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ARK: Survival Evolved Stomps onto the PlayStation 4!


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Blegh. Just bought Playstation Plus 1 year subscription so I can play Ark (although some of these deals aren't half bad...). That was 60 bucks and the Ark bundle is another 60 more or less. Ugh. Talk about Buyers' Remorse. I feel horrible right now. Now I remember why I don't buy a lot of new things in the first place. 

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3 minutes ago, WickedWolv said:

Thought it would be midnight but most likely not so even if i fall asleep il just download it as soon as i wake. if you wanna play one it is out add me on PSN Finnie007

I'm gonna be playing this with a few friends but if I find myself without anyone on the day it's out I'll add you. 

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On 30.11.2016 at 5:08 PM, H3llR4z0r said:

I think I can speak for the entire Ark community that's currently playing, that it's completely wrong that PS4 gets EXCLUSIVE skins. The Xbox and PC community has supported this game through it's entire development. We've had to endure the game being pushed back a year. We've had to endure updates constantly failing to be released on time. I understand this is not a complete game, but that's not the point. The point is, we've been the ones that this game has been tested on. We've had to experience all of the horrible glitches that have come with this games development stages, and PS4 gets exclusive skins?

I'm happy for you guys broadening your platform spectrum, but this is still not right. Xbox and PC players deserve a lot more than to see this. 

I played this game on both PC and XBOX and i dont mind the exlusive for PS4 (will be playing on PS4 too), im not trying to be mean or anything, but give them a break.. and fyi this is a timed exlusive, all platforms will get this when the game releases. We have played this game a LOOONG time, and PS4 users have waited a very long time to play. So let them have there exlusives for a few months and eventualy PC and XBOX will get it too. :)

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On 30.11.2016 at 4:55 PM, KingOfBronzodia said:

what about pc... i bought this game since it got released on steam... because i knew it would become something cool ! everyone who took the risk and bought a game that is in early access without even knowing if it would become something... you rewarded us with giving us a parasaur saddle skin... :/ srsly... e parasaur saddle skin ?! nobody even tames parasaurs... 
at the begining i didn't mind... and then i saw this...now i feal kind of jealous and upset... at least do something to balance our feelings... :P

This is timed exlusives, all platforms will get it at the official release of the game in 2017 :)

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3 minutes ago, RedS said:

@GamerPerfection Do you know roughly what the price would be 70-80 aud, also would we be forced to buy it with the expansion pack- scorched earth?? sorry to ask just extremely excited. :D:D

I don't have those answers i'm afraid, but you wont have long to wait for Australia.

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2 minutes ago, vintage1944 said:

Ok, I know it's coming this Tuesday but is it going to be a digital DL only? Because Gamestop in my area didn't have any info on it if it was disc or digital. any clarification on this ?

Yes Digital only right now. Disc will probably be at official launch.

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