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So what did you do in ARK today?


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ISO Crystal Isles - Single Player [PC] 


My computer had a melt down and I ended up losing pretty much everything so restarted on Crystal Isles. Found a spot in the middle-ish section and been busy building up a bit there. I had forgotten how slow the going can be building wise, mostly because I keep on rebuilding the bits that annoy me rather than adding more space … finally got the fabricator going so I can start making scuba gear. Been very lazy about getting this going. I seem to just get lost exploring this map, which is fun but not productive! 


Also decided to try the immersive taming mod - loving it, but my first go with something bigger (a rex) was a bit chaotic to put it politely. Saw a white with red back section 130 Male rex. Not the best but decided bugger it - lets try this bait and then fight the thing to half health to tame further business. Fly there with a wyvern but the wyvern is OP and will kill the rex so it's just transport and a tank, brought my bear to do the actual combat with. Now first problem is the rex has decided to walk down a steep hill/cliff. I try following it on the bear but it's now chasing all manner of creatures though trees before somehow realising the wyvern is parked pretty much above it. Now I know they made the rex climb better but this thing went straight up and started munching on the wyvern (luckily on passive!). Try going after it with the bear - no such luck, have to run back and around. Eventually get to it and fire the bait which starts combat. Spend the next couple of minutes fighting it on the bear which is tanking quite well. Finally get the message that taming can now progress, only by this stage the area I cleared out and where we ended up are not the same so now the rex is chasing everything in sight from raptors to brontos. Luckily it does not get involved in anything high level but it's a nightmare. Finally get the thing tamed but the stats are pretty dismal, on the up side I have a better idea on how to approach the taming. Aim now is to find high level tek rexes, so far only one sighting and it was level 40. 


Decide to go find a Therizino, I love the tickle chickens, and I need something more efficient to gather fiber with. Spend days flying around looking but can't find anything over level 50. Eventually spot a 140 - Eureka! Much more prepared this time and start clearing out the area only to stumble onto something red in the forest. Spyglass - it's a 150 microraptor. Well, got to tame that … spend a good 40 min, while chasing this thing half way back to base just to get a bait close enough to start taming. Not sure if microraptors did this before? First time I've had one flee like this. Anyway she tamed out nicely - 43 pts in Melee and beautiful all red. Back to the Therizino and it tames without further issues but did more damage than the rex to the bear. Still not overly impressed with the stats (nothing in the 40pt range) but I am now swimming in fiber, also collects heaps of rare flowers and mushrooms. 


I've also been checking the Griffins regularly hoping to find an event one at a reasonable level - finally found one! 145, with red body and black wings!  


Plan is to extend the base further, I need space to put the chem bench, build more oil pumps (only one so far), find honey/bees … I saw one hive in the redwoods but it was too high up to reach on the tree (wanted to harvest with a bear not destroy it). Also found the honey cave but could not get any honey with a bear in there. Might have to youtube it to figure out what is going on there … I also need to start on a water pen somewhere. Still scouting for that, a high level Baryonyx is a must find this weekend to get into the water. I also really need one so I can gather fish better for the otters. 

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16 hours ago, AngrySaltire said:

Got the main furnishings in, vaults, fridges, smithy and fabricators. Installed the lights and instantly regretted my decision to build out of metal. OMG the glare off the metal from the lights, I had forgotten how bad it could be, so going to have to spray paint all the metal structures black. Still need to do more work on the build but way to tired after work to be staying up late lol.

Yes, black really helps decrease the glare!!

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If the roller coaster stops would it still be fun?

i wanted to do some solo-ing last night so I could close off our fence. Twenty seconds after logging in, in the middle of the night, a theriz wandered up and killed my son’s dodo. This set off a bloodbath that left a total of 9 tames dead: among the corpses was 5 Dilos and a new female trike. It took the death of another trike for me to get the rythym of the knock back down. 

By the time I was ready to log off (which was way too late for a working man) I had tamed 8 new Dinos. Got a breeding pair of dimos ( shout out to Aushegun and others who take time to help the new guy), gathered my first two fertilized eggs, and finished the fenced yard. Finally planted the special veges, and am anxious to see if the son is as apathetic toward fake gardening as he is with real gardening. 

The carbo I got seems superfluous now. I was going to lvl hp and use it as bait to tame a carno or some other man-eating beast. Thoughts?

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45 minutes ago, Glentavious said:

If the roller coaster stops would it still be fun?

i wanted to do some solo-ing last night so I could close off our fence. Twenty seconds after logging in, in the middle of the night, a theriz wandered up and killed my son’s dodo. This set off a bloodbath that left a total of 9 tames dead: among the corpses was 5 Dilos and a new female trike. It took the death of another trike for me to get the rythym of the knock back down. 

By the time I was ready to log off (which was way too late for a working man) I had tamed 8 new Dinos. Got a breeding pair of dimos ( shout out to Aushegun and others who take time to help the new guy), gathered my first two fertilized eggs, and finished the fenced yard. Finally planted the special veges, and am anxious to see if the son is as apathetic toward fake gardening as he is with real gardening. 

The carbo I got seems superfluous now. I was going to lvl hp and use it as bait to tame a carno or some other man-eating beast. Thoughts?

First of all --- once again welcome to ARK!  where bloodbaths can occur in an instant.  As you are no doubt learning, building an enclosed area to keep tames safe in usually a priority. It is tough grinding, but well worth it in the end.  I personally just make a square/ring of dino gates. I don't even bother with fences anymore. BUt just my preference.

Theriz are bad ass, and I normally avoid them, unless mounted on one of my toughest dinos. (Rex, allo pack, or Wyvern)

Glad to hear you had luck with getting Dimorphs!  They hatch and mature pretty quick, so be ready with food to feed the newborns. Plus the more imprints you can get on them, the tougher they will be.

Regarding the turtle .... perhaps you can level up HP on it, and use it to tank for you, while taming sharks... or the carno. But make sure you level it up high. Otherwise taming is usually easier if you can lead a dino to a trap.   one easy variation, is to build a box 4x4 with walls 2 high, and put ramps all around it. Use door ways for some of the lower walls, and install doors as well.  Then when you see a dino you want, take a shot at it, get it to chase you up the ramps and into the box trap, then exit out the door and proceed to shoot it from safety until it is KO'd.  of course make sure the dino is to big to go thru the doors, and too small to walk over the 2 high walls.    I suggest NOT putting the trap next to your base, in case the angry dino doesn't fall in the trap and instead turns on your other dinos.

But part of the fun of this game is trial and error... learning what procedures you prefer.

Good luck!!

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Xbox Nitrado Private Server - Ragnarok (PVP/PVE mix)


Accomplished very little last night. Had no energy after work. Hopefully, tonight will be different. Still waiting on friend to do his part of stuff, so I can do mine. Not exactly fair if I do everything and he gets to just have all the fun.


But enough whining. I managed to harvest a bit of metal and feed the dinos.

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Only logged in shortly. Got volunteered to help the sister in-law move..  noticed my buddy brought over two of his white bears from Rag so I bred up a nice imprinted bear for my new ab toon (my other bears there arent imprinted to me) and did a quick resource run then logged. 


Before that messed around with a wild Sarco.. im going to have to find a high level Aberrant one, they look fun after the TLC

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43 minutes ago, SCORCH said:

Xbox Nitrado Private Server - Ragnarok (PVP/PVE mix)


Accomplished very little last night. Had no energy after work. Hopefully, tonight will be different. Still waiting on friend to do his part of stuff, so I can do mine. Not exactly fair if I do everything and he gets to just have all the fun.


But enough whining. I managed to harvest a bit of metal and feed the dinos.


sounds legit to me...

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2 hours ago, Aushegun said:

First of all --- once again welcome to ARK!  where bloodbaths can occur in an instant.  As you are no doubt learning, building an enclosed area to keep tames safe in usually a priority. It is tough grinding, but well worth it in the end.  I personally just make a square/ring of dino gates. I don't even bother with fences anymore. BUt just my preference.

Theriz are bad ass, and I normally avoid them, unless mounted on one of my toughest dinos. (Rex, allo pack, or Wyvern)

Glad to hear you had luck with getting Dimorphs!  They hatch and mature pretty quick, so be ready with food to feed the newborns. Plus the more imprints you can get on them, the tougher they will be.

Regarding the turtle .... perhaps you can level up HP on it, and use it to tank for you, while taming sharks... or the carno. But make sure you level it up high. Otherwise taming is usually easier if you can lead a dino to a trap.   one easy variation, is to build a box 4x4 with walls 2 high, and put ramps all around it. Use door ways for some of the lower walls, and install doors as well.  Then when you see a dino you want, take a shot at it, get it to chase you up the ramps and into the box trap, then exit out the door and proceed to shoot it from safety until it is KO'd.  of course make sure the dino is to big to go thru the doors, and too small to walk over the 2 high walls.    I suggest NOT putting the trap next to your base, in case the angry dino doesn't fall in the trap and instead turns on your other dinos.

But part of the fun of this game is trial and error... learning what procedures you prefer.

Good luck!!

Dude, I’m so far away from air conditioners. 

I just found out the preserving bin runs on spark powder. I thought it was just an ingredient. 

Maybe the trap is my next project. 


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Xbox - Nitrado Unofficial Server - Ragnarok and Aberration.

Started of by doing a bit of farming on Ragnarok. Needed to get some more supplies together to transfer across to Aberration. Crafted up a industrial grill, forge and chemistry bench. Crafted up a bunch of behomoth gates to go round the base too. Mind wiped so I could craft up new custom recipes to transfer over to Aberration so I was not reliant on transfers for food. Got all the supplies into the obelisk and finally remebered to transfer a bulbdog too.

Jumped onto Aberration. Took a Spino to the public teleporter by portal and downloaded everything I had just transfered, and got back to base.

First things first I just had to spray paint the entire building black, cant put up with the glare much longer. So much better now, although I need to paint the door a different colour as I now struggle to find it. Might have to paint some accents on the structure, maybe cyan, blue or even red, its just too black lol. Installed the grill, cooker and chemistry bench. Leaving the forge in a vault for just now untill I can decide what to do with it.

Then started putting down the behomoth gates, going along the lake shore first. Just about ran into a basilisk while scouting out where the gates needed to go.  So I ran back to base to grab the 3 spinos. Decided not to grab a spy glass to check its level. When I coaxed the snake out the ground, I saw the basilisk had a red glow, an alpha.... oooppsss. So I charged in anyway throwing caution to the wind. Of course the inevitable happened and its poison gas killed me off my spino. Ran back to where I died to find the 3 spinos and also my freshly transfered bulbdog still battering away at the snake. Lol come on bulbdog you can do it lol !. I was amazed it lasted that long. Just before the spinos dealt with the basilisk the bulbdog finally died... oh well at least I still have the spinos. Thats enough excitement for one evening. 

I think the next stop is to continue building the perimeter wall and also either tame up a doed and anky here or more than likely I'll just transfer some across from Ragnarok. Of course I'll also need to tame a roll rat. 

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3 hours ago, d1nk said:

Only logged in shortly. Got volunteered to help the sister in-law move..  noticed my buddy brought over two of his white bears from Rag so I bred up a nice imprinted bear for my new ab toon (my other bears there arent imprinted to me) and did a quick resource run then logged. 


Before that messed around with a wild Sarco.. im going to have to find a high level Aberrant one, they look fun after the TLC

Where about have you set up on Aberration ? I have no idea whos who or where on the map yet. 

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1 hour ago, AngrySaltire said:

Where about have you set up on Aberration ? I have no idea whos who or where on the map yet. 

Were right near one of the waterfalls down to blue. Right off the river. I love this area. Ill see ya on tomorrow if you're around so ill give ya a tour of the map :P Once you get the pathways figured out its a breeze

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42 minutes ago, d1nk said:

Were right near one of the waterfalls down to blue. Right off the river. I love this area. Ill see ya on tomorrow if you're around so ill give ya a tour of the map :P Once you get the pathways figured out its a breeze

Think I know where you are then. Hopefully, that would be great. ? I do know some parts of the map, like parts of the river network and the route down through blue and red to the drake trench, but the maps just so cavernous for me to get my head round it lol

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Another productive Friday night. Started by hopping to Rag to get a few items I left behind and a Spino to help out on Ab. I transferred some stuff from Ragnarok to help, mainly items and a few prebuilt structures (1 vault, 1 fridge 1 ac, mainly prebuilt stone) but other than that ive been farming all the mats for my base expansion. My prebuilts ran out awhile ago, minus one behemoth gate I was saving for my spino trap.

Retrieved it all and made the walk back to base. I spent most of the night building and farming. When I was bored I would go out on River-slaughters with the spino, great exp! Placed all my major items, made a fabby, multiple storage boxes etc. Built the spino trap, immidiatly went out trying to force spawn a high level.

This took longer than I thought. I tamed a level 50 roll rat to help farming and eventually got a 130 male spino to spawn. Got it in the pen and worked on my taming area while it tamed. Its so friggin' dangerous outside my base and multiple times got jumped while taming the spino by all sorts..So I decided to build a taming area. I walled off a section between two cliffs and plan to make a few other taming pens in there (all public if needed) including my Tribemate's famous crab trap. It's nothing special, really.. on our last Ab server we played it was the favorite trap. Perfect angle to get bodyshots like mad.

The 130 spino tamed up with some bad melee (290) and I went to throw it in thr base and go to bed. It was already 2am. Oh no! Ark has other plans for this humble servant! As im bringing it in I spot a Female red spino! I had to get the mating pair so I kited it to the trap. Ive been using a Baryonyx to kite them and accidently lured 2 others with it. A big cluster pluck later managed to get the spino knocked out (but accidently hit it an extra time :( ) 


Got it tamed up and went to bed. Thank god for plentiful Ovis! As we speak im breeding up a bunch of Spino eggs 

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Did my first cave run (island swamp cave). Used 4 lvl ~230 wolves, took 2 sets skuba/ghilly with me.

Things went pretty good, untill i got very deep into the cave, jumped off my wolf to get a drop, but i didnt think about the 20 leeches in the water... I got stuck and they killed me in seconds.

Didnt have gear/sleeping bag at the cave, so i spawned back at base, took some gear, an argy and another wolf and hurried back to the cave. Unfortunately the critters already spawned back, so i went back to get a second wolf with my argy.

By the time i got back to the wolf pack, my stuff despawned.

Didnt have anything important on me, but lost the stuff i got from the drops. I did get the artifact and 2 more drops on the way out. 

All 6 wolves survived and i got the artifact, so i guess it was a succesfull first run :D

After that was done, i went to get some silica pearls and found this 120 Yuti. So i finally tamed my first Yuti :)wiz092qclo.jpg

Found a 135 Thyla on my way back to base, not that far from my trap. Never tamed one before. I had enough titanoboa kibble though, so its mine now. Thats ANOTHER first for today!


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Xbox - Nitrado Unofficial Server - Ragnarok and Aberration 

Seem to spend most of the time today transferring more supplies across to Aberattion from Ragnarok. Tamed up a high level dire bear, doed and anky, and transfered them across. Crafted up and installed the rest of the behomoth gateways and all of the required gates, so my base on Aberation is now fully enclosed. Built the hatchery extention off the main build and installed the incubator.

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Spent most of the day yesterday breeding my two 130 tamed spinos. Since the hatch and maturation is boosted here I was able to hatch a butt load of eggs. Got two melee mutations, weight mutation, health mutation, blue belly, pink main, orange main and even a yellow one I killed. I mustve hatched almost 100 eggs over a span of the whole day. Subsequently that brought me up to level 88. Ended up getting all stats and muts onto a red pair and an orange pair. Not the greatest stats but its a start; 5.3k hp 30greates need to tame more stock, brought over Argentavis kibble.

While doing all that I got some base work done aswell. Added a few more fridges, ACs, a fence along a back side and finished off my side-yard taming facility area, ramp and all. Just need to add a second medium taming pen. My friend logged on and we found a 150 roll rat event coloured and lured it to our spino trap to tame. We made a quick transmitter trip for our doed and some supplies.

I took a short break to real life a bit and while I was gone my buddy built a crab trap and tamed a 145 crab and 145 Ravager.

When I got back on I tamed a 145 bulbdog, did a metal run with the crab and made a few vaults. I went to bed after raising a few spinos for battle.


This morning I tamed a 125 crab as soon as I logged in, went on killing spree and tamed a 125 red bulbdog to mate with my 145. After that I went down to blue for awhile looking for a shine horn. Tamed a dung beetle and after awhile found a 135 Mega. Tried to get it inna taming pen but that didnt pan out, ended up chasing it all around blue and finally knocked it out. Tamed up after finding an ovis (145 red unfortunatly :( ) then took it back to base whilist killing everything in sight. More to come about the rest of my day tomorrow!

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Xbox - Nitrado Unofficial Server - Aberration 


Just a quick one tonight. Had all the essential resource gathering dinos now but the roll rat. So I grabbed the dire bear and harvested up some honey from a bee hive located within my perimeter wall. Went out and had a quick look for a roll rat and decided to tame up a low level 80, the rest were lower. Tamed it up but mucked up one of the honey throws so lost a bit of taming efficiency. 

Of course to craft the saddle for the rat I needed to be level 58, so I took the spino out for a run and went up and down the river system murdering everything. Oh my word the kill message spam lol thats a lot of fish. Got to level 60 without an issue. Then I realised that I needed 400 metal and I still hadnt sorted out the metal situation. I couldnt be bothered transfering it across fron Ragnarok and I couldnt be bothered to reallocate brain power to think out a solution tonight after a day at work so I called it a night lol. I'll work it out tommorow, just trying to work out if I want to build a wee outpost near one of the metal spawns by the glow tail cave, and run the metal back to base.

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