Jen Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! Evolution Event Weekend: CrossARK Transfers! Through the weekend the Official ARK Network will be affected by an Evolution Event! Survivors playing this weekend will get to experience the following bonuses: 2x Harvesting Rate 2x Taming Rate 2x EXP Rate So be sure to log in and enjoy the increased rates whilst you can! The event will end at 12PM EDT on Monday the 21st of November. We also announced a very important change coming to the Official ARK PC Network, as of this update and soon to come to Xbox. Here's a little snippet from the announcement... Quote We’ll also be introducing a new permanent change will be coming to your CrossARK Clusters: Complete transfer of Items, Tames and Survivors through all MAPS on the Official ARK Network (separated by game mode). Please note that this will not affect Player Dedicated Servers. This is just an Official Server change Previously, you were only able to transfer Survivors TO Scorched Earth servers, and everything FROM a Scorched Earth server. Now, you’ll be able to have absolute rights when transferring and can go from Island to Island, Center to Center, Scorched Earth to Scorched Earth, Island to Scorched Earth, Center to Scorched Earth, and Island to Center without any limitations, and the reverse of course. Please remember that these transfers are still based on the cluster (mode) you play on; PvE can only go to PvE, Hardcore can only go to Hardcore, Primitive can only go to Primitive etc. When we first announced the ARK Transfer system with the Launch of Scorched Earth, we stated that it was something critical we wanted to experiment with in Early Access and to see how the game would progress once we introduced that new gameplay mechanic. Following what we’ve seen, and based on the feedback we have received, we would rather allow more freedom, where acceptable of course, than impose further limits. Alongside this change, we are now going to introduce a new mechanic: Once a Tame has been uploaded and downloaded onto an ARK, it will suffer a 12-hour cooldown until it can be transferred again. Transferred tames will also display on the HUD from which server they were last uploaded from (if you’re on a different Tribe, you will only see this indicator when the Tame is dead). We want to provide the opportunity for tribes to scout each other across the ARK, as well as limit, -- to an extent -- tribes from storming in and then storming out immediately with their tames. By enabling the complete CrossARK transfers, it should also provide the chance for existing players to scope out new servers of the same type, meet up with friends, and find new opportunities or adventure, with no PvP server being unassailable or off-limits. With all big changes, we understand that this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. I’m sure I’ve said that before, though keep in mind these changes may not be final. We want to see how things play out, whether this was the right move, how we can further improve the system. Something we’re considering down the line is introducing more limitations on what can be transferred, such as only Baby Tames or Eggs can be transferred, perhaps we limit Scorched Earth transfers to Scorched Earth base/raw materials only. Your feedback following today’s change will be critical as it enables us to continually develop and expand the game, as well as provide the opportunity to explore further options. 3 We recommend that Survivors read the full announce from Jat as there was a lot of valuable information provided, and your feedback will be highly valued through this process! PACH 252 The big one is coming up! It'll introduce 4 New Dinos: Achatina, Megalosaurus, Moschops, and of course the Pachyrhinosaurus! We're also planning on introducing our newly redesigned caves for The Island, that have undergone a huge redesign, both from a visual and gameplay point of view. With this update, of course, it will mean that ALL Cave structures on The Island will be wiped due to the changes being made, so if you're in a Cave on The Island - you might want to consider relocation! Keep in mind this is just the first part of the cave update, and we'll be introducing more work done to the underwater caves, and Tek Cave! Xbox One Black Friday Sale! ARK: Turkey Trial! The ARK: Turkey Trial 2 event begins soon on PC! Survivors will be given the opportunity to participate in the turkey-hunt of their lives. ARK: Turkey Trial 2 will throw survivors into a large-scale scavenger hunt and allow them to carve up the rare “Super-Turkeys” unleashed across the ARK! By harvesting sufficient Super Turkey Wishbones from these bloodthirsty, genetically-modified creatures, players can craft their very own stylish "Chieftain" Hat, or choose to summon the devastating DodoRex creature to do their bidding for a limited period of time. Brand new to this year's event, you will also be able to earn custom event-themed Emotes! The event will be on all Official maps: Scorched Earth, The Center, and The Island. It all begins November 23rd! ARK: SotF - October Survivor League Championship! The ARK: Survival of the Fittest October Survivor League Championship matches will take place from 11 am EST to 2 pm EST on Saturday, 19th of November, with a bounty of more than $65,000 in prizes to the winners! The Survivors who have qualified for the event are listed here: The championship games will be shout casted by typeForced! We invite all ARK fans, and the newly curious, to come watch the epic battles at that time on our Twitch channel: To those competing: may fortune smile upon you, brave Survivors! And may the fittest survivor be victorious! Hope we have an awesome Championship and get to see some great games! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! The winner for this weeks contest is... The Great Divide by Wolf Angelus! If you'd like to run this map yourself, here are the necessary PGM settings! PGMapName=ProceduralARK20161114033703 PGTerrainPropertiesString=MapSeed=10;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=2.5;Mountains Frequency=6.5;Mountains Slope=2.25;MountainsHeight=1.7;Turbulence Power=0.0125;Shore Slope=1.0;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.02;ErosionSteps=4;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.5;ErosionStrength=0.75;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.3;RWBiomeSize=0.10;MountainBiomeStart=-0.5;MountainsTreeDensity=0.1;JungleBiomeStart=-0.6;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.2;SnowGrassDensity=0.25;MountainGrassDensity=0.01;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.5;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.06;TreeDensity=0.005;JungleTreeDensity=0.5;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.09;SnowTreeDensity=1.1;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.09;ShoreTreeDensity=0.25;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.03;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5;ShorelineStartOffset=0.01;ShorelineThickness=0.008;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.15;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.2f,Y=0.2f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.5f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) Congratulations to our winner! Looking forward to the next set! We'll be creating a new thread for the next contest which will be running immediately - so get generating! And to learn more about PGMs and on how to get started, check out this guide here: NVidia Ansel Photography Contest Super Resolution Version: ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winners! EXFIB0 - The Purifier! Runner Ups! Wolf Angelus - Camping in der Natur FataL1ty - The Watcher on the Wall NakedZombo - Edgy Honourable Mentions! EXFIB0 - Tek Tier vs The Beasts! KISHK0 - Airborne Battle [8x] EXFIB0 - Tek Tier Meets Lightning FataL1ty - Shadows of Midnight Wolf Angelus - Zauberwald FataL1ty - Silent Watcher KISHK0 - Gone Fishing [8x] Wolf Angelus - Hotter Than a Dragon KISHK0 - King Of The Desert [8x] Wolf Angelus - Sommernachts Traum KISHK0 - Wyvern Battle [8x] Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winners! KISHK0 - The Whole of Scorched Earth [360 Stereo] KISHK0 - Guardian of The Obelisk [360 Stereo] NakedZombo - Another World Runner Up! FataL1ty - Paradise Honourable Mentions! EXFIB0 - Fire Wyvern FataL1ty - Caught in a Storm KISHK0 - Desert [360 Stereo] Wolf Angelus - Tanzen im Wald (360 Stereo) KISHK0 - A Unique Perspective [360 Stereo] KISHK0 - Polar Opposited [360 Stereo] KISHK0 - The Crystal Throne [360 Stereo] Freeform! Winner! Seggzy - Thanksgiving Dinner Honourable Mentions! A Jolly Walrus - The Flaming Depths Soulyouth - Scorched Earth Killer Wolf Angelus - Bambi in ARK! Community Contests! ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! And without further ado, the ARKitect for Community Crunch 72 is… Scorched Earth Main Base Showcase - ARK: Advanced Building - Molten Iron Server PVE Survival by Monkeypuzzle! ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 72 is... TEK TIER CLASSISM by LAME WOLF! Thanks everyone who entered again, awesome submissions as always. You can check out the rest of the entries here: Fan Feature! DEVS BTFO! Make better maps yourself! Procedurally Generated ARKs Tutorial (Ark: Survival Evolved) by ThickFreedom ARK - Mythbusters ep.8 - Shield vs Bola, Homing Rockets, Etc. by EXFIB0 PGM Battlegrounds by GamerPerfection How To Counter Flyers With a Grappling hook by KishK0 The Greatest Escape - ARK: Survival Evolved PvP Montage [Official Server 200] by EXFIB0 Light of Adall by Chaos and StoneyDragon Utahraptor by Grey Wolf Source: The soul at the skies. by tianat Source: Forest Camo Morellatops by Sharkcat Source: Desert Camo Morellatops by Sharkcat Source: Festive Camel Morellatops by Sharkcat Source: The krusty Ark by Valoule Ark Birthday Party by hood428 Source: The Volcano Map by sx Source: The volcano by Source: Thanksgiving Dinner by Seggzy Introducing the Lyrebird! [Fanmade] by Tamboob Source: Goliath Dossier by Shadlos Source: PrimitivePlus Developer Blog Hey fellow survivors! I’m here to talk about a few of the things going on in the lab but since I know pictures are worth a thousand words - it will be mostly pictures! I’ve been working on fixing the remaining issues that are currently in Primitive Plus, including snap points. The focus hasn’t been on making new content, but polishing what already exists. When I started creating Primitive Plus, I didn't know much about game design or modelling. Because of that, a lot of the things I originally design didn’t mesh well with what currently exists in the game. Structures are a prime example of this. When I designed them, I didn’t take into account the dimensions of the current structures for things like wall sizes, and window and door positions. While the focus isn’t on adding new content, there are times when fixing a bug necessitates adding new content. A lot of what I’ve been working on recently requires new /meshes. I’m currently testing to see what impact this will have on existing structures. Here’s an example of what you can expect to see for the structures in the next patch. As we get closer to seeing some of the end-game content, like TEK tier, I have been getting a lot of questions on what end-game content looks like for Primitive Plus. I’ve been putting a lot of thought into this while also waiting to see what content is added to the main game. We don’t need another Adobe structure confusion Please note that the list below is not final and there will be additions and potentially removals of what’s listed. Keep your ideas coming! Trebuchets Battering rams, Alchemy (potions) Recurve bows Tomahawks Different ammunition types for catapults/turrets Boats/Ships Additional Armor With that said, I’m going to get back to the lab and leave you with some content that could be nearing you soon! I don’t have an ETA for the patch just yet, but we’ll be going into QA next week to test the new patch. Following the next patch, we’ll be bug-free and aiming at new content! Until next time guys - Ced That's it for this week's Crunch, thanks for tuning in guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Imzy: Much love, Wildcard Jen, Jat & the ARK: Survival Evolved Team View full article Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PommieGamer Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 Looking forward to the new patch. Hoping the Turkey's aren't as invincible as they were last year. Literally needed a Giga to kill them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ehuhoser Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 nice to see some updated pics for Primitive plus, looks good and I know it must take a lot of work to try and polish things out as well. Really awesome pictures as well, I love what Ansel can do inside the game on SP. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wolf Angelus Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 I was curious how the view works for the 360 Stereo images for those that view em since I don't have VR equipment, does it capture everything above, below, and around you front and back o: ? The flat image is confusing! Thank you :3 Onto making more images with Ansel issues fixed with recent driver hehe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valoule Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 Good entry everyone Love the base @Monkeypuzzle! Tough i think the Runner up for the other prize are more rare since the Ark nvidia contest. Maybe its because that im little sad that i didnt make it in that categorie this week ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valetius Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 Are we going to get all the features for Turkey Trial 2 this year or is it going to be another Fear Evolved 2 fiasco? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Volunteer Moderator GP Posted November 19, 2016 Volunteer Moderator Share Posted November 19, 2016 Thanks for another awesome Community Crunch. Some great entries again this time, well done everyone! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrRobertoMoreno Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 Can't wait for the new patch! When will there be a new ARK Digest? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EUArkServer Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 57 minutes ago, PommieGamer said: Looking forward to the new patch. Hoping the Turkey's aren't as invincible as they were last year. Literally needed a Giga to kill them. On xbox dedicated servers they are still a nightmare, just started a fresh server the other day... we basicly can't do anything.. Expecially with the out of control spawns on the center.. I saw 12 allos and 6 turkeys close to eachother a bit ago. lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EUArkServer Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 @ced those potions would be very interesting! make use of all the throphies! Gives us another use for all those teeth and arms. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShaneOfThrones Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 3 hours ago, PommieGamer said: Looking forward to the new patch. Hoping the Turkey's aren't as invincible as they were last year. Literally needed a Giga to kill them. They are -An Xbox Player. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pachycephalosaurus Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 2 hours ago, ShaneOfThrones said: They are -An Xbox Player. 40-50 simple bullets with mastercraft simple pistol take them down Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pachycephalosaurus Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 6 hours ago, Valetius said: Are we going to get all the features for Turkey Trial 2 this year or is it going to be another Fear Evolved 2 fiasco? we already have all the features Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Volunteer Moderator GP Posted November 19, 2016 Volunteer Moderator Share Posted November 19, 2016 Just now, Pachycephalosaurus said: we already have all the features PC don't have the event yet! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pachycephalosaurus Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 7 minutes ago, GamerPerfection said: PC don't have the event yet! hey do you know if xbox single player have the Super Turkey nerf yet? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrator Chris Posted November 19, 2016 Administrator Share Posted November 19, 2016 More great content this week! Good job everyone! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mleii Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 1 hour ago, Pachycephalosaurus said: hey do you know if xbox single player have the Super Turkey nerf yet? Early next week I last read. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tamboob Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 Thank you for posting my Lyrebird Dossier ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soulyouth Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 great crunch, sad I didn't have time for any Ansels this week, just a old freeform one I never submitted that I thought I'd throw in. Gratz to all the winners Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeypuzzle Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 Thanks for the ARKitect award! I really appreciate the Crunch for giving all of us the opportunity to share our creations. I love seeing it all. I am also very excited to see more love being put into Primitive+! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dustiest-Ninja Posted November 20, 2016 Share Posted November 20, 2016 @JenI am confused. You said it will be a "permanent" change, then you said "...keep in mind these changes may not be final. " Which is it? I assume the latter. Bare in mind that I have faith that you guys will make the game the best it can be, and make decisions that allow the most fun for everyone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ark247uk Posted November 20, 2016 Share Posted November 20, 2016 One day i hope there will be new PVE servers especially primitive+ and i really really really hope they can have events on all officials no matter what map is or conversion etc. PVE prim+ and events id be happy for the rest of my life i dont even care which map.... one can dream that maybe one day soon... untill then we have to host our own :-( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ark247uk Posted November 20, 2016 Share Posted November 20, 2016 And well done all entrants and those picked i do love seeing others ideas and enthusiasm for the game. And @ced thankyou for updating us on prim+ prim+ is my fave however we have come off prim+ official whilst event is on but will be back after. But thankyou for trying to fix bugs before new content but also letting us know it will have new things in the future... not a dig at Jat and the team on the base game as you only have 1 thing to do u can concentrare without complainers etc lol but i do appreciate that you are doing stuff maybe if you could find it in your time to keep ur threads updated even if its nothing new it can be disheartening not just if we dont get replies but more not seeing anything atall if that makes sense. Now off to go kill some turkeys... p.s dont bother using dinos its a waste of time we have had great success with pikes and metal swords and taking them away from base if atall possible! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maze Posted November 20, 2016 Share Posted November 20, 2016 Well, I do about 60 damage with a primitive pike against those turkeys. You can hit em around 100-150 times - then the pike breaks and most likely your armor as well. Not everyone has MC or ASC gear Good luck everyone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sharkcat Posted November 20, 2016 Share Posted November 20, 2016 Awesome works again in this crunch, I'm really waiting those new animals and new warpaint ideas for them Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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