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Dinos for the Boss Fights


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So, from what I've gathered thus far, Gigas are not allowed in any of the boss arenas, and Wyverns are only allowed in the Manticore arena. Has anyone tried to get a Golem into any of the boss arenas? If so is it possible, and are they a viable boss fighting tame? Are Rexes still generally considered the quint essential boss fighting tame to have? I's appreciate any feedback on good tames to have and breed for fighting bosses, thanks!

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please check the ark wiki, there is a list of for each boss arena and which dino is allowed into the arenas, but pretty much only in manticore fight can fliers go all boss fights dont allow any dino that can wear a platform saddle in and sorry, golems are not allowed into the arena's either. there is literally a maximum weight limit for which dinos can go in.

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1 hour ago, matthewdtibbs said:

So, from what I've gathered thus far, Gigas are not allowed in any of the boss arenas, and Wyverns are only allowed in the Manticore arena. Has anyone tried to get a Golem into any of the boss arenas? If so is it possible, and are they a viable boss fighting tame? Are Rexes still generally considered the quint essential boss fighting tame to have? I's appreciate any feedback on good tames to have and breed for fighting bosses, thanks!

As far as i know Rexs are still the way to go, along with good saddles, imprinted riders on them, mateboost, and high levels.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rexes will do the trick on Broodmother.
We have taken in 10 people on each a personally imprinted rex with 20k HP, asc saddle and 800% + damage.
We took down Broodmother on medium without too much hassle, and on hard mode after that with a few minutes to spare.

Bring your friends and some solid rexes and you can easily farm the element.

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