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I recently quit ark and made a final post of advice to go with it, in thread Ark > SE > general, but it was taken down due to, "name shaming."  

No sticky to explain forum rules, mind you, not that it should matter under the circumstances. I wasn't grossly vulgar, nor inappropriate, with referring to the individual/tribe. I was merely informing, or advising readers.

Quick show of hands; how many players join your server and immediately ask, "is this server any good? How are the tribes?"  I fail to believe I am the only one who has witnessed this. Would I be slandering these peoples' names in chat, then, to tell those new players to go elsewhere, expect the same ole same, or play a different game altogether, because the tyrannical players own this server as well?

How broken is the community, that alphas can utterly rule, but when someone speaks out against them, the informants are silenced. 

Here's the information, that may help, which was taken down:

My 3-man tribe made it to 70, slowly over 2 months, on three different lives, by not building big bases, and by logging out in bushes by cliffs, with ghillies on, and with spike walls in front. Our logic was the alphas didn't like to clean up spike walls, and patting mobs couldn't reach us. 

Keep tames in similar pens, one at a time, or in small groups. Store your valuables in chests, in bushes, where people or berry gathering dinos wont cross. Furthermore, remember, don't keep all your eggs in one basket; tried and true.

Reaching level 10 is the hardest, but after you get bolas, midlands 3 & 4 are good leveling, with the only threat being an occasional raptor. Having our fortitude at 26 helped stave off the extreme temperatures. With 38 fortitude (and armor), you almost never have to watch out for freezes, or heat storms.

Anyways, last post. Too many hours spent on this game, for not.


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Just out of curiosity, why not play PVE

Sounds like you are mostly just fighting the environment and hiding from the alpha tribe anyway. You can do that in PVE too. Sure, you might get wiped by a griefer, but I think it is less likely to happen than from an alpha tribe. There are defenses and base locations that are "safe" from griefing also, without the requirement to be hidden.

I also think you may be looking at the game from the wrong perspective. What are you trying to accomplish? So many players talk about collecting like 100 dinos and then having them all killed either by an alpha tribe or a griefer. If you change you goal to enjoying playing the game, no matter the outcome, you can have fun, even if everything is destroyed. I've started over on so many servers I can't count them. I do hate all my stuff being wiped, but it is just a momentary thing, the fun playing the game goes on.  

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For me PvE doesn't have the same appeal. In one hand I enjoy the risk of other people but in the other hand I hate that they can and will wreck my stuff the moment I let my guard down. 

Ive been in one server for about a year now and I know I've lasted there because I don't go around raiding other tribes..  we just build and tame... I do at times want to go blow into someone's base and have my way with it but I know that will only lead to my demise. ive put lots of work in to my base and don't want to see it wrecked. Does it get boring to play this way? Hell yeah it does! But I'd rather play like this then have to rebuild time and time again. Flying around the server seeing all these broken hopes and dreams is depressing.  There's no way around it , people are sausages and yeah I see that question all the time "is this a good server?" And the answer is always "nope"  

If you've got the defenses then you can lead a fairly peaceful life in ark... otherwise good luck getting there.  

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