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So what did you do in ARK today?


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Went on a trip around the island on a spino to find a high level 135+ pteranodon thinking it would be a quick find. Got distracted by alphas and went back to base without a pteranodon but with a mastercraft 199% crossbow. Then bred 2 Ovis babies and did a few hops on my procoptodon to look again for a pteranodon. Still looking.

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Today I enjoyed a nice hunt with my rex. Mostly nice because I went far away from my base (Because my neighbours are a bit too close to my gates and a tad too enthusiastic with showing off their dinos, so it's a complete slideshow there. My own base is fine, I'm keeping it light on structures and not overpopulated, but since I have to actually go outside of its safe, mostly lag-free territory to do any hunting...). And a little bit nice because I found two alpha carnos, so my rex got a bit of exp, my chibi-spino - a lot of it, and I got a good hatchet and an even better pick. Also, freaked out because my rex fell of the raft when crossing the lake and got attacked by some jellies, but it was near the shore already, and he managed to get away from them, not even hurt all that much, so it's fine.

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Today: refilled the troughs (both on SE and on Valguero), hatched 4 tek rex eggs (no new mutations) and 4 argy eggs (missed the hatching due to disconnect, the only chick I found had no new mutations, so I let it starve). Podded three deinons and killed one, as I realized it's a bit hypocritical of me to hate my neighbours for having all their dinos on lag-inducing display while my own deinons are standing there, waving their tails, without any need for them to do so as I'm not even interested in breeding them at the moment.

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Recently switched one of my servers over to Genesis because the kids were interested in taming the new dinos.  We agreed to use only what materials we had on us when we first transferred: everything else went into storage.


2 days ago, finally had material saved up to build an industrial forge so last night I set out to gather metal to fill that sucker. Shortly out from base I see something big moving ahead of me: an X-Spino

Pulled out my spyglass and he's level 130. Yeah,  I am not prepared to fight that. But what if I tame it?

I throw together a quick trap, keeping an eye on the beast while I gather mats. Make a quick run back home to grab the prime meat from all the damn sarcos I've been fending off and tranq darts. Ride back on our raptor, lure the spino in and start tranq'ing. And tranq'ing. And my longneck rifle break because i forgot to repair it. Switch to crossbow and fire in a few shots. Spino asleep.

Run over to dump stuff in his inventory. Oh god, where are my narcotics! Harvest some narcos and give him a bump to make sure he stays down long enough for me to hop back home. Grab some narcotics out of storage and discover that someone has collected a few rex eggs. I have everything to make a few kibble so I do that real quick.


Back to the spino, dump the kibble give him so narcotics  and wait. Took about an hour with our boosted tame rates. Now I just need a saddle

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Wanted to get a better metal pickaxe, because mine doesn't even last enough to mine all the element shards around the volcano on Genesis. Looked up where to get them - MIssion to kill Raptors. Did it on Gamma with my Spino - easy! Got an OK-ish pickaxe, but I wanted more. Did the quest on Beta, the brute Raptor did 1k damage per hit on my Spino - Spino died :( 

Need to find a new one^^

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So we are currently on gen pvp official.

yesterdays events where a mixed bag farmed 800 ele in a couple hours because gens broken and we built a second base to take ab 30 tek tur 30 heavies along with all the structures. Cloned some squids and some rock eles tamed two ferox which duped into six ferox and I painted my super suit. Because style is everything ! 

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Accidentally deleted my own character when using the admin command destroytribeplayer.  You're supposed to make sure your crosshairs are on the thing/character you want to delete.  My crosshair must have been slightly off so that it was focussed on my foundation rather than the player I wished to remove.

Next thing I knew my structure around me disappeared and I was taken to the respawn screen.

Praise the Lord for Nitrado rollback saves. ?

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It was a bitter sweat day today...first run at the alpha brood mother, we won with only two yuty's lost. I screwed up and forgot I was wearing my fur clothing and not the armor I brought with me, and proceeded to cook myself to death. Its a shame, truly it was, if I had hit the healing effect on my hog, I would have been just fine. But the biggest problem was the fact that when it pulled mom out of the arena while I was still dead, it killed her and all of our tames instantly......Turned off the xbox, turned it back on, last save was just before the boss fight, oh thank god, loaded back in and for some reason the hog I was riding did NOT come through with us. 

I tried, I truly tried, but after everything died, we restarted the xbox again.

Ok....here we go....got to get things just right and......mom whistled a location in an attempt to eat her mushroom steak and everyone went to the wall to the right. X.X
Screw it, lets get this going....first two yutys went down, not a problem, I figured they woul….crap, there went a third, and now a fourth.....Sloths doing good, doing my best to run around on the hog healing all of them, but seems unlike PC, feeding the pig takes longer on xbox. Gonna have to fire up the argy egg farm again and go ballistic on superior kibble. 


It was long, it was gruesome, but we managed to do it. Lost quite a few yute's, I think all the sloths was just fine {sneaky lill buggers} So in the end, it was a very bitter sweet victory compared to what we should have won with on the first run even if I had died. =/

A80b60a2 e0ee 4d9e b1c1 0474ef40416a

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Lost a ton of stuff on official pvp to anti mesh system that was recently implemented while not being in the mesh. 95% of the time on official pvp i lose a bunch of things its from detrimental game bugs like uploads disappearing, character lost during transfer, anti mesh system working incorrectly, countless errors that crash the game still. Good game....

Edited by Usuallyafk
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On 5/12/2020 at 9:15 AM, Myrm said:

Accidentally deleted my own character when using the admin command destroytribeplayer.  You're supposed to make sure your crosshairs are on the thing/character you want to delete.  My crosshair must have been slightly off so that it was focussed on my foundation rather than the player I wished to remove.

Next thing I knew my structure around me disappeared and I was taken to the respawn screen.

Praise the Lord for Nitrado rollback saves. ?

I also deleted my character on my single player arks. Was transferring to Ragnorok and couldn't get the stuff to transfer. Did it several times then deleted ragnorok and tried agian but I realized I deleted my character in ragnorok ?


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On 5/12/2020 at 10:59 PM, wizard03 said:

first run at the alpha brood mother, we won with only two yuty's lost. 

How many yuty did you take?

I take 19 megatheriums one yuty with a rider for the courage roar.

My pig stays outside the battle arena for the later healing as pretty useless in the arena.

I have pigs inventory loaded with cooked mutton and two full troughs nearby and full if required. Once everyone is back from the fight I just put the pig in the middle of the teleporter and heal everyone. 

Once the pig stops healing to refill food if you leave render quickly both of you on a bird the pig will restore it's food quicker. Saves waiting around a lot for the healing jobs.

The yuty stays behind all the megs in the fight so it can cover all with its roar.

What were the levels of the ones who were killed? 

And congrats also to you and your mum, my above was genuinely curiosity and a little set up advice.

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Well... I fell off my managarmr, after rubber banding due to lag, all the way from the ground to waaaay up in the sky, to the height of what was a managmr triple jump from the top of a mountain.


I free-fell for a good 5 seconds before I remembered the glider wings.. and thought.. well what do I have to lose now.. might as well get as close to home as possible to grab a bird find my body and maybe find my (probably dead) tame.


I had to close wings and free-fall multiple times to lose altitude so I wouldn't overshot my mark by 3 or 4 hundred miles.


We lived!..

Now I'm planning on doing it again to see how far I can fly..

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Been asked by a friend to join his tribe on an freshly wiped unofficial PvP cluster I won't name here (PM me if you want the cluster name). There was some drama here and here in the global chat from 2-3 players, but nothing bothering me that much. Things were going well for us and the plan was to go hell on everybody, including one of his former tribemate, which I later learned was the admin's wife. I was also told she tribed up with the 2 drama queens in the global chat...great. I knew from this point on, stuff would go south rather quickly.

We decided and prepared to raid a base not far from ours despite the ORP being on. We knew very well it would take us hours to get in because of the x4 on turret dmg and structure hp. Nonetheless, we proceeded and quickly found out that all turrets were set to players only. From there we moved on the slapping C4s on dodos and throwing them directly on top of the turrets which worked well to some extent.

Since dodos are not well-known for their resistance to explosives, we quickly ran out of dodos to send into their base and thus sent a tribemate to tame more of them. So the guy went on and while taming, 2 newcomers joined the server and started to attack him (you spawn with full flak sets btw) to which point he defended himself. Problem is since he was near a spawn, these 2 bobs kept on spawning and attacking him, getting murdered by my tribemate each time (global broadbast each time someone is killed and by whom). Both guys eventually dropped out of the server at which point the admin started to blame my tribemate for driving players off his cluster, blabla... (drama in global for 1+ hour at least) Cluster rules clearly states you can't harass/grief/raid starter bases but open world PvP is fine. Besides, if you start hostilities, don't expect the victim to hold on because you are hiding behind your newbie protection.

Anyways, we also found out the base we were raiding had mesh turrets, to which point I sent a private message to the admin asking his stance regarding said turrets (nothing written in the rules). He said they were not allowed but never acted when I told him we came accross one. At no point the name of the tribe we were raiding was mentionned to the admin or in global chat.

Speeding up an hour or two later, we soaked most of the turrets with gasbags/trike and and were getting started on rockets/LoS the remaining turrets, at which point the admin started to call us out in the global chat because we were offline raiding an ORP base and that was toxic behavior on our end 3 days only into the wipe (x20 rates servers btw), blablabla. I understand you have to use the spectator tools sometimes but deliberatly watching us, then blaming us after we did it.... I don't want to debate about offline raiding, but let's simply say that if you advertise your servers as PvP, expect offline raiding to happen at some point. If you don't want it to happen, manage your clusters properly, put rules in place and for god's sake, enforce them....

I usually stay silent but the admin and his wife really tilted the hell out of me with their badmouthing about offline raiding, so I told him my 2 cents about his management of his servers. How he failed to enforce his very basic rules such as "no trash talking, drama, ect." , failed to realize my teamate never broke any rules killing these 2 bobs, failed to act about the meshed turrets and how biased/unprofessionnal his attitude was when he called us out in chat. His excuse being he will do as he see fits and that "rules can be changed at anytime without notice" to ensure the health of his cluster (10 players at peak time, amazing servers...).

Off course, the admin's wife tells the two toxic guys in global to join her in a private Discord call. No less than 15 mins later, these guys shows up to counter us, and guys from the tribe being raided magically shows up to defend.... We were not fully inside the target base yet and were only behind the outer turret wall (100% soaked) and still had to deal with a few internals before proceeding. We held our ground for a good 30-45 mins in a deathmatch against defenders + counter party. Grieffed most of the tames of the defending tribe and clapped the outside bobs a few times before calling it quits. We decided this server was a waste of time for us from this point ont.

We stayed on for another 2 hours expecting the admin's wife and the two toxics to fob on us, but they never did. These bobs waited a few days and offline wiped us because the admin's wife offline raiding is fine, but others is acting like p****s. Fun enough, I saw later in our tribe log the admin force-joined our tribe and left after we were wiped. His excuse being our ORP timer was bugged...


On a more positive note, I spent some time on the ice-themed map. Still texturing the starter area (boreal forest) but it's coming along very well to my taste. Also started to learn using Blender in the meantime for upcoming structures/creatures.

Here's a view of the current progress so far :


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On 5/14/2020 at 10:14 PM, SnowboundGem said:

How many yuty did you take? I take 19 megatheriums one yuty with a rider for the courage roar. My pig stays outside the battle arena for the later healing as pretty useless in the arena. I have pigs inventory loaded with cooked mutton and two full troughs nearby and full if required. Once everyone is back from the fight I just put the pig in the middle of the teleporter and heal everyone.  Once the pig stops healing to refill food if you leave render quickly both of you on a bird the pig will restore it's food quicker. Saves waiting around a lot for the healing jobs. The yuty stays behind all the megs in the fight so it can cover all with its roar. What were the levels of the ones who were killed? And congrats also to you and your mum, my above was genuinely curiosity and a little set up advice.

I think I took like 6 or 7, got tired of breeding the sloths. And I typically heal "during" the fun, my theory is that hopefully everyone makes it out, or if Iv underestimated and trying to makes sure that we make it out of the arena alive. Sides, its no big deal to roll in on the backside of everyone, use all the reserves the pig has, take a step back and devour whats in the inventory for another roll up. Now with that said, mom was on one of the yutys doing the roaring. So the plan is still implemented the same as a megatherium setup, just with a little variety. 

The yuty's wasn't as high as I was hoping, wanted them over 8k health, I think. The one I gave to mom however was nearly 20k.....literally spent every single point in health and nothing else.

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19 minutes ago, wizard03 said:

I think I took like 6 or 7, got tired of breeding the sloths. And I typically heal "during" the fun, my theory is that hopefully everyone makes it out, or if Iv underestimated and trying to makes sure that we make it out of the arena alive. Sides, its no big deal to roll in on the backside of everyone, use all the reserves the pig has, take a step back and devour whats in the inventory for another roll up. Now with that said, mom was on one of the yutys doing the roaring. So the plan is still implemented the same as a megatherium setup, just with a little variety. 

The yuty's wasn't as high as I was hoping, wanted them over 8k health, I think. The one I gave to mom however was nearly 20k.....literally spent every single point in health and nothing else.

It's good your having fun with it. I know breeding can be tiring but I can say it's quicker in single player once you have your settings right and a good starting pair. I'm sure you know what your doing though. 

I remember my first effort of breeding way back when I was new it took me ages to get to grips with breeding for specific stats and mutating them correctly.

Working out simple stuff like breeding stat results together rather than keep trying for a specific colour. I think I was a bit too obsessed with the colour mutations lol

My boss megatheriums all have very high health but all my Dino's are super bred lines. I've been breeding them for 4 years. I use the megs because they get a buff against the spiders. 

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21 hours ago, SnowboundGem said:

It's good your having fun with it. I know breeding can be tiring but I can say it's quicker in single player once you have your settings right and a good starting pair. I'm sure you know what your doing though. I remember my first effort of breeding way back when I was new it took me ages to get to grips with breeding for specific stats and mutating them correctly. Working out simple stuff like breeding stat results together rather than keep trying for a specific colour. I think I was a bit too obsessed with the colour mutations lol My boss megatheriums all have very high health but all my Dino's are super bred lines. I've been breeding them for 4 years. I use the megs because they get a buff against the spiders. 

Never messed with much of the settings, but I did get a solid set of breeders, and worked till I got the stats right, AND THEN worked on the army...no mutations sadly, but year. After that whole shebang, I got bored to tears. With that said, all the sloths had 10k health minimum. And I do believe the majority or all survived. 

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Logged in, found myself dead (no cause in the log, it just said that I died), respawned, found some pants in my rex' inventory, decided that the server is sufficiently non-laggy today to actually play a bit instead of just quickly feeding the dinos, went for a little alpha hunt (only found one, a carno), then a meatrun, then a berry run with my bronto (who is leveled in speed because he's meant for breeding, but I hate seeing the "level up available" text), refilled the troughs, remade a shotgun that I lost due to my unexplained death, made a new rifle (better than my old one! 203%, the old one is only 202), put the guns in the box in case I die again, logged off.

Oh, and found a half-dead cryopod in the inventory of one of my therizinos. Can't remember putting it in there, but since I'm the tribe's only member, I clearly did. If only I knew WHY.

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