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So what did you do in ARK today?


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Tamed a low level argy to get around a bit easier without dying to Raptors a million times. Raided a few stone bases while she was taming but nothing ground breaking loot wise. I put down a fabricator not far from my wife and I base open to the world to hopefully discourage griefers from blowing it up for fun. So looking forward to scouring the map on the argie for juicy c4 targets and a bit of pvp. I see a lot of raised metal bases so I'm thinking the alphas are in a bubble underwater and periodically scour the map clean of any potential competition. Thinking its probably.more wise to stick to stone and play raider for fun, why bother going to the effort of  metal base and the grind of turrets if the alpha will just wipe you while you sleep or work? 

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Ragnarok - Xbox Private Cluster

Didn’t do much, just bred my Tek Quetzals to gain some eggs to hatch at a later date. Also, crafted a new loadout for my Island character. Mindwiped (I’m level 105) and put all points into crafting skill but only achieved 4-7% skill bonus on everything due to the graceful RNG, well, all except my Xbow that I achieved 50.5% so my bow does 572% damage XD. Spent some time grinding for my new replicator to transfer with me to The Island along with some metal structures to house it.

The Island - Xbox Private Cluster

Transferred a handful of dinos in from Ragnarok such as my resource harvesters, Rex’s, Gacha’s, Basilosaurus, Griffin and Wyvern, as I plan on taming everything else while I’m here despite the low wild level discrepancy. Slapped down a replicator and now I’m good to go. Teleported the Rex’s to dead island for a few laps but only encountered 1 alpha Carno so was disappointed with that. I’ve spotted a low level Giga so I may tame it when I have the resources. Probably going to try and build a bridge from my base on herbivore island to the main island which will be a barrel of frustrating laughs.

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Just now, SaltyMonkey said:

You can’t use tek bridges all the way but I’ve got an idea of how I’m going to do it. The concept of how I plan to do it is placed right near @d1nk‘s base, you’ll both see when you next log in.

Neat! Ill check it out :)


Last night was pretty productive. Operation Island on the way. Spawned in the island on a fresh character. Did my usual red ob dash, had a bunch of premade stuff including a wyvern and a griffin in rhe cloud, grabbed my wyvern and some armour and flew out about to look for a base spot. Flew past and saw Saltire's base like first thing.. set down in there to AFK for a bit then he logged in.


We're tribing this time so I got invites, popped some quetz eggs for exp then did a few transfers to gather my stuff. 


We decided id build some sort of different place for a base, ended up settling on 50/50, also my old official base spot. Maybe this time ill provide pictures as I focused a lot more on aestetics this time out of guilt because Saltire's stuff always looks good :P 


Will update more later but long short of things.. got my base set up and been using Tek Bridges.. so nice. Got a Tek gen, transmitter and sleeping pods installed decided this time to use the wireless tek gen for all my fridges and stuff


Sorry for the vague update, will edit more later if I get time :) 

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Xbox - Unofficial Nitrado Server - The Island.

Wasnt planning on logging on tonight but the prospect of checking out D1nk and Saltymonkeys builds was too much, so I hoped on for 5 minutes, well it turned into an hour, such is Ark. Took the rex down my old stomping ground along spino river to D1nks new base at 50,50. Love the Island, feels like I am home ! Funnily enough that was my first choice in base location had I not wanted a coastal location for a water pen. Loving the build so far ! Need to check it out more when I have the time. Killed an alpha raptor for element dust (unofficial server setting) and got some ammo for the tek saddle and had fun with that !. Loving the multiple tek bridges across the spino river, looking forward to Saltys Herbivore Island bridge.

Nearly had a heart attack when I thought I lost my character when the game crashed mid transfer when attempting to get D1nk access to my bary saddle bp on Rag. Thankfully it was fine, just downloaded my character again.

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So I logged in, got my ichthyornis and Pteranodon, and went otter hunting. I quickly found a level 60 male and tamed him without incident. Then it was back to the base to breed the otters. Raptor Claus arrived while the baby was growing--really liking the tek troughs for babies--and I went after presents. Nothing too exciting again, though. The baby was three quarters of the way grown when I got back, so I decided to complete the elevator track to the top floor of the main base, and then the baby was ready.

I headed off to the hard snow cave with two podded bears and Trilly, my new otter. We did it! Woo Hoo! It took three plus hours, but we finally did it. I got the Artifact Archeologist achievement and now have some bunny ears, which I'm not sure what I'm going to do with right now.

Anyway, now it's time for a celebratory beer, or two, . . . or twelve. Have fun all!  

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5 minutes ago, Chudz66 said:


I headed off to the hard snow cave with two podded bears and Trilly, my new otter. We did it! Woo Hoo! It took three plus hours, but we finally did it. I got the Artifact Archeologist achievement and now have some bunny ears, which I'm not sure what I'm going to do with right now.

Congrats on doing the hard snow cave !. I tried it once as part of a group on official back in the day and I ended up stuck dangling from the roof with a grappling hook out of reach of the bears. Wasnt pretty. 

Stick the bunny ears on the otter ?

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Just a short one today aswell. Logged on to the Island to do a bit of farming with my new base. Took an argy and an anky to redwood mountain, casually farmed up some metal and flew back for a wood & stone run. Im also loving the island, the sounds, weather patterns and areas really give me some nostalgia.


I was just strolling through the back forest of my base on foot farming some quick thatch when I got a blast from the past. I probably spent well over 1500 hours in this base location on official, between my main tribe there before The Center released and raising hundreds of gigas down in the water (hah water trick..) after transfers opened up. I love this place. 

Therew out my gachas i plan to breed and sorted my cryppods a bit, I brought my theri line over for bosses on the island providing we dont get better rexs before then. 

I got that bary saddle from Saltire, crafted one up and logged off. Looking forward to developing the base more. 

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Found a neat hidden base spot under a waterfall on the center. Set up shop. Had an argie and pteranadon. Logged on next day to tame an argie. Wife crashes while on argie and while trying to find it find out we've built in a ledge with at least 6 to 8 giga heads poking out the cliff face under us. Guess we found the elusive alpha. Never found argie so now up an ankylo and down a bird. Ark giveth and ark taketh. Now pondering whether to move to a different map, so sick of meshers. 

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Got on for a few hours more and didnt do a whole lot besides build. Started out as most nights do for me, grab the doed and theriz and head out for some mats.

Made a small taming structure outside my base then went for a fly, havent been to the volcano since the actual  tek cave was introduced! (Before it was the same - but no boss at the end) A lot of crystal up there. I grabbed some crystal and obsidian and on my way back down had an idea for a base expansion. 


Got to work making a small extension out the back, the plan is to have an extended crafting room / greenhouse that overhangs the cliff, fully glass walls. Got most of the shell completed just need to fill it out, place the bits and finish the glass farming (made it stone for now) 

Im actually quite pleased with the build so far, been trying to stay on the island and not head to Ragnarok because that means im going to have to farm a bunch. Need an industrial forge, cooker grill and a grinder here so thats about 12k ingots I need to go farm if I do :P 


Until next time! 

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Xbox - Unofficial Nitrado Server - Island  

Finally crafted up the behomoth gates I needed to complete my base outer wall, and now I have my base completely enclosed with a water pen. Transferred over some basilosaurus from Rag for some watery adventures ! Took one of the whales out to the western sea cave for some loot as well as the Artifact of the Brute. I remeber it being a walk in the park the last time I did it, was my go to place to farm drops back in the day, but it was a bit hairy this time round. The biggest threat was the mass pack of alpha boosted mantas/salmons from the alpha megalodon I ran into in the main chamber. Shredded my basil a bit but I delt with them ok  Thankgoodness the mosa AI is still appaeantly borked, ran into not one but 2 level 270 mosas aswell, glad they were not alphas. They spent most of the time trying to run away. Got the artifact and I struck gold with the loot. Got an ascendant theri saddle bp with 100 armour (got our theri boss saddle sorted @d1nk). Crafting cost is a bit steep at almost 2k metal a pop and I am going to have to run around with a chainsaw for ages for the hide. Now just need to get a rex saddle BP. 

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28 minutes ago, AngrySaltire said:

Xbox - Unofficial Nitrado Server - Island  

Finally crafted up the behomoth gates I needed to complete my base outer wall, and now I have my base completely enclosed with a water pen. Transferred over some basilosaurus from Rag for some watery adventures ! Took one of the whales out to the western sea cave for some loot as well as the Artifact of the Brute. I remeber it being a walk in the park the last time I did it, was my go to place to farm drops back in the day, but it was a bit hairy this time round. The biggest threat was the mass pack of alpha boosted mantas/salmons from the alpha megalodon I ran into in the main chamber. Shredded my basil a bit but I delt with them ok  Thankgoodness the mosa AI is still appaeantly borked, ran into not one but 2 level 270 mosas aswell, glad they were not alphas. They spent most of the time trying to run away. Got the artifact and I struck gold with the loot. Got an ascendant theri saddle bp with 100 armour (got our theri boss saddle sorted @d1nk). Crafting cost is a bit steep at almost 2k metal a pop and I am going to have to run around with a chainsaw for ages for the hide. Now just need to get a rex saddle BP. 

Wow!! Nice saddle. I was planning on the same cave im glad you got it :) ill start breeding theriz then! 

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1 hour ago, AngrySaltire said:

I have been meaning to do the rexs too for a long time. Glad you have the theris covered :)

We could use some better stats.. but they are our original joint theriz line, 6.6k hp 343 melee. Ive only combined all stats and gotten a blue weight mutation, making a breeding barn now and ill start the mass breeding of theriz for some mutations atleast, if you see a high level theriz dont hesitate to knock it down ;) ill do the same for Rex

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So I bred my new Yuty, and while the babies were raising, I took one of my lower level ones to Red Obi. I didn't feel like waiting for the better ones to mature, so we went into beta Brood with my rexes. I lost two rexes, but we won in an okay amount of time. Still, last time I did this, I did it with all rexes and didn't lose any. So I'm trying to figure out what I was doing wrong, watched some videos, and . . . duh! I wasn't getting the buff fully on (Dramatic Music!) Dun! Dun! Dun! So time to heal everyone back up, call up a few rexes from the minors, and let's try again.

This time I won without losing any rexes and there was plenty of time left, so there's that at least. However, I don't think my rexes have the hit points for Alpha. If the fight would have dragged out, they would have started dropping. I've got to find a good video about how much harder Alpha is then Beta. Either that, or I need to get a better saddle. The current one is 76AC, which I can get in the 80s if I put all my points into crafting.

After all that, my Yutys were grown, so I podded up the spares, then went back to fill up the trough at Red Obi so my rexes could heal some more. I also got in a couple of RC runs, but nothing exciting again. I tried getting rid of some more mistletoe and ran into three bugged Gachas in short order. My bear helped me express my displeasure at their not rewarding me for my contributions. Then as a break, I headed to Ragnarok for some black pearls from Viking bay and the evil, underwater sleep scorpions. I'm about to do one more run once they respawn, and I think I'll call it a night.

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15 minutes ago, Chudz66 said:

So I bred my new Yuty, and while the babies were raising, I took one of my lower level ones to Red Obi. I didn't feel like waiting for the better ones to mature, so we went into beta Brood with my rexes. I lost two rexes, but we won in an okay amount of time. Still, last time I did this, I did it with all rexes and didn't lose any. So I'm trying to figure out what I was doing wrong, watched some videos, and . . . duh! I wasn't getting the buff fully on (Dramatic Music!) Dun! Dun! Dun! So time to heal everyone back up, call up a few rexes from the minors, and let's try again.

This time I won without losing any rexes and there was plenty of time left, so there's that at least. However, I don't think my rexes have the hit points for Alpha. If the fight would have dragged out, they would have started dropping. I've got to find a good video about how much harder Alpha is then Beta. Either that, or I need to get a better saddle. The current one is 76AC, which I can get in the 80s if I put all my points into crafting.

After all that, my Yutys were grown, so I podded up the spares, then went back to fill up the trough at Red Obi so my rexes could heal some more. I also got in a couple of RC runs, but nothing exciting again. I tried getting rid of some more mistletoe and ran into three bugged Gachas in short order. My bear helped me express my displeasure at their not rewarding me for my contributions. Then as a break, I headed to Ragnarok for some black pearls from Viking bay and the evil, underwater sleep scorpions. I'm about to do one more run once they respawn, and I think I'll call it a night.

Do you play single player on the island? I would like to know strats for fighting brood etc. solo...

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37 minutes ago, DrChicken24 said:

Do you play single player on the island? I would like to know strats for fighting brood etc. solo...

Ride a yuty, pig is only to heal between bosses. Not much strat, send in rexs via whistle while riding yuty, fully buff rexs and occasionally whistle aggressive to kill spiders then back to whistle attack my target to get back on boss

You will need a decent saddle, atleast 40 armour for beta/gamma brood and gamma/beta ape. Youll need rexs that hatch around 10k hp 400 melee optimally, lower will do. Imprint the rexs

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43 minutes ago, DrChicken24 said:

Do you play single player on the island? I would like to know strats for fighting brood etc. solo...

I play on a dedicated server. The max level dino is 150, and I haven't adjusted any dino stats. I started breeding Rexes while looking for a saddle BP. That took forever, but I finally got one (76AC).  I leveled my rexes and got them up to 25k health and 500 melee. Then I brought twenty volunteers into beta Brood and beta Monkey and managed to beat those. I lost two during the monkey fight because he aggro'd on me early, and they ended up falling off the cliff.

I'm still ironing out my strats, because right now I pop in the boss area, freak out a bit, and then whistle attack my target and hope for the best. I wanted to add a Yuty in, because of the buff, to see how much it helps. I think it does, but I need to work on better placement of my dinos when things kick off.

I'm going to try Gamma Dragon next, seeing as I finally got all the artifacts, so hopefully the Yuty helps there.

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@d1nk @AngrySaltire if you guys want to borrow my Rex saddle BP, by all means go for it. It has 126 armour, and costs around 2K ingots and 15K hide (chainsaw Brontos/Paracers).


The Island - Xbox Private Cluster

Took my taming boat out from herbivore island (my base) and navigated it to the river between redwoods and the volcano to do some fishing. My idea was to use the water pen part of the boat to trap the fish but it was pointless in the end so opted to opening up the dino gates. All in all it was a bad experience despite using only honey and a journeyman fishing rod - the devs really killed off fishing from what it used to be.

My crystal Gacha has been going nuts so I built a relatively glass intensive greenhouse. I thought I’d change things up and opted to go for  traditional look as opposed to my usual armoured greenhouse. Farmed a load of metal so I now plan on building another motorboat but this time it will be used as a mobile crafting station, utilising 2 indy forges and a grinder.

Was about to log off when I spotted a 140 christmas Pteranodon on my island. Normally, I would have given it a miss, but my tribe mate had just lost his so I went for it. The tribe mate in question is my housemate and a guy I’ve spent all year trying to convince to come back to Ark (he used to help me admin in the past). After all that effort, I wouldn’t want him straying off now so will help when needed despite our solo tendencies.

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Last night my big plan was to finish my interiror base expansion. I didnt realize I was so close, went for a small crystal run, then some dams after. Got my back room completed.. now to fill it!


Ive been dreading this but I jumped on it anyways. I needed to go to Ragnarok to farm up my industrial items.. went right to work. Out for a big obsidian run, got some metal whilist on Obsidian island, more than I figured.. about 4k ingots.

Got back and crafted up a bunch of poly and let the metal smelt as I hope over to Extinction for some mass electronics and other goodies im bringing over. Grabbed all my kibbles, all my good blueprints and my good gachas then brought em to the island. Back onto Ragnarok to craft up an industrial forge, chem bench and cryofridge. All thats left now is the cooker, grinder and replicator


Brough over a bunch of behemoth gates and started building another expansion to my base walls. Bumped out the walls about 4x3 behemoth for a breeding pen. Slapped down a metal cliff platform to filll in some gaps and make the ground more even, made a decent sized breeding pen then did a small bit of filling in, placed all my industrial items and filled out the AC on breeding pen while imprinting a few Theriz for general use / personal boss mount.


Spent the last few hours doing material runs to build up my metal, still need to make about 10 vaults. Logging in now to start that, constant poly runs :P 

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