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Negative Mutations?


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We just got a negative mutation on a bear. I was under the impression all mutations were positive. It wasn't even inbred.

Father:  3120 health 2300sta, 1242ox, 12000food, 1027 weight, 390.4 melee

Mother (wild): 3200 2150 1026 13200 1157 271.1

Child with paternal mutation: 3120 2250 1242 13200 1157 272.8



So, what happened? Are negative mutations now a thing?

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The best I can tell, there was two mutations...


1) Color mutation on the dad's side (logged as a mutation on his lineage)

2) STA mutation on the mothers side (Not logged as a mutation since the dad already had one logged)


It make sense since if the mothers stat was increased by 2 point, it would be 2250. Case closed?

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Child stats are either same or better than a stat on at least 1 parent. While there may be a statement by the game of a negative mutation, its, in the case of this child, not an overall negative.  That isn't to say that a stat trait on a future child wouldn't have a stat lower than both parents (in theory). It just didn't happen.

Lets say father has 100 health Mother had 120 health.

Game breeding rolled to take the mother's health base(as opposed to the father) for the child. However, it also rolled a negative mutation. So instead of 120 it gets 115.

Its still a net gain in stats of 15pts versus the father.  Its semantically negative in this situation but overall its a gain when you add the context of the lower health on the father.

Its not a bad dire bear, just not necessarily all good traits on both sides being passed on as desired and being just more of a toss salad between the two. Due to the number of variables, this is why breeding is an ocd gambling nightmare currently(unless some later tek thing improves it).  Especially when you factor the time it takes to breed on official servers versus many/most unofficial ones.

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You always get the mutation counter from the parents.

but that doesnt mean you get the stat, indeed its even possible to have 20 muations on both sides, which were the same mutation at the start and dont have that stat in the end.

the muation system is not really ready yet i think....


there are no negative mutations, devs said so.

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  • 4 months later...
On 12/29/2016 at 9:31 PM, Rarok said:

I think I figured it out... The mutation counter only goes up by 1 with two parents that have no mutations. I am guessing both the mother (sta mutation) and father (color mutation) happened.

This is an old thread, but for those reading later note as of this post's date the mutation counter is still a problem, at minimum on Xbox one.  New breeders should obsessively track their stats and mutations.

I personally record base stats in a notebook, along with mutations, plus use ark smart breeding app on PC.

Inbreeding a mutated dino will dramatically throw off your counters.  My riding ptera is supposed to have 24/20 and 26/20 mutations, but instead has 52/20 and 121/20 mutations (something like that, not looking at it right now).  Worst part is I wouldn't have a clue if I hadn't recorded this info.


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1- all mutations are both color and stat. Sometimes you just get a color that's natural to the animal in the wild. 


2- There is no negative mutations. You can mutate the lower stat to the two. If it says the mutation came from the parent of which had the higher stat, it's because you have inbred, and the other parent is also somewhere in the other parents ancestry. 

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