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Weather/Temperature in PG's

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Hello everyone! I am here to talk about generated maps. It seems like all the maps that I have generated they are always so cold. 

I don't know what is causing it but I believe it is because of how high you really are in the world. So to counter act this, I propose the making a climate setting on the PG Arks.

Tropical temperature = 16°C Default temp + (Sun)or-(Shadow) - Height + (Biome). This would create a stable, livable temperature.

The biome should also matter when dealing in temperature 

Redwood = 0 During peak day -2 at peak night

Shore = +14C During the peak of day. -4°C At peak night

Snow = -5°C at peak day. Up to -30°C at peak night

You can also add in the factor of where the island is on the equator. Adding or subtracting based  on how close it is to the middle of the equators or the poles. 

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