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About This Tribe

Loking for active players with plenty of time to play with us on Unofficial increased rates and slightly modded servers, we are 5 and need more people if we wanna do some serious pvp. Solid main base, with only 4 or 5 people playing we are one of the alphas, I'll take care of defense and building to make sure we don't get raided, need people to run caves, farm some of the resources, breed, etc. I don't care about how many hours you have in the game I can teach you anything you need to know, I just care about how many hours you can play, don't bother applying if you play less than 5 hours a day. Overall we just want to have some fun and we lack the manpower for it, If you join our tribe you'll be chilling with people who just wanna have fun, no shit talkers, no horny noob raids, plenty of resources (I make sure you always have everything you need), when we raid, we raid hard and we invite pvp players if we need numbers. You'll have your personal space, personal dinos, all of that if you wish. If you are a group of 2 or 3 friends even better. I can help you and teach you aabout many aspects of the game. Of course if you are experienced and know all of this even better. We speak english, spanish, portuguese and a little french :P Pm me on discord for more info: HereIam#4269


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