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So what did you do in ARK today?


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Very enjoyable day today.

Continued work on my base, getting the walls up for the second level and doing about 1/3 of the ceiling.

Took a break from building because I'm going to start needing more advanced resources soon, which means better utility tames and more importantly, an actual combat tame. Honestly I impress myself with just how well I know this map after only playing on it once. I made my way over to the oil vein area and it didn't take long to find my quarry, a high level thyla.

Got it down, tamed, brought back to base. Then went out again and found a second high level thyla. KO'd, tamed, brought it back to base too. If you're wondering, no I'm not insanely lucky nor did I use spawn commands. I have the Better Spawns mod that makes story maps more playable by given them Ragnarok level distributions.

Did several rounds of breeding until I managed to get twin females with all my stats. 40 HP and 41 melee, now that part definitely was lucky! One will be kept for breeding. The other I imprinted and named after Misha, my mom's late and recently departed cat, due to the similarly in coloring.

Spent the rest of my time mass crafting clay and gathering resources for the next build session. I am surprisingly content right now, honestly I forgot how much I love this map. Standing with my thyla cubs watching a lightning storm raging, with the flickering glow of the torches at my back...it's really something.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ich habe heute die Fleisch-Tröge aufgefüllt und einen Ausritt mit meinem Rex-Pärchen auf die Nachbarinsel unternommen. Zwischen den Inseln ist Sumpf mit Flachwasser 🙃. Ich war auf Lost Island unterwegs. Nebenbei habe ich einen kleinen Yuti ausgebrütet. Zum Abschluss bin ich zu meiner Basis in der Wüste geflogen und habe nach meinen Haien gesehen.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hopped on for a lil bit and man did I have a fight. The following is pretty spiced up, y'all know what it looked like in game. 

I went out on my reaper and saw an alpha raptor. Killed it easy. Then I saw an alpha rex and was feeling ballsy. I jumped down on my reaper and roared. It roard back and the fight began. Not two hits later a purlovia jumped off a nearby ledge and knocked me off my reaper, stunning me. I was right in the middle of the fight. My armor, skillfully crafted ascendent flak, began to crumple under the blows. 1 piece broke, the timer on my stun was ticking down, 2 pieces. 3 pieces. Almost conscious. I found my self naked, all armor broke, one more hit from the mighty jaws of the alpha rex would do me for sure. The rex reared up for another chomp and I quickly leapt onto my reaper and gave him a tail smack to the jaw! The fight was back on! We exchanged blows, my reaper was feeling the hits but we fought on! The rex was bloody as was I and my reaper but we gave it the final bite and vanquished out foe! The fight was well fought but we were victorious in the end. I walked home on my reaper, let him burry back into the ground before going back inside. I pet Gizmo (hyenadon) said by to my otter and Sleepy Boy (megalasaur)  and went to rest. 

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I went to a DIY store and bought a pickaxe and an axe, outside there was a playground where I beat up all the cockroaches and ants I found, I then collected stones and branches, I found a place to light a Fire but now I have to understand where the Pestles are bought.... as soon as possible I will go to the zoo to propose some exchange (hunting here is subject to a license). I haven't found any offers for building land in my area but luckily the apartment I live in doesn't seem to be built of straw, for now I'm going home before Decade.

((...hoping that whoever is up there doesn't follow WC's example...))

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we got a OS crash without any real reason found in the event log (funny is, we didn't get any ark server crash in the meantime that wasn't intentional.. yes some intentional crashes were done to check auto-restart features XD).

Again testing stuffs until we can put our hands on the final save. In the meantime I also played a bit with the a bot sanding remote commands to the dedicated servers ;V

also implemented transferable elements without mods

Edited by darkradeon
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I'm playing on Xbox One, so Asa isn't really an option for me (sadge)

Anyways, it's been a hot second since I'd last played ark, but I jumped right back into it. First thing I did was go looking for one of my carnos, which had gone missing (found it next to my raft). I transported it, my other carno, the sarco, and the frog I'd tamed a while ago back to herbivore island, and geared up for a taming trip for another sarco. I ventured into the swamp, killed a couple kapros. The first sarco was terrible, killed it, and the second was a 145. Max level is 150. My immediate reaction was telling my tribemate "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH THAT SARCO". It started attacking me, so I led it to land. I tranqed it ONCE before it just noped out of there and started running. My rifle isn't that good, but I took the opportunity to de-leech my carnos before going after the sarco again. It just completely ignored me as I pumped in the tranqs. 10 darts or so later it was down, and I ran around for a little while making sure everything in the vicinity was well and truly dead. I put in the prime, and it actually tamed near perfectly, with no real mishaps. I took it back to the base, made up a slightly better saddle for it and the other sarco (49 armor or something) and took them out for a spin to get a couple levels. Killed a bunch of stuff, an alpha raptor and a couple rexes. Didn't find a single spino though. I went looking for beaver dams, but they hadn't come back for some reason. Messed around trying to knock each other out with clubs for a little while, and that's all I did.

Good luck, and happy ARKing!

Edited by Griffin998
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