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So what did you do in ARK today?


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Karkinos time

placed a trap on fertile river and waited patiently for high level crab, couple of hours go by with nothing, this river is usually full of them.

I call it a night and head  back, only to find one right at my base, a nice 130 all red female  (Red Sonia)

Did a quick run around to get the materials for a new trap, trapped and knocked out successfully, with not one catapult shot missed. I usually take time in building my traps but seeing how good this quick one turned out has inspired me to be more messy in the future ;)


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Extinction - Private Xbox Cluster

Finished off the core build of my new base of operations over the weekend. As the cluster is PvE, I have no real requirement to convert my base from stone into metal as of yet due to my location on the edge of a tower in the sanctuary with it's own square pool of water. I will eventually convert it because I love the forest green dye and it looks much better on metal than stone. I still can't believe how square I was able to place the foundations in line with the ground and will post a photo soon with an update on the build. My plan is to tame some fish to throw into the water feature as I'll be building a greenhouse on top of it looking out to the city.

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7 hours ago, Pysmo said:

Karkinos time

placed a trap on fertile river and waited patiently for high level crab, couple of hours go by with nothing, this river is usually full of them.

I call it a night and head  back, only to find one right at my base, a nice 130 all red female  (Red Sonia)

Did a quick run around to get the materials for a new trap, trapped and knocked out successfully, with not one catapult shot missed. I usually take time in building my traps but seeing how good this quick one turned out has inspired me to be more messy in the future ;)


Do kill runs of the river. Kill one whole spot, leave render, come back voila. New crabs, my base was infront of blue waterfall fertile area and I would do that 10x a day to get all my crabs 


1 hour ago, SaltyMonkey said:

Extinction - Private Xbox Cluster

Finished off the core build of my new base of operations over the weekend. As the cluster is PvE, I have no real requirement to convert my base from stone into metal as of yet due to my location on the edge of a tower in the sanctuary with it's own square pool of water. I will eventually convert it because I love the forest green dye and it looks much better on metal than stone. I still can't believe how square I was able to place the foundations in line with the ground and will post a photo soon with an update on the build. My plan is to tame some fish to throw into the water feature as I'll be building a greenhouse on top of it looking out to the city.

Sounds nice! Ill have to come check it out some time soon :) 

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Xbox - Unofficial Nitrado Server - The Island 

Started of by breeding my two mutated yutys from last night together to combine the colours. Succeed on the first egg. Now all I need to do is breed this new yuty with the full stats breeder I have and I can combined the colours with the full stats, shouldnt take long tommorow. Once thats done hopefully that means the yuty breeding project is finished.

D1nk convinced me to raise up some carnos for the swamp cave so I raised two and got them to 100%. We then went on a swamp cave run with the our new carnos and the hyaenadon squad. Got the loot and artifact and bailed. It always amazes me how much stuff comes at you in there, omg the screen spam and levels ! 

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OOC: I compiled an imgur post of most of my animals and my base! I still have yet to photograph the animals in my base between the Snow Place and Red Eye, but this is most of them. I refused to list all my Argentavis though... I did a breeding project with them and even with keeping only my "milestone" birds, or the ones that bettered the line, I ended up with TONS.

Modded singleplayer on the Island (S+, Death Helper, Dinotracker, eco's RP Decor) - 2x harvest, 3x xp, no mating cooldown, singleplayer settings, max level/difficulty, lv. 100 character

On the mouth of the river, and the wrath of the giver, with the hands of a sinner, on the mouth of the river...

~Imagine Dragons | Mouth of the River~

I have known for a while that animals bred under my care could be trained much more easily, and some just seemed inherently better than others. I've decided to use this to my advantage on my new pair of baryonyx. Their whiplash attack underwater is fantastic for stunning creatures, and my next cave, based on my scouting the area, is mostly underwater. I have no idea what threats lurk there yet, but I'm not taking chances. I intend to breed and raise a formidable baryonyx or two, and have them assist me in braving the cavern.

It is slow-going work, though... Citgo the rex seemed to have fun helping me gather fish, though. It's pretty amusing, watching a large beast dance around in the water, delicately biting the heads off of any fish it sees for me. I should probably find it more surprising the fish don't flee the second she touches the water, but no, some even rush up to her!

Silly fish! Sometimes it's the simple things.

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Well, it was back to work for me this week, so I shut the servers down on Sunday night. I don't get to play as much as I'd like during work weeks, so it just seems a shame to leave them on and waste food and fuel.

I had restarted in SP mode a while back, though, so I picked that up yesterday and today for a couple hours. I had already built a stone wall north of Hidden Lake that cuts off that little bluff, overlooking the sea. It's nice cause once in a while a drop will float down for me to loot in complete safety. Downside is building is partially blocked because of the ruins there. I really should have thought of that before getting excited about a grand castle overlooking the cold, gray waves. So instead of a castle, I have a mish-mosh of things shoved up against the safe side of the wall.

I made a low level trip to Hidden Lake and came out of there with some paste and a handful of pearls. Success! This was followed not too long after by my first un-success. I crossed the river, heading toward Far's Peak, and stepped onto land with a piranha or two chewing on my behind. I shook them off and crept into the tree line, my eyes gleaming with the thought of my first metal ingots. Unfortunately, there were guard dogs, or guard hyenas I should say. Yah, that didn't end well.

I eventually tamed a lower level Sarco (AKA Lug) that wandered out from the trees near my base. He helped me get my first metal, so progress was eventually made. We also took to the sea, ever mindful of jellyfish, and scouted the coast for my first pteranodon. I downed a level forty-ish one, set up some quick defenses, and Lug and I spent the night eating steaks and playing poker while Buckethead tamed up. (Unfortunately, I owe Lug forty dollars cause he's some type of card-shark-gator.) The next day was when the, "Dump of Death Incident," almost happened.

Buckethead and I were out angri-fying the local beaver population and on our way back decided to land for a stamina break. We touched down on a rock in the middle of a stream, and in seconds, I heard some incoming stomps. Yep, carno. I hit space bar to lift off, totally planning on flicking off the carno as we sailed into the air. Unfortunately, we didn't go any place, and I caught a blur of more movement as a raptor closed in. I hit space bar again, and still Buckethead wouldn't budge. The carno was on us when I heard the pooping noise and realized what was going on, so I quickly hit space bar again. I looked down as we rocketed into the sky and saw the carno on the rock we were on, three raptors surrounding it, and a Pteranodon turd rolling off it and into the stream. Whew! I guess when you gotta go, you gotta go! Heh...

Still not sure how I didn't get raptor pounced, but it was definitely an exciting moment.


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Ok so after a long hiatus I am back in the swing of things EU official Aberration.

Decided to make a start on the farm last night, Crop plots check, seeds check, roll rat check, just need the bettles now.

I have to head down to the blue area, which is a bit nerve racking seeing how I'm still a bit rusty but hey nothing ventured nothing gained.

I head off on my trusty crab with a plan in mind, travel down from mushroom forest, select one of two beetles to take home to tame, simple.

So I approach the blue biome, what's that little sparkly thing ??? Shinehorns I forgot all about you !!!! I find my self hatching a new plan, I forget the farm and decide I would rather be surrounded by loads of Shinehorns insetad,  I mean who can resist them right.

Off I set with a Shinehorn in each claw, excited to get them home and introduce them to the new digs , but wait why all the aggro ? then I realised just as a sarco jumps up and takes one of my lil shinehorns, I can still hear the feeble screams now :( In my panic I smash the remaining Shinehorn into the floor crushing him under the weight of Red Sonias huge claws.

 Trying to get over it I tell my self how this wasn't my original plan and I  make a mental note not to deviate again, I'm not to far from the blue zone so I decided to pick up the original plan and go get them beetles.

It didn't take to long, a nice pair of low levels for the taking, I decide to pick them up rather than tame down here, risking the aggro to get them home for an easy tame.

Without to much trouble I get them home, I think to my self that was easy, I will get two more tomorrow.

I go to place them down where stupid me decided to slam them both into the floor killing them instantly, never mind I suppose ill get 4 more tomorrow instead :)


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Started the morning off making some eggs for later and just puttering around the base. Went for a few stone runs, etc.

When saltire logged in I started breeding carnos and getting more imprinted Theriz for the bosses going. Grabbed one of his reject Yuty and put some imprints on it incase I need to ride it for the bosses. Spent awhile imprinting the Theriz, yuty and the carno i settled with after getting a breeding pair. I missed my last imprint on it by seconds, same with 3/4 of my theriz! Damn they add up :P 


We went to the swamp cave. Ive been through there lots with different mounts, on foot etc. I found the carnos to be the easiest defence-wise.. dont need to worry about Artho pretty much at all. They seem weak but have great hp for their size. We each brought 3 Hyena and that was a nightmare. Last room i got dc'd and took two login attempts to get back.


We went back, made some stuff around the base and then he logged. When saltire left I went and grabbed some wyvern milk from Rag and popped my 180 egf on the island I had ready. Came out pure albino with a small event green stripe on the belly :) My first event wyvern and its even a 180! (Poison though :( ) After it raised up I went for a big metal run then logged off for awhile.


Got back on later and did another big metal run, farmed over 6k ingots total, then went to hit up the swamp cave again, this time with a frog for paste. Only briouggt 2 hyena in with me to facetank artho.. way better than 3.


Went back and went to mine obsidian when I remembered I have 3x obsidian gacha.. load em up with 4k stone each and went semi afk. Each time I came back to 30 crystals, roughly 1000 obsidian. Used 3000 / 4500 of the paste i farmed making polymer. Went for a few alpha runs to get a little bit of element dust then crafted up and placed my first Tek Teleporter ever :) 


Logged off for the night, today I might make the other teleporter, not sure yet! 


Edit: Forgot to mention; got another mutation on the theriz line while hatching old eggs for my wyvern to kill.. got a health mutation! Got them mostly combined into one solid tame but ill have to finish that today

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Found more PVE sleepers in a few traps I made, threw them in my prison into cell and locked the door.

I find it funny to come up with new traps to capture curious new people looking for free loot in opened boxes.


Prison is 3 Stories Tall, and Total Prisoners = 42, I had to double them up in the cells.

The Prison was over crowded. This server is Primitive so the only lights were from trophy's.


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On 3/22/2017 at 5:34 PM, Anarki said:

I always find this one of the most interesting posts to read. What did you do on *ARK* today?

I for one tamed a few scorpions, filled my troughs full of berries and meat and then decided to look into the possibility of taming a high lvl bear ready for a cave run (would be my first run so it may not go well).

I also put a Ballista on the back of a one of Dinos so that might be a laugh to go on later.

Other than that, Ill be hopping on later with some friends and will put a few hrs into just socialising and doing a few little chores.

I farm meat all day for babys :D And the last day i tamed 50+ kibble dinos :)


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Xbox - Unofficial Nitrado Server - The Island 

Started of hatching up more yuty eggs to get the final breeding pair. Spent most of the night hatching eggs, couldnt seem to hatch the the colour and stat combo. Ark started throwing me mutations left right and center though, hp muts, colour muts you name it, must have got about 5 or 6 again. Didnt keep any muts though, I didnt want to get into more yuty breeding. D1nk got alot of shared xp onto some of his tames. Eventually struck gold with male and female twins with all the colours and stats I needed. Finally all I need to do is fully mature them and I can get an egg off them and imprint a personal yuty !

Did a quick run into the swamp cave with d1nk for cementing paste. Love the carno but it hit box annoys me.

When d1nk logged off I went into the chitin cave for the Artifact of the Clever with my bary. Got a case of megarabies from one of the bats but I have more than enough health to shrug it of. Got 2 artifacts with the help of my otter.

Then went to the lava cave for the Artifact of the Massive. I know this cave very well but it didnt help me out... on the first real test I bottled it and disaster struck. Tried to walk my bary rather than jump over the crevas near the entrance and I got knocked into the lava by the mobs.... lost all my good gear, imprinted cave barry and otter... gutted. I should have jumped it and knew it at the time ! I got careless and payed the price. Spawned back in, cryoed my still maturing juvy yutys and logged off heart broken....

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1 hour ago, AngrySaltire said:

Xbox - Unofficial Nitrado Server - The Island 

Started of hatching up more yuty eggs to get the final breeding pair. Spent most of the night hatching eggs, couldnt seem to hatch the the colour and stat combo. Ark started throwing me mutations left right and center though, hp muts, colour muts you name it, must have got about 5 or 6 again. Didnt keep any muts though, I didnt want to get into more yuty breeding. D1nk got alot of shared xp onto some of his tames. Eventually struck gold with male and female twins with all the colours and stats I needed. Finally all I need to do is fully mature them and I can get an egg off them and imprint a personal yuty !

Did a quick run into the swamp cave with d1nk for cementing paste. Love the carno but it hit box annoys me.

When d1nk logged off I went into the chitin cave for the Artifact of the Clever with my bary. Got a case of megarabies from one of the bats but I have more than enough health to shrug it of. Got 2 artifacts with the help of my otter.

Then went to the lava cave for the Artifact of the Massive. I know this cave very well but it didnt help me out... on the first real test I bottled it and disaster struck. Tried to walk my bary rather than jump over the crevas near the entrance and I got knocked into the lava by the mobs.... lost all my good gear, imprinted cave barry and otter... gutted. I should have jumped it and knew it at the time ! I got careless and payed the price. Spawned back in, cryoed my still maturing juvy yutys and logged off heart broken....

:( I have a Bary egg in the fridge and plenty of crafted gear to help ya, rip that 500 dmg shotgun

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5 hours ago, Sikaflex said:

Found more PVE sleepers in a few traps I made, threw them in my prison into cell and locked the door.

I find it funny to come up with new traps to capture curious new people looking for free loot in opened boxes.

Lmao I put them on the quetz and drop em off in wierd places around the map , like on mountains and little islands 

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Small tribes pvp the center xbox one

Wife and I had the intention of doing some cross server raiding to a richy ragnarok server. Couldn't be bothered uploading a pteranadon so ran around rag 9 for a while through redwoods, jungle and south west desert looking for bases. Found one. Not worth it though honestly a flyer would have obviously helped uncover more but I could not be bothered its been a very big day. Ended up farming some pearls and metal for our soon to be turret towers and logging off. Now all I need is a friendly player who is level 100 or higher I can pay to craft some heavies for us ?

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4 minutes ago, AngrySaltire said:

Ah thanks. I'll hatch up a few barrys next time on. Yeah RIP shotgun :(

Thats okay, swamp cave will yield more :) There's that 308% in my vault u can have back :P


Didnt do a whole lot yesterday. Spent quite a few hours just feeding gacha, collecting Obsidian from them and crafting poly. Made over 2500 yesterday and 1300 the night before. After our swamp cave venture I logged for a few hours.


When I got on later I threw out Saltire's cryo'd yuty and let them grow up while I ran to carno island to get the artifact. Used the teleporter to get there, what a nightmare in the cave. It was easy enough but I kept falling off trying to get back up, cryod the Bary and just ran it. 

When I teleported back (i didnt know you can use your personal teleport to teleport to public ones!) I got DC'd entering the base. That saves me a load of teleporters and ill just have to make one for our water base :) 


Cryo'd the yuty, placed the artifacts (love the artifact deco @AngrySaltire) then went to bed. Next time I play I need to get a tek genny and teleport for our water base going. Also looks like ill run swamp cave a bunch more, used over 7k paste the last day! Also need toget some more pump shottys :P 

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9 minutes ago, d1nk said:

Thats okay, swamp cave will yield more :) There's that 308% in my vault u can have back :P


Didnt do a whole lot yesterday. Spent quite a few hours just feeding gacha, collecting Obsidian from them and crafting poly. Made over 2500 yesterday and 1300 the night before. After our swamp cave venture I logged for a few hours.


When I got on later I threw out Saltire's cryo'd yuty and let them grow up while I ran to carno island to get the artifact. Used the teleporter to get there, what a nightmare in the cave. It was easy enough but I kept falling off trying to get back up, cryod the Bary and just ran it. 

When I teleported back (i didnt know you can use your personal teleport to teleport to public ones!) I got DC'd entering the base. That saves me a load of teleporters and ill just have to make one for our water base :) 


Cryo'd the yuty, placed the artifacts (love the artifact deco @AngrySaltire) then went to bed. Next time I play I need to get a tek genny and teleport for our water base going. Also looks like ill run swamp cave a bunch more, used over 7k paste the last day! Also need toget some more pump shottys :P 

Still fuming at myself haha. Thanks for letting my yutys grow a bit more ! Glad to hear we could use other teleporters ! Going to be great for moving about. Been humming and hawing about the artifact display, now convinced itll work lol. Need to help more with the farming lol. Might be on tonight but got some forms that need filling in that I have been neglecting. 

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Ragnarok - Private Xbox Cluster

Only popped on recently to clone my element dust Gacha clone that I initially traded for. As it was only a wild level 15 pre-tame, it costs  just a measly 3500 element shards to clone so eventually it pays for itself (and even easily on my cluster due to the fact that you can craft element shards from dust at a 1:1 ratio. Winning lol).

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Modded singleplayer on the Island (S+, Death Helper, Dinotracker, eco's RP Decor) - 2x harvest, 3x xp, no mating cooldown, singleplayer settings, max level/difficulty, lv. 100 character

Today was quite uneventful. Sometimes, that's how I like it.

I spent the day tending to and feeding baby baryonyxes. My new female Ironjaw appears to be expecting a large clutch of eggs soon. She's quite vocal about her displeasure whenever her mother, Ironscale, gets too close to her new nest! I've also caught her trying to gnaw pieces of wood and thatch off my buildings to use for her nest. Poor girl. I ended up giving her a giant pile of each so she could build a proper nest. I've had to lock up my males, as well, since they harass her. Watching the natural behavior of the creatures is quite interesting, especially with the larger predators. The amount of intelligence they show is quite surprising. Most of the tattered, scattered notes I have come across have described the various beasts as brutal, monstrous, so on... but at the end of the day, they were just animals.

Hopefully, I will have a powerful enough baryonyx to brave the depths of that cave soon.

OOC: I like imagining behavior for Juneau's, my character's, animals. Obviously none of this actually happened other than me just breeding baryonyxes. lol

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