d1nk Posted December 15, 2018 Share Posted December 15, 2018 Last night I had the perfect oppourtunity to get a good chunk of time in, I had to go over to my parent's house to watch their dog while they were gone for the night - wife free gaming! After work I get here, set up my box all guiddy to play....there was a windstorm (bad one) and it blew out the internet here. Crap! I decide to not let it damper the night and hopped on single player Ext. For a bit. I managed to spawn near the terminals so I marked it on my map. I brought over a griff from my SP rag, just as I found the terminals and start to get some progress down the net comes back on ! I immidiatly hop off SP onto the server. As i spawn in (which I figured out where @AngrySaltire - "The Trench") I get together some mats, mine some metal, fortify my outpost and make some narcotics for my first tame. Theres a level 35 iguanadon around my outpost so i knocked it out and tamed it. Used the Iguana to get a bunch more narcs going then I decided im going to try to run to the terminals (since I marked them on SP - it was only 10 longitude away!!) I venture off for my shott journey to the terminals.. ... Two hours later. This is when I find out im in "The Trench", they werent kidding. I finally make it to the terminals. On the way I found @AngrySaltire's city base and I set up not too far from it, close to the terminals. I pulled out an imprinted rock drake, karkinos, doed, anky, roll rat (didnt have a spare beaver) one of my mutated ravagers, a breeding pair of therizinos and 4 dimorphodons. I had a few behemoth gates so i set up my small base inside some sort of psudo cave like spot near the terminals. After getting the tames safely inside I ventured out for a mats run to start building. Quite eventful, slayed a few enforcers and defence units. Mined a bunch of lampposts (seems weird to say) and built a small hut inside the cave with a upper floor to park my fliers and drake. I head over to Ragnarok to grab a few tames (griff and argy) plus a bunch of mats. While im there I made up 10 behe gate sets to make an outer storage area for my base. After all sorted I popped back, placed my gates and spent a few hours exploring, farming and building Now im back on and the plan is to expand my spot and fill it with all the goodies a base needs. Damn you Ark, im back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngrySaltire Posted December 15, 2018 Share Posted December 15, 2018 Xbox - Nitrado Unofficial Server - Extinction Hoped back on to Extinction. Found @d1nk base close to mine. Neighbours again lol. Went on a hunt for another OSD drop but didnt find any so took a detour to the desert cave to investigate the loot. Went in with a giga and it was easy to get through the cave. Found a few of the cave drops but nothing wonderful in them. Got myself the Artifact of Chaos. Went back on the hunt for another OSD. Didnt find any but found an easy element vein so took it on with my giga. Was a walk in the park. The only problem I had was that the giga isnt best suited for defense and I swear I did more damage to the nodes than the corrupted dinos did. Harvested up the veins and got some elemet, should have brought a hatchet. Them took on an medium element vein. Again was straight forward enough, thr giga probably did most of the damage lol. Was never over welmed at any point but the arthros reflection of my gigas damaged probably cause the most damaged to my giga. Harvested up alot of elemet. Now just need to break all the element down and send it back to Rag and build it up again. Also hoped quickly on to Rag to build up a grinder. Had a dunce moment when I tried to use @d1nks grinder, been a while since I have used a grinder and couldnt work out how to use it even when allied. Didnt realise my mistake until I built my own one. Found out the resource give back from the grinder was capped to one stack of each resource so was extremely disappointed lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LadyCrescent Posted December 16, 2018 Share Posted December 16, 2018 Extinction, Modded Single-Player: Just One of Those Nights, Overlooking - and Rectifying - the Obvious, and The Great Cave Saga. So, having moved out my three wyverns and four dimorphodons into maturity and off the nursery level, my next task was setting up the next round, starting with getting four new eggs...the first batch with my color mutated Dennra, and then getting my breeding pair of wyverns hooked up to the S+ hitching post, firing up the S+ mutator with an Allow Breeding pulse, and we were underway, looking for a male. And, I got my male...and two females. Surprise! Wyvern triplets. I’m certainly not new to the game, but I still get seized with a second of panic each time I get multiples. But I quickly wrangled them and organized them on the wall, milk and preserving salt distributed, and went to hatch my first dimorphodon egg...and, twins! Twins that did not take mom’s colors. And once they were organized I set down the next egg, and discovered the running theme of the night with triplets, again. They did take mom’s red highlights, but no new colors this time. Here’s to another two hundred dimorphodons, lol, and a MASSIVE thank you to the lovely, lovely cryofridges that mean Extinction will be my first game where I don’t need massive offsite storage facilities for my endless hoards of shoulder pets. Then it was off to stop being a moron in regard to nearly killing Indira last time. You know, after that update it occurred to me, you know, those super cool snow owls I’ve collected actually do more than look cool. They definitely have a freaking healing mechanic, silly, USE IT. And while I was at it I ducked up to the snow biome and nabbed a daeodon to park by my dimorphodons to speed their health recovery on the passive levels they’re amassing. I’m pretty certain the daeodon is more efficient than an owl, but I’m not really sure. And from there, I set out on a mission. I’d picked out the location of the desert cave, and I had a mind to go retrieve the artifact. Since I can only have one titan in single player, I’ve set my heart on the desert titan. So I headed over with my eagle, figuring she’d fit where my wyvern wouldn’t...and immediately got tossed off. I don’t know why my damn config for allow cave fliers doesn’t work on console or PC, but there I was. Just far enough into the cave mouth to aggro the first group, and now eagle-less and on foot and in hell. Well, the good news for me is I’ve grown very accustomed to being on foot in Ark. My terror of permanent consequences on console made me very averse to actually using my pets, preferring to be on my own, live or die because my stuff is replaceable, they were not. And I carry two things on my person at all times for this reason: an ascendant fabricated sniper, and the sorcerer’s staff from the Party of Six mod, giving me enough firepower to stand a fighting chance, as long as I’m on my toes. The main thing I was concerned with was getting back to Ruby, but we were both getting hammered by the angry, angry group of dinos I’d alerted, and I was immediately reminded of something I blanked on from Aberration. Party of Six codes that staff as a melee weapon, not a projectile-firing one, causing it to nearly instantly shatter when a blast hit an arthropleura, and now I’m down half my DPS. It took nearly half my sniper rounds to clear off enough of the swarm to get back to Ruby, and I teleported her home. Thanking my lucky stars that my lovely gacha friends have supplied me with ascendant riot, and knowing the layout of the desert cave, there was something I needed, that, honestly, I was overdue for and need for my Scorched Earth game too...which was to duck out to Aberration for wingsuits. And then, given that the whole game plan had been to fly that cave because I didn’t like the notion of negotiating with a land mount, I grabbed ten dimorphodons, installed my wingsuit and fixed my staff, and set in on foot. And... I found rock golems. Which were not actually something I was counting on finding in there. Fortunately being mindful of which tool shoots what, the sorcerer’s staff can handle them, but I’m going to need my lovely, generous gachas to consider supplying more of that ascendant riot, because the durability of my set was definitely chunked running through there, mainly by those golems. The dimorphodons made short work of everything else, but oy, those golems were a wrench in my plan. But the cave run had a happy ending. The first deployment for the start of my OSD dimorphodon flock went swimmingly, I got my artifact, and even enjoyed the hunt, troublesome golems or not. And seeing them gave me the notion I’ll duck out to Scorched Earth to grab one, because I cannot think of a more perfect tank for Operation: OSD. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to distribute treats to the gacha squad to appeal to them to replace my armor. ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chudz66 Posted December 16, 2018 Share Posted December 16, 2018 So, decided I was ready to give the hard snow cave on the island a shot, with my trusty group of Dimos…. Found out the hard way that polar bears, Dimos, and confined spaces don't really go well together, for the Dimos at least. Afterward, I pushed onward with only a shoulder pet. I wasn't too far in before I had to run out for repairs and more ammo. Even with the rest of the ammo from my nearby outpost, I probably only made it a quarter of the way, if that, before I was low again. Got jumped by two respawned purlovias on my way out, and my crossbow stopped firing grapples, so I ran for my life, sloshed through the freezing water and made it through the crawling part. That's when I realized I just needed to switch to another weapon and then back to the crossbow for it to work. Duh! Anyway, it was a good learning experience. I think my biggest challenge is going to be carrying enough ammo to get to the relic then fight my way back through the respawns. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ninjasharrk Posted December 17, 2018 Share Posted December 17, 2018 Unofficial ragnarok- been awhile Got both my roommates in this wonderful drug we call ark lol, spent a while day helping them get there dinos I gave em back and teaching them how to "ark within your boundaries " meaning dont dont dangerous stuff until your ready and trust me ...they ain't ready lmao, one had a raptor for 30 seconds and the other kept losing his argy in the weirdest places lol Also bred 7 rexies , a few from my event rex so 2 pink rexes and one with a green back and both higher stats so he stays, raised 2 argies and 2 snow owls all around lvl 400 and a argy has a melee mutation...why a argy needs 600 melee idk but I'm down lol Started working on my garden again ...kinda , tamed a event green dire bear at 308 shes peeerty and named Svetlana, I have a new addiction with griffins , I bought a cyan one and used him to tame 3 more in the past 3 days most recently a all black one at 319 named darkness on the sad side I lost 6 spinos cause they chased something in the water, killed it and just stood there...and drowned, including my newly bred mutated event spino , luckily I kept 3 including my favorite lime green event so I'll be okay I also got 8 boss level tek rex eggs in a trade i want kibble setup before hatch em though , gonna get a black pearl gacha in a trade soon too Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anarki Posted December 17, 2018 Author Share Posted December 17, 2018 Finally got my 345 MD Giga before an Ally mentioned she had got a 365 MD Giga the same day and if I wait 2 weeks I could try for one of hers - I said no way. I will only be taming the one Giga in my life and this 345 Cyan with Black back will be fine - really wanted a Red one but that only came out at 295 MD so I shot it in the face for XP I promised a guy on the forums here an Alpha run on Center so him and his tribemates could get the engrams. After 30 mins of mulling around, they transferred over and we did a run. They didnt get the engrams - then we realised they had to be allied Felt really bad but promised them another run next weekend. We did a few metal runs, my US tribemate who gets like 18hrs a day of ARK has got a Basi with all our best stats on so I am hoping once he has that 100% imprinted, Ill get a decent breed out of it - possibly come out at over 250 which will do me fine for tribute hunting. Then here comes my bad story to tell. I was tired, I had a headache... all those excuses. I play on Official so a Rex is like 5-9 days for 100% imprint for me using cryopods to help. I had taken a wander down to my Bred 379 Rex which had a few levels sitting there so I decide it has enough HP now (30k I stopped at from 22k base). I start whipping up the melee, yeah thats better 1600 weight. FFS weight!! I now have the best Lave Cave runner known to man where I can amass weapons, bps, and whatever else I want without encumbering it I was truly pissed off, so not only do I now have a Giga to raise over the next few hrs, I also have a poopty Rex to raise and get back to 100% imp, at least I can be choosy about the colour this time; shall I go Yellow, Red, Dark Red, Green, Pink, White or Cyan? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olivar Posted December 17, 2018 Share Posted December 17, 2018 Yesterday we finally gathered the courage, means and people to attempt the Gamma version of the King Titan. Sadly, it also meant mostly the end of Ark for us. We're a small tribe, 3 people online on average, 5 or 6 if we call in all friends and actually plan things properly in advance to get something done. We've been playing like this on our private server since Ark entered early access on Steam. We've played through all the expansions as they came out, turned our server into a cluster even to experiment with the transfers and evolve our tribe as we cleared once DLC after another, sticking as close as we could to the original server settings. We honestly think that Aberration was the best expansion for Ark. We thoroughly enjoyed playing on that map, collecting all the new dino's, preparing for the boss fights and ultimately clearing it on alpha difficulty using our reaper kings, rock drakes and ascended gear. It took a lot of effort and work from the tribe, but we pulled it off, preparing everyone for Extinction just a few weeks before it's launch. And sadly, we feel as if Extinction has taken a wrong turn somewhere. All the content is gated behind group content. Sure, we can do the blue drops and easy element veins. Even the yellow ones are doable now with our newly bread Giga's, but it's a risky undertaking. The red ones are manageable if we get lucky with the wyverns, and they swoop in low allowing us to bite them with the giga's without taking too many breaths. But the titan fights are a pain to do with small groups like ourselves. Not because the fights are hard or complex, but the insane amount of materials you need to simply prepare for these encounters. The sheer amount of metal that goes into constructing MEKs for just the basic models alone takes us pretty much a whole day of collecting to build a single unit. Let alone constructing up to 6 of them, or even going for the higher quality ones. Add the materials needed for canon shells, weapons and the element to keep them running through the fight, we need weeks of preparation just to do the titan fights. This compared to the previous expansions is simply too much. Then we finally got the King fight. It started out good. We had MEKs to deal with the crystals and spawns of the boss. We had the Forest Titan for tanking the boss We had the Ice Titan for damaging the boss It all went great till the meteors came in and randomly started killing us. We could soak several meteors without any problem, no damage against the players, but the next one would randomly kill you. This randomness screwed us over so badly that we simply threw in the towel right there. I don't mind executing mechanics, I don't mind the farming as preparation for the fight, but to get screwed over by a seemingly random mechanic that can't make up it's mind whether to kill you or ignore you is too much. Ark was fun, even with the bugs and issues that made me beat the keyboard numerous times, it was overal fun. But our patience has finally run out to keep dealing with this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
d1nk Posted December 17, 2018 Share Posted December 17, 2018 I forgot to record Saturday night's adventure! Problem is I did so much farming I dont know if ill remember it all but ill go through and spare most of the details. My big mission Saturday was two fold; one: Get some of those new fangled cryopods and fill out my base. Saltire came by my Ext base and we allied. I spent most of the early morning farming lampposts and generally enjoying Extinction. I built a ramshackle enforcer I found and did a few base additions. I made a new crafting room in my exterior addition I made, even planned ahead to fit both an Industrial Forge and TEK Replicator in said building. After getting the shell to my liking I had to do the fun part now.. filling it. My production is no where near what it is on Ragnarok so i hopped over there and over the course of the day made over 2000 hard poly, farmed over 10000 ingots, countless CP runs and about 5 trips back and forth between Rag and Ext. I transferred a few tames, made up 3 cryofridges and 50 pokeballs. Crafted up an industrial forge, chem bench and had enough mats (minus element) for a Tek replicator. I went back to extiction and placed my forge, chem, wired my crafting room and placed all the items. I ended up farming 90 element via lampposts and used half my 5k ingots for replicator (oops) on other stuff. I expanded my base 10 behemoth gates bigger. Next time im on ill be making my Replicator and a transmitter. I even made room to place a tek teleporter whwn i get to it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aushegun Posted December 17, 2018 Share Posted December 17, 2018 On 12/16/2018 at 11:24 AM, Chudz66 said: So, decided I was ready to give the hard snow cave on the island a shot, with my trusty group of Dimos…. Found out the hard way that polar bears, Dimos, and confined spaces don't really go well together, for the Dimos at least. Afterward, I pushed onward with only a shoulder pet. I wasn't too far in before I had to run out for repairs and more ammo. Even with the rest of the ammo from my nearby outpost, I probably only made it a quarter of the way, if that, before I was low again. Got jumped by two respawned purlovias on my way out, and my crossbow stopped firing grapples, so I ran for my life, sloshed through the freezing water and made it through the crawling part. That's when I realized I just needed to switch to another weapon and then back to the crossbow for it to work. Duh! Anyway, it was a good learning experience. I think my biggest challenge is going to be carrying enough ammo to get to the relic then fight my way back through the respawns. Try using two different crossbows in your hot bar. One for shooting, and another for grapples. Good luck with the cave! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deepblue962 Posted December 17, 2018 Share Posted December 17, 2018 Tried playing for the first time. Picked a low ping, PVP, official server. Started in the easy zone. Was swarmed by little raptor looking guys, tried to fight with fists, too many,... run, run, run into water, killed immediately by piranhas. Respawn, rinse repeat. Respawn, try to find more deserted area, picking up rocks, pounding some trees. Gathered some berries. Ate a few. Learned to get into and out of water quickly for a drink before getting eaten by piranhas. Swarmed by raptor guys, dead. Respawned, of course lost all I gathered, tried to go and collect it, raptors still there, swarmed, dead. Respawned, decided to forget what I had gathered, really tried avoiding raptors better, managed to get some resources, build a pickaxe, start collecting flint, great, now got pickaxe, berries, stone, flint, thatch, wood, … blindsided by raptor, killed him, start to harvest, another jumps me, kill him, start to harvest, 3 more attack, dead. Lost everything. Decided to quit for a while in frustration to read some more forums and watch some you tube videos on what I'm doing wrong and how to survive for longer than 5 minutes at a time and having to start over every time because it's too risky to try and recover dropped stuff. *sigh* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
d1nk Posted December 17, 2018 Share Posted December 17, 2018 50 minutes ago, Deepblue962 said: Tried playing for the first time. Picked a low ping, PVP, official server. Started in the easy zone. Was swarmed by little raptor looking guys, tried to fight with fists, too many,... run, run, run into water, killed immediately by piranhas. Respawn, rinse repeat. Respawn, try to find more deserted area, picking up rocks, pounding some trees. Gathered some berries. Ate a few. Learned to get into and out of water quickly for a drink before getting eaten by piranhas. Swarmed by raptor guys, dead. Respawned, of course lost all I gathered, tried to go and collect it, raptors still there, swarmed, dead. Respawned, decided to forget what I had gathered, really tried avoiding raptors better, managed to get some resources, build a pickaxe, start collecting flint, great, now got pickaxe, berries, stone, flint, thatch, wood, … blindsided by raptor, killed him, start to harvest, another jumps me, kill him, start to harvest, 3 more attack, dead. Lost everything. Decided to quit for a while in frustration to read some more forums and watch some you tube videos on what I'm doing wrong and how to survive for longer than 5 minutes at a time and having to start over every time because it's too risky to try and recover dropped stuff. *sigh* Sleeping bag and a thatch hut will be your friend until you get established What you are experiencing is what we as long time players crave. Keep at it man dont quit Get a thatch hut, kill some dodos for hide (with hatchet) and make a bed and or sleeping bag. I expect your updated adventures here soon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deepblue962 Posted December 17, 2018 Share Posted December 17, 2018 2 hours ago, d1nk said: Sleeping bag and a thatch hut will be your friend until you get established What you are experiencing is what we as long time players crave. Keep at it man dont quit Get a thatch hut, kill some dodos for hide (with hatchet) and make a bed and or sleeping bag. I expect your updated adventures here soon Thanks for the tips! I know it takes a little work to get bootstrapped up. Was just a little frustrating. Thought maybe I was missing something. I won't quit! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anarki Posted December 18, 2018 Author Share Posted December 18, 2018 I got stuck in traffic on the way home (1 and half hrs) so by the time I had eaten, put my daughter to bed, spent time with the wife etc I didnt have a lot of time for ARK. I logged in and pulled the Giga egg out and managed to rapidly fill its inventory with raw meat up unto 0.5% - then podded it. I reckon I can start for an 8hr imprint now as I can leave it for at least 10 mins before it runs out of food haha I bred out some Rex eggs ready for my next attempt at my 100% imprint beauty (without putting all its points in weight like this weekend - d'oh). I chose Red, but realised that my tribemate obviously didnt take the eggs off incubate as I woke up to 2 messages this morning here on the forums saying two Rex eggs at 379 hatched. Rubbish! Tonight... I will choose a few Rexes to breed and see if I can get them ready for hatching so I can try and start raising it this weekend Finished off with a metal run and sorting the invesntory of the 1000s of BPs we have lying around - this will be a mega task as they are everywhere, in dino's, safes, fabricators, smithies etc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snipsnip Posted December 18, 2018 Share Posted December 18, 2018 Had a pretty constructive night on pvp small tribes. The wife and I have never played on the center before so after having our turret raft blown to smitherines in rag we decided to up stumps and move to the center. Luckily found a sneaky bloke passed out in a hidey hole in a ruin complete with flak, weapons, arrows, narc, gunpowder and ingots. Thank you sir. Got a small stone shack up hidden well as possible and logged for the night. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anarki Posted December 19, 2018 Author Share Posted December 19, 2018 Last night I managed to get home and do my first Giga imprint (3%) as my tribemate sat there for 7hrs hand feeding it - bless him. I reckon I can get 90% on the Giga, tribemate is going for 100% - nutter! Raptor Claus came to town, got some coal and gave it to a GachaClaus but nothing decent, just a gift to fill and give to someone. Then a Red and Black 150 Tapy flew by, having that we said, so tribemate and I lured it into an empty building and zap - downed it. I realised after an ally wanted some Carby kibble that we were running low, and that we only had a female left so tonights mission is to tame a couple of Carbys and another Oviraptor. Lastly, dropped off my 100% imprinted mistake of a Rex at the Lava Cave as that will be my runner now for drops - currently didnt touch the 30kp or 1200 melee. Now that it is stupidly at 1600 weight, I just crammed stam - 3500, and I just sprint everywhere I think the next few days will be taming so we can replace a lot of eggers with 150s and concentrate on raising the Gigas and a new Rex for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TINYMAN Posted December 19, 2018 Share Posted December 19, 2018 On 12/17/2018 at 2:46 PM, Deepblue962 said: Tried playing for the first time. Picked a low ping, PVP, official server. Started in the easy zone. Was swarmed by little raptor looking guys, tried to fight with fists, too many,... run, run, run into water, killed immediately by piranhas. Respawn, rinse repeat. Respawn, try to find more deserted area, picking up rocks, pounding some trees. Gathered some berries. Ate a few. Learned to get into and out of water quickly for a drink before getting eaten by piranhas. Swarmed by raptor guys, dead. Respawned, of course lost all I gathered, tried to go and collect it, raptors still there, swarmed, dead. Respawned, decided to forget what I had gathered, really tried avoiding raptors better, managed to get some resources, build a pickaxe, start collecting flint, great, now got pickaxe, berries, stone, flint, thatch, wood, … blindsided by raptor, killed him, start to harvest, another jumps me, kill him, start to harvest, 3 more attack, dead. Lost everything. Decided to quit for a while in frustration to read some more forums and watch some you tube videos on what I'm doing wrong and how to survive for longer than 5 minutes at a time and having to start over every time because it's too risky to try and recover dropped stuff. *sigh* 3 words... Bolas and Parachutes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NORSEBOY Posted December 19, 2018 Share Posted December 19, 2018 well i finished greenhouse in water base and much more plant x and i made metal ingots for expanding water base . but im exciting for xmas event Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngrySaltire Posted December 19, 2018 Share Posted December 19, 2018 Xbox - Unofficial Nitrado Server - Ragnarok Spent the evening chasing Raptor Claus around the map. Was great fun. Didnt get anything too much exciting but enjoyed it all the same. Still trying to work out the best way of feeding the gacha clauses but I eventually got a xmas tree and present. Realy think these christmas decorations should have been craftable rather than a loot drop, but I'll take it. While I waited for raptor claus to come round again I went on the hunt for a high level basilosaurus. Very quickly found a 145 male so tamed it up. Didnt find any high level females so I need to keep looking. On one of the Raptor Claus chases @SaltyMonkey pointed out a 145 yuty to me. Been meaning to tame yutys for boss fights for ages. It was absolutly awful coloured, completely red but that level isnt to be sniffed at so I got it into a taming trap I had nearby and tamed it up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SaltyMonkey Posted December 19, 2018 Share Posted December 19, 2018 It’s been a while since I posted here, but popped on briefly to have a little fly around and to stalk Raptor Claus where I was joined by @AngrySaltire - to add on to your comment, after you left I got a few Christmas stuff from a Gacha. Throw loads of coal on one and follow it around for a bit. I received 2 candies (1 primitive, 1 mastercraft), a snowman, a wreath, and 2 gift boxes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UnfairPepi Posted December 20, 2018 Share Posted December 20, 2018 I finished making the 8x8 roof of my base metal, using the anky i also tamed today, on a 2x taming event. I used dilophosaur kibble on a 145 lvl anky, then I cryopoded everything coz Im going to Vietnam for 7 days and they're all prob gonna die. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
d1nk Posted December 20, 2018 Share Posted December 20, 2018 Congrats thread for 150 pages! @Anarki Did you ever think it would've gotten so much traction when you made it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anarki Posted December 20, 2018 Author Share Posted December 20, 2018 6 hours ago, d1nk said: Congrats thread for 150 pages! @Anarki Did you ever think it would've gotten so much traction when you made it? @d1nk No I didnt think it would be this popular but I get so much fun reading what peoples ideas are, what they get up to and how they go about their days. I log onto these forums during work for some down time and this thread is the one I literally read each post from start to finish. Reading what you guys get up to is great - cheers all, Merry Christmas Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
d1nk Posted December 20, 2018 Share Posted December 20, 2018 6 hours ago, Anarki said: @d1nk No I didnt think it would be this popular but I get so much fun reading what peoples ideas are, what they get up to and how they go about their days. I log onto these forums during work for some down time and this thread is the one I literally read each post from start to finish. Reading what you guys get up to is great - cheers all, Merry Christmas Likewise Started the day off with plans to finish my Replicator. Logged on extinction and did some small base chores, made a few extra fridges and went on a large Lamp run with crab & doed (highly reccomend if you dont already) I learnt you can use a Delicate theriz, using the hide gather attack (thumbstick xbox) to harvest enforcer bodies for lots of scrap. I avg 120 per body. Went to Aberration to gather a few leftover things, a bunch of kibble and a few blueprints / items. Still have 80 element there too.. ill use it all before the 27th. Transferred back to ext. Made all the element and was sitting over 130 total. Gathered all my mats, threw em into an argy and was 250 polymer short so i hopped onto Rag to do a big poly run. Tamed a nice 140 red/grey doed, chased Rapter claus around for two night and got about 10 presents. Lots of ghillie and a few nice items. 420 crossbow and a 400 blueprint, along with a premade 270 sword. (% key is really buggy on my phone) Transferred it all to Extiction and loaded up the argy to head to an Obelisk to craft my replicator. *preface: I didnt know you cant craft on Ext.* Flew to 'blue obelisk' and couldnt find the terminal...doh. Flew back to base and made all my element to dust, threw all the mats into Terminal (they need a xfer all...) then transfered to rag to make my replicator.. As I logged in, starting converting dust to element the servers crashed. It was only Rag it seemed and it went down for about 40 mins~ I was terrified of a rollback and losing my 100 element.. logged in and it was fine. Element dust takes a long time to convert.. put my dude on a chair and went to sleep. Woke up in the morning to my 100 element, made my Replicator and went to Extinction (with 6 argy eggs) placed the Rep and hatched some eggs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ToeiRei Posted December 20, 2018 Share Posted December 20, 2018 Today I managed to finish the brood line of the Spino for my wife so she can get her personal baby. It was a big hassle to breed it in a secret place, but worth it when she gets her baby in 4 days. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngrySaltire Posted December 20, 2018 Share Posted December 20, 2018 Xbox - Nitrado Unofficial Server - Ragnarok Spent most of the evening chasing Raptor Claus. Mostly got guff but got quite alot. On the second run of the night got a crossbow bp with 400+ damage, was happy with that. Then on the third run out of the first drop got not 1 not 2 but 3 400+ premade crossbows (pity the 480% was premade). Got some good saddle bps but still waiting for the dream rex saddle BP. Went back on the hunt for a high level female basilosaurus to go with the high level male. First one I find was a 130 so tamed that up right away. Decided to start the breeding to tty and get a good breeding pair with a mix of the good stats. So I flew back to my old abondonded base (current base is landlocked) with the waterpen and fired up the generators again. Felt good to be back using the base, I put alot of effort into it and I am glad to actually start using the water pen I built. Tried a few gestations but no luck with any of the babys. Maybe tommorow. Finally, I got 2 vegy cakes out a Raptor Claus lootcrate so I took the opportunity to go and tame a breeding pair of ovis. Went to the highlands and tamed a 130 male and 50 female. The plan is to breed up a mass and keep a batch of ovis in crypods to use for taming on the go, might even just keep them as babys in the pods. So if I see that high level female yuty I need, just grab a crypoded baby ovis and... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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