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So what did you do in ARK today?


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Yesterday was mostly a farming day. I needed some serious leg work done for a few Tek items ive been wanting, so i started the day off sitting at my canyon forge, between runs to the beaver ponds, metal runs and obsidian trips it kept me busy. 

After getting back home I started crafting up over 1500 polymer and slowly transferring my 10k ingots I farmed. Decided to make 2x Tek gen, 2x sleeping pods and a transmitter for my ocean base.  There down my first gen and pod on Rag, neat stuff. Did a trade with Saltire for a wyv egg then went off and finished my Water base. Farmed a bunch of obsidian while I was there, then made more poly before heading over to Extinction finally.

When I got there I realized I needed the new kibbles, so I bit the bullet and went to the wastelands to farm up the saps, nodes and then back and forth a few times (rag - ext) to craft it all up. Met a short bottleneck with cooked jerky but managed to get 5+ of each for now.


I finally got back full time on Extinction, I started a bit late but my plan was to imprint two gigas and a quetz and a doed over here. The eggs hatched no problems, got my mateboosted giga pair and even the exact colour I wanted on my quetz and even the best combination of stats + color on my doed. While they were raising I got a bunch of base work done. Made a spot for tek genny and sleeping pod, made a storage area for my extra worker dinos and even installed & built a Tek trough :) 


I stayed up way too late but managed to get 90% on my quetz and 92% on both gigas, im happy with that! Now to roam the wastelands and get some revenge on a few rock drakes that tried to eat me while farming out there >: )

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50 minutes ago, d1nk said:



I stayed up way too late but managed to get 90% on my quetz and 92% on both gigas, im happy with that! Now to roam the wastelands and get some revenge on a few rock drakes that tried to eat me while farming out there >: )

You crazy person ? I could only be bothered to get my Extinction gigas up to 30% imprinting hahaha. Congrats on getting that ! Couldnt face the 6 hours of constant imprinting. Still wreck face with everything mind you... but a 92% imprint... jealous.

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29 minutes ago, AngrySaltire said:

You crazy person ? I could only be bothered to get my Extinction gigas up to 30% imprinting hahaha. Congrats on getting that ! Couldnt face the 6 hours of constant imprinting. Still wreck face with everything mind you... but a 92% imprint... jealous.

Yeah I was originally planning on 50% but after the quetz they were at like 50% so I wanted to keep it going. Ive done official gigas to 100% before...thats not fun I feel for you @Anarki

Figure I can record what ive done today since ill be off soon, Christmad eve and all.

Took them out on a run, rode 1 giga had rhe other and a snow owl in cyros in my inventory, found the snow titan cave. Go there on your gigas. Its like the swamp cave for them :) Got both gigas over 45 levels before heading out. Could easily go back and max out a giga, those level 300 yeti are hardcore though :P The polar bears were doing over 300 dmg to my unridden giga, in packs of 10 hah. 

When I was done I just pokeballed the gigas, flew the snow owl back. I love these cyroballs. On the way back  I got DCd midair, of course. Ark never lets you have it too easy ;) 

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12 minutes ago, d1nk said:

Yeah I was originally planning on 50% but after the quetz they were at like 50% so I wanted to keep it going. Ive done official gigas to 100% before...thats not fun I feel for you @Anarki


Fair enough ? If the imprint issue with the cryopd is ever resolved I might go for a good high one eventually. Did one giga on official when I was part of tribe and even then only got it to maybe 50% if that... never again...

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Xbox - Unofficial Nitrado Server - Ragnarok 

Spent a quiet Christmas Eve evening raising up a clutch of wyvern eggs. Went out to the highlands to get some milk. I had hoped to take on an alpha wyvern for easy milk but no luck so I had to resort to downing females in the community wyvern trap. Went much smoother than expected, downed enough females to give me more than enough milk for what I wanted to raise. The new op crossbow I got from Raptor Claus worked like a treat to know out even the high level wyverns quickly.

Hatched up one of each type of wyvern, a high level Ice, lightning, poison and fire and imprinted on them all to 100%. Just need to name them and I cant wait to level them all up, a few of these are definitely going across to the island map when it roates round. Also hatched up two of the low level ice wyvern eggs I had put aside for taxidermy puposes. Havent bumped them off yet but Ill do that at some point so that I get 2 dermises from each.

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Ragnarok - Xbox Unofficial Cluster

After spending weeks not spotting a single Tek Quetz since their release, I was lucky enough to tame a mated pair today. I jumped on this morning to find a level 156 male, and then several hours later, I spot a 174 female at night whilst gathering the presents from Raptor Claus. Both are purple, however the male has teal wings and the female has white wing tips. I had no intentions of ever breeding Quetzals again but after finding these 2, I’ll most definitely be at it before I’m back to work ha. I can only imagine what a baby Tek Quetz looks like.

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5 hours ago, SaltyMonkey said:

Ragnarok - Xbox Unofficial Cluster

After spending weeks not spotting a single Tek Quetz since their release, I was lucky enough to tame a mated pair today. I jumped on this morning to find a level 156 male, and then several hours later, I spot a 174 female at night whilst gathering the presents from Raptor Claus. Both are purple, however the male has teal wings and the female has white wing tips. I had no intentions of ever breeding Quetzals again but after finding these 2, I’ll most definitely be at it before I’m back to work ha. I can only imagine what a baby Tek Quetz looks like.

Well colour me jelly! I havent even *seen* one in the wild yet! What were the best stats on em? Wonder how much difference the added levels give


To add without taking away from thread: Had a bit more time so went on a gacha hunt. Been trying to get an obsidian (and ofcourse the elusive elememt one) for a few trips, to many damned Gacha claus. Started killing them all

 Tamed 3, 130, 55 and 100. Got one metal, oil and another duplicate but mate boosted. Logged over to Rag after to farm up for a few more Tek Trough but had to split and im logged out in the wild (pls dont steal my stuff! Hahaha) 


Merry Christmas all and to all an Ark night!

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Xbox - Unofficial Nitrado Server - Aberation and Ragnarok

Started off the day by finally stripping down my Abberation base in preparation for the server to rotate round to the island. Dismantled all the vaults, fridges etc and gathered up all the useful resources and transfered them across to Ragnarok. Didnt bother dismantling the entire build, just left the shell. Transfered all the creatures I needed and left all the stuff I didnt. Most of the structures, resources and dinos will be transfered to the Island. Didnt retreive the megalo squad from the drake trench couldnt be bothered even with cryopods. Poors things stuck down there.. 

Spent the rest of the day on Ragnarok. Chased raptor claus a few times. Got some more OP crossbows, finally broke the 500% damage mark with a 550% one, pity it wasnt a bp. Got an ascendant dire bear saddle but no sign of the dream rex bp.

Bred up some rexes, in preparation for the Island map comming online in a few days. Finally got the next gen of breeders completly sorted out with all the good stats from the breeders onto a triplet egg 1 male and 2 female. Hatched up the rest of the clutch and kept the 9 good spares and imprinted those as far as I could, got them all to 88%. Not that these are the best rexes, seriously doubt they will cope with the harder bosses, but its something lol.

Also started to build one of these Snow owl/gacha towers so I can attempt to get some loot out of the gachas while I do stuff about the base. Got the skeleton of the build sorted out, probably get about 20 owls in there if I squeeze them all in. I really need to get some gachas with black pears or something for this build...

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You know those times where you have plans for certain things and then Ark throws you a curve ball? Well, over the weekend was like that for me. I was planning on leveling up my bears and giving the hard snow cave on the Island another shot. But when I arrived at my outpost, I saw a 125 Yuty that was stuck in the ice on the river. He’d been there for a couple days at that point. So I thought what the heck, I haven’t drowned a Yuty in a while. I’ll give it a shot.
I knocked him out, and his head was submerged. I figured his oxygen would be dropping when I opened his stats, but it wasn’t. Woo Hoo! So a sheep from my nearby outpost was slau- . . . um . . . sent to the park, and Lance the Yuty tamed out at a good level. I actually remembered to bring a pod for a change, too, so I wrapped him up and brought him back to my rex base. 
I’ve never done a boss battle with a Yuty before, just my rexes. So I want to try Beta Brood with one of his progeny to see how it goes. If we win with low damage to my flock and a lot of time left, I’ll finish leveling my rexes and give Alpha a try.
After that, I did some more RC runs but didn’t get anything of note. My mistletoe stash was getting a bit out of control at this point, though, so I doled a bunch out to the Gacha Claus population and didn’t get anything better than a blue crystal. Still, though, I got some good stuff for the grinder. I probably have thirty-some mistletoe left, too. 
That’s when the obsession started. I decided that I needed a pair of otters, so I could wear more flak in the snow cave and less fur. I looked all over the Island and didn’t see one, so after a couple of hours, I was off to Ragnarok. I didn’t see any near the beavers, or a couple of other likely spots, then I found a pond near the desert that looked like the perfect place, but I only saw fish. That was probably another hour or two of searching, so I decided I needed a break and went after the desert loot crates. I found the usual ascendant loot, which if it wasn’t an improvement on what I had, it would be good grinding, so that was a check in the Win column at least. Then on my way back, I stopped at that pond again and found a level 90 female otter. She was tamed with the help of my evil Icthyornis, Lord Bobert the First. 
Unfortunately, I forgot a pod this time, so we had to fly to the nearest obelisk with Nina, the otter, on my shoulders and Bobert flapping like crazy to keep up with my pteranodon. It got a little hairy when we saw the 135 giga, but we were lucky cause the giga not a sawr us. Ha!Ha!Ha! (Sorry, I’ll try not to do that again.) Anyway, we got the otter back to my island base, and I went out looking for her mate. 
I eventually found two female otters around the river by the redwoods/volcano, which really wasn’t helpful. Then I accidentally ate an otter with my rex a little farther down the way. It was probably a male otter, too. *Sigh* Anyway, after six-ish hours of otter hunting, I decided to call it a night, and we made the long trek back to the Red obelisk.
We’ll see where Ark leads me next weekend.
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5 hours ago, Chudz66 said:
You know those times where you have plans for certain things and then Ark throws you a curve ball? 

Thats every time I play Ark. 


Tonight just logged on and did some base stuff. Fed my gachas a bunch of war maps and owl poops and got some useless stuff I fed back. I also had a mound of miseltoe so I fed over 200 to this single 135 gachaclaus.. 2 apprentice crystals and a bunch of primitive.


Went for a tour of the wastelands, I havent been anywhere in the wastes besides passing through to get to sunken or ice area. I took my imprinted snow owl and a Giga in a pokeball incase i saw a osd i could do. I flew arou d most of the wastes and came across a 50k element vein..hears theyre hard so carried on flying. Just about a full circle and I spot a 10k elemeny vein, figure its a lot easier so I tried it..


It was annoying, my giga kept getting stuck on everything and eventually mounted my owl and had the giga follow it on aggressive. Did a few waves and all the dinos kept getting stuck places, I had to go to the inlaws soon so I just cryo'd the giga and took off.

Got home and queued up 750 war maps, laid in the cryo chamber and sat afk till it kicked me. Hopefully I can get more time tomorrow :) 

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Extinction - PvE - Unofficial @ 2x Rates + 10x Breeding.

Spent a lot of time taming up an alpha Forest Titan then got lazy and wasted our tame by using Tek transmitter to get it home.  Note to anybody else DO NOT do this - walk it home.  Uploaded to tek transmitter after taming - downloaded to tek transmitter back at home.. Food = 0/0 and it's instantly starving to death.

Lesson learned, try again tonight but walk it home this time so it survives more than an hour.

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Today I gathered all of my highest level dinos in each of their class and took them from the Southern Shores (where I have been keeping them until I can find a proper place to set up a base) to the Hidden Lake. A reason I took these specific dinos to the Hidden Lake is because one: I wanted to level them up and have them gather more meat, and two: I'm thinking about building the new base in the HL.

Everything was going fine until I reached the entrance to the HL though...I realized that one of my dinos was missing...my female yutyrannus. So I had to take my dino pack, turn around, and go back the way I came. Damn. GUESS WHERE I FOUND THIS B**** AT? Stuck on a DAMN rock at the Southern Shores! But I couldn't stay mad because it's a fluffy rex, running in a rock. So cute.

Anyway, we finally got to the HL and now I'm going to hell because I murdered a cute beaver couple. THE END.

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Xbox - Unofficial Nitrado Server - Ragnarok 

Just a quiet evening tonight. Finished up crafting the owl tower, installed about 15 owls into the stack (OMG the noise !) and got the gachas into place. Also bred up some gachas. Got a breeding male and 2 females. Planning on trying to use these to get some different production gachas such as obsidian, black pearls or element dust, if I get time to do it. Left the two original gachas to produce crystals. Dont think I'll need to go on a silica pearl run anytime soon. 

Did some stuff around base to prep up stuff for starting on the Island now that Aberation has changed to the Island on the cluster.  Did a metal run and smelted it up. Did some otter taming and breeding. Going to use these to help out with gathering Artifacts when on the island.

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5 hours ago, AngrySaltire said:

Xbox - Unofficial Nitrado Server - Ragnarok 

Just a quiet evening tonight. Finished up crafting the owl tower, installed about 15 owls into the stack (OMG the noise !) and got the gachas into place. Also bred up some gachas. Got a breeding male and 2 females. Planning on trying to use these to get some different production gachas such as obsidian, black pearls or element dust, if I get time to do it. Left the two original gachas to produce crystals. Dont think I'll need to go on a silica pearl run anytime soon. 

Did some stuff around base to prep up stuff for starting on the Island now that Aberation has changed to the Island on the cluster.  Did a metal run and smelted it up. Did some otter taming and breeding. Going to use these to help out with gathering Artifacts when on the island.

FYI, on The Island, we went a bit mad with public teleporters lol


Ragnarok - Xbox Unofficial Cluster

Bred some Gachas so I now have 3.5 mated pairs for my main base. I love how all of the babies resource production are unique even if they are twins ;)

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1 hour ago, SaltyMonkey said:

FYI, on The Island, we went a bit mad with public teleporters lol


Ragnarok - Xbox Unofficial Cluster

Bred some Gachas so I now have 3.5 mated pairs for my main base. I love how all of the babies resource production are unique even if they are twins ;)

Oh yeah? Was just planning my island base and was farmimg for a few.. where are some? Ill plan accordingly

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Started out my night on Extinction. Built a bunch of walls and went down to sunken. Got an obsidian gacha and 2x more metal ones along with a red/blue sap + fungal wood one for resources.


Went back to base and set up the production, 3x metal gacha and 1 obsidian about 1k ingots and 300-400obs per 4k stone (1k ea) Built a transmitter for island.


Transferred to ragnarok, hatched that 170 lightning egg and did a few big material runs. Did a scar check while getting milk, a green lightning but didnt see level. Made another tek gen for Island and a sleeping pod among other building stuff.


Was going to transfer last night and getset up on island but got sidetracked helping some new guys with a few tames and cryoballs. Im on the island now, found @AngrySaltire's base, were going to Tribe for the island for easy boss farming

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It's been awhile so I guess I'll just do a highlight list;

Current Argy hatch stats; level 337: 4161 hp, 1560 stam, 1005 oxygen, 13000 food, 896 wt, 431 melee. Only the weight is mutated. I have level 325 clean argy hatches (800 wt). I did recently get a 443 melee mutation but want to get that to 500+% before I try to combine it in. 

Sold off Quetzal line to another Quetzal breeder. I kept some eggs if I ever want to get back into it but he's doing good work so made sense since I'm more focused on Argies. They were suffering and at 600+ hatches I  was still stuck on 1744 wt. I got guarantees of an egg when he hits 1800+ weight and 400 tek walls for my 8 level 281 clean females, my 1 level 281 clean male, my level 287 main male, and my level 287 main female. That helps to convert the flyer barn to tek.

Extinction highlights:

Tamed Forest Titan, killed Forest, Ice, Desert Titan, got stomped by Gamma King Titan but it was an exploratory fight.

I like Extinction but it's not optimized. It's super laggy, and so it zaps some of the enjoyment for me. 2 of my tribe mates (The Alliance I've been working with) have decided to use it as their main server and have a nice Snow Owl and Mana line going but I've been mostly back on Rag just working on my Argy line. I'll pop over to help them out occasionally and when we want to tame/kill Titans but I think it needs to be not as fresh so that ping isn't operating at a constant 150+ for me to spend any real time over there. 

Goals to complete yet;

Mutate Argy hp above 5k, weight above 1000, melee above 500, decide on stamina mute. Kill all 3 levels of King Titan. after those I'll decide my ark future. it may be time for some PvP adventure, a private server, or an unofficial server, or it could be time to hang it up. that's still a few months away I am sure so we'll play it by ear.

Not sure when I'll update again but still like to read your stories so keep them coming.

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Xbox - Unofficial Nitrado Server - Island and Ragnarok.

Transfered across to the Island server now the map was live. Decided to overwrite the old Aberation character and just transfer my Rag character back and forth. Made it to the red obelisk and got my wyvern for scouting. Did a few loops round the island looking for the perfect location to set up camp, only problen is I am way to picky. Wanted somewhere at the coast for waterpens but somewhere fairly central for ease of access to the central parts of the island especially for land dinos. Finally settled down where my old base was back on official, on the west coast in the bay area. Feels like home. The bay allows for water tames but would require cryopods if I ever tame mosas, but I am more of a basil person anyway. 

So got down my tek transmitter and started building my base. The main build is the usual design (one day Ill change it up...) and I put a small incubator room on the side of it. Ringed the base with behomoth gates to the water, I need to grind out more gates before I can enclose the water section. Met up with @d1nk and tribed up, he found my base before I found him lol.

Spent a bit of time on Ragnarok breeding. Bred up the basils again and got a female with the stats and colours I wanted. Now I have the breeders I need, I might transfer the old breeders across to the island for general use until I can get imprinted ones. Also hatched and imprinted a baryoynx for use on the island as well as some more otter breeding.

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Extinction, Modded Single-Player: Infintely More Entertaining than Actual Christmas 

Well, I’m pleased to say we’re at the back end of it, but Happy Holidays, everyone. I hope it was a pleasant one. ?

But for me, with my admittedly melodramatic family, I am glad to be home, and very excited to be experiencing the proper Winter Wonderland for the first time.

I started off with running a dino wipe in the name of the event, and then started off the imprinting cycle with my current wyverns and dimorphodons, and just about as I was wrapping up and about to head out to look for Christmas dinos, I got the alert that Raptor Claus had arrived.

Knowing basically only what I read in the current threads, I leapt onto my wyvern and took to the skies. And I, for one am not complaining about the eternal daylight on Extinction, as I spotted him nearly immediately out by the desert dome and set a course to intercept the falling gifts.

In the runs I’ve made, the best thing I’ve gotten was an ascendant saddle for my gasbag, but I find the pursuit rewarding enough on its own. It’s very fun, I think.

After the first Raptor Claus pass I headed back to the desert dome to shop for Christmas dinos, and to this end found a kentrosaur, carno and velonasaur to bring in, as well as a normal velonasaur for the pack.

After that, I set out for the sunken forest, determined to find some Christmas dimorphodons, but found myself distracted by a tek stego...then a therizino, then a dilo...to say the least I’ve gone on an event shopping spree, bringing in things I really don’t need. But none define the shopping madness quite like a Christmas tapejara I spotted. I have absolutely no need for one, but I decided to go for it anyway.

She almost escaped me, but snagged herself on a rock wall as she tried to flee, and stayed stuck long enough for me to tranq her down.

One last distraction was a Christmas lystro, which was actually fortuitous, as the one I had didn’t quite cover the space my OSD dimorphodons are occupying, so now they’re all getting buffed.

And lastly, I found the goal, two Christmas dimorphodons good enough to bring in. They’re both male, though...and so the pursuit of a female will continue.

And finally, my four dimorphodon babies matured, and I primed my next clutch of eggs to hatch this evening, right after the next imprint for my adolescent wyverns.

Next Up: I’m excited! This next group of eggs will bring the OSD flock to the thirty strong I wanted for the attempt. So I’ll hatch those, continue my holiday dino shopping, with emphasis on the female dimorphodon, and IRL relax from the holiday chaos and look ahead to a hopefully great 2019.


Updated for my Evening Session: Extinction, Modded Single-Player: Getting WildCarded

WildCarded (v): When a player encounters an entirely illogical or inexplicable game bug

The good news: I hatched my new eggs. Four eggs that netted me six new dimorphodons. Two sets of twins. They all took mom’s colors, but no new mutations. But I move ever nearer to my OSD attempts!

The bad news: When I loaded my session, I parked by #1 on the imprinting train, with around an hour before the start, and the intention to hatch my new dimorphodons right after wyvern number three, to group the imprints together and leave a chunk of free time to do other things.

Then I grabbed a big box of miscellaneous bulk jewelry I’d gotten for Christmas to dissect for crafting, and got to sorting, salvaging stones, minding my own business and only glancing at the game in front of me every few minutes to ascertain all was in order and move about just a bit.

Until...it wasn’t.

My nursery level is thirteen stories up. Each floor comprising of six stories to accommodate wyvern storage. And yet, somehow, some way, I had FALLEN THROUGH THE WORLD.

Through a stone floor, down six stories, through another stone floor, down six more stories and then through three layers of S+ stone foundations, there I was under my house.

 I might have exclaimed aloud, “What in the actual ____, WildCard?!” as I wheeled my mouse around until I spied my pets green names above me.

Blessedly in a single player world I could simply ghost out, and did a full circuit of the house to make sure none of my pets had joined me on that magical adventure, but all was in order.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s no malice in the term. I love Ark, and WildCard for creating it, but the ways this game can break sometimes. ?

I certainly don’t have an explanation, but no harm done and Ark behaved itself the rest of the night.

And the follow up: And tonight I found two female Christmas dimorphodons, so I can have a solid breeding line, and I’m excited.

Next Up: I raise the final few for my OSD flock, and then the whole team is going training! And very soon I get to put my strategy into action and attempt the drops!

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