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Jagged Edges


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Jagged Edges

I am trying to make a large stone plat in one corner of my base but its by a hill, I can't make one large sqaure without giving up a lot of space. I've seen some people manage to make straight edges instead of jagged ones(the screen shots show what I mean). If anyone know how I can make it one straight side instead of all jagged like this please share your wisdom :) 



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3 minutes ago, AlphaCarno said:

So, place the fence foundation diagonal on the ceiling and have the edges jut out? I'd be cool with that but just not sure exactly how you'd do that.

It might be tricky but...

You need to have it snap where red, blue, violet lines are. Otherwise, you will have a hole if you do the orange/yellow lines. Once the fence foundation is set on the ceiling. You can put a wall on top of it...aesthetically its not the best, but can do a job.

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11 minutes ago, powerstuck said:

It might be tricky but...

You need to have it snap where red, blue, violet lines are. Otherwise, you will have a hole if you do the orange/yellow lines. Once the fence foundation is set on the ceiling. You can put a wall on top of it...aesthetically its not the best, but can do a job.

Thanks a lot for this info :) it will save me a lot of resources and head ache.

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26 minutes ago, powerstuck said:

You need to have it snap where red, blue, violet lines are. Otherwise, you will have a hole if you do the orange/yellow lines. Once the fence foundation is set on the ceiling. You can put a wall on top of it...aesthetically its not the best, but can do a job.

aaah, I see what you mean by a little tricky xD won't snap diagonal cuz of the preset snaps. Do you know of any tricks to placing it diagonal?

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1 hour ago, AlphaCarno said:

aaah, I see what you mean by a little tricky xD won't snap diagonal cuz of the preset snaps. Do you know of any tricks to placing it diagonal?

I do. A lot of patience. Expect to use more ressources than planned. Use K view to position yourself. Move your character around until you get the proper angle you want.

Also, it helps if you keep the walls (one at the bottom or red or top of violet) cuz they kinda help orientate the fence foundations. 

Another tip would be to put a fence foundation in all other possible slots (to eliminate them) and then work on diagonals. 

ALSO, I think it does not kinda snaps perfectly. 1 foundation fence is no 1 diagonal. So you should be able to do like 3 diagonals to do 2 ceilings. 

In all honesty, It really takes time and patience. You will need to be careful to NOT REMOVE some fence foundations that look useless...they indeed are very useful since they support the diagonal ones. 


1) Replace the wall between the red and orange lines (one on left) by a fence foundation.

2) Put a fence foundation from bottom red line and heading toward wyrvern head (in straight line)

3) Patiently try to snap a diagonal one heading from bottom red.

Once you have the 1st one placed, if you stand on top of it, it should be 100 times easier to snap the 2nd one to 1st one.

After that, fence foundations from stages 1 and 2...you may be able to destroy one, but don't destroy both otherwise diagonal will destroy aswell. 

Another tip : Make sure you are sure where your want your next ceilings (2nd, 3rd floor) because if you want to make a ramp and make a hole, than change minds, you wont be able to replace a ceiling there without breaking the walls. 

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