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Open Tribe  ·  2 members  ·  Rules

The Misfits


1: Don't be a bellend. Different races, genders, ect are welcome. Know the difference between a joke and harrasment!

2: We are from the UK. People from other timezones are welcome, but if you are joining from a very different timezone please ensure that you have another person from the to play with. Going alone is boring!

3: Once joined, please notify myself of any long absences you will undergo. If you are absent for a week without a reason I'll remove you from the tribe. If I do this and there is a misunderstanding them pm me and clarify afterwards!

4: Players new to pvp are welcome. Treat more unexperienced members with respect, teach them if you aren't happy with how they perform.

5: Make sure you have fun! This is a game after all, we all just want to have a good time. Enjoy!


More rules may or may not be added in the future.

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