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Open Tribe  ·  6 members


About This Tribe

Conquest - We are looking for a couple more active and experienced members. I figured while we are searching, I would try to see how meeting players in the forums would work. No specific character level required, must have +300 hours of experience, well aware of PvP strategies, must have Discord + mic, must be mature. As the leader, I will like to have a 1 on 1 discussion on your skills, though I may include my two admins in the conversation. I personally am looking for good builders and tamers. When I see that you are ready to meet the rest of the tribe, I will add you to the Discord server. Once you make it to that point, one of the admins will add you to the game server. You will remain a "grounder" once we see your skill. This is our process to make sure we have serious players in our tribe. Contact Disc: Spoodoodle#6895


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