for me at-least). ??

Hope you guys Learn & Enjoy from the video ...


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Didn't do much today, just rebuilt the trough and a bit of fence on SE, because they were destroyed due to ending up under mesh after the actual ground level was fixed to be the same as the visible one (you know that thing, you walk on the ground, your feet sink in it because the textures are sorta above actual ground. Yeah, I built in such a place, but only because I got tired of searching for an unpillarred area and decided to settle on the first free space I found, and noticed that flaw only after building the house and starting on the fence), filled the newly built trough.

Then went to Valguero, fed the dinos, planted some citronal (it's the only fruit I need), checked to see if all my tames are on the base (they are, for once. No runaway argies or confused moths!), logged off.

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