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Turok IV Character update: Commander Gilaan


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Turok IV Character update: Commander Gilaan

For the next posting on the story so far, it will be a simple character outline involving a few key characters I know I want to have in this game story. First and foremost is a man named Commander Gilaan.


Commander Gilaan is very high ranking officer within the Earth Federation. As one of the most skilled and experience commanders he had been sent to the front lines of galactic exploration for a very long time. Pushing the boundaries of human expansion further and further with each mission. He has encountered hostile creatures and civilizations across the galaxy. All primitive and planet bound. Except for scarce details that have been uncovered identifying 1 other space faring species with technological creations spread throughout the distant reaches of our galaxy. And there has been small pieces of evidence that seem to indicate that these are the same beings that have been snatching humans from Earth through the millenia. Captain Gilaan is ordered in to The Federation Generals quarters. Where she elaborates on the truth of the abductions as we know it. And the efforts made to investigate them. Only to reveal that the planet that contains all the thousands of Arks in orbit around it, has been spotted. And that a mission has been ordered to investigate it further. Accepting the mission, Commander Gilaan readies his most trusted Galactic Frontiersmen for their most risky and rewarding mission ever. Donning the Tek suits. Loading up on synthetic element. And leaving for the furthest explored reaches of space, the soldiers arrive at ArkNet. The planet wide net of Arks orbiting the unknown planet. And through an as of yet undecided series of events, the soldiers make their way to the planets core. Which is essentially a machine. The entire planet is seemingly one giant machine. In the core, the men reach a room. And in this room is the portal chamber. The master chamber that can lead to all the other Arks from the outside world.


I will return to this characters outline after I detail the main player character a bit. And when his story as well as Commander Gilaan intersects I will return. And explain the conclusion of that story arc.

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