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Open Tribe  ·  2 members

Disco nunu

About This Tribe

Hello everyone, my name is Crow and I am looking forward to opening a big tribe and potentially become the alpha of the server and best case scenario even take on other servers. I have been in multiple mega tribes which I will not state the names of, and I had my share of experience leading an alpha tribe before that has gotten wiped due to lack of players. This is going to be a serious tribe on the official PVP servers, we will start farming and building as soon as we have enough players to overcome the alpha. Personally, I have 3000 hours on the game, but hours are not necessarily important if you are willing to learn and produce like everyone else. Trust me when I say this when we will have enough players we WILL become the alphas Discord - https://discord.gg/MXXgRaV


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