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PGA Mega Swamp

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In the event that PGAs come to Xbox One, would someone be so kind as to have the settings for a mega swamp ARK (75% or more of the map is a Swamp Biome, with a lot of water), that would be greatly appreciated. It would take quite some time for a scrub like me to figure out how to make one myself at the time it came out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I dont have setting handy - but the concept would be as follows

-- start with a relatively flat map (set mountains to 0, and water frequency to something very small:  0.05).
-- set the jungle start to just above your water level
This should create a gently rolling landscape of mostly or all jungle

Then RAISE the water level just a tiny bit so the small rolling parts are still above the waterline.  This will give you a wannanbe swamp

Lastly, tweak the ini spawn settings to spawn crocodiles in the jungle biome

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