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So what did you do in ARK today?


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(Official, Fjordur) Went beacon-hunting (nothing good. Just a few saddles, none of them DLC ones, to break for resources). Then went to get oil, also on my way there killed a megachelon (lured it to the shore. It bites pretty hard, but staying out of its reach was really easy) and harvested it for shell fragments. Uploaded the loot, returned home, made oil into gasoline and shell fragments into cementing paste. Made a new water reservoir, metal this time. Previous one decayed. Fed dinos.

(Official, Crystal Isles) Fed the trike checked the wyverns and gave them more crystals.

(Official, Extinction) Fed dinos.

(Official, Valguero) Refilled one trough (the one I keep wyverns on. I forgot to refill it the last time), moved now-adult yuty to the other one and bred them. Also bred gigas and fire wyverns. Nothing good, had a new mut on fire wyvern but it inherited literally none of the good stats so cracked anyway. Retrieved the uploaded saddles.

And that's all for now (or for today).

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(Official, Valguero) Fed dinos. Filled a maewing, unpodded babies. Bred gigas, sinos, thylas, desmodus, yuties and rexes. Yuty, desmodus, and thyla are staying. Took SCUBA (tank and mask) and a spino, went to check out the underwater building in the swamp. Couldn't see it very well (the water's about as clear as pea soup), but yeah, it's a part of the map.

Returned home, noticed youngest wyvern had a bit over 100 food left. Podded him, went to get milk. Except the trap I normally use was gone, in its place was something either not finished or not meant for wyverns. Looked for other traps, found none (except one that's locked and can't be used in some alternative way, so I had to build my own. I didn't look up any guides or anything like that, but still managed to make something that works pretty well out of pillars, ceilings, triangle ceilings, double doorframes and triangle roof pieces. Milked three wyverns, got back home, unpodded the nearly-starving baby, fed him and all the others.

Gave the dust gacha some arrows, got 10 element from her.

Waited for thyla and desmodus babies, placed them with the maewing.

Bred therizinos, dodos and arthros. Theri stays, dodos don't, forgot to pick up arthro eggs so they died.

Fed wyverns again, imprinted them. Podded most of them, four oldest fire wyverns are staying, two of them will be definitely fine, other two might be fine, but if they die not a big loss.

Podded babies (giga, newest yuty, and newest desmodus), juvies are staying out, I filled the tek troughs and turned on the generator for them.

That's all for today unless in the evening I decide to check on how the growing dinos are doing.


Checked on the dinos, all wyverns are alive and growing fine. Hunted with Dio, got enough blood for some Sanguine Elixirs. Imprinted everything that needed it, finished most of the imprints (therizino's the only exception) with Sanguine Elixir.

Podded ice wyverns and three of the spinos (the old breeder male and the mut pair, because the combo mut male will be soon grown), put them into the fridge. Took out of the fridge old yuties (except for Squeaking-Squaling Pink, since he may be weak and ugly, but he's still my first ever yuty mut, and 20 Birds In A Trenchcoat because memories), older bronto, otter, one of my two pegos, old male thyla and a paracer and killed them. Put pods back into the fridge and also made some new pods.

And that's all for today.

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(Official, Valguero) Turns out I didn't put enough meat into the troughs yesterday, one desmodus starved. But the female (and therefore the more important one) survived, and so did the spino. Moved the new bat to others, moved the new spino to others. Bred them. Moved newly-grown wyverns to their proper place as well, bred them too. Bred gigas, rexes, yuties, sinos, therizinos, and thylas.

Thylas are staying (a female and an all-good-stats male, so that's a new breeder and an actually usable thyla for me). One desmodus is staying (all good stats male, inherited a nice combination of colors, will replace Dio, who, to be honest, isn't all that great with his mom's melee and light-brown stripe). Theri is staying. Everything else was a fail.

Filled tek troughs and maewing (threw out some of the berries to free the space for MOAR meat). Unpodded babies, including an old pair of baby manas.

Hunted a lot.

Went to get milk, fed and imprinted wyverns. Imprinted the giga.

By the end of my day in ARK he was a bit over 7% grown, I think tomorrow I'll raise him to 10% and start leaving him on the troughs. Podded babies (wyverns, thylas, desmodus, giga and younger therizino, rest are staying out until evening), and that's all for now.


Checked on the babies, imprinted what was ready for that. Added a bit more meat to the trough (2 stacks. Can't fit any more). Took chibi and went looking for alpha dinos, but found none. At least I killed some tek dinos, and also got Phobos to level 203.

Returned home and that's all for today.

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(Official, Valguero) In the morning imprinted babies, put some meat into the maewing, unpodded giga and desmodus.

Once the giga was just about to hit 10%, took a bit of a break, and a few hours later:

Unpodded wyverns.

Hunted, bred gigas, wyverns, yuties, spinos and dodos. Nothing good.

Went to the trench, got milk and fed wyverns.

Found a beautiful event-colored ptera, level 130. Tranqed him, left him to starve. When I returned to him to give him kibble it turned out that some pegos and compies set up an ambush near him (they're evolving! They're becoming sapient!). Killed them, but lost a cryopod, and one of them hit the ptera, knocking some effectiveness off, so I made a bola, waited for him to wake up, and re-tranqed him instead of just taming him. I want best effectiveness even on things I probably won't use. Also, 42 weight post-tame, yay! Guess I should revive my little ptera project, his weight+Aquamarine's health and melee (40 and 43) will make a nearly-awesome ptera, just need a 40+ stam to add into the mix.

Destroyed my two tek troughs (which weren't placed very neatly) and built three in their place, in a neater line. Had to increase the generator range a bit to cover the third one, but it's worth it. Filled all of them.

Realized that I was raising therizino babies for literally no reason, since the initial idea was to have one or two fully imprinted theries, and instead I raised three and was raising two more and breeding new ones. Podded Anca (the wild-tame female), killed off the baby therizinos and left out only two imprinted males: Freddie (will be leveled all melee, all power harvesting) and Turkey (will be leveled all melee, all delicate harvesting).

Podded wyverns.

Took another break.

Then checked on the dinos, added more meat to the tek troughs.

Later will check on the sidebases, add yet more meat to the tek troughs, and that will be all.


(Official, Extinction) So. I log on. I hear a drop. I take my rex and go looking. The drop's near Desert dome, blue. I start defending.

Wave 0, wave 1... Mid 1 the notification about maintenance appears.

But 15 minutes (especially since it's never exactly 15, it's always more) is an okay time, if nothing happens. If last dinos of the wave are more or less not late and all.

So I keep defending. Wave 2 nearly done, last four dinos nowhere to be seen...

And then my rex gets stuck.

And I have no pod. 5 minutes till maintenance.

I tried running out of render because maybe then she'll get out somehow, I dunno, the drop would despawn or something, but nope.

Wave 3 hits. The rex fights what she can reach.


I wait, and wait, and wait, and finally the server is back on. I log on, I'm alive, drop's gone... And so is my rex.

Nothing on the log, she just poofed.

I made a sleeping bag and a box, put my stuff into the box, teleported to my bed, got my wyvern, got my stuff, looked around - no rex.

Fed dinos. Should have left the drop when the notification appeared I guess. Next I'll send Cobalt to work as a drop dino, he'll do even better, maybe even cold do yellow drops (yes, I know I had a bad experience with using a giga on Ext. But that was because I tried to use giga as a forest cave dino (first bad experience) and transported it in a pod which led to it being stealable if I die (second experience). As long as I use Cobalt as a drop dino and transport him by actually walking him to the spot things will be fine. Also, if I lose him - no big loss, dude's ugly).

(Official, Crystal Isles) Fed the trike.

(Official, Fjordur) Fed dinos.

(Official, Valgeuro) Imprinted babies (Ghost (that's what I named the giga) is 99% imprinted now!), added more meat to the troughs.

That might be all for today, unless I get paranoid about the giga starving in the middle of the night.


(Official, Valguero) again. Checked on the babies. Imprinted Ghost, named new thylas and saddled the male, went hunting, topped up the tek troughs. And that's all for today.

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the last few days have been the same for me.

step 1) spend some time farming materials and get the forges going for the evening

step 2) check up on the breeding and see what's happening

step 3) travel to a few spots that typically have Rexs to find a high level one to tame


step 1 has been going well even though it's a slog, steps 2 and 3 have seen pretty poor results lately.

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(Official, Valguero) New desmodus was nearly adult, waited for him to grow up and saddled him. His name is Katakan, by the way.

Hunted, topped up the tek troughs (well, the tek trougH - Ghost didn't touch the other two at all. Honestly, I could have just left him alone without adding any more meat and he'd still be fine).

Bred wyverns, spinos, yuties and gigas, nothing good. There was a new mut on wyvern, but it was not on health, stam or melee, so who cares.

That's all for now.


Still (Official, Valguero): Fed dinos, bred gigas (only one was ready), no good.

Hunted... And spotted a black/gray stego! The only thing not black or gray on him was spine, which was dark green, otherwise he was a gorgeous lump of dino-shaped coal.

So of course I tamed him, even though he was low-level.

His name is Onyx, and I unpodded my older two stegos to try and make an usable black/gray stego.

Ghost the giga is growing fine, eats less already. Still topped up the trough, though.

Podded manas and breeder arthros.

And that's all for today.

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i get so easily distracted...


last night, while i was out looking for a high level Rex to start breeding for boss fights, i found a max level tek raptor.  so of course i had to tame it.  "Teckie Boi" is now hanging out at my food trough.  what do i do with a raptor now?  i really didn't need him, and i have no others..  poop, now he's gonna need a girlfriend..

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(Fjordur, local split-screen) I was mostly busy breeding up the dilos for the army. I buffed the imprinting times, but I don't know how to buff the imprinting affinity (how much percent it gets per imprint). Right now, I only have dilos that reach 50% of their full capacity. Even then, the pack of 17 can take on trikes with relative ease, but I'm planning to make a mutated pack with the best levels of the pack-ranging from 92-87. Anyway, I just raised up a lot more and mass-imprinted them by whistling follow on them and just walking around and feeding them. I tried to spawn in a single cryopods, but ended up spawning in 100. I just dumped them all on the ground except three, which I used to reset the imprint requirements. One dilo baby was asking for freaking superior kibble, which I think is made from yutyrannus eggs, deinon eggs, and other such eggs that I have no access to for the time being. I think there's a deinon nesting ground nearby, and I'm level 32-almost to the pteranodon saddle. I also gathered up over 1000 silk from the little purple plants on the shores of the waterfall river, which I stored for later use. I made up a whip, because I just have so much extra silk I didn't know what to do with it. Anyway, after raising and imprinting the babies, I went around killing stuff, like trikes, parasaurs, and dodos, which were all that was in the area. They were all fairly low level, so they were able to get rid of them with ease. The dilos all have ~400 health and ~300% melee, with some variations, with some dilos doing over fifty damage, and some doing hardly 30. And that was pretty much it. I didn't really do anything else of much concern. I did explore just a little bit on the parasaur, but decided to wait until I had another PT and saddle for both until I did anything else.

Until next time! Good luck, and Happy ARKing!

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4 hours ago, Griffin998 said:

 I buffed the imprinting times, but I don't know how to buff the imprinting affinity (how much percent it gets per imprint). Right now, I only have dilos that reach 50% of their full capacity.

You can put this in your gameusersettings: BabyImprintAmountMultiplier=1

change the 1 to whatever you want. 

someone on here also has a nice google docs spreadsheet for adjusting breeding/gestation/hatching times that also shows imprinting.  you can mess with it and see what settings you like best.  forgot where it is or i'd link it.  a search should find it

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(Official, Valguero) Unpodded wyverns and two baby yuties. Podded tek rexes (let's be honest for once. I don't need more tries to move my existing mutated line past 42H/42M. I need a new male rex that's naturally, without mutations is 42H/42M (as opposed to the current, that got there via 20+ muts, so nothing new happens on his side) and mutate on top of that. Until that happens rexes are paused) and moved yuties into their place on the stand. Put a new female yuty there. Just need to raise current twins and one more, and that'll be my set of breeding yuties.

Ghost is growing fine but...

He won't be my next breeder giga. He'll be a mount.

Because I wandered around hunting tek dinos on my wyvern and spotted a 145 male, brown-and-black, near the loot cave. Which is convenient because there are those ruins, on on the server where I play one player converted them into a giga trap. Look. I'm happy with my 125%/135%. Really. But dude was NEAR A TRAP, and BLACK AND BROWN. Gigas look best in black/white/brown/gray in my opinion (sorry to those who think nothing's better than Cotton Candy gigas). I had to get him.

So I went home, took Raf (pelagornis) and hunted for biotoxin.

Made shocking darts, a bit over 300.

Repaired my rifle.

Made a Sanguine Elixir.

Took kibble and 300 narcotic.

And I went to get that giga.


I failed to lure him into the trap, and nearly got my wyvern killed while I was at it (good thing it was just an egg-run wyvern, not something I'm attached to).

Then the giga fell into the lake and nearly drowned.

Then he ran off the cliff, so goodbye my plan to get him into the trap and tame him like a normal player, and not yuty-feathers-for-brains idiot that I am.

Then he ran into the lake and made an attempt at drowning there.

Then he ran into the base of another player (offline, so at least it was harmless, thanks to the offline damage protection), it was built around yet another lake, so naturally the giga tried to drown there, as well.

Then, after much chasing and some more drowning attempts, he got stuck on aforementioned player's rexes, and then I finally tranqed him. Only had 16 darts left by the time he dropped (my rifle's good! There's just been pauses when the giga ran. And when I had to reposition my wyvern or let my sino rest. And when the giga was stuck under an ocean platform).

He had 205% melee pre-tame, and ended up with 200% post-tame (as I remind you, my previous best was 135%, achieved by mutating a 125%). I named him Disaster and brought him home. I made two giga saddles, one I painted tan, brown and black and gave it to Disaster, other I left plain and gave to Cobalt, who then was podded and uploaded.

(Official, Extinction) Retrieved Cobalt and went looking for drops. Found none, had to do with an easy element vein instead. Defence went fine, lost last dinos of the wave aside. Got plenty of element dust, and element too. Uploaded dust made element into more dust and uploaded that, too. Fed dinos, killed Festive and Pomegranate (doed and para) because I no longer need them and also need a bit extra space to maneuver my giga.

(Official, Valguero) Topped up the tek troughs, imprinted yuties, fed wyverns (had to kill first wyvern I caught for milk without knocking out and getting milk - couldn't keep her trapped, guess it was her turn with the trench's sole brain cell). They'll be staying out.

That's all for now/today.


Checked on the wyverns (doing fine, no extra food needed), put lots of meat into maewing, hatched a yuty and put her with the maewing.

Noticed one of the gigas was ready for mating, so bred gigas. Unfortunately, Disaster's first egg did not get his melee.

Took Disaster and went hunting to see how good he is. Dude's almost as awesome as Phobos, and that's despite being a barely-leveled wild-tame, while Phobos is a well-leveled fully imprinted one.

Can't wait until I get Disaster's baby WITH his melee and raise that with full imprint, I'll be two-biting brontos, probably!

Got a reason to watch out for kentros now, though. With Phobos it took a bite on two at the same time to fill the rage gauge just a tiny bit (like, you have to look pretty closely to notice it at all), but when Disaster's doing the same now that he has some levels and is nearing 300%, things start to actually look dangerous.

And that's all for today.

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(private server, Valguero)  found a girlfriend for my male tek raptor, so he's got someone to hang out with.

over the holiday weekend our tribe found some nice blueprints, so last night i mindwiped and dumped a ton of points into crafting.  i ended up making a bunch of saddles, armor, tools, weapons for myself and everyone else.  learned a bit about crafting in the process as well.

i also spent some time using my tribemates Therazinosaur.  that is not a dino i've valued before, but after using it to harvest plants and kill a few things for hide i may be converted to really liking them.

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(Official, Valguero) Only logged on for a bit. Imprinted and named yuties, checked on Ghost (nearly grown), bred gigas, spinos, yuties, and fire wyverns. Only a giga egg stays, male, Disaster's colors, melee and weight. Unless next breeding results in same+his health (pointless but I still want it), this one will be the one I'll raise.

For now that's all.


Still (Offical, Valguero) Bred gigas, no good. Hatched the one form last time and put him with the maewing.  Ghost is now fully grown. Saddled him and went hunting. I like his strength (though the 200%, once I raise it, will be much stronger), I like his looks, so yeah. He'll be my main giga. Returned home and podded Phobos, because seriously. Gigas eat a lot, I can't keep unpodded an extra that I probably won't ride much if at all anymore, no matter how many awesome memories I have about riding around the map and killing everything in sight. Five gigas hanging on one trough is enough.

Bred ice wyverns (Magnolia to Eyebreaker), egg stays (got melee and weight). Also bred spinos, but that wasn't any good. Checked troughs, and decided it can wait until tomorrow.

Podded the baby giga and that's all for today.

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It was technically today. I'm really obsessed with the color blue. A beautiful blue/teal Argentavis hatched out of an egg months ago as a mutation. I wasn't expecting it. It's parents were wild holiday event colors. They didn't look quite like this. I call him "Rick Sanchez." I'll include his picture below, but it's what I got last night that I wanted to mention.


I love holiday events, because I can find blue creatures. Argies are one of the ones I use most often, so I'm always looking to get the perfectly blue one. I don't usually breed for color, but I did last night. I used some I found, including one that looked red, white, and blue. It helped give me blue wings while another helped give me a blue head. Here's what I made with selective breeding. I haven't tried breeding with Rick Sanchez (or one of his twins) yet.


There you can see at the top some of the Argies I was using for breeding. I was working to get the pink wing tips out. I love what I got!

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(Official, Fjordur) Went crate hunting. Got a gasbags BP, 30+ armor. Not good, but better than nothing. Uploaded it. Fed dinos.

(Official, Extinction) Took giga and went looking for drops. Found blue - but someone was already on it. Found yellow - but when I was waiting for the last dinos of the second wave to show up a meteorite rain started so I had to retreat back to the Sanctuary. After it ended went looking agin, but all there was was a red, and I can't do that. Uploaded a stack of dust I got form killing tek dinos, fed dinos.

(Official, Valguero) Fed dinos, retrieved uploaded stuff. Gave bees more flowers. Imprinted yuty. Bred gigas and yuties, one giga egg stays and will be raised instead of the previous one because male, all father's colors AND all the stats I want. Hatched the wyvern egg and podded the baby.

That's all for now.


(Official, Extinction) again. Looked for drops, found yellow... Did yellow! My giga was pretty hurt by the time I was done with the final wave, mostly because it was, like, 50% arthros. The loot (aside from pods and consumables) was about as good as I'd get from an hour with a gacha. No saddles. I'll upload it tomorrow.

I think I'll stick with blue from now on, yellow doesn't seem to be much better and is SO much harder!

(Official, Crystal Isles) Fed the trike.

That's all for today.

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(Official, Valguero) Can't really play right now - weather's too hot, so I just quickly logged on, relocated new yuty females to the stand, filled a maewing and put the newly-hatched giga with it, and bred gigas, yuties, spinos and wyverns (ice and fire). One fire wyvern egg stays, but only because I want to see what its mutation looks like, stats are no good.

The giga with the maewing will actually stay out while I'm offline, despite being a fresh hatchling. According to the breeding calculator he should be fine and I want to see whether or not that's true.

For now that's all.


(Official, Extinction) Uploaded yesterday's stuff. Looked for drops (nnnope). Went to try for a male dust gacha (nnnope. Also, only found two gachas at all).

(Official, Valguero) Retrieved stuff. Checked on the giga, doing fine. Took Ghost and went hunting, killed an alpha rex. Topped up the maewing, and stuffed the tek troughs full of meat as well - giga is 5% grown, so it's clear he'll be able to grow just fine to 10% on his own so he'll be staying out. Hatched the wyvern. Ugly. Breeding her back to her father until I get a a baby with all colors but her mut one replaced with his gray won't make thing better. Killed.

That's all for today.

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(Official, Valgeuro) Imprinted and named the giga. He is now Abaddon.

Added more meat to the tek troughs. Hathced last time's wyvern and let it grow for a while.

Bred wyverns, gigas, yuties, spinos, stegos and thylas. Stego egg stays - all stats and colors I need. One yuty egg stays - muts from both parents and I think one's on an important stat (I don't remember all stats exactly, I'll check later). One fire wyvern egg stays - all good stats inherited and I think colors are acceptable, though that'll only be clear once it hatches.

Took Ghost and went hunting. Got him a few levels and killed two alpha carnos and three alpha raptors. Also, I guess monkeys in Valg's Redwood were fixed? Haven't seen a single one, for once!

Repodded wyvern and that's all for now/today.


Still (Official, Valguero) Imprinted Abaddon, hatched wyvern (yep, acceptable. Podded for later), yuty (ugly as hell. But weight AND health? Hell yeah! I'll raise her, breed her to her dad until I get a male with those stats (but hopefully without her colors. I mean, I started with black-and-white, and this thing rolled brown and green!), and that'll be my new breeder), and stego.

Put some berries and meat into the maewing and left stego and yuty with it.

Took Ghost, went hunting. No alpha dinos but I got him another level.

Topped up tek troughs, and that's all for today.

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let me tell you about my crazy weekend in ARK. (valguero private server)

i feel like i was hopping all over the place doing different things.  

up until this weekend i didn't really have a "base".  our group has an area where we share some equipment such as a fabricator, grinder, industrial grill and forge.  but i wanted a little place where i could store some of my stuff, and do my breeding without getting in there way too much.  so i started building a tree base, and i got carried away.  a lot of my weekend was spent resource gathering.  i have no idea how much stone/thatch/wood i've gone through.

i also read somewhere that the loot crates from the beams in the northern cold areas have better drops if your looking for saddle/armor/weapon blueprints, i'm not sure if this is accurate or not but i thought i'd give it a go.  i found the wyvern trench area and was very cautious and tranq'd a female, took it's milk and then was able to steal an egg.  one wyvern chased me, but i was able to kill it and escape with my bounty.  hatched a lvl 48 ice wyvern (named him Vanilla).  a friend saw this and wanted to go and get his own, so i take him back up there, i needed more milk anyway.  we were able to tranq a couple to get more milk, but then all hell broke loose.  my friend just flew on over to a nest and grabbed an egg.  as he was flying up and out, back towards me, he had like 10 wyverns on him.  

he died...

i died...

we lost our argentavis's.

we flew back to get our bodies and our stuff.

we died again and lost our backup argentavis's.

my pet bulbdog (named Onslow) died.

in the end we made it out with another egg and milk, but at what cost!?

after that i went back to building my treefort...

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(Official, Valguero) Only played a bit because not really awake yet. Fed dinos, imprinted still-nameless stego, yuty and Abaddon the giga. Topped up their troughs.

Hatched the mut giga egg I had in the incubator which I, apparently, forgot to mention in the previous (or before that) post. Just saying it now - I HAD a giga egg in the incubator, it was 125% melee, kept to see if it looks good because mut. And today I hatched it and that Dark Warm Gray on body looks SO good together with inherited Black on back and Dino Medium Brown on belly! The baby stays, podded for later. Some day I'll breed that sweet color into my line.

That's all for now.


Checked on the dinos. Stego grown, podded his father. Imprinted Abaddon the last time, imprinted the yuty.

Bred gigas (nothing good).

Turns out I forgot to turn mating off on spinos last time, so had a unplanned egg. Nothing good in it, cracked.

Hunted for a bit, added three more pieces of element to the generator, and that's all for today.

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Grats on your egg hatch AllOfTheAllos!

the foundation and roof of my treebase is finished, now i just need to finish everything in between.  i have a section where i put a bunch of air conditioners under the floor and created an egg hatching room.  i've also placed forges, smithy, morter, fabricator, and vault in a way where you can reach all of them without moving.  so once i've unloaded into the vault or the forges i'm able to transfer fairly easily.  if anyone has any base building suggestion, i'd love to hear them.

my grand adventure was going to be this upcoming weekend, but real life plans have gotten in the way.  it will be the following weekend hopefully.


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(Official, Valguero) Imprinted yuty, bred gigas, spinos yuties and wyverns. One wyvern egg stays, I haven't compared stats yet but I'm pretty sure it's a melee mut.

Filled a maewing with meat and put the dark gray giga with it - better raise it now than only start once I'm ready to breed the color in. It grew to a bit over 1% just when I was playing, so should be fine on its own until 10%.

Went to the trench. Not for eggs or anything, just made a loop around the mountain to refresh my wyvern trap.

Found a megalosaurus saddle (50+ armor), so unpodded Big Rat and gave it to her instead of her old engram-quality one.

Topped up the tek troughs. Podded thylas (except for the one I'm using) and Xeno the arthropleura.

Also, pretty sure Abaddon will be all grown tomorrow.

(Official, Extinction) Look. I know I said I'll stick to blue. But that yellow was RIGHT THERE. So, did it. Third of the giga's health lost to arthropleuras again, and the loot wouldn't suck more even if it consisted of vacuum cleaners.

That's all for today (unless I get paranoid over the gray giga and log on to check on it).

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