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So what did you do in ARK today?


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The last two days have been sorting out babies as we are a tribe of 3(a lot of unnamed babies) to prepare if we get maturation event.

And I have been judging our Island Tribe leader for having 2 cryo fridges full of babies...... soooo...... I have almost 3 cryo fridges full of babies.....

Shows you not to judge your tribe mates XD 

So plans to expand the base begins again. 

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PS4 - Unofficial Cluster

Logged in to Ragnarok to refresh the timers, and just as I did, Raptor Claus appeared, so I went out and collected 4 of the Xmas present drops. Also got a blue and yellow drop along the way.

topped off some food troughs, and then went to Valguerro

bed hopped on Valguerro to refresh both base timers as well as check food levels.  needed berrries for my Jerboa, so did a bit of gathering, and also managed to let a baby owl mature up and imprint him once, before cryo'ing him and transferring to Abberration.


I've been battling some illness bug since Sunday, as well as my damaged back really causing me pain, so I took a quick break to grab some pain pills and a sleeping pill.


Repaired some previously broken tek armor, and did some imprints on a couple of Reapers I had cryo'd last session.  Fed some unwanted loot to the Gachas in my base, and also dumped some wood and stone into them.

Then I headed out to find, kite and trap a Reaper Queen.  

I quickly find a level 105 female, which was only ok level, but since I am more concerned about getting event colored babies, I don't care too much. I began kiting her to the trap, when I hear another roar, and realize I now have 2 Queens after me. I continue tanking as I lead them to my two traps. Only as we get to the traps, do I realize that I now have 3 Queens after me. I manage to get one into a trap, and then try to get another one in the other trap. That done, I turn around looking for the 3rd queen, only to see that she trapped herself in the first trap, so now I have two queens in that trap.  :(

I scope out the queens and am happy to see that the Queen by herself is a 234!, while the 105 is trapped with a 23 low level.

I decide to try and get impregnated by the 234 first, and I began bringing her health down. I get her to the Pink stage, and just then two meglosaurus began attacking her. I try to kill them, but it takes 2 bites, and the second bite proved to be too much as it killed the baddies, but sadly the Queen as well. :Jerbmad:


Angered, I turned to the other trap, and took out my frustration by quickly and intentionally killing both of the trapped Queens.

I returned to the radiation zone, and found another queen. and brought her back to the traps. much like before, Another Queen joined in on the fun as I was leading the first one back to the traps, but I managed to get each one in a trap, and began getting pregnant from the higher level one. Successful with that, I went to my base, and continued imprinting cryo'd Reapers as I waited for my Pregnancy to end. As my chest burst open, I see it is a event colored baby white with a red belly. So I head back to get pregnant again.


By now the sleeping pill is starting to kick in, and I am kind of in zombie mode. Which was not good, as I was totally oblivious to my light pet still being turned on as I beat the queen, and accidently killed her. Arrrgh

I then turn to the other Queen which was a level 198.  We do the dance, and soon I head back to base impregnanted.

That baby pops out Red with a purple belly, so I return 2 more times and end up with 3 of those babies,  I was really struggling to stay awake, but I was staying online waiting for Texas to transfer over, so he could get a colored baby too.

Finally he logs in, and I go to bed, exhausted, but happy that I got some more event colored Reaper babies!

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3 hours ago, Aushegun said:

PS4 - Unofficial Cluster

Logged in to Ragnarok to refresh the timers, and just as I did, Raptor Claus appeared, so I went out and collected 4 of the Xmas present drops. Also got a blue and yellow drop along the way.

topped off some food troughs, and then went to Valguerro

bed hopped on Valguerro to refresh both base timers as well as check food levels.  needed berrries for my Jerboa, so did a bit of gathering, and also managed to let a baby owl mature up and imprint him once, before cryo'ing him and transferring to Abberration.


I've been battling some illness bug since Sunday, as well as my damaged back really causing me pain, so I took a quick break to grab some pain pills and a sleeping pill.


Repaired some previously broken tek armor, and did some imprints on a couple of Reapers I had cryo'd last session.  Fed some unwanted loot to the Gachas in my base, and also dumped some wood and stone into them.

Then I headed out to find, kite and trap a Reaper Queen.  

I quickly find a level 105 female, which was only ok level, but since I am more concerned about getting event colored babies, I don't care too much. I began kiting her to the trap, when I hear another roar, and realize I now have 2 Queens after me. I continue tanking as I lead them to my two traps. Only as we get to the traps, do I realize that I now have 3 Queens after me. I manage to get one into a trap, and then try to get another one in the other trap. That done, I turn around looking for the 3rd queen, only to see that she trapped herself in the first trap, so now I have two queens in that trap.  :(

I scope out the queens and am happy to see that the Queen by herself is a 234!, while the 105 is trapped with a 23 low level.

I decide to try and get impregnated by the 234 first, and I began bringing her health down. I get her to the Pink stage, and just then two meglosaurus began attacking her. I try to kill them, but it takes 2 bites, and the second bite proved to be too much as it killed the baddies, but sadly the Queen as well. :Jerbmad:


Angered, I turned to the other trap, and took out my frustration by quickly and intentionally killing both of the trapped Queens.

I returned to the radiation zone, and found another queen. and brought her back to the traps. much like before, Another Queen joined in on the fun as I was leading the first one back to the traps, but I managed to get each one in a trap, and began getting pregnant from the higher level one. Successful with that, I went to my base, and continued imprinting cryo'd Reapers as I waited for my Pregnancy to end. As my chest burst open, I see it is a event colored baby white with a red belly. So I head back to get pregnant again.


By now the sleeping pill is starting to kick in, and I am kind of in zombie mode. Which was not good, as I was totally oblivious to my light pet still being turned on as I beat the queen, and accidently killed her. Arrrgh

I then turn to the other Queen which was a level 198.  We do the dance, and soon I head back to base impregnanted.

That baby pops out Red with a purple belly, so I return 2 more times and end up with 3 of those babies,  I was really struggling to stay awake, but I was staying online waiting for Texas to transfer over, so he could get a colored baby too.

Finally he logs in, and I go to bed, exhausted, but happy that I got some more event colored Reaper babies!

Can you get Tek turrets yet? Been reading your reaper trap venrures and you will benefit from a tek turret big time. Deploy turret, get queen near and go to turret options, put queen on whitelist then the turrets will kill anything except queens. No more mega / purlovia problems :)

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7 hours ago, Donk67 said:

I noticed today that the centre map, pull out map has been rec-covered as though I had never explored it? Strange as I've been on the same server for several months now!? So Guess I'm exploring again! Hope they haven't changed the artifact locations.?

had the same thing happen the other day, heres a tip

go to Program Files\Steam\Steam Apps\Common\Ark\Shooter game\Saved\Local Profiles

make a copy of  localprofile.arkprofile, if your map is gone the next time you log into ark, exit out, delete the localprofile.arkprofile, and rename the copy to that.   Your maps will be restored.  Make sure to make backups of that file often as it stores information about your map, your map pins, skins, and Explorer notes on your local pc.

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4 hours ago, d1nk said:

Can you get Tek turrets yet? Been reading your reaper trap venrures and you will benefit from a tek turret big time. Deploy turret, get queen near and go to turret options, put queen on whitelist then the turrets will kill anything except queens. No more mega / purlovia problems :)

I've never used TEK turrets, and was not aware that this was an option. I will have to look into it. Thanks!

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44 minutes ago, Aushegun said:

I've never used TEK turrets, and was not aware that this was an option. I will have to look into it. Thanks!

TEK turret has many options including max level options. When we made our reaper trap (to kill queen to force a respawn) we had then set to only attack levels 120 or lower so we didnt even have to spyglass or worry about them. Was nice

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Hopped on Valguero today and downloaded 50 cryopods I had made on my island server sense i had more then enough supplies there to do it with, podded up all the dino's at one base we are most likely going to take down, and a few dino's at the main base that we just don't use currently to cut back mainly on food runs.   Simplified it abit only having 3 meat troughs to put food in and 2 veggie troughs. so now only one base to feed dino's at, and still have the little outpost bases (1x1, 3x3) at different spots for fast travel / respawn at some key locations.

Spent some time gathering up meat for the dino's that were still out and noticed that a little 1x1 hut was gone that had stopped me from continuing my building build how I wanted to, so i quickly went back grabbed the rock golem and made some stone pillars and ladders to take over and pillar that spot so I could return to building the design without further interruption.  Iaid down a couple foundation blocks on the outline building area I was working on near my base thats close to a water source, if we get this building done it will be a good place to store the rexs for the boss battles rather then the smaller cramped space they are in right now, i think they'll like not being  packed in like sardines in a tin.

I looked over the spot I was going to build at previously after i had returned, remembering that I'm going to build a tunnel so that even giga could still pass by through the spot, but still have it connected to the main base to transfer across.  pondering ideas on how to make it look abit decorative, thinking about the bridge design I was working on at the island and how that could fit into this bases design too.

Sense the base I have keeps commonly getting referred to as a prison, I might go off the design with that in mind, sticking with a prison like theme for it for the addition, that will require a couple small towers to be built and a bit of trickery with placing some ceiling pieces to make them come together how I am thinking, but all in all I think i can do it to make it look like there are a couple guard towers on each side.

one of these days i'll have to take a screenshot of it and post it so you all can see what it looks like.  I'd like to get more done to it first though, as currently its just mainly the main building, a nice exterior wall around it and two smaller buildings (one the rex are crammed into, the other incomplete at this time). 

After gazing around and thinking about design ideas, i finished up my meat run, fed all the dinos, grabbed berries from the garden, fed the herbivores, and restocked the fertilizer in the garden greenhouse, had just enough to fill them all up again with 1 to spare.

Named the piggies, 1 of 9, 2 of 9, 3 of 9, etc. skipping 7 of 9, and then doing 8 of 9 and 9 of 9.  its a pun, im sure some people will get it.

After i was all done, I ran around the base for awhile, clueless of what to do, thought about doing a couple things, but as i went floor to floor quickly forgot what they were, man my memory... its so flighty at times... night started to fall, lag started rolling in, and i decided to head out, heading upstairs to my room, laying down next to the crafting character on the nice little 'double bed' and logging out for the day.

Got to play ark today for 3 hrs, watched the heat on everything cpu never went above 61c, and gpu never went above 69c.  So far so good with the pc work done to get me back in ark.   Someone commented previously about my idle temps being low but room tempature plays a part in temps for the pc as well, on average the pc room is at 18c most the time, sometimes it gets a little warmer, but all in all it averages around there, so with that it helps to keep the cpu / gpu cooler especially when they are fan cooled.  Keeping your pc dust free inside helps alot as well, dust is a insulator, the more that builds up, the more heat that will build up inside the case.

anyhow I think soon I may be back to playing ark like normal again :) yay! Cheers everyone!



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Pve official Island

I bred a couple rexes to get eggs so my tribe can boss run without the bigger tribes, which I have been working towards for a few days now. I also set up my current 3 juvenile rexes to be ready for imprint when I get back in 5 hours.

I am working on a base over the water where I can actually build a decent sized base, and completely finished the first floor.

Grabbed a bunch of random dimorphs to do cave runs because they're cheap and clear for me, although I'll need to work for the underwater caves.

Started getting set up on ragnorak so I can raise wyvern, and got the expansions to expand myself even further.

Only half of my day so far so I'll be getting more done later

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Pretty short Ark day for me. I got home from work a bit late. Loaded up and sat in my chair while I ate dinner, then made another cake. It's actually the same one, just this one is for sharing. The first one was a test. By the time I got it turned out on the rack to cool I had over 100 eggs ready to pop. Hatched them all. Kept none.

Feeling a bit tired, so I logged for the night.

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PS4 - unofficial cluster - Abberration


Continued trapping Reaper Queens in my quest for a Purple reaper baby. And while I was pregnant last night, 3  people logged into the map at the same time.  One of them is "Redneck Wife", who is the same person I gave all of my Valguerro dinos and base to on the old cluster.  Kind of weird to see her join this one too.  I asked her if she was quitting the other cluster, and she said no, jut playing both clusters at the same time.

So I ask them what brings them to Abberration, and they said to get Reapers. So I tell them about my two unlocked Reaper Queen traps as well as the unlocked birthing room next to the trap. I then give them the coordinates.

A few minutes later I notice a person building a trap and base about as close to my base as ARK will allow. (keep in mind this map has only been live for 2-3 weeks, and as far as I know there are only 4 bases on the entire map, with 3 of those being myself, Texas and California. So a very undeveloped map thus far.)

"Umm hello, why are you building a base and trap to close to my base, and you don't need to build a trap, I have two public traps  right over there, you are like 75 yards from it"

Other person : " well there is not much space down here, so we have  to just live with being near each other"

ME: " there is a ton of space, and this is my main base, can't you build farther away, and there is no need for a 3rd Reaper trap in such a tiny area. Just use the public ones"

Rude person: " My trap will be public too, and I'm only building a small base"

Redneck Wife: " Yeah F*** it, we will all have to have our bases near each other"

ME: " really? all of this open space, and you have to build right here?"


At that point I just dropped the conversation, and continued doing my thing. then a few minutes later they stop by my base, asking me to grind some stuff in my grinder, and to craft some element for them in my replicator.  I do this for them, and then they take off, I later get a high level queen trapped and alert them about it in the chat, and that they are welcome to get impregnated from her if they want. Zero response from them. 

At this point I was crabby from having these people and their rude behaviour, and I logged off.  I'm afraid to see what they have built when I log in tonight.

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4 hours ago, Aushegun said:

PS4 - unofficial cluster - Abberration


Continued trapping Reaper Queens in my quest for a Purple reaper baby. And while I was pregnant last night, 3  people logged into the map at the same time.  One of them is "Redneck Wife", who is the same person I gave all of my Valguerro dinos and base to on the old cluster.  Kind of weird to see her join this one too.  I asked her if she was quitting the other cluster, and she said no, jut playing both clusters at the same time.

So I ask them what brings them to Abberration, and they said to get Reapers. So I tell them about my two unlocked Reaper Queen traps as well as the unlocked birthing room next to the trap. I then give them the coordinates.

A few minutes later I notice a person building a trap and base about as close to my base as ARK will allow. (keep in mind this map has only been live for 2-3 weeks, and as far as I know there are only 4 bases on the entire map, with 3 of those being myself, Texas and California. So a very undeveloped map thus far.)

"Umm hello, why are you building a base and trap to close to my base, and you don't need to build a trap, I have two public traps  right over there, you are like 75 yards from it"

Other person : " well there is not much space down here, so we have  to just live with being near each other"

ME: " there is a ton of space, and this is my main base, can't you build farther away, and there is no need for a 3rd Reaper trap in such a tiny area. Just use the public ones"

Rude person: " My trap will be public too, and I'm only building a small base"

Redneck Wife: " Yeah F*** it, we will all have to have our bases near each other"

ME: " really? all of this open space, and you have to build right here?"


At that point I just dropped the conversation, and continued doing my thing. then a few minutes later they stop by my base, asking me to grind some stuff in my grinder, and to craft some element for them in my replicator.  I do this for them, and then they take off, I later get a high level queen trapped and alert them about it in the chat, and that they are welcome to get impregnated from her if they want. Zero response from them. 

At this point I was crabby from having these people and their rude behaviour, and I logged off.  I'm afraid to see what they have built when I log in tonight.

You conversationalists are saints.  I'd have just geared up for war and dropped the hammer on them.

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Official PvE Valguero, all by myself

I finished my dino pen at my new base over near the Abberation Trench and moved my two remaining Stegos (a male and a female) to the pen.  My house is still not large enough tobe useful or much protection from the critters coming out of the Trench, but I am working on it.  Having all of my building equipment on a raft has come in useful.  If I need a lot of stone, I can go sail near a bunch of stone and store it on the raft.  If I need to build Huge Dino Gates, I can build them and store them on the raft until i erect them.

Does anyone know a good source of beaver dams in Valguero that is connected to the central lake?  I found some in mountains in the West, but the lake there is not connected to the central lake and I would have to fly in and out of there.  The resources are great in Valguero, but creating metal has slowed me down unless I can get lots of cementing paste and creating it from scratch will be painfully slow.



When I logged in, the Dire Bear was attacking my Stegos that I was set on passive.  I aggro'ed it by shooting some arrows at it to keep it from killing all of them.  It attacked my house because I was on top of it.  I guess it finished off my house after I logged out.

I do get a few Alpha Rexes and Raptors near the new base that i am building near the Trench and I will try to take preventative measures with eventual metal structures.  On the plus side, I also have an Argentavis nearby that I am hoping to trap and tame soon.  I am not sure if it came because of my proximity to the Trench or because I am near to 50/50 and all things flying drop from the sky from time to time and it wandered over here.



It sounds like pillar time near your base.  You might be able to at least restrict the amount of neighborly encroachment if you act fast.  I might be paranoid from playing PvP in the past, but it sounds like a suspicious setup to me.

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Made it on for a bit tonight, and was actually productive and got things done. I am still aiming for boss fighting. Finally got a few sets of gachas on the go. I had been held up by the fact I could not find the sap gacha as I needed it for veggie cake production, thought it might have gotten lost in transit, but I then remebered that ours died on Ragnarok a while back. Thankfully I traded for one from someone else on the server.

Hatched up the next batch of boss Deinonychus, raised and imprinted 6 and kept two others aside to act as breeders for the Island. A few more batches and I will have a fully functioning (probably sacrificial) deino squad. And while those matured I continued with raising and imprinting on a giga for a bit. Finally a little bit more theri breeding to try and sort out the main breeders. I wasnt hatching for mutations but I ended up hatching quiet a few mutations, nothing useful but I kept a yellow back stripe mutation aside for variety.

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Spent most the day here, fed the dinos, pulled out some eggs and tossed out some Juvi rexs who had 807 melee, colored so they'll add to the stock :).  Hatched one egg and I got a great rex out of it, I shoved 5 meat into it and ..... DC'ed... tried reconnecting couldn't get back in, tried restarting ark and getting back in, didn't work.  rebooted pc, fired up ark and thought for sure the new baby was going to be dead... waited impatiently to get back into the game... it was still alive, i quickly opened its inventory and shoved some meat into it, ignoring the eggs.   It had 10hp left,  barely saved.  grabbed snow owl and healed the baby.

Then i look at the eggs 4 eggs gone... no rexs... decided to check under the floor (sense its hollow) and sure enough 2 rexs down there, nothing special, 808 and 900 melee rexes. the other two eggs had to of vanished out of existence, all 4 were to hatch at the same time.  So two eggs lost to DC and almost a new stat baby rex.

I podded the baby and decided to help a person who was prepping to take a bunch of random tribes with them on two boss runs. I brought over medi brew for all the people and handed it out.  Then after they returned from the first fight I stuck around and helped heal all the rexs with my snow owl so they could head out on the next battle sooner.   There were 3 of us there hitting the rexs with snow owls and they were all back up to full in a short period of time.  and off to the next battle.....

I watched the rexs and people teleport out 5 at a time to the boss battle with about a 10 second delay between them, i thought for sure the server maybe getting ready to die.  Two people ended up getting left behind even though their rexs went in, no rhyme or reason for it to of happened, it was under on rex count and survivor count. so those two missed out on second boss.   again after they returned I helped them heal up the rexs, and someone decided it would be fun to toss out abunch of rexs all around the ob so that the person taking theirs in couldn't move them off the ob.   20 ko'ed rexs all around.... ugg...  The person who was doing the boss runs took some video of it and filed a report, if that can't be considered a form of griefing, I don't know what is...

back to the base i headed, and popped the new rex out for a littlewhile as the lag seemed to of dropped even though there were 32 people running around on the server. I let it grow for abit and stuck it back in cryo, im pretty happy with it though, over a year of breeding rex carefully, i have a nice high stat base now, 30k health, 1.5k stam, 560 weight meh I can boost that, and 1125.4% melee! woot out does the 1007 babies I still have to finish raising:


refreshed the beds on the island, and headed out for the day, all in all, even with the problem that almost cost me this baby, things went fairly well :)

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20 hours ago, SMP said:

You conversationalists are saints.  I'd have just geared up for war and dropped the hammer on them.

Well it's PvE, so not sure what you could exactly do.  


(other than be a griefer, which is not how I prefer to play, I want to enjoy my ARK time, not be engaged in combat and childish nonsense)

Edited by Aushegun
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PS4 - Unofficial Cluster - Abberration


I logged on yesterday with trepidation, as I expected some huge new bases to be built near me.  But unless I am missing something, the people from a couple days ago, tore down the base and trap they were building, as it was no longer right next to me!

So I was pleased about that, and then I headed out to trap some more Queens.  I ended up trapping 3 different Queens and getting pregnant from each.  

The first queen was a lower level, but gave me a All orange and Parchment baby. The next was a near max level queen that sadly gave me a plain black and tan baby.

The final queen was a decent level, and the baby came out Dark Red with Purple belly. Looks really cool. So I ended up getting 2 more of those babies, and also got my buddy Indiana pregnant when he happened to log on.

So it was a good night.

Edited by Aushegun
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Spent most the day hanging around the base, fed all the dinos, did a little more work on the base, rebuilt the greenhouse, 96 crop plots placed and filled with fert and seed, tomorrow I should have some veggies ready :D Here's a couple screenshots of parts of the base, my tower (which I live in):


and the backside of the main base that's still being rebuilt.  the smaller building next to the teleporter is my hatchery / baby raising area, the top floors are my mates living quarters:


this is part of the rebuild area on the front:


and the bridge bit that extends from it:


Sorry for the low quality shots, (can't even see the base at the back side of bridge) running on a low end graphics card while I wait for the other one to arrive.

next time im on Valguero i'll take a couple snapshots of that base too, maybe you guys can figure out why they call it a prison ;) heh.  As you can see though, I like building.  Only hit structure limit in the hatchery room, and the greenhouse on the first level, due to the ac's in hatchery (32) and the crop plots in greenhouse (96). the whole backside of the island is preserved except one small building someone uses for coming to to collect metal, but all the metal nodes are safe, and a lot of dino's still spawn across the beach in the back.  We reserved building primarily to the front (except where tower is) and in the water area,  I even started building a large mock ship off one side of the island, still need to finish it up one of these days.

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I have been ignoring my own sage advice re stockpiling, and my swamp stash got found. Classic criminal error, a combination of greed and sloppy execution.

They call me Chris One Mana now, and snigger into their drinks.

A new tribe moved into prime beaver territory. Let the record show that I attempted diplomacy and saw an arrow to the helmet for my troubles. Responded with terminal force, will continue to monitor situation.

Edited by chris282
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On 10/4/2019 at 4:59 PM, caleb68 said:


Spent most the day hanging around the base, fed all the dinos, did a little more work on the base, rebuilt the greenhouse, 96 crop plots placed and filled with fert and seed, tomorrow I should have some veggies ready :D Here's a couple screenshots of parts of the base, my tower (which I live in):


and the backside of the main base that's still being rebuilt.  the smaller building next to the teleporter is my hatchery / baby raising area, the top floors are my mates living quarters:


this is part of the rebuild area on the front:


and the bridge bit that extends from it:


Sorry for the low quality shots, (can't even see the base at the back side of bridge) running on a low end graphics card while I wait for the other one to arrive.

next time im on Valguero i'll take a couple snapshots of that base too, maybe you guys can figure out why they call it a prison ;) heh.  As you can see though, I like building.  Only hit structure limit in the hatchery room, and the greenhouse on the first level, due to the ac's in hatchery (32) and the crop plots in greenhouse (96). the whole backside of the island is preserved except one small building someone uses for coming to to collect metal, but all the metal nodes are safe, and a lot of dino's still spawn across the beach in the back.  We reserved building primarily to the front (except where tower is) and in the water area,  I even started building a large mock ship off one side of the island, still need to finish it up one of these days.

Awesome looking base, but OMG I can't imagine how bad that lag must be!

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1 hour ago, Aushegun said:

Awesome looking base, but OMG I can't imagine how bad that lag must be!

im running on a 8 year old pc and hardly get any lag, the only really noticeable thing is when its loading the parts.  I keep minimal dinos out as well, if they were all out, that would probably choke just about everyone to death.  so we bring out dino's as we need them, leaving some out most the time (like our gacha we use the most, and argy's). The real lag issues start happening when people have mass amounts of dino's around their base, that is unless your running a pc with 12 or less gb ram, then you can notice some lag from loading but thats client side and not server side.

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