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Saddle Nerfs!!!


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Saddle Nerfs!!!

Someone brought to my attention that under patch v254.86 that there was a line that read.. 

* Reduced Armor Rating Effectiveness on Golem, Bronto, Quetz, Doed, Carbo, and Quetz by 50%

So I checked a few of my dinos and sure enough, what was once 100+ armor was now 56/52/50 etc etc. I checked all my blueprints and sure enough the nerf reflected those values as well. Now I know the Bronto also received nerfs as well as the Golem. Doeds can no longer eat veggie cakes. Etc etc. Part of the reason for having better quality saddles is the ability to use certain dino's without an escort, as they would be able to defend themselves fairly well.

So with these saddle nerfs I guess I'm looking for validation and reasoning. This is not a gripe, I'm long past my initial frustration. I have accepted it. Please respond positively and rationally. Thanks!

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16 minutes ago, FeelingLotus said:

So would you say this isnt needed for PVE?

In PvE with the list of dinos you listed there what are the threats they have?

Bronto - Only threats are giga/titan you could easially kill anything else with it.

Doed - If you have 100 armor saddles you probably have a level 150 doed they are naturally tanky and you probably will not venture up hills with it with out a quetz so the dangers you will encounter are still the same giga/titan are probably the only 2 dinos that could kill it.

Quetz - No problems here your a flying mount you will avoid all encounters because air mount.

Turtle - Maybe in a roleplaying scenario i could see why you would need a good saddle however other then that in PvE its just a kibble dino.

Golem - Does this even have any threats in PvE?



Also i get the frustration PvP and PvE nerfs are unfortunately 1 in the same with this game they really need to separate the 2 types of game play. However i feel other then the price of the materials used its not so much an issue where your dino will die in any encounter.

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2 minutes ago, Jostabeere said:

Okay. So I get Quetz, Bronto, Golem and Carbo. People cheesed the hell out of them in PvP.

But why was Doed nerfed? Like, is there an actual reason?

My assumption cant back up what i am saying here however i feel this is what it is. The Doed became more of a tank then the Carbo so i assume a Doed with 100armor would take 10 damage from a turrets where if they only nefed the Carbo's saddle the carbo would of been taking 40 damage making the Doed the preferred  tank.


That is my opinion on why they had to nerf both saddles instead of just the Carbos.

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On 2/20/2017 at 1:43 AM, SlipperySquid said:


Turtle - Maybe in a roleplaying scenario i could see why you would need a good saddle however other then that in PvE its just a kibble dino.


only thing I'd add, is the fact that it could potentially be for boss fight balancing, as I've seen people still use them to tank there

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