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Community Crunch 74 & ARK Digest 43!


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Hey all! I've never asked a question for the digest, but this is the week! Hey Wildcard :) I love you guys, but can you fix the way paint applies to the wood part of an adobe wall? It always looks very different from the way it applies to the wooden parts of the windowframes and doorframes! For those that need an example, here is the time coded link to where I complain in my last video!! https://youtu.be/T2uxj3au1PQ?t=11m49s


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Such a tease about the tek cave!

**Possible spoilers below***


I have a theory that the Boss will transform into different creatures. In the dev kit there is a folder for the endboss and a few models that are just pixels, wonder if the model starts as the pixel led dodo then transforms as the battle goes on to say the rex, megapithicus etc and on and on till an ultimate live form or that of our captors? Its a long shot but that's my current theory.

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Hey wildcard, the unadulterated server transferring is cool and all but is there any chance that maybe with tek tier you'd have to power the obelisk with element to transfer items and dinos? I love I can go to other servers with my character, dinos and most of my materials, but I think it's largely overdone on most servers and is causing a lot of problems for people, especially when others enter the server simply to troll and have nothing to lose on that server, and they're also untraceable. If people had to use Element to get across servers, they most likely wouldn't transfer just to ruin someone's day 

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Hey wildcard, another thing related to something that happens to everyone in the game commonly: getting stuck on top of dinos or structures and trapped in a permanent state of falling. Any chance you could introduce a mechanic where if your character is "falling" for too long without actually descending (or moving at all for that matter) we can "slip" or "fall" to a suitable standing location if there is one nearby? Or perhaps the small animals could maybe scurry off when a ripped 200+ pound human lands on their heads? We all deeply appreciate that we no longer get trapped inside of dinos in this situation, but it typically just leads to this new problem. Thanks for considering my request :)

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I'm really excited about all those new machines coming to ARK with Tek Tier! I was wondering though what were your thoughts on the types of machines suggested here( https://www.reddit.com/r/playark/comments/5cqwmh/ideas_for_vehicles/ ), not just by the post but by compromise suggestions in the comments as well. I'd be fine if this was added as a full peice of the game or a conversion.

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Just now, LonerOfResistance said:

Hey devs first off thanks for the great game...can we please make titanoboa taming a relatively high priority? They've been wanted and anticipated for over a year now since the original Fear Evolved...their saddle can involve the survivor laying down on it, and the snake model be scaled up slightly...this would be an amazing and relatively useful tame that I know both myself and other players would love...thank you!


Signal boost!

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I still don't understand why they ask for everyone to ask questions and out of all that are submitted only 5-6 get answered???? I mean doing it only once a month you could at least answer 1/2 or more. It's just irritating to say the least, a lot of great questions are just ignored for ones that have been answered over and over. 

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Jen, Can we please revert plant x's to the way it was. X-plants now require too much fertilizer, to maintain properly a large base. I have had to refill over 80 fertilizer on one server, and 60 on another in the period of 1 day. I know this was implemented for PVP, but I'm currently on a PVE server and we are feeling the effects. If you could just look into this issue for PVE and maybe make a adjustment where X-plants use fertilizer differently on PVE, I'm sure many people would be grateful myself included thank you for your time.

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