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Evolution Event: Cross ARK Transfers & More!


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SOOOOOO I get that you want to make the game you want but that doesn't always sell listen to your peers CHANGE the dino trransfer system as it is completely unfair and a big disadvantage I was playing a island only map to see scorched dino walking around? I don't even own the expansion and then new guy came flying down on a wyverm and read off a list of 10 commandments to follow other wise be killed is this the atmosphere your going for in your game? as of now I enjoyed ark before you could just magically teleport your dinosaurs this should have a down time the same time it took to tame the creature? BROKEN IMO please please make it playable again other wise I will no longer support a team who does not listen to the peers

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/18/2016 at 11:45 AM, Jat said:

Could you elaborate please, would like to know your thoughts :)

I love this game, and the massive amount of effort and care the team puts into making everything(original ark, but also scorched and SOTF), but sadly the first few answers to this question are pretty prophetic. Two months later and any time I talk to people who play official it only takes a few minutes at most for the conversation to be about how the chinese(sometimes brazillians) are either 1) wipiing their server,2) have wiped their server so they had to run, or 3) are setting up camp for the inevitable wiping of their server. Often times they are even followed from server to server  until they are doing their best impersonations of anne frank or are obliterated. Many people I meet on servers now are translpants that tell me how they were on one server and ended up on the current one because they had to flee. The trolls are literally killing the Ark and all of its inhabitants, making them wastelands nobody can live in.

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  • 4 months later...

I'm not trying to be another complainer, but with this ability to just bring whatever huge tribes already have in just makes a server less habitable. I'm really excited for the release of Ragnarok on PS4, but most of that was as due to a rumor I hear of at least a 3 month ban on transferring. That actually makes the game progress like its new. Getting to explore and find out through survival, isn't that what was intended? Not getting a new map, jumping in with a mega tribe, and tek tier dominating a whole official server so that any new player cant possibly enjoy the natural progression of the game. Now a new map is just going to be ruled by people that already have it all, nothing new except a different face on an exsisting issuee. Now it's just going to be the same old game of trying to kiss ass and force alliances so you can live on a server just to be allied raided or wiped by someone who has everything already while you just started breeding do your first boss fight ever, if you even get that far. Idk, personally I'd like a fresh start for anyone on this new map so those who invest the time to explore and conquer it aren't devastated and completely shut off to the game by those that seek to either make money through the monopoly of a server or those who just get a kick out of taking everything from those who just want to experience the same end game opportunities. PvP is about being able to fight one another, but still should be fair, If not, it's not worth the time. 

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I think these are all great changes, I really wish I could hear what direction the deliberation of Server Wipe is... I have read so many different opinions, even some quotes, but have not seen a hint as to what direction that will go. I have been gaming since Atari, I have forgotten more beta/alpha test I have participated in than i remember. I agree this game is unique in the amount of time some people have spent in game, but I don't disagree with the argument of server wipes. Either way, I will always play this game. It has offered something very unique in game play to me. Huge fan. Thanks for letting us in on some of your direction. 

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