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So what did you do in ARK today?


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2 hours ago, AngrySaltire said:

Xbox - Nitrado Unofficial Server - Aberration 


Just a quick one tonight. Had all the essential resource gathering dinos now but the roll rat. So I grabbed the dire bear and harvested up some honey from a bee hive located within my perimeter wall. Went out and had a quick look for a roll rat and decided to tame up a low level 80, the rest were lower. Tamed it up but mucked up one of the honey throws so lost a bit of taming efficiency. 

Of course to craft the saddle for the rat I needed to be level 58, so I took the spino out for a run and went up and down the river system murdering everything. Oh my word the kill message spam lol thats a lot of fish. Got to level 60 without an issue. Then I realised that I needed 400 metal and I still hadnt sorted out the metal situation. I couldnt be bothered transfering it across fron Ragnarok and I couldnt be bothered to reallocate brain power to think out a solution tonight after a day at work so I called it a night lol. I'll work it out tommorow, just trying to work out if I want to build a wee outpost near one of the metal spawns by the glow tail cave, and run the metal back to base.

First Charmander, now Tyranitar. I like it. 

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2 hours ago, AVENGED said:

First Charmander, now Tyranitar. I like it. 

And before Charmander it was Umbreon ?

1 hour ago, d1nk said:

Female I believe. Ill double check and edit if im wrong.

@AngrySaltire come by my place, ill give you the 400 ingots and and those eggs. Sort em out and youll be 75 or 80

Cheers for that :). Ment to pop by yours last night but you seemed to be afking and I wasnt on for long.

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1 hour ago, SCORCH said:

Xbox Nitrado Private Server - Ragnarok (PVP/PVE mix)

Spent the day looking for a good place to fish on Ragnarok.. no luck.

Finished up with hatching a few tek rex eggs... no mutations...

Anyone know any good fishing spots on Ragnarok?

Any tips for getting more mutations or am I just having horrible luck?

No idea about the fishing but with mutations its just a numbers game really. Some times you get lucky and get some quickly, other times you go for ages with nothing. Hatch lots and hope, what I wouldnt give for the S+ egg incubator/collector for breeding, would make getting masses of eggs down bearable lol. 

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Guest DJRone89
19 minutes ago, CRUZEDOGGER said:

On my island base just cooked a big load of ingots - 2 x helps heaps.

Just  built an outpost on the Center map -wanna do some exploring on it - never played on it before even-though been playin this game for 2 years on and off.

The Center is my favourite map. So much to explore.

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Bred my bulbdogs to get some backups for drake runs. Kept looking for tames for hours. Mass killing sprees of both Fertile forest area, river and blue zone looking for some nice tames but turned up nothing. Only found a level 115 male Ravager. Took it home and tamed it.

Farmed up a bunch of mats, built a small extension for storage, a greenhouse (after a few tries.. damn Ab sky) and bred some dimorphs for base defence and general tomfoolery. Went on a big metal run and then bred my Ravagers to get a few to tie me over.

Tried to tame another 145 crab but it wouldnt get into the trap and took too much damage. It died right when it shouldve knocked out. I modifed the trap slightly to try and avoid this in the future

Did a bit of exploring around, built a zipline to the huge area above my base. We're thinking of keeping our spinos and extra tames up there if we can figure out how to build a ramp there or get a teleporter. 

Went to the surface cave for the first time, the one in Fertile near blue. I might make a metal outpost there and build a ramp up for the public. Good for quick surface runs on ravagers or whatnot. Gonna log and watch a movie then catch up on some sleep! Been arking too hard this weekend :P 

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3 hours ago, d1nk said:


Went to the surface cave for the first time, the one in Fertile near blue. I might make a metal outpost there and build a ramp up for the public. Good for quick surface runs on ravagers or whatnot. Gonna log and watch a movie then catch up on some sleep! Been arking too hard this weekend :P 

Dude your steaming ahead and leaving me in the dust haha.

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Hatched eggs for the first time. I was feeling confident because it wasn’t the hectic nightmare I read about; it was kinda laid back and easy. I threw two dimo eggs in and both were twins.... so, this is what they mean! Then my 2 yr old wants to come over and jack with my controller, because that’s fun for her....

Ran into a Rex for the first time while looking for the South cave. Wouldn’t you know it had a mate... handled the first with minimal losses, but we got separated when the second showed up. Cleaned me out. One animal made it out: that dang parasaur. It’s a survivor man. Was able to get my loot (that I could find because of the undergrowth), most saddles and what not, limped home to recoup. 

Decided to explore the other side of the islet. There’s a ton of raptors over there, among other things. Got wiped again. Died 3 times before I went home and made a set of armor, and a shotgun. While I was doing that a theriz started going ape on my building. I had only made one shell by then and he took it in the face, a couple pokes with a pile, then I set the dimos on him. I let the alpha female keep the claw trophy. 

Reclaimed my stuff and tamed a raptor and a higher lvl trike. I owed it to the parasaur to 1) reclaim his stuff 2) get revenge on the spino that killed him. Note: wooden spike barricade will not stop a spino. That thing charged right through the defenses. I had everything on passive, maybe that’s why they all lived? Anyway, that was just a weird fight. It looked like it was just going crazy, not killing anything, just running around scaring the daylights out of me. It’s death was pretty sweet though. It had went behind a boulder and out of vision/ SG range. But it came charging back, seemed to go airborne over the rock, lunging at me and I blasted it with buckshot! It’s momentum carried it into the water and piranhas got on it. 

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6 hours ago, AngrySaltire said:

Dude your steaming ahead and leaving me in the dust haha.

Hah well.. the rush to endgame is what I enjoy the most. You could say im a meta ark player, my base looks like poop but its efficient. The good thing is we're allied and i looooove to help! Some time when we actually get some time online together we will mic up and catch you up.

A good crab will easily boost your Aberration game! Do you want me to tame you one? I love taming crabs. Got a 130 purple one knocked out right now! Ill keep an eye out for a decent level one and if I do find one I dont want to tame but is high level ill grab it incase you want :) 

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16 minutes ago, d1nk said:

Hah well.. the rush to endgame is what I enjoy the most. You could say im a meta ark player, my base looks like poop but its efficient. The good thing is we're allied and i looooove to help! Some time when we actually get some time online together we will mic up and catch you up.

A good crab will easily boost your Aberration game! Do you want me to tame you one? I love taming crabs. Got a 130 purple one knocked out right now! Ill keep an eye out for a decent level one and if I do find one I dont want to tame but is high level ill grab it incase you want :) 

Lol I am just to laid back to rush anywhere in Ark, love taking my time. I love helping too but I feel like your doing all the heavy lifting haha. Been busy recently. Yeah definatly need to mic up. Only problem is your going to get me stuffed full of a late summer cold lol. 

I wont say no to a crab, not a big fan of invertebrates like crabs as animals but their utility is just too good to pass up. Your too kind :), need to try and pay you back at somepoint ?

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Ps4 - Private Nitrado server - Ragnarok


Got a few new color mutations and or desired mutation combinations in my Ravager pens over the weekend. Got a nice Navy blue body, and also a dark brown body. I finally got my all lavender ravager, with the spine, body and belly all purple.  I'm now trying to decide what other color combos I want to make.

Tamed a level 150 Griffin ... vanilla colors, but you can never have too many Griffins, to use for wyvern egg runs.

Tamed a few more event colored dinos, including a 140 female raptor in all red and Red and White Sloth that is a lower level, but just too cool looking to not tame.

tamed a level 150 red on red Sabretooth.

and finished off my weekend by taming a level 174 male Tek Raptor.   Amazingly, I did not tame any Tek Stegos over the weekend. Even passing on a level 114, as its colors didn't do much for me.

Bred up some of my pterdons, and got some nice color combos. All of the parents were level 135 or high pre-tame. I got a female that has good melee stats, and another with good weight stats.  Just need to find some good Ptera saddle BPs.

It has been over 2 weeks, since I've seen a Tek Rex on the map. I've cleared out many areas during meat runs, and still no new Teks. I may just have to breed up my best Tek Rexs instead.


Oh yeah, Last night I noticed a Red with white Shark near my water base in Viking Bay.... it was a level 130, so I tamed it up and added it to the "navy".  I have never bred sharks before... I think that might be my next breeding project.

Also farmed up enough Chitin and poly in the desert, to craft up some of my ASC & MC Ghillie and Chitin armor outfits.

Last but not least, I tried and failed to tame 3 different event colored Tapejaras all level 130-150. They are beautiful and high level, but even wearing Ghillie , I can't get close enough to bola and tranq them. Never had such a tough time with Tapejars before. Oh well...I'll keep trying.

First week of NFL football, so will be busy this week with a FFL draft (my league's 25th year) and hanging out with my buddy who flies back from California each year for the draft.


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The Island

Like on Aberration i had luck again and the Neighbour doesnt play anymore.

So i made 20 Pillars and Ladders and claimed more land. I was Able to make a Foundation about 40 x 40. I could go bigger but lucky me i found 6 metal spots behind the base up on the Hill. I wont risk that they not respawn so i build not as big as i want. Now we could make the House a little bit longer. Made a 10 x 3 Floor on 1 side. There will be the Dilo Spot. I tamed more Dilos, now at 5 female and 2 male. Dodos are now 3 female and 2 male. I didnt want to take ages to build, so i brought a Doedi, a Roll Rat, an Ankylo, a crab and a Spino from Aberration up to the Island. Farming goes now much better.

I made 3 Stone Gates and 1 Behemoth Gate. With this placed i made a Wall 3 Walls high. And this is the First time i implemented the House at the Beach in the Fence. On both Ends of the House i placed the first Stone Fence Foundation. I think i will make 2 Floors of 2 Walls Height. And then a third Floor which is 4 Walls high. This is where the Crafting will happen. Not sure if i can use Glass Walls at this height. We will see.


Started with the taming of a Level 35 Event Red Equus. Found a Event Red Crab, but she was killed from Sarco as i drove withthe boat to her. Found another the next day, Level 35 like the Horse. This time i tamed the Crab. Tamed another level 140 Crab this Week. I am still at 120 Carbo Kibble leftover. Found a Level 96 all red Tek Stego female, but she died as she got stuck in my spikes as i tried to tranq her. Found a 132 Tek Raptor female near my base, tranqued her from the Rock Drake. Next to her a male Level 6 Tek Raptor runs along. 1 Shoot from the Xbow and he was knocked out. Searched for a Sheep, gave it my chainsaw and tamed both Tek Raptors.

At the Weekend i breeded many Eggs, i mated the new Ankylo i bought with my females. I didn't realize I bought an Aberration variant. Got 6 Ankylos from 4 Eggs. Lucky me, the Tripplets all had the Melee of 451. But i had no luck with imprint. 2 of the Triplets wanted Dimetrodon Kibble at first imprint. I have no Dimetrodons there. I breeded 4 Eggs of the Tek Stego too. I was hoping for 1 high Level, Father was 233 after taming. But the Levels are from 72 to 147. I tried with my kid a new Berry gathering. Kid took the Tek Stego and i took the Red White Basilisk. We could fill all 300 Slots and the Basilsik was not Overload. So we could fast gather the Berrys, the Stegos ate them like crazy. Dont know if it was a bug or not. At Baby stage we filled the inventory up as they had 9.1 %. As we came back after gathering they were 10.5%. No one of the 4 had Berrys left in their Inventory. Luckily we already had filled 4 Troughs.

As i thought 10 Dinos are not enough to raise i searched All Rock Drake Eggs i had. Had 5 From Level 150 to 180 and throw them near the Cooler. Got down to red Area and found a 180 Egg. Brought it back and let it hatch too. Got a Mix of Colors. Another One with Blue Wings, like my Dutch i use all the Time. Some in the Normal Green Color. But One Egg was special. The 150 i hatched was from the last Event. He is completely Grey Purple. When i use my Featherlight to lighten he is more grey, but when i use the Light from Electricity he is much more Purple. As my kid saw him i knew he will be his new favorite ride. Called the Rock Drake Lavender ^^.

The breeding Pen now is full like hell. But i have now enough good Ankylos for all the Maps i play on.

Scorched Earth

As my Coworker slowly wants to learn the game ( i told him to make his own Decisions and learn everything he can by himself) not on the run i said i will tame some low Dinos for him. On Scorched i have often the problem that on the Ground Floor of my House a Dinso spawns. Or they spawn inside my little base. Out of this Reason none of my Dinos is on the Ground floor. Last week a level 35 (I think the game says me something as i see 35 everywhere oO) Sabertooth spawned in the base. As i saw him i knew my coworker would like him. Cause the Sabertooth looks like he teared something to pieces. He has a Grey White body, but the Head and the Neck are Blood Red. So i tamed him. I bet he will Name him Khorne, like in Warhammer 40K, he is a Fan of this Chaos Demon.

In the Next Days a Level 30 and a Level 15 Wolve Spawn inside the Base. One near the House, one in the House. I tamed both. Will be nice Pets to explore the Island.

Thinking about taming a few Carnos on Aberration or the Island for Kibble. High Level Wolves are my Favorites for the Caves.



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Spent the holiday weekend on Ab as our other servers are all tame capped, was a good time as we raised two of theses exceptional fellas. Me and my tribemate both got impregnated by ths same queen so we now have 2 red event reapers.....we're so spoiled....lol

Also raised two ravagers in the cave of shadows, will be farming for the artifact this week, should be fun with the ravs in there!



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Xbox - Nitrado Unofficial Server - Aberration 

Started off by logging into a nice surprise. Looks like @d1nkleft me a present during the night in the form of a karkinos. Thanks again :) Am surpsised I didnt have a heart attack when I opened my front door to find a karkinos out side it. 

Then went out looking for an iguanodon as I really need a creature to help me gather thatch more efficiently. All low levels but I eventually found a mid level 90 and knocked it out and tamed it. Took it back to base. Correction it never made it to base. Stummbled into a baslisk and pack of ravagers. The iguanodon didnt last 5 seconds despite my best efforts to try and whistle it away and protect it with my spino lol. Fuming I killed the basilisk and the ravagers with my spino and went on the hunt again for another iguanodon. No luck what so ever. Level 5, 10, 10, 20, 10, I eventually gave up. To used to the nice level distribution on Ragnarok lol. Thankfully during the time I was looking for iguanadons I was keeping an eye out for red gems in role rat holes so when I got back to base I crafted up a gas collector and installed it on the gas vein in my base.

I hatched up a few aberant spino eggs @d1nk gave to me. Kept 7 and culled a couple to gain a few levels, leaving some eggs as a reserve. Imprinted what I could. The first round went great with them all asking for cuddles and walks. It was round 2 of imprinting where it went pear shaped and they started asking for kibble. 3 actually had the cheak to ask for rock drake kibble baah. Managed to get a nice golden orange one up to 67% before it asked for kibble. Now I need to decide what to do with them. A few will be combat mounts for roaming into the blue and red zones, while some of them shall be more utility based, thinking of pumping weight for hauling some weight.

Went on the hunt for a high level female bulbdog to go with my male. Found a 135 male but I tamed that anyway and continued the search. Killed every bulbdog that moved. Then bang, a disconnect. Logged back on to find the server rolled back about 5 maybe 10 minutes. Killed the first two bulbdogs I saw as I killed them earlier and knew they were low levels. I then saw a bulbdog being chased by a pulminoscorpius, which I did not remeber seeing when I was last in that area, so I jumped off the spino and took out the scorpion with my shotgun. SCORE ! a 140 female bulbdog, well wasnt I lucky with that roll back taking me back to that 140 ..... at which point the bulbdog flopped over unconscious from the scorpion torpor and its torpor value wasnt for droping. Eventually I had to put the poor beast out of its misery :( Decided Ark had had enough with me for tonight so I called it a night.


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